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THIS Jf.IllENTURE. Made thIS..... __3:!.t~.____...__..._.__._._da)' of----.- ...... J~~arl......__......._. ........__.._....:...^- D, adL.... JUiTWEI-:U
.__.__....._.__~~.g i ~.gl..)~Ugg 11:!iLill.~~_...i.o l,H.9....f~Qg b~Qlc.,K"~9.hJ~e 1 ...h!.!J_.~1.f.9.__...... .... __.._____..__________..__
of the Counly of_._!,~lm. 3~~~~.L._............_._........_...and Slale of___._..__..F~~.;~~.~l!._.._...._._...._.___.___...._......parL1_6$_ cf the firlt part, and
_._......_._____ .___.__..___........___ _.!!.~_~~. C~~~~ ~!i_-:-_.___....____...____.. ___._..___ ....______....____..,..__..__.., __...__._..._ ...........
Colthe Count). of.__S t .,.~.Q_t.9._....... .___.__..____and Slat~ of._...._.~.lQr1.dJl..->-_____._..____...__._...parl y__ of Ihc .~cO!ld PUI.
WITN I-:SSF.TII, thai the said pan;"__ of th~ tim put, for and In consid~ra:ion of thc sum oL_Q.n~..)i:,Ul.;t1.'e.r,l..nn;\._C' ..'l....C .._.........._. _.__..._..
--.----------.--.-______-'--___DolI..rs, to..L~i'.ll1....in hanJ :>aid, th~ rc.:cipl whereof is her~by acknowlcd!;eJ,
ha...Y.ii granted, bugain~. sold and tran.!crr~d, and by thcse prcnnlS dO__Kr&JIl. bargain, s<ll an.1 transrcr unto the &aid par~__ 01 the second
part ancJ..__h1.S__hcirs and usign. forncr, all that cerlain parcel of land lying and being in Ihe County of_.~h...~.o.l.e...._.....__
and State of__fl.Qrt.d{.;...___,~morc pariict:larly described a. follo.....=-~11,._.9J._~Q.1!__!.a..A.~.O'~!S!l__il~.1._ 'l'Q.~~.!!.l.!~1>. /
- 3LSouth.. aange ~9.. Zast .._!1ontalning2.~ .6~_aCl~.S....PU.l:~llell1.[lg..:t.b&l.:n;lJ...I;iJL~tv.(1J.' ...._l~?~L,tQ.!f.
.1llO.r.~ . ~.:r_..;t.~S.S.'~h"'"'' . ._...._..... .. _______.. .._.. .__....__._.__.___00 __.._... ........_.._...._..~..._.. _.."...._...._......_. _...._...... .._.__.._....._.._.__.....____._.._._.....___..
';h.is .~~ ~_~.._~.~ . e~.e_~~~..e.d....i'?l:.~t::e.. .R~l)!~_~.f:...~~_._CO r..:~~ .~.~.~~~._.~~_~~.~~p.~.!_? n i.~_..~ ,,~~.:~_.?~..e!.~.~~~..~~.!:.~'!!
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U.__..h_._.___'_n..._n."'"."',u_._,_.,,_,,,_.,'__._ .._______. _.. ___ __ .___.._.___..___. _..._____. __._.__.____..___.___..__._._.... _.__._ ._..___..__.__....... . _._ _..__.. _.... .._._...._.
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..-.-. ....----.-.-.--.--.-....-.--.. -.. ..-------..------.-- ---.-.---- ------------------ -.--...-.-.--. _.-.. ---.-.-..-- .
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TUlil-:THER ...ith all Ihc tcn~m"nls. hcrcdilamen,s and appurtenanccs. with cy-:ry pri.ilegt. ri!:ht. lillc. intcrest and eilatt. do\Yer and right or dowrr,
renrsion, remainder ar.d eas<:mcnt thereto b<longin;; or in anywise appertaininG: TO 11,\ VI-: A:->lJ rO HOI.IJ .he same in f<< simple jorenr.
And the said part..ie.s of the 6ut part do __ COlenant with thc said parl..-Y_. of the second Part IlIat. ..t.hey_Ure___._lalKfuliy ",ized of tlae.
...id prcml5U. lI.at tbcy arc frr" hom all incumbrances and tbathe:{,_ ha"L.~ood righl and la..f"r aUlbority to ",II IlIe same; anoJ Ihc said parL.. _.._. of
Ih~ 6rst part do__ h'-re.by fully ...ar:ant tbe title to said land. and will dcicnd Ihr samc again.t Ihe la..rul claim. oi all persons whon..oc.er.
I~ WITNESS WHEREUF. the said partie.s. of :lIt liut part ba_,Ve.. bereunto Set t:-:e.iI:.....band..3 anJ sealS. the' day and ).~ar abo,'e ..rillen
Signed, ~aled and ddh'ercd in our presence:
__ J. '., G . ,_." ~1~e ~t .m" .__..._____.________....._.__.____.
:~~ e_~~.a...!'!....!~ i t ~ !~~_~.~ti.. .. __ ...__.... .._.O_.u....,..on (S EA L)
LoUie aDe oUcj{ n t_<:..~_~..:..:~_(SEAL)
COUNTY OF_~ai!1t~_:.TJie
1 HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this__li.H1..
.>trsonally appear~" Regir:ald Ki t<!~!~an!
day of~.?:m.~3.l"'.l_1..
~ D. 19~~ bcfor.. tue
Lollie itoebu('i~ Y.itch:r.g, ..hiS wife____________
10 me kn~..n 10 be tbe personS._ duuibed in and wbo cxecuted the foregoing conyc)'abce to___..,g.~ ._~_.,...g;:~c:~~.~t
__'___.m.._... _and ,nerally acknowledgcd the cxecution Ihcrcof to be_j;1!.~:i,.!:._...free a<1
and deed for ~be USCl and purrous thercin m~ntioncd; and the said- Lollie ~Q.!3. h,~c~ 1.:i t ~~~!.~.__.____ .___
Ibc wife of the said R~i:}JJaJA__i:i tQh1ng _' On a ~parale and printe examination
takcn and made by a!td before m~. and s~paratdy and apart from her said husband. did acknowlcdge that she made hcrself a party to the said Deed of
Connyance. for the purposc of rel>OUnCiDIl, rclir.qui.hiul[ and conycying all h.. right. tille and inleresl. \Th~lher of dower or of scparatc property. statu ton
or equitable. in and to the bnds therein described, and thai she c~ecuted said d..cd fr.dy and YOluDtanly and ..ithout any consrrainl, fcar. apprehension
Cor compulsion of or from her &aid bus band.
and Stat
lure and official suI at._.F..o.rl..~j.er.c.a..
in the COItnty of
~p.int lAH~ie
I;' ~ r. d
liotary iubHe~~~~tB. :8i-~~~ri~8:-;--a-t-di.-t::-!"~e-.---(SEM.)
-i~-C'ommi99ibn eryires ltuY' 24. 19E8.
O h. 19th ... f ~ar:)h a; aD I--fi 4.30'1 Ie P b' .
!l t .. .____y 0 ___~. 4 ~ . rn'!'_.. at_h' ___.0 c DC -DL. t .. m.trument was
filed for record, and beiDg dul)' :\cknowlcdl!:ed and proycn, 1 baYC rccordccl tll same on pale....~.E.L...or Book.. 60 in 1M public records of said
County. ;::;.
'REOF. I ban hcreunto sct m:f band an.! aflixebhe s<-aJ of th.. Circuit Coart of th: Fifteenth Judicial Cir""it of .aid Statc, in and
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1'. C.
~ldre~ ----- ac~
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