HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL METAL ROOFINGBCIS Home i I ng in ; User Reowratlon OrProduct Approval a USER:PublicUser i>rr^r!,,;• -`.^cnotaI q-,iI > a;v:at:F ar 3rrLc,g �+ a FL y kYXg Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical. Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expirat Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year(o Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By I� 4+ SCANNED 4 ! e Nil �z By Emit MMU=00722 WE- Pubiitatlon5 I fBC Staff 8CIS,Site Map i Links 5earrr. > A� sfo im U_t.> Application Detail FL17678-R4 Revision 2017 Approved Drexel Metals, Inc. 204 Railroad Drive Ivyiand, PA 18974 (502)303-151.1 jshumate6drexmet.com .)ason Shumate jshumate@drexmet.com fv� ci-o'i I Roofing Metal Roofing Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer `i Evaluation Report- tiardcopy Received ro developed Zachary R. Priest PE-74021 Architectural 'Testing, Inc. Date 12/3112020 Locke Bowden Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received FI rc7.tp%8..._ :3 C2X1S03i!"2,- FBC Fvajuation Report J_gaj-\Pi7 FINAL.7df Indard) Standard YQs ASTM B 117 2016 ASTM G 155 2005 TAS lots 1995 TAS 110 2000 TAS 125 2003 UL 580 2006 UL1897 2012 Sections From the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 09/15/2017 Date Validated 09118/7017 Date Pending FBC Approval 09/20/2017 Date Approved 12/12/2017 Summon}+ of Products 1 FL * , Model, Nulfrtber or Name description 174578.1 Drexel Met 11 Roofing Systems ' DMC INNS, DMC 1 50SL, DMC 1SOSS, DMC 1,75S, DMC 12005, DMC 450, DMC 5V & DMC Corrugated Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHY: No F1,1.767$ R4 II DRX15001.4 2017 FBC Evaivation Reoort NonHVHZ FINAL,Rdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Zachary R. Priest PE-74021 Design Pressure: +0/-180 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: See evaluation report for li its of use Evaluations Reports FL17578 R4 AF DR%15001 4 2017 FBC Ev:altlatiotl Rem; iionHV ? FIN41..,pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Clack PioXt 2601 Bias Steno Roots. TaffahaYsee R. 323"4 phone; 85A-487-18 4 The State of Florida is an WEED C—light 2007-2013 State of, ngrfda, ;; PrNMCy Statement : Ax,Pm liility Statement ;: Refund Staternent Under Florida law, email addresses are public cards, If yod do not want your e-mail address released ill response. to a pubi';c-records request, Co hot send electronic mail to this entity, Instead, contact the office b phone or by traditional Mail. If you. have *any questions, please contact 850.487.1395.E •Purduant to Section 455.275 (1), Elorida Statutes, efrearve October 1, 2012 licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S, must provide the -Department with an email address x they have one: The —all. provided may be used for ofr"ciai _mu icaUon with the licensee. However email addresses are public record, If you no not wish to supply a personal address, plcrse proylde the Department with an email ddress which can be made available to the public. To determine T you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.5„ please click here. Product Approval Accepts: Credit Card Safe a�CREEI Certificate of Authorization No. 29824 17520 Edinburgh Dr Tampa, FL 33647 LL (813) 480-3421 EVALUATION REPORT I FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, 6T" EDITION (2017) Manufacturer: DREXEL ME ALS, INC. Issued September 14, 2017 1234 Gardine Lane Louisville, KY 40213 (502) 716-71 3 vrww.drexme .com Manufacturing: Drexel Metal Association of Regional Manufacturers (DM -ARM) Quality Assurance: Architectural resting, Inc. (QUA1844) SCOPE Category: Roofing Subcategory: Metal Roofing Code Sections: 1504.3 Properties: Wind R'esistar REFERENCES Enter Report No. Standard Year Architectural Testing (TST1558) 56840.02A22-18 TAS 100 1995 Architectural Testing (TST1558) 58389.01-122-44 UL 580 2006 Architectural Testing (TST1559) 58459.01-12244 UL 580 2006 Architectural -resting (TST1558) 58461.0-1-122-44 TAS 125 2003 Architectural Testing (TST1558) b2776.01-109-44 UL 580 2006 UL 1897 2012 Architectural Testing (TST1558) 82784.01-109-44 UL 580 2006 UL 1897 2012 Architectural Testing (7ST1558) 83296.01-109.44 UL.580 2006 UL 1897 .2012 Force Engineering & Testing (TST5328) 178-0054T-12 UL 580 2006 UL1897 2012 Force Engineering & Testing (TST5328) 178-0055T-12 UL 580 2006 UL 1897 2012 Hurricane Test Laboratory (TST1527) 0287-0209-07 TAS 125 2003. Hurricane Test Laboratory (TST1527) 0287-0308-07 TAS 125 2003 Hurricane Test Laboratory (TST1527) 0287-0311-07 TAS 125 2003 Hurricane Test Laboratory (TST1527) 0287-0313-07 TAS 125 2003 Hurricane Test Laboratory (TST1527) 0287-0512-07 TAS 125 2003 Hurricane Test Laboratory (TST1527) 0281-0706-07 TAS 125 2003 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5 78) VLS-005-02-01 ASTM B 117 2016 TAS 110 2000 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5 78) VLS-004=,02-01 ASTM G 155 2005a TAS 110 2000 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5P78) DMC-004-02-01 TAS 125 2003 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) DMC-005-02-01 TAS 125 2003 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5�78) DMC-006-02-01 TAS 1.25 2003 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5�78) DMC-007-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) DMC-008-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST51878) DMC-009-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) DMC-014-02-01 TAS 125 2003 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) DMC-016-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) DMG017-02-01 Rev 1 UL 580 2006 UL 1897 2012 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST 878) DMC-018-02-01 UL 580 2006. UL 1897 2012 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) DMC-024-02-01 UL 580 2006 I UL 1897 2012 DRk15001.4 I his evaluation report is provided for State of Technical Services, LLC of any product chant This evaluation report does not express nor ii specifically addressed herein. FL17678-R4 Page 1 of 5 dda product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK or quality assurance changes thrnughoutthe duration for which this report is valid. y warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not z aCREEK TECH mCAL Si=t WICE s. LL.0 Enti PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST58; PRODUCT DESCRIPTION L DREXEL METALS, INC. Metal Roofing Report No. Standard Year DMC-033-02-01.1 UL 580 2006 UL1897 2012' DMC-037-02-01 UL 580 2006 UL1897 2012 DMC-037-02-02 UL 580 2006 UL1897 2012 DMC-03B-02-01 UL 580 2006 UL1897 2012 DMC 10 Profile: t 1 in. sna lock seam; Nlax.16 in. coverage Description: i Non-str cturai, snap lock standing seam roof panel with integral perorated nail Material: Min, 24 -__ •__ ____ strap .._,,,.. a Fiuropon coated ASTM A792 AZ50, or _ j ASTM Pt653 G90; Fy = min. 50 ksi; Shall conform with FBC Section 1507.4.3 DMC 150SL Profile: DMC 150SS j Profile: Descript i Material: 1.5 in. e ._.....-- Non-str Min. 24 J'� N 1 1- 1 lock seam, Max. 16 in. lock standing seam roof panel coated ASTM A792 A?�in - - = min. 50 ksi; Shall conform with FBC Section 1507.4.3 1.5 in. tinechanical seam; Max. 16 in. coverage Non-stpluctural, mechanical lock standing seam roof panel ........_._:.__.__._._...._._.....-__..__._.__. _ Min. 0. 32 in. Fluropon0 coated ASTM B209 aluminum; Fy = min. 16 ksi; Shall confon with FBC Section 1507.4.3 ----- ......_.._. --- _ _........-........_._. _ .. --- ._...._.......----___------- _._ _._.. Min. 24 ga. Fluropon@) coated ASTIM A792 AZ50, or ASTM 653 G90; F. = min, 50 ksi; Shall conform with FBC Section 1507.4.3 ......_.__....._. ........_.._---- -( $6 12 1fs l i �w i � f i This evaluation reportis provided for State Technical Services, LLC of any product ch-, This evaluation report does not express nc specifically addressed herein. FL17678-R4 PAMn 7 of 5 Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shalt notify CREEK es or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid_ nply Nrairanty, installation, recominended use; or other product attributes that are not .. TEcHNICAL. SE:P-.vicr5. LL C DMC 175S 1 Profile: Material: 200S i Profile DMC450 Material: Materiah DREXEL METALS, INC: Metal Roofing. I. in, s rtap lock seam Max. 18 in. coverage _ .._ _._..__ Non-stru tural snap lock_standing seam roof panel. Min. 0.0 2 in. Fluropon@ coated ASTM B209 aluminum; Fy = min. 16 ksi; Shall conform "th FBC Section 1507.4.3 __........0.0......_...-_.0-inch .n—c—h-----_-----.-___—.-..�._..__ Min. Fl._uropon,-_0 coated ASTM B209 aluminum (Fy =min. 20 ksi); Shall conform nth FBC Section 1507 4.3 ...... _..._.._ _..... .. ...._-_-..._.--- Mm 24 a FluroponC� coated ASTM A792 AZ50, or ASTM A 53 G90 Fy = min 60 ksi; Shall conform with FBC Section 1507A.3 mechanical seam; Max; 16 in. -n..._....._.._...w_....._... —..._..._......: Non-str ctural, mechanical lock star _.._..... ....... .... Min. 0.0 0 in. Fluropon® coated AS confor with FBC Section 1507.4.3 Min; 24 ga. Fluro on® coated ASV ASTM 653 G90; Fy = min. 50 ksi; ling seam_ root panel M 8209 aluminum; Fy = min. 20 ksi; Shall _.__...__...._..... _..... _..... ._....._. A792 AZ50, or hall conform with FBC Section 1507.4.3 a - T �.. 2- � 2" 1 5 m. nap lock seam; Max 16 in. coverage Non-st ctural, snap lock standing seam roof panel with concealed clip Min. 2� ga. ASTM A792 or ASTM A653; Fy = min. 50 ksi; Shall conform with FBC' Sectio 1507.4.3 _.w.-._ . ... .. ... _ . ... .... _ — — Min. 0. 32 in. Fluropon0 coated ASTM B209 aluminum; Fy =min. 24 ksi; Shall confo with FBC Section 1507.-4.3 1 z" DRX1500_1.4 I FL17678-R4 Page 3, of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout die duration for which this. report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. x CREEK TECHN IIQAL SERVICES, L.LC DREXEL METALS, INC. Metal Roofing DMC 5V Profile: 318 in. rib ; 24 in. coverage Description: Non-stru tural, through fastened roof panel Material: Min. 26 g . Fluropon® coated ASTM A792 or ASTM A653 G90 ; Fy min. 50 ksi; Shall conform with FBC Section 1507.4.3 • 24" coverage .......... ........... ............ _............... _... �t"...............-.._._..:_.._..._.._....._...__._...._._._._...__.__.__._.____-t�".._.....-_.. 16 s. '.�........_.k. i Jo' 8 DMC Profile: 112 in. c¢rrugation_21 fin, coverage_ _ _.......__..___ _ _._..._....._....__..:_.. _ .........._...._..___..._ .._........._..._...___.............._..—.__...--- ---- -- _ Corrugated Description: Non-str ctural, through fastened roof panel _ Material: !Min. 26 a. Fluropo�oated ASTM A792 or ASTM A653 G90 ; Fy = min. 40 ksi; Shall coi form with FBC Section 1507.4.3 i Min. 0.0 2 in Eturopon(3 coated ASTM B209 aluminum` Fy = min. 19 ksi; Shall i conform with FBC Section 1507 4 3 LIMITATion 1. Fire classification is not within th scope of this evaluation. 2. This report is not for use in the H HZ. 3. The roof deck and the,roof deck attachment shall be designed by others to meet the minimum design loads established for components and !adding and in accordance with FBC requirements. 4. Roof slope shall be in accordan e with FBC Section 1507.4-2. 5. Reroofing shall be in accordanc with FBC Section 1511, 6. Installation of the evaluated p oducts shall comply with this report, the FBC and the manufacturer's published application instruction. Where discrepancies exist between these sources, the more restrictive and FBC compliant installation'd tail shall prevail. 7. All products listed in this report hall be manufactured under a quality assurance program in compliance with Rule 61 G20-3, DRX15001.4 I FL17678-R4 Page of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State a I Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLG of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor itnpiy warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK m TECHNICAL SERVICES. LLC COMPLIANCE STATEMENT OREXEL METALS, INC. Metal Roofing The products evaluated herein by Zachary . priest, P.E. have demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code, 6°i Edition (2017) as evidenced in the eferenced documents submitted by the named manufacturer. R. �06t,:itlrrp 1� No 740 j�' STATE F : itJ i( V i •/tV� <9`SS f0 N A4 CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE CREEK Technical Services, LLC does not haw products under this evaluation. CREEK Technical Services, LLC is not owned, this evaluation. Zachary R. Priest, RE, does not have, nor will under this evaluation. Zachary R. Priest. P.E. does not have, nor will r product. APPENDICES 1) APPENDIX A — Installation (11 F 2) APPENDIX B —Approved Roof 3) APPENDIX C — Design Wind Lo. DRX15001.4 es) ZG 16:34:19 Zachary R. Priest, P.E. Florida Registration No. 74021 Organization No. ANE9641 will it acquire,_ a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products under a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products a financial interest in any other entity involvedin the approval process of the ns (7 pages) pages) FL17678-R4 Para R of R. This evaluation report is provided for State oflFlorida product approval under Rule 611320-6. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this'report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. DREXEL METALS, INC. CREEKMetal Roofing TECHNICAL SERViCF-s, L,L.0 APPENDIX A INSTALLATION Note - Refer to the Aa of SYSTEMS section of this report for specific insta a to em. ,' ervvise specified in this report th following installation details shall be met fir the named products: Component Product F1 Installation Detail 49-15 HWH wood screw € with sealing washer #10-14 HWH wood acre with sealing washer Shall penetrate through the sheathing a'minimum 3/8 in. Must be corrosion #10-15 HWH wood resistant in accordance with FBC section 1507.1.4. Fasteners screws with dual threads and sealing washer #10-13 PH wood screw _ #10-16 DP3 PH self - drilling screw Shall penetrate through the top rib of the steel deck a minimum 314 in. Must be 414-13 DPI PH self- corrosion resistant in accordance with FBC section 1507.4.4. drilling screw Bearing Plates 18 ga. Bearing Plate 24 ga. in -seam clip r` j DMC 150SL Clip , Al Clips I i 24 ga. SS in -seam clip 7,r 24 ga. DMC 150SS Cii 3u f; 2„ DRX15001.4 I FL17678-R4 Page I of 11 This evaluation report is provided for State 6f Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product cha ges or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use: or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. ENCREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, L L.0 DREXEL METALSi INC. Metal Roofing APPENDIX A Component Product Installation Detail 18 ga. base; 22 ga. butterfly in -seam clip; 120 in, length; top slider 12 in. o.c. DMC 200S Continuous�'�. Butterfly Clip"` ✓"� " '' � � r Clips (Cont'd) 24 ga. in -seam clip DMC 450 Clip v j 24 ga. SS in -seam clip r!s �✓` DMC 45OSS Clip t I Sealants Bostik 70-05A Shall be applied'in continuous beads along the seam 8ostik Chem -Calk —5fl Fastening Details Nomenclature I Attachment Po� .... DMC 1OONS Standard MG 1WNS PANEL gag t DMC 100NS Enhanced 13 KM DRX15001.4-\ This evaluation report is prove a or State c Technical Services, LLC of any product chat This evaluation report does not express nor specifically addressed herein. 4 of 11 Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK es or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. nply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not ¢N CREEKjt , _ Eli TECHNICAL SERViCESt LLC APPROVED ROOF SYSTEMS The following notes shall be observed when using ti 1, Maximum Design Pressure (MDP) was cal 2. Refer to LitwrrnnoNs and sections of this ei 3. Refer to Ir srALLAno.N section of this report 4. The on -center (o.c.) spacing given is the rn 5. Steel Deck shall be designed by others in,. conforming to ANSVSDI-RD1.0 & FBC. 6. Wood Deck shall he designed by others in sheathing at maAmuM 24-inch.span. DREXEL METALS, INC. Metal Roofing APPENDIX B 1lbiytebtes below: using a 2:1 margin of setety.per FBC Section 1504.9. 1 when using the tobJe(s) below. elution detail when the information is not explicitly stated for the selected. assembly. i allowable attachment spacing for the rated system. rice with FBCrequirements and shall be rnidimum 22'ga (Fy = min.33 ksi) Wide Rib Deck (Type WR) ince with FBC requirements and shall be minimum 15l324nch thick APA Span -Rated plywood Approved Systems for DMC 1D0NS over Wood Deck (Newer Existing) System Na,(per Deck Fire, Barrier 4erlbyrneot Roof Panel Fanei Attachment MDP 100NS-W i Min. 15132 OPTIONAL As required per 24 ga, DMC 100NS DMC 100NSStandard attachment with fasteners g7 5 CDX plywood Versash3otdSolo FBC Masi 16-inch %ride spaced 10.5 in. a.(-1 VJ2 Min. 15/32 OPTIONAL_ required per 24 ga. DMC 10011JS DMC 100NS Standard attachmentWth fasteners. CDX plSmwd Vemashieid Solo FBC Max. 16-inch %ride spaced 5.25 in. o.c. -120 1001,18413 Min.15/32 OPTIONAL uimd per T 24 0a. rlMc iooN5 DMC'r00NS Enhar:ed attachment wiih fasteners_135 CDX plywood Verslshield SoloFBC Max. 16-lneh wide spaced 5.25'In. o.c. FL17678.R4 1 017 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product a praval under Rule 611320-3. The menurecturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance. changes throughout the duration for which I}tis report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor implywar anty,. installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not speeifieafry adUrasseU herein. tJ� ' CREEK ' . TECHNICAL. SERVICES, LLG DESIGN WIND LOADS DREXEL METALS, INC. Metal Reefing APPENDIX C The following tables provide design wind loads for compose is and cladding in accordance with Section 1609 of the FBC and ASCE7-10 under the following provisions: 1. For Hip roofs between 2:12 and 5.6:12, Zone 3 she I be trealad as Zane 2. 2. Wind speeds for risk category 1, 11, 111, and IV buitdi gs shall be as defined in Section 1609 of the FBC, 3. Exposure B, C, and D shall be as defined in sectio 1609 of the FBC. 4. Design wind load provided only for gable/hip roofs 'th roof slopes between 2i12 and 6.1:12 S. All calculations are based on an effective wind are of 10-ftz or less. 6. Topographic factors such as escarpments or hills ave been excluded from the analysis 7. Overhangs have been excluded from the analysis. 8. Wind directionality factor, K� = D.85 9. V,n; is shown in the tables below. Design wind load are calculated using V„�d = V,a140.6 per 1609.3.1. 10. Projects with mean roof heights greater than 60:It hall be evaluated by a licensed design, professional 11. Zones 1,.2, and 3 shall be defined as shown bet ov . Dimension "a' shall be 101% of the least horizontal dimension or(0.4 X Mean Roof Heighf), whichever is smaller, but not less than elther 4% of the least orizontal dimension or aft Gable Hip 3{ 2 21 3i 2 l3 a aI ia'a' a This evawai cn report is provided for State of Flerida product a 'oval and quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which t is report is product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. al I 2 t17678-R4 Page 1 of4 20.3, The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC or any product changes or evaluation report does not express nor irrplymarranly, installation, recommended use, or other � G � ro m ?aeS'd" b mOOOOOmDOOiO pItTpOOOO m-0, ��� ?( SI k�. O D1 fh Ql ss N t0 U• SO W �N i 'J fD' O t0 N f0 U m m p W � m A A b V. � fT A E A �A '. (.k O O 4 ` I[P fll O W N. O) m m m i7. m t V +1 w m d N N IN pN f �£ I g- 7 m'N m AI N 0 Z.N � V :>✓ �E as • pp > 1>' � W t • V tI N i0 ti1 i. A N G.1 t> � N .Y IA N W +��1 A m N C: iO�t0 is W W W T C+(JN ttt O N N 0 O N� O W' la V a-+ V O '� ' �m �ol'fir �mm �'im i S'ia pq 4 opt p.m J�. ao la to atom c � W 0 0 rnrn GG11 L A p W O �IO�') Ot I IN33P19. b p [.N J i JiN W I N W w W J U) .. f N N S o Wp �I b W Cs ib GJ N N ,Osn1 ['J W F.1I4] F.1 m1A il9� m W .'OJ'I A tJ �+ N NIN w a �,I )Y V O f fA W 0�. V V V a ftl N N N b W'W 14k �.! �' 1=-1 Qi dI (II [T ja .F• j> b LJ N N N N N CSI�N !:;R� [ I : O al to @ o m S w w V of N m Qt (N A m 6 .T m :� A % m j>• i. W CV gl do m l�1 v 'J v � N to �'.u` L A 6 p W tJ N N N N W LI !. A b ST W O+IF.3 W Lf N OI�I A A A W LI t0' �I J J �k D 0 4't m�<T J"Ic Z i� +1 m o 0 .— SM lb f0 + m -+ ;�I N N N W -• m m m t0 Id A iL m m� ,,,i O; ;p + m N N v w Ca W O O O 0N :-I Qt' T 01 m 40 16 0. Lt 61 e. & m W O N IJ N W J.< ' E TEC,HNICAI- SERVICES. LLC DREXEL METALS, INC. Metal Roofing APPENDIX C - Eluildln0 .a {sRhti' ? ... r P 140 �` r 15U "� �60 1, ss �,f.?611 ySOr., xr .. ?E1o�,.,.;•t, ;?_° 00 _ 20 -18.3 -21.4 -24.9 -28.6. 1 -36.7 1 -41.1 -45.8 -50.8 25 -19.1 2.4_- J-1.6.0 -29:8..-_ _-32.5 30 ._ d9.9 -3.4 -27.1 -31.1 -35.4 -39:9 -04.8 �,'9.9 ,-,., 55.3 40 _ -21A 44;8: -28.7 -----33.0 -37.5. 42.4 -47.5 _52.9_ 5o -22.1. i - h.0...--- -30.1 i -34.6 39 4 -44A 49.8 -55.5 -61.5 60 -22.9 -26.9 i -31.2 I -35.9 ! 0.8 ! 41.1 -51.5 -57.5 ! -63.7 20 -31.8 ! - 7.3 -43.3_._...,__I --09.7 I -56,6 ! -63.8 j -71.6 -79.8, ! -88.4 .. _ 25 _ -33.2 � „........ 9.0 -.-..... -45.2 1 -51.9 ! -59.? •66_7 i -74.8 -� 83.3 I _92,3 Enclosed 2 3fl 40 -34.6 -36.8 -.0,7 3.1 -47,.2 -50. I-F,r4.1 57,4 -61:6 -65.4 -69:5 -73.8 _ -77,9 -82.7 -86.8h..__ -92.2 96_2 ..._._ _102A 50 - -38.5 5.2 -52.4 -80.2 -66-5. -77.3 -86.7 -96.6 -107.0 60 ._...._._ 39.9 �. 46_-.9 4.4.4 .. - 62.4 .._...__ -71:0 -80.2 -89.9 -100.1 -111.0 20 -47.0 55.2 1 -64.0 -73.5 -83.6 -94.4 -- -105.8 -117.9 -139.1 -49.7 G 7.7 66,9....,........_�._ ! -76.8 - -87.3 .............. -9A.fi -110.5. -123.2 1 -136.5 30 •5u 60:1 -69.7 ! -80.0 -91A -102.,8 j 1i5,3 _ _ -128.4 -142.3 3 u 40 -54.4 63.8 -74.0 ivT-84,9 -96:0 -109.1 -122.3 -136.3 -151.0 50 -57.0 _-66.9 -77.5 ! -89.0 -101.3 -114.3 ! 128.2 -142.8 ! -158.3 60 -59.1 -fi9.3 -80.4 1 -92.3 i -105.0 -118.6 -132.9 -148.1 -164.1 20 -74.5 -28.8 -33.4 1 ;913.3 I -43:5 -A9.2 55.2 -61.5 -68.2 25 -26.6 -30.1 34.9_ -4U I -45.5 -51.4 -57.7 -64.2 -71.2 30 31.4 -36A j -41.7 47.5 ( A16 -60.1 ( -67.0 -74.2 40 '-33.3 -38.6 1 -44.3 -50A I -56.9 -63.8-63.8 _ -71.1 -78.8 50 -34.9 -40.5 1 -46.4 -52.3 � -59.6 -66.9-74.5 -82,5 60 ! 36.2 41,9 -48.1 -54.6 II ,61.863.3 -77,2. -85.6 20 F-4! -44.7 -51.8 --59.5 -67.7 -7C-.4 -85.7 -95.4 -'105.8 25 -46-7 AAA -62.1 -70.7 -79.8� { -89.6 -99.7 -110.5 partially 30 -48.7 56.4 -64.8 -73.7 -83.2 -93.3 -103.9 -115,2 Enclosed 240 -51.6 -69.9 -98.7 -78.2 -88.3 -99.0 -110.3 -122.2 60-62.8 -72.0 -82.0 -9-1-115.6 128.1 60 ( -56.1 -65.1 -74.7 -85.0 -95.9 -107.6 -119.8 -132.8 20 -53. 1 -62,6 f -72,6 =83.3 -94.8 -107.0 -119.9 -133.6 1 -148.1 25 -55.7 -65.3 -75.8 -87.0 ___.. -99.0 _ -911.7 -125.3 139.6 1 -154.6 30 -58.p i 68.1 -79.0 90.7 } -103.2 116.6 -130.6 145.5 161.2 3 40 _._..........._ ^6i:6 -72.3 -83.fl ..._t -96.2 -109.5 -123.6 -138.6 �-15a.4 -171.1 50 -64.6-i00.9 -i14,8 -129.6 -161.8 60 65:9 I -78.5 9I.t -104.5 -i19.6 ! = 34.3 150.E ! 167.E 185.9 ORX16001 3 of4 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product appproval under Rule 51G20.3. The-nufauturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LI_C of any product Granges or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for whtah I Is report is valid. This evaluation report does not oxpress nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. v. CREEK r, T!~CHAJICAL SFP,VtGES, L.,!_G OREXEL METALS, INC. Metal Roofing APPENDIX C .... ...... ...-. : a _ vb a t -8lltld'�ngy� x ; 2one. ME'@r1 • Roo ' ° �`• - i1 3 o- A : t - )3as,clYhd .� Lid m h ,'> �' � '� d � # r t� 3 ru T ' "- 60 t7r k 31"] 0 i r.., �. rs-_, ' 19 �Fi 00 2MM 20 -21,9 -21.7 1 -29.9 -34.3 -39.0 -44.0 -49.3 -55.0 -60.9 25 -22.7 -2 .7 1 -31.0 •35.5 -40:4 -45.13 1 -51:2 -57.0 •63.2. _30_. •23.8 -2 .6 -32.1 -36,8 -47.3 -53.0 -59.1 •65.4 1 4D •24.8 .1 -33.7 __.__._._...._..._. .... -38.7 ...........-41.9 .........._..... -44:0 -49:7 -55.7 -62.1 -65,8 50 _ -25.6 _-2 1 .363 1 -1&1 -40,3 -45.9 .5&0 -84.6 -71.6 6D 26.6 ,_. :;.2 _......i._._......_36.2 .............._.....31.6 - -47.3 ! -.53.-51.8 4 -59:0 -66.7 -73:9 20 -38.2 i -4,.8 -52,0 1 -59.7 -67.9 1 -76.6 -85.9 -95.7 -106.0 25 -39.6 1 -46.5 -53.9 , -61.9 -70.?. -79,5 -89.1 1 •99.2 -110.0 Enclosed 2. 30 _..............._..... -41.0 i -4 .1 .. -55.3 - I -64.1 - -72.9 -82.3 -92.3. 40 -4.3.Y 1._...._-5.... _�. 08.7 -67.4 I-78.7j<86.5'----'- -97A i -108.1 50 -44.9 -S .7 -61.1 1 -70.1 -79.8 -90A -101;0 -1 M5 =124.7 66 -46:3 - 1.3 -63.0 i 72A - -82.3 -92.9 -104.2 -116.1. -128.6 20 -56.5 - .3 -76.8_ 1 -88.2 -100.4 -113.3 -127,0 -141.5 -156:8 25 -58.6 -d8.7 -79.7 -91.5 -104-1 -117.5. -131.7 -146.8 -162.6 3 30 _. _..._. __--60.6 - 1.2 -82.5 -94.7 -107.8 -121,7 436.4 -152:0 -168.4 40 �4.g -86.8 -99.6 113A -128,0 -14(i.5 -11 -177: i _ s0 _...._..-,�,�3.8 -66A _ 47.9 -90.4 _. •103.7 _.-.-., ! -118.D -133.2 -149.4 -166.4 1 -184A 60 -6&5 0.4- I .93.2 -107.0 1 -121.7 1 -137.4 -154.1- _ '-171.7 1 -190.2 2D -29.4 34.6 40a I -46.0 1 -52.3 -59.1 i -66.3 -73.8 1 -81.8 25 -50-1, 5.8 -41.6 �� -47.7 -54.3 I -61.3 - -78.5 1 -84.8 1 30 -31.6 i $7.1 43.0 -49.4_ 56.2. , -63.5 ...__68.7 -71.2 -79.3. -87.8 40 -33.3 -39.0 -46.3 -52.0 -59,. -66:8 -74.8 -83.4 -92.4 50 -34.6 0.6 -47.1 54.1 1 •61.6 -69.5 -77,9 -96.2 60 -35-7 1,9 -48.6 55.8 -63.5 -71.7 -80.4 49.5 _ -99:2 20 -481 •53.6 •62:2 -71.4 -81,2 -91.7 -102.8 -114.5 A28.9 25 -47A - 6.6 ,64.5 -74.0 -84.2 -95.1 -106.6 _ -118,8 -13L6 Partially 2 30 ...._.,.., -. -49.1 -17.6 -66.8 -76.7 -87.2 -98.5 -110.4 -123.0 -136.3 Enclosed 40 -51.6 - 0.6 -70.2 -80.6 ._...... -91.8 -103:6 1 -115A .-.•___W_._._......_....-..._.._ -129.4 -143.4 50._._.._..,_._._53.7 3,1 t 73.1 -839 -95,5 -107.8 -120.9 �134.7 -149.2 60 1 -55.4 SA 1 -75.4 -86.6 -9&5 -111,2 -124:7 -138.9' -153,9 29 25` -64.0 -66.3 r5.1 7.8 -87,1 90.3 99.9 103.6' 11.3.7 =117,9 128.4 133.i 143.9 149,Z 160.3 166.3 -177.7 -184.3 3 30 -65.7 8016 -93.6 !-107,3, -122:1 -137.9 -154.6 .172.2 -190.B __- 40 72.3 _ '84.8 -98.3 r.. -128.5 -,145,0 ' -162.6 -10.1 _..- -200.7 50 -75.2, ,88,3 __....__......_ -102A 1 -117.6 -133.7 -151. 69.2 -188.6 -208.9 60 -77.6 r91.1 -10,5.6 -121,2 •i37.9 -1v;.1 -174.8 - -194.5 i •215.5 ORMS001.4 FL 17678-R4 Page 4 of 4 ..V....._.............................................___... This evaluation rapod is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer she! no:ity, CREEK Tochn:cal Services, LLC of any product Changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for Which thislreport is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor Imply warranty, ihstalladon, recommended use, or other product attributes that arc not specifically addressed herein.