HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1024 ~~':I ...,_-:....i'.AlIn"..W :~ ~ ;: ~ =:~ ::' ~::: :'::': ~ r.:..:.:.l{_~';~I""1f..,,:pI'.\rU..~tla..W~~:='::= -=- ._........._ TmS INDENTURB. Ya<le thi& '_'_"'_'" _.._u_~ _'"__''' __..___da)' of--.-...- .. .-_..._.._. ~~:..- '-'_'''_' - __.__--^- D. 19L1i_ BETWEEN O_~J':_.Q.r9JI.!fr........@.1 g,gl..........__.___...____...___ _.__.__._______._ ........_ ._.__m_..__....._____________ nf Ihe Count)' ol.__.Dadl___.__.__.._.._........_ ....__an.t State of_..__.._Plor1411...........___....__..._._.__.....___part_l:_ of the 6rst part, and La'.:lft.........Croll..r..... .-------...-....-...--.-----..--..-----.--.--"'-....-~._.---.-~_--.--.-_____._______ t.f the Counl)' oL.S.t. _LUo.le.._.__.._______...__and State of__..__...Plo.r1da________...___.__pal'I.__7-. of the second part, WlTNESSETII. Ihalthe said 1'111-.7.- of Ihe first part, ror and in con.ideralion of Ihe sumo.n.~tl..OO'.."....o.tber. .valuable..oonalder__ , fA ~lQn~l_._____.___ Uollarl, to.-..lUm.in han.! l'aiJ. the re.-:eipt wherwf is hcreby acknowledgcJ, h&.J!_ granted, bar~ained, sold and IransreHed, and by Ihese pnSCnts dots. _grant. bargain, sell alld Iransrer unto the nid part .7-- 01 the second"- ---- pari and.......he.r._heirs aDd assign. forner, all that certain parcel of land lying and beina in the Count)' or---8.t......Luo1..._____ ud S'alc oLllor1.dl.._______more parlicubrl, describe~ as followa:_______.._.____......_.___.____.._._... _._ ..--i.....-.-......... ._.BI~D.t.. thO..60.UthW...t..OOl'D.U... !:tt..tho.ltor.tht ...t. .qu.a!t.t.er...o t.. . t.he u.Qr.tb'B~t.QU8rtel' of. .~.,r ....tOQ_81 xtf.U1lh.. TQWn"h1p...'lhlrt~...tl n..~ggtb ....R.tm8'-...J'Qrt~...~$~~...:t:rom . .t.b'n.~e...T:u.Q J~Q8tn. tn.. 6 f,..t :J;Mn~Eln Hortb 66"1 .5..nf~e.~;.. ~b;1~,...~~~_1;....~.6."I ~.~..{e..~: _~b~llC)e _~.911.~b ~~'.1n~~. fe,~ .1;o._th;h.e........ point of beginning. .... o,,__,u ._........ .... u____u__._.__ _.__._....h._._._........__..._____. ..____.___._____._____..____ ____..___.._.........______....._..____.____..___.. __ "'_h"__'_'__ . __. ....___.____ ,_._'1!111.s ...~_C) ~!~llJ..'!~..~~! vid e~~~.!'_J!~.!_Li) -..!n ~e~!.~~_~~._~~.!._~~!!....~_~!~!~~..~!_:p'rop., ~:r..~ll, .:P.~11I.9~!._.~.re...I4t1.'. a..~.~11g1f.J__ ~~__!~.. L8U~. ...~~o.1er ~!.~..~ot.~!!~_..__._.________................ ...,___.__________.____ ._n_.__.__.__......__u_..__ '_____n.__. _.._____.__________________h__._________..____.____ ___ ___""_____n__nu.. .__.__._...,.____. .._.__..._........__..._....___u__._. __._..___._.~.n_~___ ._____ __..~._._._.__...___.__._____...__.._.__._ ._.___.__. ______...~___ ._._.UU_h...U__._._.._._______.... -.--.-..----..-----.---..---.---------- - ----.--------------.------..---- .--..-.--....----------- .___._...._______.______..___..__...__._u__.__ ______________________.____._.____..___.________...__._.__.__.._._._____ -------.---...--..----.-.---------.-.----...-...---.-.--.-- --.---------.... ._--------_._~-- _.-._..-.._.- --.-------..------- ...._-_..--_..-. TOGETHER wilh all tht lencments, hereJ:lamtnU and appurtenances, ",'itb e\'C.,. priyilegc. righ" lille. interul and estatc, down an.1 right of dower, re\'ersion. rtmainder and tasement Ihcrelo bclouf.n;; or in an,_in appenaining: TO IIAVE A:-<IJ TU 1I0l.D Ihe 5ame in ret simple fore\'Cr. And Ihe said part_L or the first part do .1.8_ connaDt with tht said part.._Y_ or Ihe second pari Ihal......M.. ..lB.._._._bwfully scire.1 of the said prclllises. Ibat the, art frte froID all incumbran(CI and IhaL_..h'._.~~good rig!', and lawful authority to sell tht ume; and thc said parI.. Y___ 01 the hrst part tlo...9JI..._ hereby rully warranl the title 10 said land. ~nd \~i11 deiend the saDIe againu the lawrul claims of all persons whomsoner. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. tht said parL...l_ or the first part ha...~._ hereunto SCL_!!.!.!_.band_ and scal._ the day and Jur al..ne "'rillen. Signcd. staltd and delivered in our prescnce: D."P. ..~~'b.(Jrn....._,,_._......._.__.____.__.__. ........JJfJ O"'.G.Iri~' e _....Om.r..Cro z1.ar ._______...._...._ ._(SEAL) __..____.._.~_(SFAL) STATE OF"zl.Q.r1.U. COUNTY OF- Dade } I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this 12. --A. D. 191_1i... bdore rot day of-.._Uar.oh.___ pcrsonall, appeared Omtr---Cros1ez 10 me known to be ,he pcrson_ desuibtd in and who executcd the roregoi"g conye)'ancc ro.._..___Lallra..Jf.. ....G.roa1.ar and suerall, acknowledged the uccut:')n thereof to be__bJ.~___.free a(t and deed for the n.cs and purposes thtrein mentioDed; and Ibe said.. the wift of the said ___ on a separate and printc uamiaation takcn and made by and before me. and separattl, and apart from her said husband. did 'ackno,dcdge Ihat she made hersclf a pall)' to the said Deed of Conyt)ance, for the purpose of renounciDg. relinquishing and con.-tying all h.r righl. litle and inttrc$l. whtther of dower or or separate propert" stalutor)' or equitable. in and to the bnds thereiD described. and Iha, she executed said deed freely and .-oluntanly and withoul an, conslrainl, fear, apprthensioD "r compulsion of or from her said buslland 1118m! .Dad I! e and official seal at ....in the Coual, of and Statt a tht ria)' and )'tar last aforesa;d. . ___.B..~.......f.!Mz..._. ______,_________(SEALl _ __ . = __ _o.lIotaryPub11o, St8u..of . large .Uy __ oomm1vslon ex,lreB. Hot~r.y Publlo for the State ot P10rida at large. uy commI8sion expires June 16, 1925. STATE OF FL COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE On thiL....l1~~____da)' c.L___.lIa.roh.___--^- D. 19zJL. 219..: 62..o'dock--Am., this iD.lrumenl ....as 6.kd for rccord, and beina dol)' aclcno....ledgtd and p;ona, J hue re~rdtd the same 00 pag.. 424 l:OUllt,. ~ ~ . I:S WITNESS WHEREOF, J han hereunto Ht m)' hand ~ affixed Ihe seaf of the Circuil COUll of Iht Fjhunth Judicial Circuit of said Slale. in and lor said eounlT. ~- - . Q; tb~ I of B001<....-6O_in the public rtCords of Aid p7~~ 1. Ckrk. ~~ ~~O. c. 1 ~-.............. · j) 'ij ] oj t ~I ~;. - :.. -- ~;' ~; ~:~:'~~Wfi~ ~ '" j ...,.. .'\.f~"'~~.':-I-!~~~~'''';~.s-'''''::' ,.... ~ '. ..': ; ~ :'::.~ ~~:~~~:?i~~:1~~:!;~~: