HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINAL AS-BUILT SURVEYd i IL I - �L_EQAL i, S.CR�t''T`iON -,'- GTAPHIC SCAM; c���1VId�� Tr y 1NN SS �CO�lBL STONE DRi V � 138140 ALL OF LOT 91, ACCORDING TO. CR��S1DE aCAT ND,. ��.�.�--_� . `.� i �� ELEV. t6.77 v 1, AS RECORDED IN PLAT p04K 65, PAGE 12 PUBLIC t 1% n3:r 1 — -- — --- t- 1 _ . _. .---- •-. RECORDS OF St LUCLE COUNTY. FLORIDA. I tcta - �s sz N83'26'16"E 111.50' NE3'2G'18'EOo3.1i1' (8B) N83°26'16'E 188.2$' LESS- -TO P.C. � 50' 111TH RAY � TO P..T.---- CO;dTA1NS .0.194 ACRL=.� ORE OR LESS. C. 2'. CONC. CURB; •d 10 Flo . 2 CONC, CURB . - N. R/W, z 4'. CONC. WALK — st:T g/$ t�/c is �I2e8 a N83'26'16 E sS:�R' ti 8,0a �� S1/8-- 10C LS 4VS SANITARY SERVICE) WAT£R SERVICE _ . — . _ — • - — — — _ — .— — — — ...r — — - - •- � • -- - - — — � �?JCRE'iE W ..... .— I. TRAhSFORAiiER— DRI�i�A't 0 LOT 92 a CREEKSIDE PLAT NO.1 w P.B. 55 PG. 12 UNDER- CONSTRUCTION ' d- d-. u0 p9pivau t�aWW He.01 se ftICRII Its ,Sue UM4 el1.I, ING emajer Ag91ay eM *Aemm rgtp uo qM jas. sionla � Ile eAta 001 ptie "nS slto PM91AW GAIRU SET 5/8- iR/C LB CER71FIED TY% • 1. Jane Bowden Norrfs 2. !) R Horton, Inm 3. DW Mortgage Company. Ltd. 4,; Alliant National Title insurance Co.. to z 1 LOT 91 1 STORY CBS RESIDENCE MODEL 4EBB/C F.F E.= 19.17 PAD S83'26'16"W 65.1 U' W.M.T. 1 r PROP="A X ADDR�S _ s- - 8557 C0811LESTONE DRiVE, FORT PIERCE eLEGEAI 3 &: ABBRBVrA 14S .. ea DENOTES BENCHUARK OR. DENOTES OFTCIAL REMW 130%. � D8 DENDIES BEARIHa: BAa Pat MOTES PLAT BOOT{ CI1: CM DENOTES CONCRETE LIONUNENT DENOTES CMULEiE PG. PJ.E DM07M PACE DENOTES VMVAIE U7tl, W EASEUENT MIL MOTES CATCR DAM ME .MOTES PRWAiE DRAWAGE EA5> W c & UA.aPER t1 as MOTO CoNamn: M= Sn=TURE P-M DERGIM PROFMCtIRI. SUMM CO CM07M CHORD DISTANCE P.I.S. DENOTES PROFEMCNAL LAND, SLEiVE M C8 Mam CHORD BM WO MGM OF ND CURVA=E _ - C/0 oiFs CLEAN 41Ti5 p.RQ PONT CtlHVA7 .tt M0t£i cam IRE.: OE?i p,£ DE?Io7FS PCW OF TANGEHCT 64 F.F.£ DENOTES' DRAW.M 035MW DENOTES FUM FLOCK EMATIC'1 (P) P.11. P. OENDiFs. PLEAT DATA DE2ioT£S pF3tt1A1fE1rT C13NiRCl POINT FED DENOTES FOUND R VENDIM RADW VL DENOTES IRR1 ICH QUAUi7'WATER :gMIW DENOTES FUNt CF WAY ffle LDENOTES DENOTES iROH RID AND CAP UCERSE01 BMW SA L ILL DENOTES SANn-ARY DENOTES U79M EA5O113rr L OU40M ARC LENGTH '.x1LT. DENO= WATER WWAGWENT TRACT CAI.£ . DEMOTES LAKE MANAGMENT EMEi.AW UW/0 DENOTES SET AIAG NAIL. ATID, DU oruerme w Ll= 1111"W LANCE AIANAGOIENT rASE� DENOTES UEASURm DATA �1IlTi: MOTES INCLUDED ANGLE£ i14 f1. DENOTES UANHOVE N)b MMES HAL AND.= `�, DENOTES DRARMCE HOLM (NR DENOTES NON RADIAL UNE DFiIOTES; OPEN SPACE TRACT $- DEN07ES PRO-osm ELEVATION + GE�RA.L NUZ'ES 1. The last date of field work was 06-07-17 o LOT 90 2. Additions or deletions to survey; maps or reports by other than the signing potty or 0 CRESIDE PLAT N0.1 parties is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or Patties. 3. Reproductions of this map ore'not valid without the signature and original raised seat of a F.B. v� PG. 12 UNDER CONS7RUC110N Florlda Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. 4. Lands shown ;herean were not abstracted • by this office for rights —of —way. aasemenis W of .-record, ownership. abandoninent's, dead restrictions, or Murphy Act seeds We n information should be obtalnad through appropriate title verification. .5. All above. ground. fixed Improvements, if any, have been located and shown haraon. 6. Undergroundp foundations and improvements , rovements were not located as. part of this survey. C K RE ' —7. Flood-Note:—By-ByoDI this aplarty is In Zone V. acconiing to the •8' is;G1;T Flood Insurance Rate Mlap. Cornmunity Panel No-12tt1C0170 J,—effective=data-February �. -.16..2012 The exact designation can onlybe determined.by on elevation certificate. SIDEG 8. fie bearings shown hereon are based on Plat information and are referenced to the :_8' C,i.R SIDES center line of Cobblestone which bears .North 83*2W16' least and all bearings are relative thereto. P RE _ 0 9. No easements are shown hereon other than those depicted on the plat. No search of 3a0a A:1.3ays . iNG F the public records has. been performed to find additional easements that may exist. mmo Jl smvs -rum 10. Elevations shown homan are based on the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (N.G.Y_0.) 'S3i11J Z H.LIM 30N�TEC 1929.. im wnNimi'o Hein 1 11. The building setbacks, shown hereon, although bused on tha .best available information, are not ceAlfied to and -must be verified prior to design or construction. 5ET 5/8' IRIC LB 428E THOLulAS R.' - RIE149M Y WE Prafesslonal.'Surveyor--& Mapper Horldo Certlflcat6 No. 6199 L__ Final As- Built Survey For:.n. R. HOR.TON CUI-PEPPER Sc YERP£NING. I.NC FaazS—t 41.toD.o9t ( , Data:05-12_2017 coHauLTIHa r.841"arns. I LAt+o auavcroRs Fa: N/A 2980.SOIYM 25& STREET SuAtf1'..2d' FORT PIERCE, fEORIIDA 34981 DRXYlN BY; ND . ` PHONE 353377 FAX 712464-9497 FlaD:PK