HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0996 otlti l'HiS INDENTURE. Made lhis..4.th_._______.__ .._day ol--.....__Oo.to:ber_______..._.__......____...___^- D. 192._1... BETWEEN ~------.C.....J-...KBr.B.ey....IU1IL~or.a....Ko.r..QU.._lJJ.!!_~! .U..'!____...__._____......__.._.._._._._......_ _ .___..__.______ of the Counly of--S-t-y.-L-uoi e..--.----.-- __....anol Slale of__._. ..-no~14a.-.-._._.. ..---..-..--pui.e8_ of Ihe fiul part, and .----.--.-----.W /.._.T-.....c~(lal)y.__..__.__ _...__.___.___._______..__..____..._. _..__..____ of lbe Counly o.____'l.t....... Lu.cle .--,..-..---___.and SI.I~ oL2l.01'.1.d.a.._____ -.__..put .:/_ of Ihe second part, WITl\ESSETII. Ib'"ll.. $;lid parl__ o{ Ihe fiUl parI. lor and in consideration of the 'um oL.__~!L~:-~~..j!l.!:lD.JEIL_.__._._.._._.___..._..__..__._ l>ollars, to-th&llI-.in hanJ paid, th( r<c~ipt whereof is bereby acknowl~dge~ bL.!.!L graRleol, bartl:Uiled, s,)M :rnd Iran,f~rr<d. an.! b,. th(sc pre.tou 010._. _graut. bargain, ~ell all.! transfer unto the &aid parI7__ o{ the second pari and_.hiS----beirs an') auigns forner, all that cerl~in puccI of land I,.illg at'd being in the County of.-S..t....-L.1Ulie______.__ alld State OL-=lO'J...JH.J.Q~......._____mo'#.'-ar'!.e!'larly described as follows' _____..__...._..____....____....... Q!~."./4...,,~~ -- . ..........._Lot .':hlrt:l~f'1 VO. (~~L.O!..~.!~L~nQ9J.EJ.~ ~9~_..9.C.~J,99..~. .?l>.~!;.. Q.f..J)!~~....:U.~.h.~..;d.__..._..__...._...._ . ....._....__...._3.LJtil.J1Ugt9 11 t. a -.~~~~tv.1.~Q!l_Q.tpa.:r.,L~.f.._~.~~!!.~E.._~~..D-l-=~.~~~~.~E_~~ ~..~.!?.~~,~.~.._........._.... ............... .~nge ..39. 3&st... according. to-.plaLQ.f_D.~j.Q..._@.~Ql.YJ ~J.QP'u_r..QQQ:r.<:.~t\.9,tl . P.~g~..._L9J~....1'J..~..t.._...... -....-......... ~Q():c..~....ln...1;ho..2.f.f.!.C~..Ci~...~E.~_ Cle!.~ of _.~3~__~.1 rciJ:tt..._~~u:.~ G~.u...~.~...'_..~11c:~.!:._~~~~;:.. J r'-~~~ . I ~.-w aia..JlT ~., ....- --. :.:~.. ~-=: J_~ ~--:- ~' I.....Br...:;;;J~~ .l/t'1a~.r"'iE~~:.:.L.. '~;R.l-;';;'..nv"","':" T""-A:oo-. ?lor1 d8 . . -_.~---_..._--.._- ...--...... . .'.....-...-.-..--..-.'--......---.--------..--.----------.--...--------.-. --.--.---...-.---..-...-----.- -.----..--- . . ----.-".-. - ....-....----..-.....----..-.-.-.--.....-.---....-....-.--...------...- ---..--. .---------------------.-----.----------....-----.------. .-........-...----. ...----.--....-...........---....--.---...--------- -----.---___.._.._ -.1..-.........--.--... .------ __"'_h. .-.."---..-.. ...-- .----. -------.-. -..-..--...._.__._._._.. .._____ .._. __ ...-~.---.______..u._..__..______.__.___.__.._.___ ...___..____.___._.____. __...____.___.__._____._. _._..____... ...-------..---------.-------.--.- .---....- -.---.....-------.---. --.---------- --------------- ..-------.------.-...------.---------.--..------- "' ._~.----_._.._-------_._.._-_.._.._--_._.-.-_._----------------------..----------.--..--..--..-.--.--..------ --------------.--.------.- ---.---------.---..-----.---- , I j ..! ----.------.---.-...--..-.--.-.---.---------------- ...---------------..-.-.-----.---------- .-------------------..-------------.----.------- -.-..____.__.____.__._u...._....____._______._._. _______._ _.. ---..-_.......__.._____..h..____.. __... '_.___. TOGETHER wilh all Ibe lenements. bereditamen15 and apPUrlenancu, with nery pri.il~ge. right" lille. interest and ~"ate. dowu anJ right or do...~r. :n~rSlon. ..rumdn alld u.elllentthereto btlong.nl; or in an,.wisc appertaIning: Tu HAVE AXlJ TU HUJ.D th~ nlll~ in fee sim"le rorner. And Ibe said part2CSolthe first p3rt 00._ co..enanl with'the uid parLL_ oi tbe second p;UlthaL._t.t.e~,_..-.--..Iawfully sc.nJ or the said prenlise'. Ihat Ihe,. arc rree from all incumbrance. and Ibalth.C.;,:....has.{Iood right and lawful aUlhority 10 sell Ihe same; and Ibe 53id parie.S .c. of .] lire first part do_ hereb)' {elly warrant the lille to said lanel, and will defend Ihe sam( against lh~ iz..rul dairru of all person' whomsoC1'er. IN WiTXESS WHEREOF, the said parl_l es of Ihe first part ha.~~_ her~unto ~t to}: e i rhnd!!.. alld s~a~.. Ihe day and y~ar abo~~ wrillclI --~..: ;:',~ ~~~~.;: ':.-' =:'-----~---l -~_~_==n..~~~~.:~::~----j. hie _gu~._L. .Il:...K~u:s e;,-.._.._..._ ,._.._.... _____(SEAL) [;;srk .Cor&...i:crsE;.y-___._(SE.-\L) COUNTY OF ~t_ Lucie -l J ~ -1 STATE OF llnT'l nQ 1 HEREBY CERTfFY. That on thi.--4th ____day ofu o..o..t.Q,9~l:. .A. D. 19A~ bdore me rerronally appeand c. .'. :'P'T'SfJ::J 1000,rl c.or.a..2a;:s.e:1- --.----.-----...-----. 10 me known 10 be the pcr$On_ described in and who uecuted the foregoing con1'Cyanee to___;l.. ._~ . _.cros.by '1 ; and senrally ad:nowledged the ueculion tber~of to be_.the.ir..._.,..rree act and deed for Ihe b$CS and purposes therein menlion~d; and the sai4._.cOr.a._.K.er.s..e;; I (:;~~ the wife of tbe said C.- .."'r. ~. fi'T'9 ~;;:. on a scparate and prinle examination taken and made by a:Jd bclore me, and scparattly and apart from her s:aid husband. did acknowledge tbat she made herself a party to tbe ..id Deed of Connyancc. for th( purpose of renouncing. rdin'lui.hing and cOII.eying all bu righl. tide and inleresl. ",belbcr or dower or or scparate property. statutory t>r equilable. in and to tbe lands therein described. and Ibu she uecul~d said d~~d fre~I)' and Tolbntarily and ",ithout any conslraint. fear. apprehension Cor compulsion of or from her said husband. WIT~ESS IllY lignatnre and official scal al_':':.erO ... Q.tl.dfL_th~ day and year last aforuaid. in tbe County of.--3J;~..L.afU..e J .~ -_._..~. :aaz.el.~.a....s.Wlirj;.:<<Cut..___(SE^L) ,~--Me~ryPubli~, ..State of-Florida alOLarge !~y Cor:.r.1ssion eX,:ires ?ebruar;,r 28, 1927 STATE 0 COUNTY On Ihia -~~.--_._day of._~__ -^- D. 192 ~~ at~o'c1ock.~m.. this iOllrumenl was ti~ed for record. and being duly at,knowledged and pIOT(n, I hue r~cordcd the same on pa1c......J...1J:._of Boo......h_in tbe I>ublic: ruer.!. of said lounly. "REO!-', 1 hue h~reunto set my ~ and aflixed Ih( scal of Ihe Circn;t Court of Ibe Fifte(nlh Judicial Circait of said Sla!e. in and ~""'-or~ - QQ. e ~____o.,. .~..,., ~ ""u ~_.D" C. f_.~~ .t. 11 I , J I I I I '..., . . ~ . ..) .~-t':'~'~~f~~.~\\