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THJS JNDSNTURE. lIad~ thi~__..l4.th._____..._..___......_daY of.-__.HvQh .--.--...----...-.-...--..-.-._----A. D. lllL BETWEEN
,.-:----~. ...i.. ...CaJ'~ol1..-. ,---81n81...._....,__._____,___.________._...... _.__________..._._ __.... ......._._.______..._..___
of Ihe Counly of__~t.~..Itl,J..9jl_._._.._..____u_...and State oL......---!'-~!!.!!!...__..._.__._.____parl.JL._ of the &nlpart, and
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of tbe Counl)' of.--.__--='_.._.__..__.&nd Slat~ of.._________..__ ___.part.._." 01 the seeond parI.
WITNES$El'lI. th~t tb~ said I'~rl.l.-... of the fi..t p"n, for and in consideration of Ihe sum oL.!ien..>>Gllara..And .~th8.r._ val tiabll..J~on-
-__.__..e1.de.ra.tl.Q.D8. ___Dollan, to.J~!~_._.in h~nd p3it!. the receipt whereof is herety ackllowled!;cd,
ha_!L gr~nted, ~l'llailled. sold an'" transferred. and b)" these prcsents do..!.f!I_granl, barpin. .ell and I.ansler unto Ibe ...id pan _.."--__ of Ihc second
I>art and__.htr._heir. anol assigns forever, all Ihal cetlain parccl of land lying and being in Ih~ Count)' oi__SJi.....Luol..._ ____
and State t>f..---..norida..____more particularly ducribed a. follo"'.:___.._.____.______.______..._____..
to". 'fwQ.. (~)t ...lf~ ....e~) L.a~ _~~~.!.. J~J~~...!t.!ook ...~ 16 t_ o~..!~~ .!~_!,O~.._~!~ 8bts .~._~.._~~~~~~~~_~~~b It
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County. P10rida reoords. ..-.... ....---...... -......_ .___........._____..._._.__.__....___..__...... '__mm..._.._.__ .__._ _..........__.._.._..._... ._._...
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-.-.-.....---.---...-.--.------.----....----.--. ____... ..____._~.._~.__n..__.___._._.__._..._
TOG~THER ..,I;' aii rne rCllementS; hered,tamcnu and appurlenances, wilb eyer, pr;,'ilege, righi, tille. interesl and C5t~le, C:ower an.J right 01 dow~r,
rners'on, remainder and caSCment thereto klonging or in any..ise al>putaining: TO HAVE A:o.:lI TO HULD tbe same in fee simplc lorner.
And tbe said part3__ 01 the first part do..~I!_ coycnant with the said part_1_ 01 Ibe seconll put tbat..!?:~...~~.._.__. "'wlull)' seized of Ihe'
said premises. tbat the)" arc free from all incumbrances "fttlthat_be...baa_l:ood right and "'",ful au;horitJ to sell the same; and Ihe said put,l. _.. 01
.he fiul part do...I.I._ hereby full)" warrant It.e title 10 said IanC:. and will dc/end Ihe samc ag~in51 the I~wlul cbims 01 all pcrsuns whomsocnr.
IN 'VITNESS WHERF.OF. thc said pau.;}.F_ 01 the liul pau ba._...8_ bereunto set._.b.:lJ~-"alld_ alld scal._ the day and )'ear aboTe ...illen.
Signed, sealed and dcliycrcd in our prcsence:
.... }.J1~Q...~~,er.._........__.__._._'___.____.
.-J.. B. CritchllY ___...______....
-.J.-L. -Car-rn11'h'__."""_ -----____.._(SEAL)
. _..---....._-~._._....._----_._-_.- -----.--- ----
--~~-~'---' -----.
.- ---,------ ----- -- ----.
STATE of_ll.9r1de
J HEREBY CERTIFY, Thai on tbi,
day oi-__~r~1!.
.... D. 19L bdore mc
f'trsona.llJ' appund J. L.~llll. s1nl1e.
10 me known to be the pcrson__ described in and who ~xccuted the foregoing cODyc)"ance 10.
and scycrall,. acknowledged the cxecul,on Ibereof to be__.h1B._Iree act
and dted for the use. and purposes therein menrioned;~tIdII
11n a
on a separa
w1edse thai sbe ma
r ,.
nt. ftar, apprebcns
WITNESS m, signature an4 official seal at ...,~~~...p."~~..
and Stat: of~..C11o ___the da, and )'ear last aforuaid.
in the Count)' of
St. J.~ol.
Angus 8~~.~.________(SE^L)
~ - ----.1.00 Doc. Stamp'. CeDo. ~~-,-~-~:-,-Ooun'7 Judge-:
On Ihia_--1.7th
cia)' (/1
.... D. 19L aJO t~~'c1ocL.!!-m.. tbia instrumenl was
filed for record, and Le' dul)' acl"lo dged and prono, I hue recorded the san:e on page.42.2_~f BooL.60_in th!: pub"c records ot said
CouP I,. . . ,
IN WITNESS "'HEREOF. I ban .erenRto set';',. and affind the .eal 01 the Circuil Court of Iht Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of said Slate. in aad
lor said Connt,. " .
P. C. Bldre'
cf{/a~L _<;U/~4Ae~ /
t:~fb:=t- -; ~j;T :~.l'.1r~i'i~~.L. :;;~t;.~w~.ff ~.~'-"'f:."?\[l~:;'i
-;~-<~ ~.~~~t:.~~3i~'f~.~--: .,::.... . ij!:f.r~'..: '" .~;~"~-:l4~~-t~.,.~.