HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1028 428 (.f the Counl)' ol.__.;?,l!...~~Ql~ .. ._____.__and Stat: ol___X!.Q.~.1.c1a. _________put :1__ 01 the suon~ pari. WITNESSJ.:TII.tb:at Ihe S;lid pa.I.Je.a. 01 the fim parI, for and in consideralion 01 the SUIlI oLT.EL1.10...QQJ.___t.._.o:thol~_.'l.~1u.a\Jl~ _._.. __~~n~.!.~~,;:a.t!.~l:~__....__._.___._. Dollar..to.:l;.~~_I!L.in band paid. t~e tttcip: whucol is hereby acknowl.d,;:.d. .~ h_:-'~.__..~~~;~: :_:~.~..:...-..:...:::: ~:"~..::':::-.: ':"__:~~:__~~li>'';~~$;$&..r~~.t1i{\f;QlWJyhQ,j1<:'JG:i"V~~ ::-:': THIS lNI>EN'rURE. Made' this .___lJ..!~L.___._... ..:___-,-da)' ol__..._...._.._.l~ar.ob...___......__.___...__.....__^- 1>. 19lL.... BETWEEN ..__Q.~ ...l.;..!__.f_~_ti u O_~j;,....~r!.(L~~J~!'_~ e ~.LJ\L~.9.~Q.Q.Q.~.. _ht~..~!1~ ~!Lll.~.._!.~.S._!.K!~.!>.r ..~.n(L!~~ ~~1...,tL.~.K!.r9.y..l.J!J!!...!!'J fa uf Ihe Counl)' ol____~~.~._.~.gJ.~._~.._.__ --...........-&11d ~t.le ol_.__.___._rJ.9..!'J~JL_..... -.___..___....______part1.~ 01 Ihe &rll put, and OSOlil' LaRooque , ----------------.-....-- -----------...------------------.---..-----..--------...-------.--- haY!l- gran led. bargained, aolc1 and Iransfcned, and by these presents do_. -,jIrant, bargain, sell aud tr:n~I(o' unlO the said put ..:1_ _ 01 Ihe second "all and.._hl.!l__hcirs and assigns forner, .11 Ihat cutain parcel 01 land lying and beiug in Ihc County cf_~~!.....I:-~9.J~.._.__._.. and Stat~ oj ~'l 0 ri_d.~.._._...... -__.__nlore particularl)' dmribed as follow. ~.91;_.9...._Q.f.J!.l9.g,K":' ;j~"" 9..L.P. .t~~.!;..~}'~_A!~~.... ;.:~~.a:L'.ty~.S._~~.~Ubt1.i.Y.Js. i on... ~t..~ ~i d...E.:t.~.~~._~ll~~_J~...t..~...e...Q.t~J~__Q.L..f~.. ..1' t~:L'. c~. 1...~'~~1.'!li.~ 1._~.L~Ul'J~;r~.~, .tilld..platted ..,by.. J. ...0. _ b'ries..sli.ld~l1\L.1s.. .oJl._t.11e _iD...t.he.o.!!:ioe....Ql'_Clel'k. of_.the_C1rcu.:.t ___.. CQurt .of, S t..J..ucie ..Cou.lity. Florl.d.B...._.._......._._...__...__...___._.._.__ __.....____..._..._....___....... _........~ ...._.._....... .......__ ($6.00) Doc. Stamps c~ncelledj i ............__h.. ""._ ....__....._._.. _O'_h ....____....__. '-"-0--'.-_..-. ---.-0.. ____________..________._____._________.._.._.__.__.___.._._______.._....___.__._._ .....___....._._ . -_._- __'___._______..___u__.._._ ."-".___.__."'_ ".__..___ ________... _.._____n________~________.__.__________._. .__.. ___., ."__.. _______.___.__..._..._..___. - .---.-.- -.-----..-..--.--"---..-..--..--. --.'---~'_..---'-'-'_. --------.-..--------.-.----.-..---------.---.--.--. h'_.. .._.._._._..___n_n....h_ nh___... ---..--..-......----.........- ...----.----.-. _________.__________._____. _.__..____.____. ----.-.__.._..__..__..__u_._.._u_ ..............--.....-...- ...-.- .h" _____ .u__.__._ .....___..___...._.__.. .'__'. __._n......._._u.._ ____._.___.._._. ._________u._____________.______._.__ _..._._.___.__.__..._...._____ -.------------.------.---.----.-------..----.- ____._____.__._u._...__.__.______._.___..._____._._________ ___.___________ -----------.----------.-...-..-- I i I j . 1 j f .II ., I .--...----.----.-.-----..-.--.-.----.----------.---------------_..__.._._.._._._------_......__._-_._----~.----.--.--- ..--- --- --.---.-----..-.---......-..---------.---.--------------------------.---.--...--..-----.-...----- _.'_'u,_,_,__,_.., .'_n,. h...__...__.. ._uo_._...___._______._.._. ._,_..__.. ..________.,_._ .___._.___. TOGETHER with all lite tenemenls. hertditamcnts and appurtenances. with nery priyiltgc. right. till., interest and utatc. do..tr and 'ight 01 dower. .nclSion, rclll:Jinder and uSChltnllhercto b<:JoJJ~inl; or m anywise ar-pcrlaining: TU H.-\ VE A:sn TU HOI.I) the same in Ice simple 10i'C\er. And the said parLie.s. of the first pan 00,__ connaDt wilh the said parQ'-_ ollhe second p>rt that...the.y....ar.e.__.Iaw!ully seind 01 lI.e said pre mistS, thaI they arc frce fro." all incumLranctS and thaLt]J~;r._.t~?,y1bod right and la"ful authorily to selllhe 13mt; and Ihe laid p>r1.1.es 01 .he 6111 part do______ hcreby Inlly warrant the title to said I..nd, and will deie:nd the same against tile Ja\Yiul dairm 01 all pe.sons whomsocyer. IN WITNESS' WHEREOF, Ihc said par; ie.~ 01 the 6rst part hLl~. __ I,ereunto set.~ll:....hand.s and stals. the day and year aborc "rillc" Signtd, sealed .nd ddinred in our presence: m__ .~~..A.. ._Ho~?,~'d ..._ .____.__.___.... .__....._.u._____. :S:t(!J,eJ, ..4.!_G:r.~@m.. .__~..!._l:.~_,J:.~ ~gQC.!:..._.........._. ...--.-____..._(SEAL) ........-.L,._..;3... ...~.tQ1l/,U:.\l1 . ..._. J .J.; . '. Ifaien.. _.._.......... .......... ..___.______.____ Z1izabet1~ ;~. l'~~.~~Ck -_...._(SEAL) :.~.~lr~y. (~eal) :i~t-h' &l.. ~~iro~'..........;...... (Seal) -:;---=-----:..--=-_:-_'..:- - -..-- -'. -..- -~- . ------- .-...--.-.._-~._.-. STATE of_i:lorida. COUNTY OF St. ~".lc1iL } I I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this_lLth"':"___day of.. March ."-. D. 1922....., bclore mc ! " -. : ('Crsonally arpcarcd C . ~~~e a C 0 e i-:. and .s 1 i z& i:I e t.h._R..i.'liac.a ak...LT...s~.l:.ir.h:l....&nd....!t1.Lt~_A....K1rb:l----_- . to me known to be Ihe persoJ.l_ dcscribed in and ..Iw exccuted the loregoing Conyeyance to._Q~.9.g.r._J~Roc..~\i.Q and lCycrally ulcnowledlltd the execution thercol to be...1t~~!~_..lree act and dccd for tbc uses and purposu tbertin mentioned; and the said....;::li&a~l;t_~!L.li.!._pcac.QOk.~nd _R;.1ilL~....~~~.Y tile wife of the said C .:.r~.:?_eaeook and. L.o1..!.~q.:rb~'. r.:spee~! vely , on a stpuate and prinlc examination lal<cn and made L)' and belore me:, and scparattly and apart from he:r said hlJsballd, did acknowledge that .he made hersclf a part)' to the said Dttd 01 COllycyante, for the purpose 01 reno:lDcmg. relinquishing and conn)'ing all hu right, till" and inttrbl, whclhe:r 01 do....e:r or 01 separate properly, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands therein dtscribed. and r~1 she ezecuted said dud freel)' and voluntarily and ..ithout any conslraint. fear, apprchension c,r compuls:o 1 or from her said busband. and twe and ollicial !IC.l al. Fort .Pie_ree. in the Count)' of 3~. l.ucle lIIe day and )'car Jail aforesaid. >T ~t L>..~bli -..r...~~~RQW.ari-t" ....~r. ^---....._,-_.~.;;-;;r(S, EAL) . .... ..9_B.!,.1..:"'1.I. ,_C._ oJ "aile 01" ~or ",a. ....v OOIll.'il.a.SS.a.On .----..--~xplrEfs-Jul~..--2B~.19.2B~ ----.--.--.....,. ""~, n__",.. . ~ } On thia~_ th..~.__..__---=-.cIa)' of J!ar@. A. D. 19b~ at.....2_o.dock~m., lIIis in.trumenl was -, 6kd for record, and be,ng dul)' ackhowled,ecl and (oroyeo, J ban rCCO~d ~me oa pol'" 428 _of Boo" 60 i:o the public records of said Count). IN 'HEREOF, I bnt herc:unto sct PI)' hahd and cd the .tal of the Cire"it COUrl of the Filtcentb Judicul Cirellit of said State, io aild for said :s: .. ~ I ~ D.C. } 1 f j P. o. F.ldroJ141_f7 'ad. / , Clerk. ~f~imf~f~it{iMi . ~'. -J .. ~. .~. :.-:;:_~~~~:~~~~t{~:~~t~t::~~~~~~ . .. ,. - .. "..~e.~~i..\. -s..;r.-..f)....... - .....1' . . '~ H~" .~. -' .'.~ ~:'-.;;. .~~\(~~~t~!i~{f~~~J~