HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINAL AS-BUILT SURVEYTCP SM MH SS-12 COBBLESTONE DRIVE NNED AT LOT 93 11EV.-18.77 N83'26'16"E 111.50' NS3'2li 13"E 5.10' (88) N8326'16-E y_ 15:26' i �( NW�sV 5W i16TH R/W TOP.T — �- �--TC? P.C. - ASPHALT 2' CONC. CURB' 4 c .10 2' CONC. CURB: q � MIN mN Rey Z 4' .GONG. WALK. R _ a - N83'28'16 E 65:10 `. s/6�'R/C La 12e1 SAN TARYOSERVICE� in $•GD' WATER SEF14ICE — _ - I',�ii!�. =T AC F Q. - — _ — — — — — -- � - - - --.— o � CONCRETE TRANSFORMER DRIVEWAY k FRCli%A SIDES rs CUR SiDkS d 1284' 14.00' ,o-21.32' 1279EiEAR IQ 4.35 COVERED zKFG. ENTRY TEC LOT 91 1 STORY CBS RESIDENCE o MODEL 4EBB/C. oLOT 92 ;LOT 9� i , F.F..E. 19.17 ec CREEKS DE PLAT N0.1 6; inrah CREEKSIDE PLAT N0.1 �' P . 55 PG. 12 P.B. 55 PG. 1Z UNDER CONSTRUCTION' UNDER-CONSTRUCTIONowed03UBA00 _ 9 SSnM1 SNIISIX3 Ld 01 N011IC1GV d00'd A' I0d -- - -,�- --- - -- — COVERED .M --------"tM� — _ LANAI -iMo - - -- RECEIVED 0 UO P94MUOJ W0jW U 0e 0} Se ftgCPil IF- Aue =4 91!p , Iyq 9se91e1 Agamy GMA -AaAtnB qta U0 qpoj Ptl SJORM4-1Ie eAoid 3e Pug Awns sl41 PanneJAW DAM SET 5/67 iR/C LB CERT1FIE) TO., 1. Jane Bowden Norris 2. D.R. Horton, Ina 3. M Mortgage Company. Ltd. 4. Alliant National Title Insurance Co. CO in — Z 8.8' V.fZ 8 CONC: .0Q' PAD 12.8• Permitting . ST. Lucie County, 12.4' 3a03 A13AVS 4lIHO AdSilt/S -1-11M `S9JLV9 Z HIM 3ON3d 'lm wnNlm-w HOIH ..Stl N S83'26,16"W 65.1 o' 4zas1:7_'N_SEr s/s'IR/C Le 42s$ W.M.T. 1 1 _ GRAPHIC SCALE ,E®AL D£STION 20 a To EO BEING ALL OF LOT 91, ACCORDING T0. CREMDE PLAT NO. °�_ I ._ 1, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 55, PAGE 12 PUBLIC r U. ,ro:r I RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COt1NTY. FLORIDA., i wa - is r- - CONTAINS 0.194 ACRE, MORE OR LESS. PROPERTY ADDFLESS 8557 COBBLESTONE. DRIVE, FORT PIERCE LEGEND 8c AB13RE'VIAiT014S eu DENOTES- BENCIi11 mc- - BB DENOTES BEAAlFiG: HAS£ C.U. DEMO TM COFICiD=iE bIL7111ftEFii CoRe DEIiOiES CONCR-RE MU. DEMOTES CAUH BASH MScD STRumm mo Es's o S � CO DENOTES CHOW SJIRWC C/o DEHoi s MEAN MM % moms CfttTE1T CAME.. D.E. DENOTES DRAW_kC-_- EASUM f F.F.E DEMOTES PM HbW a VATM FM DENOTES FOUND I.Q. DENOTES IRRIOA110i QUALITY INAER 'ReL DENOTESUDEMqM CECEN. ED BRCD AUSN� L DENOTES ARC LENGTH LU.L DENOTES LAKE IAANAGt3MEHT EASBAW DENOTES MEAStM DATA a fi. DENG= 1AANKAE 1/0 MOM MAIL AND.i>ISIS DENOTES NON RADIAL UNE dS DENOTES OPEN SPAM TRACT OR DENOTES OFFICIAL -RECORDS BOOK' P.B.. MOM PLAT BOOK PR DENDTFS. PACE P.UE DENOTES PRIVA1Z UTUff EASEVVIT PA.E 01340 F3 PRIVATE DRAWACE-EAS09NT I,33t..MOM pROFES9DM sWgVOR & MAPPER pl_% DEP e= PR%MWoW4 4AN•D SURVEYOR P.QQ =am, PONT OF CO POUND CURVA3l1RE P.D. DE3mm PONT Or CtrWNATUR£ DENOTES PONT OF TANGENCY MNui.G.DATA P. MG F�PfRT 5 YAl1£HT CONiRCL POINT R DMOTM RADWS R/17 DENOTES RIGHt OF WAY SAN. DENOTES SANITARY U.L DENOTES UTU Y EASE)J9U WJ&T. DENOTP5 WATER MMACEMOff TRACT LMAG/D DENOTES SET IIAG NAIL AND DL'dC p DE N07 iNAA7 0EM MAINTENANCE MANJ CMENT EASE Off DENOTES DRAW = FROM DENOTES PROPOSED ELLVATION GENERAL NOTES 1. The last date of ' fleld work was 06-07-17 2. Additions or deletions to survey maps or reports by other than the signing party or parties is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or Portia. 3. Reproductions of this 'nap are not valid without the signature and original rotsed aeaI of a FTorlda Llcenied .Surveyor and Mapper: 4. Lands shown :hereon were not abstracted , by this. office for . rights -of --way. easements of record, ownership, abandonment's, deed restrictions. or Murphy Act Deeds. Thie information should be obtalned' through appropriate title verificatlon. S. All above ground fixed Improvements, if any, have been. located and shown hereon. 6. Underground foundations anal improvements were not located as part of this 'survey. 7. Flood Note: By graphic plotting only, this property Is In Zone X. according to the flood-insurance-Rate-Map,_Community Panel No.. 12111CO170 J, effective. date February 16. 2012. The exact designation can. only bo determined -by an-devatiorf certificate. 8. The beorings shown hereon ore, based on Plat information and are referenced to the center line of Cobblestone which bears .North 8326'16' East and all bearings are relative thereto. 9. the p bl cerecords has been �performed oeon other �ftnd additn those onal depicted of easements that may exist, 10. Elevations shown hereon are based on the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (N.G V.D.) 1929. 11. The building setbacks, shown hereon, although booed on the ,best available information. ore not certified to and mist, be veritted prior to design or construction. e zc /;r THOMAS- P. K{E.RKAN ISATE prafasalonal.5urveyor:dc Mapper FILE "OPY Florida Certlf cote No. 6199 — Feu g As- Build Survey Lot 91 F&: D. R. HORTON CULPEPPFER & TERPMAING, INC Fda: Z5-141.t0tI.Il91 We:05-12-2617 CONO,YL71N0 [NOtNRCRS• 1 LAND DYAYCYORs E6: N/A . - • 2980 SOUT,.H.25& ST REFT - SCALE 1'a2G ; 'FORT PMkCE, PLOR>nA 34981 DRAW9Y: ND PHONE TM 464-3537 FAX 772464=9497 FlEi,t): PK R..v. ea HemsenwriVir-MCMWm134nd SURVEYOWS CERTIFICATE • 1 HEREBY ORR'W INAT,THE SURVEY SHOWN HEREON COMPLIES WB11 STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR SURVEYS AS CONTAINED IN CHAPTM W47; FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, PURSUANT TO SECTION 472AW, FLORIDA STIiTtti_ �S. MART( W. TAPE. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR FLORIDA REGEMTtON NUMBER #4891 7 17 SCr'3S 44 t 1.a i.uu ,G, n Q ED 0o Z MI D X - - -- - - - - - -- ---- -- l' +oousronr LEGEND r� 4,,,,,r, -_ �� � }`�°pD :iwt�sa�ivairrAnoN .o uoro+r �. NW WIN � � soon ft a aw ~-Or-ftir a -0oMD'llt rAorivarBrt ro #Mew orw IAfaIENr •Dr AMA .ram raa00i� °Rao aa+da�rr ReO KW *AMIMM 4W • dMe►MlutoRr"xvwr /CIAtY1�fr�H ~ ro 1Nr M a1RANURL 0WANGe4/PD Mid NNTIJ►M�1U1 /►OT of A M ^ATM NTAWM&O M 10 N #ntMID11ANr pRo •roMrTor<�N.IrAIL" Im 4ma"Masro"Seemm TM CH -am lb! precspovstArpr.seAnra ;. ►moors u�a , 20 A HM #Aares+ra SURVsraa AND►APM 1A i MIM patNivR FLOOD ZONE: ' X' MAP: 12111CO1703 DATED: 2/16/12 L�h'. JftSCRiP%rIONo (AS FURNISHED 9Y CLIENT) LOT 91, CREEKSIDE PLAT NO. 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF' RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 55, PAGE 12, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. ADDRESS: 8557 COBBLESTONE DRIVE, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL. SURVEY NOTES: L Survey of description as furnished by Client. 2, The last field date of this Survey was:, -5r: f.1 dC i s 3. Lands shown hereon were not abstracted for easements and/or righteot"y of record. . 4. Unless other wise noted all bearing and distances are In accordance with the record plat and have been verified by field measurements. 8. The Survey meet precision requirements for suburban surveys, relative precision Is greater then i feat In 76W feet. 7. Written dimensions take precedent over scaled dimensions. S. No underground Improvements have beerk located as part of the Survey. 9. Reproductions of this survey are not valid without the algru ture pnd original raised seal. 10. Addidond or deletions to Surrey by others then the signing party is prohibited without written consent fo the signing party. 11. Elevations shown hereof are In accordance to the Notth American Vertical Datum of i98S r.: 12. By acceptance of this'survey all parties agree that the signing surveyor's liability to limited to the amount paid for sold Surrey. 13. No ownership of fence lines has been determined as part of this Survey. 14. Compliance with local zoning requirements and or with requirements set forth by other State, Public, and/or Private entitles has not boon verified as part of this Survey. 16. The building setbacks shown hereon, although based on the beat available , Information, ere not certified to and must be verified prior to design or construction. CERTIFIED TO: -j 70 � -I�7 C 'N CoOM WMINs wRV "NO LOS 7941 no SW SOUTH MILK CIRCLE PORT ST LWE. FLORIDA 3499 'TEL. M 771w11$ TO nssunreyln�lhofctail.00m (EMAIL) eo L4 V U&r LIOIMpAAY � �Ir�Iwvw.Nnrs sipr<ver PREPARE ON MORMON . 4 G aO L ; 8CA�L8•. DRAWN BY; FILENW. PK(MI E Fill PQ PKG PAGE, AM. jI o r "394vw 1 i CIS t� ,, ;-;� pomp• �..... o + �• 72A WJIi.M.E E f ' 4 r4. $IfRY VOWS OERTIFICATE • IHEREElYCE31TIFYTIIAf.THEs3URVEySt10Wi1:HtNttEONCOMPLIE'8 WRH STAMMODS OF PRACTICE FOR 3URVEY6 AS CONTAINED IN CHA nM 111 411, FLORiDAADMINISiRAWA CODE: PURSUANT ..TO SBCTWN 472=7, FLORIDA STAiTIt t MARK W. TIDE ' PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVIVOR FUIRIDI► RFAISTRATION NUMM r4411. SW3X44"E 4 A� 130.00` LPermi • St 'ttin t. Lucie L i LEGENDom ,� g► �Ireir101tMtR �rC1 faMWJIAIB/r —EI— A �yayy�ppNpprQ�+rrrcwa+ca 1'Y0FiNCe� � wW *ah11r1 ruN .raoyrawwv � a�oxastt�rnM,t�rr 00W. • stonaoohertorrhrs t vwuwe►r T e0s ��tr� Plitt w .MHSA1wWratsr�arcee�oM � •P011T01*�CIAVAtYR! tOt -0�tiCIR117eD0NTWrCe AD � Pau .orodtoowrN+esr.�ivrrio Mlgft!N101NL{URrer01! M' .O�tTA Lushi. 'vA$CRipwri Ne (AS FURNISHED SY CUE" LOT 91, CREEKSIDE PLAT NO. 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF' RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 55, PAGE 12, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. ADDRESS: 8557 COBBLESTONE DRIVE, PORT ST. LUCIE,. FL. 't�3 .,•, Z 7 Q a SURVEY NOTES: , !IM SOi• Survey of description as furnished by Cllent. 2.The last field date of this Surrey was:,' Q �' ... W 10 F 3. Lands shown hereon were not obstracted for easements and/or dghtWmay of record. tw ( ' 4. Unionother wise noted all bearing and distances are In so eordence r wA `Al with the record plat and have been vedHed by field measurements. q� I 8. The Survey meet precision requirements for suburban surveys, •f '" O relative precision is greater than 1 That In 76W feet. 7. Written dlmensions take precedent over scaled dimsWons. Ol S. No underground Improvements have been. located as pert of the Survey. 9. Reproductions of this survey are not valid without the signature pnd original raised ssal. 10. Additlond or deletions to Survey by others than the signing party N fi prohibited without written consent fo the signing peft r.. . elevatlone shown hereof are In accordance to the Notth American / ZS.O Vertical Datum of 1986,:•• . . . ' 4 i12. ,. acceptance of thle'su all am" agree . 8y p prey p that the aipring surveyor's ha liability Is limited to the amount paid for sold Sunray. 13. No ownership of fence lines has been determined as part of this Sunray. 14. Compliance with local zoning requirements and or with requirements ' set forth by other State, Public, and/or Private entitles has not been verified as part of Mile Surrey. !8. The building setbacks shown hereon, although based on the beet available , _ - - - . UCH Cp, FL= — — - -- - —---Informatlon, ars not oertlNed to end_must be verified prior to design or construction. - r . - - - T -• - Dat nit. - APPrOVed rd � frMh��ltNAiION "PAW asv $ ell a to =am ps rrw • +auto FLIN TV WW tP R: TM OAlaa to. 211M11lr1 I CERTIFIED TO: FLOOD ZONE: ' X' MAP: 12111C01703 . DATED: 2/16/12 325 SW SOUTH QUICK CIRCLO PORT ST. LLICIE. FMI0A 34033 -ML. S 77�4i�•Z:#7d . .ohm (EMWL) HOIINIIAAY AND tM�R011�l�fl'r>s t1U1lYlE1f PREPARE 0 THEE ORDER OF: SCALE: DRAWN Sy. WGFILE FILENO., F9 PG: PKG PAGE: . r GbL 10