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THIS INDENTURE.. !.lade lh.s....._._._.. 26th ....._....__.._.__da)' of---..-Lkll'oh .-........-...-..-... -..................-.....--^ D 19l.Ji-. BIUWfF.N
._...3.ob.ar.t..l!c.Afoe ..and..K&. thor.ino..~j'oc.,....hia ..wife -_.-...__' --.---- .......-.--.-...........----..----.-----..----
o' the Counly of__ ___St...._Luolo.__......__._._and Stale of.._........_._Plor iela .__......__...._.__._._..____ _parl_..1.ese>f Ihe firsl parI, and
. ___.__.~.9.1UJ...:~l"~Jl~J~.~...__..__..____
c.' lh( COUftl)' e>f..A.ll.~gh@:[\y.___..._.._.._____and State oL__._t.fillj)~:.aL1a.._---._...-.-.-.pul ...$.._ of Ihe second pari.
WITNF.SSF.TH, tballhe uid p:.rl.ie8. of lhe fiul put, for and in e;)IISid(ralion of Ihe sum of..T811....dobl~r.s...'n.,d. "t hOI'--.......----------.-
__ - ~tl.l~1.ab.lo...cOo:lSl der-ll. tl.ona--..-.-.----
Uollars, to.th6Jll.._in ""nd paid. tIle receipl whereof is bereby acknowledg.d.
haV..8_ gran led. bargained. sold and lransfund. and by these presents do...... _grant, bargain, sell and lIanlier ""to Ihe sa;.1 parcy _... of the second
part and_.__hl1Llleirs and assigns forner, all Ihat cerlain parcd of land lying and being in the Counly of...st.......L::.clo._________.____
anoJ State of.._...I1.or lda.____..____more particularly described u follows'
...Lot ..'le."io.n...L'l) ..of ..~lQ.ck...~'D":..o .f..t..t..,L.~e.=-~.ubQ.1.\:.l.slQD...of...~he_.:::o.s~ . 501.1..fe ct. c.f..::'he.__.__._..
........3 au thea s. L ( 3~) n~ ua.rt.er ~. of.. thc._.Sou.thwe st...JS:1i L::'uart or ...Q.f. ..S eo t 1 c n...~en...{ 1 O~. -To~.::!;h.ip
..,:?hi~t:l~f1 y~_J;i5J ..SO\l!;b, .r!lti~Q_.!Q:r.~:r...t:1.9)....~.!!S ~...~f._~:.~._~...'_ ~l;i.Y.,ler~~( .1. ILl. cl clUJ cnJ.9.H'_"___
.............. .}'ort .rierce~ .. ?lor.! da ,aceo roi.r.e'; -:."..':.l~t...il uc ..::ay-7th r..-l~l:;'... ar.d .-....---..--..... --..-..........
. ....'''' ... ..._ ~~~.9.r<1.Q.!1..j.F. ;~lg.ku.:3.9.Q/,...'::rrr~e. .J;3_l....;;>~.g.L."i'lrr:~~..-1~LQ.LJ.t.....J.\lc;:l.e... C Q\\~~.~;_.::~eCQr.d~HI..._....
___.__._..._..__....._..__... ..._...__..._.(t2 .SO_.J)oc..S~a.Qp.s....c.r;.r..~l~ed .L___...__._..._.._...._._............_.__..__ ..___.._.._.._......____
TOGETH ER wi!h all the tenemenls. heredilam~nu and appurtenances. wilh e...ry Ilri.ilege. right, title, intereSl and ~slate. dower and right 01 d01,'er,
re,euion. rem~illder and u.emcntlherelo b<<lvnginll or in any..';se appertaining: TO H.-\VE ^:-;u TO HOLD thc same in fee simple forner.
^"d the said part.i.e.a o{ the" f.rst S'arl 00_ co.enant with tbe $.lid par(t.-- of the second parttbat...thc;y_ are ._..__bwfully leized of the
said prc';,iscs, thai they arc frr.. from aU incumbran<u and lhat..t.~e;: .11~.Sfood right and lawful aUlhorily to sell the same; :rnd the said P"rl lea of
tbe fi..1 part do~ hereby fully ..arranl the lilie to said land. alld will dciend Ihe same againSltbe bwiul cbim, of all persons whomsocver.
11' WIT~ESS WHEREOF. the sa.id pauies.. of th~ 6rst part h~-8. __ hereunto set_.th&-i.I'-handa- and seaG. the d:.y and year abo~~ 'Hillen
.. _. . Si_g:e~. ~:~~ :n.~d:li~~~~ ;ni ~~~;.;~n:: :.___._.... _ --------..l
~:a :.i:.':.rine....::c.:.fee_.___....__._._(SEAL)
~t;. T.ucie.
71 ort da
I HEREBY CERTIFY, Thai 00 thi'_.2!lll'r_____day oL-~li-roh..
A. D. 19L&-., before me
rcnonally appear(d
~o bert r'c;' fe~ e n ~th.cri.c..e._~_~.f.ee.....-.hi.s....~i.ffl--_---,--.__._.
to me known 10 be the person..$._ describ(<l in and who executed Ibe (oregoillB connyance to___l.J.hc...3ran.c:.i.es..__.____
,. and 5~Y~ranJ acknowledged the execution thereol to bot_~L.e.l:r___fr~c act
and d~ed for tbe uses and purposes therein mentiohed; and the ""id_.KuJ;1:..eJ;' n" .. c: ~ f ae
the wife of the said.- -=:ohu~~a.c._.._ on a separate anJ printe examination
taken and made by and hclore me. and separattly and apart from her said hnsband. did admowledge that she made herself a party 10 Ih( said Deed oi
Connyance, for Ihe purpose of r~noun.einB. re~inqui.hing and conveying all ~,r rigbt. title and inter.... ..helher of dower or of acpar~te property. Slalut~ry
or equitahle. in and to the lands there.n descnbed. and Ih:.t she executed u,d deed freel)' and voluntallly and WIthout aDY eonltralr.I, fear. appreben'lOn
Cor compulsion of or from h~r said husband.
I ;.
.f;n the County of~~t-~H}.i e
f-O:I; r:i-~bl1c '.~ tEtc-;2f ?lC:fr 1 da'
1~y Com.':lisslon ey.!,lres C:ctobeI' 26U.. 1925.
.... D. 19~ al~o'clock_'-L.m.. this instrumcnl w...
filed for rcrord. and being oIlll)' aclcnowledged and pron:r, I haye neorded Ihc $lune on l'a&~1._-o' Book...(..Q.___ia lbe pnoli< records of said
County. _
REOF, I hue herennlo ,et my h~nd and affixe;J the scal of tbe Cucuil Courl of Ihe Fifteenth Judicial Circuil of said Slate, in anJ
P, C.lo"~dr8d
f~A II 2L D. c.
/) '-?. ...
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