HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1018 41~ 1-:--:-::-:...UJUft:~._._ i .- -~'-n'W.""'~_ -....... ~-- ._~~ t~;;:;'i ~""~1ir~~..~\II~Ifli:AlA..:.:....."":'-"~~______~':"__ of Ihe Counly oL...~ 1;'~h_~~.~~lt.___...__._..__......._....and Stat~ of~!~J.'.l.~~..__......_..._.._._.._..........u_.._.......... ...............pard..L of Ibe first parI, and ...!_~._!.!..~.~~!.6~.!....__...,..__.._ ._..._...__.______._...____.__.......__._..._.._.____...________._._...._.__._____.__. ________.____ "I Ihc Count)' o'--_......~~.~..._~~_~.1..4t........n._...._.__..__and Sl.lI~ oL__._....!!~r1.~~.________..__parl ...1.__ "f the second pari. WIl'NESSETII. t!.:ltthe s;aid pall_..i8Sof the filSl put, for and in consideration of Ih~ sum oL.'l8n..-DolIAra and .other..valuab18.____ lJ THIS INDENTURE. Yade Ihis.......10.th; ...._._. _..._.____u...._d.l)' of....-... )(arob. ....... ..................._....__h.._..._..__....._^- D. 19L~, BETWEEN .El!_Jqr~_~~...~._~r.r...Jl~~l'.L.._h1I!._!.!t..t._ __ _'__' .._.__..._.... ..._ _._.___.___._.._......__..n......._.._..__. ._____., ..___..____.___ ...Q.~.~J.~.~.~,_~~,Q~__..._.__ ...., to...tMm...in hand paid, th r<c~ipt whereof is h~rcb)' aclmowledgcd. haY..... granted. bargained, sol.. and tlansferred, and by tbue presenls do..-.....granl. barJ;ai'l, sdl and tnn.sler Ullto the said pall :z..-- of tIle s~<ond I'all and.. E_!..B___._heirs ;and auigns foreycr. all Ihat c~rlaia rarcel of land lying and bcing in Ihc Counly of_.s.'-.....Luo1._..______._.__ and Slate Of_._n.PI,.9..rt ~~ '__.n_. mor~ parlieularly described as follo.I:_____._______....____.. .......... ___._.._...._._.__..._.... . ..... .-. ..-......... '!he .1lortheaBt...Quarter. (!-l. Q:f _the..JlortbwG at.Quartn _. (i).. ()f..~'Qtl OD .TwIJDV:-.:tWQ.. (22) TownShip ..Tbirty-two . (32l.~Quth. ,. Rf\~_..32...~.~~... o.Qnt{lli1i~g.~Q .~.!)rlJl:lL~~' ..r.u9i~.J;:C?~~ty ,..}i';L9r1da. n. ""u_ .......n.........._u_... ..__ __. __.._.........___._.._.. ._......_.__.___.._h.._..__.__.___._..... .____.......... n_ ..._.....u...._.....n . _"_.._u.._._ "'.._--.-- .......____._.._.._._____.__ ____"___.__..___._.._______ __. _.........._.._._.u___..__..__n.__......... .___ _ ......_.... ... . n'.,', .._...........__......_n_ n......'... . ...., ..... . .....,-... .n___.___.._________n.___.____.______..._________________"""h___.._._....___......__.._.. ....._ _...__.____.__ .....__.____.__.. ....._____.._ ............-....-.-...-..-.----.... ._-.--.-..". .-0_-.._- __n'... .-..-___ _0_______...______..________ n__. ._._.___._u__._______..._._......___._._......_____ '_..._.__ .______.h__..._. __'_'__"""'_' ___....,..._._._.._n__.... - --. ....--.... .......,-..- ... ....... ---_.. ------..-.--.-....--------_____.__._.__.__..__.___._u_.._....__.._._.......___....__..__. """"_'.__'__.'h..__..._ _...._.._..___ - . ...-.-...-.--.... .__.h "_""_n"'_ ......__._._,._.__. ._h, -.. '._ ---..____..._..___.._h_._____._________.._..n__..__....._._..___...__..__u..._._._._. '._......._ ..n._....__.._..._____.__u.. 'h"'_"'_'_'_"_'_'._'h_..h'.'_... .__.__'..__.__.__.___,.__ ..._.____ __ ________ ..-......---...---......-.----.-.-..--..-. '...---.---.-....-------.--------------.----------.-.---..-.-...-------..---...-.--...--....-....--.----.------- --.-----------.-........--.-..--.-.------.----.-... --------------.- -...'.---.---.-----..------..-.- ---...-------'.------.------.---.--.-....--.---.-.--.-. .-.-------------- _h__.___..____...________._._U_______._______._._.._.___.______.______.______.._....___...._._._..__.... .__.__. __. .nh.... .... .__._..____.,. .__.._., ..._.. ___ ....h..U...__________,___.. _n....__u , '1 j TOGETIIER .ith all the tenemrnt.. hcr~l\i:amenl! and appurtenances. with uery l>ri.il~ge. right, litle. interest and tslate. dow.. and right 01 do"'~r. le....iOil. rClllaindrr and easrn,eollhercto bcloog.nll or in any..ise apperlaic.ing: TO 11.-\ VI:: .\~I.J Tv 1I0l.lJ the same in Ire simple loreycr. And Ihe said partin. of the firsl part 00_ coycnant with the nid pUI.3:..__ of Ih~ second pall IhaL ...~.l:u~Y.~.:r'.<<J ..._.bwlull)' sei...1 01 Ihc said pre mi.... Ihat they arc free from all incumbrances and Ih"tj;hey" ba..Vf<>od right and lawlul aUlhorily to sell Ihe same; and the uid pUI Ite. "01 .he first pari ':o~__ hereloy iully wur..nt thc litle to said lan<l, and ...ill dcicnd the 'aDl~ againsl thc la\\ful claim. 01 aU person. ..homsocyer. , .. , I~ WITXESS \\.HEREOF. the said pardea.. 01 Ihe first pan haYe. _ hCleunto "'1..the.1r._handB. ..nd ;~a8 Ihe day and yur aooyc wrillclI J J .~i~:d. ~~~;.nd dcliycred in our prescnce: ) ... :~~"~~~_~rl~:~~:=~: - -:::~~_:~--==l ...._....lUl. R1m$J'_.n. ,. ,.h. ..__...._......_._..__(SEAL) -..-l:aX'1..ayme~ .".. ......."..____..__._ _{SEAL) .1 STATE of_llDrlda . ~ } COUNTY OL.a...S.t.a Luoie I HEREBY CERTIFY. That "n this-!D..th. J4'; ,_day of- lIaroh .-....._.... D. 19iHi.... bdore me personally appurccL- Eli Rlm~..!..~.J_l.!g_~~. hiB ~1.t!..________....___...._" __~_.___.. __"_' to me known 10 k}he person. ~.- described in and who executed tbe foret:oing COD.ryanCe to. __ -J...II.- ~18ht _h _..____.. ...----- ._Ind scnrally acknowledged the exccution lher'col to be-_.theU_frcc act and dud for the usu and purl'Osu lhrrcin mentioned; and the ...id_..~!'L. .~r Ih~ wife of Ihe said..___..~ll....R2m,r -- on a scparatr aud pri.ate examinalion taken and made by and b~iore me. and separaldy and aput from her said hosband. did acknowlcdge tlrat .he mad~ hcrsclf a part,. to Ihe said Deed 01 ConYC)'anc~. for the pu.posc 01 renouncing. rrlinqui.hing and cOIIYCying all hu .igbt, titlr and interest, wheth.. 01 dow.. or 01 .rparate property. statutory or equilable. in and to the lands therein dcscribed. and thoit she eucutrd said deed Ireel)' and yolunlanly and without ~ny constrain I. fear. apprrhcnsior. c,r compulsion of or from her said hU$l>~nd. WIT:-;'ESS m signature aDd ~cial seal aL__..........!~!'_~___._ On thi. ...17t~__.._.._____....._<JaY ..f.. llaro.h__. .... D. 19Z.L at_!,Q,; 6%'dock_~m.. Ihis instrument ..as 4 '. ~ ,- t I ~ ~ , ~ I " i , in the Count)' 01...._ St.....111cJe u___..:.--tbe day aDd ,car last aforcaaid. liota17 pu~~l~~~r~tJ~~~Tdii' ath"large-.-(SI-:ALl lIT oommisBion expires PebrulJry 28. 1927. IJ filed for re.:ord, and beinl duly acknowl~d~d and proycD, I "an ree<>rded the same on page_.41..8-...of BooL_.60.__.in the publi< r<<Ords of said ',.ount1. . Ill; WITSESS WIIEREOF. f ban hereunto sel "'y hand and a~ Ibe suI of Ihe Circuil Courl ollh~ F:ft~~nlb Judicial Circuit of said Stal~. in and lor said Count)'. (!fl'" · J ~~ ii 4. 7:. 0 ~4M~ ---- .c '.: q4~ /lLlP ----~ 'l L- Clerk. -=0. c. '~~:;~~~~~i~~~~~~~~W~~~YI~~l~' -:....~~.~~JO..~ :-)~ ~.~-k'"~'~.! ~}.t"1..~.{-..~-.-~~~lq..~- ~~:i:~'::J.\:~~~~~t5r~2.{:tWlt_::*T~v~~Y .,. "~i<'.{l,...."'-it',-.~)~,,,,,,,.,. .,. :'''~-~$~t-'.)~...". .:~,:~~::~;~1~.i~~~~.~lk~:~.~.:-E'~~~~:~}:f":: .:l !t~1i;;:--';~-;~~