HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1015 415 : -:-':::~~~_'lr~=-....:::=;w.....m_NiV~ ;:;';:'" : ~~ -:; ~~- .-...... ... - :"'_'~'..::: :..: t,1t:J.il~l!tr.~~~J..~i'~.:rt'~"J'lw!!ti~-==-..__- THJS 1NDENTURE. lbde tbil._..2ncL .__._..._..........._..._._day of......-...-.ilarob.--. ....----....._.............__..._.__A. D. 19L.'6, BETWEEN D. lI~.._.~.qQt'-.....___~__......._...._ \1.~rrlt_d....___.._____..._.._...._.._...._........ .......___.._.._..__..........._.. .,........ _._... ........__.___..__._...._.~.. t 01 of Ihe CounlY of._.9.0o.tt......._..__.__.__...................__.and State 01__.........._.._..__..1.0... ......__.... ..___.....u..._...... .....--.part_1_ of the f.nl part, and ~.!\.c1RI!.~:r.~.~J,._.~!.,.J..P.g'L. ~M~..J.n9..,..~Q.t...12n:'D1to.r.,..___ .._........._...._........_.____._..__........., . ..........,'...._'.....'... .__...........:.........._..,____.._ of the County of....-_Soott.. .. ..-.....- -"---'"'''''' _.._.......ud Stale of..__l.o.......__...._ ---._________...____.__.part .~ ..... of the second parI, . WITNESSETU, t1.atlhe uid p;ut.7.._ of the lil<1 ~rt, lor and in consideration ollhe surn oLOna..1>o~lar aDd other .goOd. oonsiaer a.~.!9.~..____.____....._________ Uolbr.. lohim......in hand pair>. thc h'ceipt "hcreof is herel.)' acknowlcdged, ha!t__ eranled, b...~ainN. sohl and transfcrred, and by Ihese presents do..LOL.granl. bargain, sell ..nd transler unto Ihe <:aid put,.__ of the second its suooe8sors . . ...., St Lu part and___........___DJI and &SSlllns foreYer, all thai <<rlaln parcel of Iud Iymg and beong In the Coun,y of._..._.... 01.8 '_..........___._ and Stale of__.!..!~!!~__..___more parlicultrly dturibed as follo'...:__.:__....___...,n........._.. ......... ._......___......_... _. _' __..... o 'lraot32, in.the South i ..Seotlon..2I_!ODBhip..,32..South B.S'. 39 B.. DS the Same l.e d8aigna.ted OD..tl1' p;J.,~~.. ()tn.~ ll!l~.. ()f_ tlHLlp!lJ~.Jny.'!"..JP~~...Qo.~gy_.tllClcl..JQ _ tblt .ott1Oe or., tho.Clerk.__._ .,. .' o~__~~.~.. !t~!.()~.~ ..~o.~~.~..t.. ~~.()!.~ ....C():g,J1~,.__'-~oJ1~,_~~~Jfto.~. ..~O_..~18ht .()t w9to:r.~bUQ 1'~8d8 Dra1nage.Canala &nil di tahea.8s..8hOlln,..on.sald...plat..______..._......_.... ........_ ....h_.............h..._.. 'm....._. ........,. ....... .......... . _..____.n..__...__~________u____...__.__.___.___.______------.-.-__________.._______.. __.n___. no__ ,._. ..... ____...... __._ _U_h..._____._ _____.___.___ n.. "n___u --..-.--.--------~---- _._______....______..._.._.___n____.__._..________._.__.__. _________________...."._..__.. __'_'Ou .. ... _ _..______. ..__u________._._ ____n_ __.____..______."._...____________. ----..._"0 ..______ "._..u.__ _..___._...____ ______________.__.__._._______.______. .... _....__._.__._....___. .__. _..__ ...-....--.. .-.- ... __"U__._.___._..._. .--..----. ...--.--..------___.__.__ -._.... ....._....._.___...._____._____.__._ _.__._.____.._. _____.n ..___._____.__..__.__.__.. __.._._ . ........_..._._...... .____._.h...__._.___._____._.___________.__......_... ------ ----._.___.__ ___.._u_.._.._......_..__... ._.___._.._. ....._..._._..______... ._....___ ---------.--.....--.-.-.---..........-.-.--.--.-- ---------.-----------------"--...---.-_....____._.._.._.."''''''_.'._'_' _._.__.___ _.u._.._._....._....._........_..___ ___.__.__._h____...____._.__. _u____._____._.______________.__.___._.___..._.._.. _ ___......_.. _...._..____.n_.___..__ hd._..__..._._..._..._.___._ ___._____._..__.____..._u_____..____.__. _ .------____.___..___..._._.n..____._.__._ _.___...... ___ _.__ TOGETHER with all thc tcncmenU, hereditaments :and apl'Dllenances, with cYer)' rriyilegc, right, titlt, interesl a:1d cst:ate. dO\yc< and right of do,yer, reversion, remaind." and casement thertlo t.dongln!; or in anywise appertaining: TO I .-\ V to: .-\:\U TO HOl.O thc 13rne in irt simplc forner. u ADd the said part ~_ 01 tM first part tlo...a.. COYeDanl ..ilh the said parl_.1_ of thr second pall t!.al....._.._ he .is ,,_. ..Iawfully seiztd of thc soaid premises. Ihat tbey are free from all illrumbuncu and Ihat..ba ...haa._.gcXld right an.1 fa,. ful ;authority tQ scll the same; and thr 13"! l'3rt ,..... o! Ihe liut part do.....Q_ hereL>: fully warrant the titfc to said land, and will ddcn.J the s..mc ag;oin.t the Ia..ful claims or all persons ..homsoncl r IN \VITNESS WHEREO.... the ...id part.J.- 01 the Iirst pall b........._ hh'cunto sCL-..hla._-b:>nd_ and sul._ I"e day and ytar ab.,,'c _rill!" :::o~:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~:. _~:===~_=_! :-.:.:=.~.:.:.:~:.::~-.=~~~~~.~:===:=-. --------_..._---_._=~ ___.D... H. _.Snokt_.... ...... .............m ..(SEAL) -..----...--.-.- -. -.~..-....__...'.. .____..._(SEAL) STATE OF_-----".-l..2wa Soott -l i COUNTY OF I HEREBY CERTIFY, That PR this_ER~______day of__.lIar:oh I'tuooallyappeared D. H. S~olt. ~_J!g,g_:rr1.tll..______. _-\. D. 191..1).. befort me to me known to bc Ibe person_ ducribed In and who executed the rcrcgoinC cOftyeyance.lo._Inclua tr1al--Sa-YlDga--Bank----.-.-..-.. _and'll_""Iljl' ackno..ledged Ihe exccution thcreol ro be..hia..___.free act and detd for tbc usu aDd purposes therein menlione,j~.. lIInNiflr~"Ilb. ~]u~.lt:~ u. .-on~a_~vi'J w"pnvale examinali takcD and madc bi'iiicrwfore me, an-d 5 art "~;;;;~1IIldS~1t"l'l>~i[1"'" said LonYC:fante, !or Ihc purpose 01 renoun.ciul1. relinqul veying all h ; . ~~~~:~ar~i'~ <>r eqUitable. In and to the land. thenln di5liwk at -!P.t"Jl rcc y and voluntan y "jM~~ear. apprc ~~.,.~nft.bll.Jl.x>l. VlTNESS m signaturc and official sui at. _~'!!.!'..~P~~~ i.. she Coonly of-B.oO.1i.t.. anc! Slatc'oL_..IOn she day and yur last arMuaid. EP. Seal. '. '- -:"--.:- -- _:_:..:=:;.::-_~.:.' STATg RJDA I COUNTY OF ST. LUCJE f . K7 . ~!lcIDi8 slon .xp~;':i - }tiJ~In~1fta17 PUb110;SEAL) 1""";. r On thia--.16.:th.....____day of Jla.1' ob ..___.A. U. '9l.0~ at_9.: 3.ao.c1ock_i-m.. this inllrument was ~ , ~ U liled for rccord. and being dul)' acknowledgN and pronn. J haft recorded the same on pal\'..415-..__')! 800k..60 __in the public records of s:>id ~~ \ . I hayC henunto "I m)' band a..d affiXC~~ leal or Ihe CirCUlI Courl of the Fiftunlh Judicial Ciro:uil of said Statc, in aDd ~ b~e PC, ~~~ Clerk. ~y(!o~ O,~;. .._-.}J.~ ~//A.P-4-t /' .D. C. ~v t:/.C ~ . . -, -~~~I~~~~ ~}~~~j~~~1~.