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THIS INDENTURE. Made Ihis .-._~P.!~ .... --.... ....-...-....-...-da7 of__.~~~_ll.__.__ -...--......-....---..-_u_..___A. D. 192...6... BETWEEN
.. !{I.U.\ !LI!_..C.hQ!;~.Qrl..~.~.____._____L. Rt. P.1era......___ ___....____ _._...__....__...._......_....._.... __________...:__.:.._
of the County of-_9.t._LU'O'l.._...__....__...____.._.and SI~le of~-.._.-.l~.9.tl_~,:_..__.._._.__.__...__.___..._.._parl)'_ of Ihe first pari, and
._.AllQO-_L.._Q.IU..OQ.cl..~~...Q.lt'.t~ ..9'!~.!!QOd llD~_ lli:..'!.nl. _~~_~!~_!!!.OOd_..___....._._._.__._.!~ne.!!..~.':.~!.:...____ f,]
l'f the County 01._____.__ .JaOkQO.n._~______....and S:ate of.____~lesoul'i --...----.--.._..1'.,,1..1,,_ of II:c second p;.rl. I
WITNESSl-:TlI,thallhe sa;,J p;ut_l~3. of the liut pari, for and in consideration of the sum or.....!en.J)ol1a:re._.nd..o.tbtZ_y~lUtJll>l..... 9.oDslder-
-. a.tl0n8..-.-.----..-...-------_____~to..~.har....in haud pahl. the tt~cipt ..hereul is hertb)' aclo;nowl~dged.
h;oa_ granted. bargained. sold aild Iransferred, and by Ihese presenl. do...U_&unt. bargain, sell and transfer unto the said part_.loSof the second
l'art aad......thlll.r._hcirs and assigns fore,cr. all lhat cerlain parcel of land lying and b~iag in the Counly of~~Lu~.!_____.....__.___
and State of_....l'lorlda..___.......___ _more particularl)' deacribed u follow.:___________ ._____ __.....____..__......__...._._....
All of Lote Tan (10) ... E1eyen (11) Seotlon 'hi~y-four (34) Township Thirty-
..~~-;~.~:.:(~-;:)...~~~..!?~t~ -:.c.~~l.::~~~.~:~~~~~ l"i~~~ ~j8bt.~.!~~~~~~:~.~~~~~. Ot ~(~~~~~~~-,._...__....
.h...._.....___. --- ,.- .....--.---__.__._________ ____ -_h______.____________.n___..__..___.____. .__..__u__.__.. _ "." .._._......._._
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__...__...._.n.. "__h.__..uu._..__ "'_"__'_ ._.._..._....___.____._____.__.___________
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TOG~THER ....il,h ..II Ihe tuenlents, hcredit..mcnls and appu!t~n.nc~s, ,,:ith eYery prh:il~ ..lab.. litle. intercst 3nd t.Sl..t~. d~wcr and righl of dowtr.
I'e,'erslon, rcmalft"cr aud casem.nl thtrcto !.don!;m!; or m anywIse appctlammg: TO IIA \- E nU TO 1101.1> t"~ same In fee SImple foreycr.
Aad the said parL-:t._ of Ihe filii part do -'.@_ coyenant ..ith the said "art le~ ollhe second p;>rt Ibat-.~.!_!..e___..r-lawfUlly s~ized of I"~
said pr~"..isC5. Ihat 11.~y arc Ir~~ from all incumbrancu' and thal.She_halL.good right and lawful authority to sell the um~; and the sai1 part.. y.... of
Ihc first part do......_ hercby fully warraut the litle to said land. and will ddcad the satRC against the lawful claims of all persons whomsotycr.
IX WITNESS WHEkJ-:OF, thc said part__-Y olth" first part ha.J!. _ bereuntu sct..Jle~a..L and sed... the day aDd 1car abo.-e "rinen.
Siiln~d. scalcd and ddiyer<d in our preuncc:
L. w. Ha1be
1>>~tll.,h_(;~._~.~.'!_..____.._______~ __...____.___
__KaUu J~. _~_h.~mb~rl.111.___..:..---.. ..(SEAL)
- -- .----.-._.___._____n.._..._.un______._..___....___._
_. - .- -'. ..- --.. - -------
- - -. ---- .. --.---. ----
STATE 0F-.P1ol"lda
I IIEREDV CERTIFt", That on tl:is_m_th
I'trsonaJly ap:>cared...-1Jaj;,t1.t E. Clllullbe.rl1.O.
day of----.l.~J~.n
!t. D. l~. belore me
._~.M_J.l1Jm1t.._~-,-q8 t.~_Q.2..~__
10 me known to be the ptfson.__ ducribed in and who executed Ihe foregoing conyeyance h,._Ali.Q.'-._~.!___Gate.oQ!L~.!_ Ol~.!_!~...Q~~.!.ood.
and senrally acknowledged the e.xecu!i..n thereof 10 be
free act
..nd deed for the usu and purposes thcrcin mentioned; and the said~..Bat-t1.e~._Chamblll:rlin
Sln,b CWl.Jlcnd
the wife of the saiol _____ on a acpaute and prir-te examinalion
t;>ken and made by and before file, and .~parat"y and apart from her nid husband, did acknowledge that she made hersclf a put)' \I) the said Deed of
Conyc)'ancc, for the purpose 01 renouncing, rclinquishin" ..nd con\'t)'ing aU h.r righl. ritle aDd inlucst. whether of dower or of separale propcrl)'. statutory
or equit..t.I~, in and to Ihe lands therein dcscribed. and Ibar she execuled said dced frcely and yoluntarily and without an)' con.traint. fear. apprehension
..r compulsion of Or from hcr &:lid husband.
WIT~ESS m signillure ahd ~lIicial suI aL_:for.t_.pie..ro.
;n the Count)' of ' 8t. Luoie
- - J.._S..___J.o.ka.OD....___. _ ,,_ -....--___(SE^L)
.'C_~ ~ B~J7 Publio Stat, _ of _llor1c1._. . __ _~_,,' Co.'". _'. _
MY ~mmi8.ion expires Sept. 4. 1928.
Oil th;.___.18t,.h
day c,f
Varoh___.:____A D. 19~. atl :.., o.dock....!..-m... thia instrument w..
filed for rccord, and wing duly acknowledged and prOYCD. I hue recorded the same on p.ge~__of Book 60 ill'the public tecord. of said
I :ounty. _ 'i
fX WITNESS WHEREOF, I "awe hereunto set m)' hand -a affixcd the Inl of the Circuit Court of the Filteentb Jn4icial Circuit of said Stale. in lInd
:"r said Counly. ...
C ~ v:;,/~~/
D. C