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THIS INDENTURE. Made lhis __._7.th... -__..____._____.__daJ of--....-.. Apr 1~.__ _____..... ._._. _..__.___.._~^- D. 1911L. BETWEEN
._______._____.._J~:\\~..ItI._JtQ..l1.~.r..2..fL.. wid c~~~____._....~.____________.........:._._...._._...._.____:_.___.._.____
o' lhe COunlJ of___.~3.t..a..Lu.1I1e.____.__._.___lUld Stile o'_.._._..-">-"l:.o.r.1dtL..__ -__.._._..___.____.parl-3- of the finl ~art. ~nd
--- ".""'__'__ L .a..!. ........3r.o.\70..-Ir -C..a9.__1L1?lll.I:l da :'IlQ:r.p.o.r nt.1c D ~_____..._....__._.__.__._._..______._:... _'_"___'_
o' lhe CaunlJ 01..____3t...._L.uci.e ._____._and Stale 0'___ __n.o.tl.dJL.._.___._____._..partY..._ of Ihe lecond part,
Wn'NF.SSIiTIf,lhalthe said "all-3._ of ,be fint part. for and in conlideralion of lite IUDl oL_________....__..._........_........____...._..._____
Dollars, to._.1H~~_.in han" paid, th( receipt ...I,ereof i. bereby acknowleJ.:ed.
b~ granted. bargained, $Old and transferred, and b,. the,e presents do~_grant. bargain. sell and transfer unto the nid pall~._._ of the second
I'arl and_i.ls....lUt<l.CMi'ifdla.uign' fornu, alllbal certai" p:uccl of land lying and beibK in th.. CounlJ of--S~.L~;lQ.iL-__._..__
&lid Slate of_~lQr..~g.l!.._._..._____more particularly describer! as follow.:__.__________.___._...___.._.....__.__...__
..~_ ........._........ ....... .19.~~...~t..,~_ ~..i)J!.:.~i~_.J_!l._I!:!l.d._jL.L..Q.f_._:}!_Q.~t~.J~ ._9...t..~!-Qh~!"~ s ...~!:.~.~~.~: t~.~..O~~.__...._.._.._..
Q:~ ne-nle'. Boo,: ~ T\B,-P' 60 ~t. .....llc!e Count" ~ecord9. .
-.. ...---.-.....----.-....-....-.........---.- ..... .. ~'--'__ -"'-"0 ..........___._.____.________._.__._._ _._____...........__.____ .___.. _..._h.O'_' ___..__0___ ._..._.....___._.._._._ ._..... ..___.___
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..n....._.....__ . __"On__" ._. n.._.ho'_uh.._._.._. .....h___....._____.___._.__...____n__._ .__~______._.___.._.____.___.______u_u_ ___.._n......_ .h____.._____..__..______....__ ______
.. . ... .. "-"-'-"'-" (~l. 0;,), ..Docl.-'itamps....caucell.ed.l._____...___........._..._ "'__.....'_..._... __..u._,__",__
...._._.._...._..____..__ ____.n' ___..____.__.___...__._._._._.~___._______. ._______.___._______________._..__..._.______._.______ ____.________
--...-.---.-----.-----..-.-.. ---...-.-----..------------------..----------------..-----_..-_..-._----- ---.---------.-.-.-.------
......-.- ._.-.---.------. ... -..--.----- ___..__n_______.__ _________._____________._.__________.__..._____.___ ___:---_.n. .__._________________~__
TOGETHER witb all tb( tenem.nlS. hereditamenlS and appurtenances. wilh e,'erJ priyilege. right. litle. int.rcst and "late. do\\".. and righl of dower.
re"ersion. rem:oindcr and usemenlthcreto bclollj;lnJ; or in any..ise appertaining: TO IL\VE ^~f.) TO HOI.f.) the ume in fee simple fore,er.
And the said parLJ'_ of Ihe first pan du.....e.a. Covenanl ...itb the sai. parl_ of th. second part tbal..~t~._~..___la...fully ..ilt.! of Ille
IN \\'ITNESS WHEREOF. th( sai" part-:t_ of the ri,.1 part b~-:.._ hereunto scl_....h!L..._hand._ and sul_ the day and year above wrillell
said premises, !1-~llbey:lre free from all incumbrances and thaL_.3::e.....:::!lS.gouJ rillht and lawiul aUlho"ly to sell the sahle; and the said "utJ__... of
Ihe firs! pari do.-68._ b.rcb)' fully warranl Ihe litle to said land, and will dciend tlt( same: against rhe bwful claim' of all c>crsons whomsoever.
Signed. sealed and delinred in our presence: ,
.... ----WalLel....I.i dd"n.-.--~_____________)
~=:=~=~~_~~~t1:eL!. ..:'2.~l.Q~_.__._... __\
-__"_ I.:r..ll.d.":'&..~icb.a~'.d 8___ _____..._(SE.-\L)
I HEREBY CERTiFY. Thai on Ihi.--7..th
day of--J..p...i1..--
--^- D. 192.5-. before me
COUNTY OF__~_.L.llcJ..P.
rcrsobally appear(d.-
f'aud L. nic~'!!.""ds
to me known to be the person_ de,cribed in and wbo executcd the foregoing conu,-ance lo-I..'-.~~':)'~~l+r-.I",{J.""J"'
and ,nerally acbowledged the execution thereof 10 I.c
1- (> l"
free act
2nd deed for the nses and purposes therein mentioned; and the said
tbe ....ife of the hid on a separate and printe examination :
taken and made by and before me. and scparattly and aparl from her said bn,band. did acknowledgt thai sbe made herself a party 10 tht said Deed of'
Connyance, for lbe purpo'e of renouncing, rclinqu;shing and conveying all her right, title "nd interest. w".thtr of dower or of scp:oratc properly. stalutory
or equitable. in and to the lands therein described. and Ihat ,be executed said deed freely and voluntarily and witbout any c:anstnint, fur, apprehension
c.r compulsion of or from her said hu.sband.
. ;~
Pi f'.-r!I:i
in Ihe County of
~t:.... 1.\]01 e
E t;-.,,-l-.-1-~_.~* y~o~ .-...._....._ .......__....(SEAL)
::._..=l~otBry Pabl1c, ~tEte-.o~ 'norl~ll ~ !-~J
Cor..r:lie31t.n expires Oct. 9, 1~:~7~'
On thia
.. 7th ----day of
". D. 192~ al-..n~o'dock..j,._. !hit ifiSlrument was
bkd for rnord. and beiDa duly a.knowledll.d and proun, I hu" f(curded I~ same on page--3iL.?..-of Book---6~.in Ih( public records of said
l .
-l?......c-. 31 "T(lO __Clerk.
O"-dA...O ..,]v ~,--_..D. C.
. --