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THJS JNI>ION.URE. \lade thia.._....~~~...._......._......_... ,_..._day of-....-.-.. .L~9-..~'Q.Q.. ..... .......... ........... ...._......_....__.-\. D. 19l ~_, BRTWEEN {
_._~ .~u.~..._~~.~.~~~Jll .~...~l.J.~J..fL~~"_'___._______.._.......n_..._.____.___........... ............. ..... ...~ ..____............__......_..____
(If Ihe County of___S.t......~lOle ._.. ......_........._.......__ ...and State of____.........Florlda.. ._........... ................ ..._.... .........pa<l_:I _ of the &rst part, and
....___................_________...._....... ...___.I~l~.~...A~_:J .._~fJ..~::y__.._._..._____._ _..:.........._.____._...._.................._._. .._..,........ .... ....._...._ ........ ____..__
"f Ihe Counly oL_..~J!. 4tQl~. '"'''''_''''' ..........__...... and Slate Of_._......_1.~.QJ~!.d..~_._.___.._........_..._... .._.._put :/..._ of Ihe second pari.
WITNESSllTlI, that the said {>~rIY.._ of the &"1 part, for and in cOlUidtral~. of Ihe sum oL..OllQ....P..Ql.lQrs.o..nll. .o.t.he.r.... valuQ.b.lo..___
9~m.~J~.~;~.t..1.2.n.~.._..__........_....._..._______..__~ to_.him. ..in hapd paiJ. the reniN .-hereof is hcreby acknowledced.
haS...__ cranted. biUgained. soIcl and transferred. and by the:~ prcunlS doa.a _Irant. barg.in. IIclI an.1 transfer UI\to the aaid pall. y...... of Ihe second
pari and._her.____heiu and auigns forner. .11 that cerlain parcel of I.nd I)'ing and being in Ihe Counly of.......::i t.....~u.cla ___...___.__..__.._
and State of__..f..l.Q:t.l.~.~..._.._._______rnure panicubrly dmribcd u followa:_1,.Q~ .._~~ ...Qf..JUQ.QK..2 t. .!;l.~. P.tll~...r.l~.~...O.!n.... .
.lleuohlar.dUeveloprnen14 . Co.l:i~tuU..t.S _~ul;l!l1Y:iBio.n.. .rQ001'.d.ed. ..10. .l'la t ..3Q.ok. 411age .:40..1n.thQ. offi.oe
af.. the ..Clerk-. of. Gh'c.J.i to ~o...rt, .deing_a.. ~~1;!I1Jy,1,~:lo.n ._QL~h~. 3Q:uth..~90. feetQ.f...~.Q.Yel1Un~nt......._.
Lot 6, ~ac tion 32 ,. Tawnship.~~::: ~Ou. th.it~e...40. East ,... ~t... .ltuc.le .Co'.lnty, ]!'larida.
This det:d. .isgiven subJellt... to .the followir.g...res.triot.lons; 11.0.. hOl.tS6 is .tohe built. nearar.
.1;1).1>11. thtr.t)'.:-..fl ,!.e.. (35 L fge1;.fro!!1_ ~h.<J. ~t:J,'..9~.LIJ~.\1.i_.~!lJ!l..._1<?~ ..l~..:t:~~.~!;.:J,'lc ~ed. ....~q...~y~e.l)JI'.g........__..
I~r.1l (t~es;...~.hf;l ..d.y.;~n ing.119u13~ _ bu,lJ,~....Ql1._~~ 1,~_! 9.t._J~..._t<?_~~.!3 .1;..~9.L.~.~ ~ s..~h8.Jt. ~\ye~ty -::U'y.e..gll,nJ,. ~e-:
Dcl.Xa.l.'.s _ (~~oOQ.QO); .ga.rages.am ....onea.]e;,~....9_ID.J.\'l..1.ns~._aJ~e:..'P.Q..J~fL nC1:.dlf;es._~han.one J:J',m~ted.(lf)D)
feetba.o.l:..from ... the .streat :une; no...bu.ildinG.ls_t.o. be...ne.tll'el'....t::.an ..ten.feet.. to.. t.l~_..lot.._....
sid.e lines.
TOGETIIF.R with all Ibe tencmenl!. hereditaments and appurtenances, witb cvuy pri~ilcgc, ril!hl, till.!, intcrut and eSlat~. down anJ ri!:ht of dowcr,
rnersion, re,n:aindcr and casemcntlherclo'hdonl:ing or 111 anywise .ppcrt.ining: TO HAVE ,.\:-;11 TO 1101.1> the "'me in fee simple fort\'Cr.
And I!IC said p.r~__ of Ihe first part do..e,5. _ coyen.nt with thc said par\Y.__.- of the second pari rhal.....he._is ............... ,,"..fully sciuJ of Ihe
.aid prem;s.,s. thalthcy arc free from:all incUmbrancu and th.tJ1e ..haS_good righl.anJ ,,"wful aUlhority to scll the same; and Ihe said part".y..; 01
Ihe first part doeS_ hereby fully ,nrrant Ihe litle to said land, and will Jdend the same againsllhe bwful claim. of all persons whomsocver.
IN \VITSESS WHEREOF. thc saiJ part~_ of the 6rst part h.... a ._ hereunto stt.__hls._hand_ and seal... the day and fear "bon wrillcll.
Signed, suled and delivered in our pruence: ,
. ~..~ J :~~:;.~ ~:~~11t~;~~l'~-~_-=~:=.~"=-='~.~=~~==~::.:~-=J
__~.. ...';_._ T\'111. ~che 11,....
...... . ,...(SEAL)
___:__.____...__..._..__.........___ ._..(SEAL)
STATE OF Fl_QJ;:~ --l
COUNTY OF._3t. ---<loie J
I HEREBY CI-:RTIFY, That on IhiS-.. Zicd...____day oi.__.:.:&'Clt....._....._...______..__.._\. D. 192__~.. before me
personally ..ppc.wl :i ~ _~ '..\V i t c::e 1 I, a s lDL:l!L.FilUl.._______._.___.__._.~._.__........_ . ........_.....-.:......_.__.. .
to me known 10 be thc pcrson_ dcscribed in and who necuted Ihe foregoing conveyance to._.:.:iS.s ..~...::._:.:err~_.---.-.--_-_..
and severally acknowledged the ueculion thereof 10 be_..his ...... ..free act
and deed for thc uses and purposcs therein menlioned; ___dM-liiilf
~ of tbe saiol . _ __... ')~pamof.m.r-)lI'tn~-~...I;II.t;O"
taken aRirirrada Ioy .n., h~lnU:.lI!t and scp.rat~ly .n.1 a "r om-J... ~.;d III15band. lI.d acknowledge Ihat .he m.de hcrsclf a part)' to Ihe said Deed of
Conyc~nce, ~or the purpose oi r~n~u . . ." 111' .n.l cODyeying an h.r "ilia. till~ and int~T<~t, ...hether of do"~r or of scparate P~OPCH)'_.s~ry
- or ~qullabt~--lA .ad '8 the bmU tllertlD dC'xnbC' . an 'a ~ iitN~a--f'i'ttT). and ".oluntanly anti ".ubour aU7 ",ulI~ll.IJ". fear. apprC'br~
.....-rompulsion of or from her -.:aid husba..d.
\V . d ffi'l I oO~... 'D1 '.L C f St. .i..:.1cie
sIgnature an 0 cIa sca at--". ....:.......... e.raa.y_..____'n ute GUnl)' 0 ______ ______.
f: f 1'1 da '-'.d. ~ C' i'~ d d .
.nd te 0 __ n _ the day and year '-"I aforeUl ... , . ~.1. re ,
~ Clerk Circu.: t Cc'urt.
( Ct.Ct.Sea ) -.3-:r-H.. d.i.'Usl'tj'-B.C'. _..._d.... ._........(SEAI.)
..--, ...
23l'l1..._____da)' c.L_ },,{arc~.
..... D. 19.Q...... at~o'dock~~ Ihis instrumenl was
0.. thi-
. ,
filed for trCbrd. and being duly :acknowledged and pro~en. J hayc record~d the same on pal'L 4J~ __of BooL_~Q__in the ;>ublic: records of said
:/.. .-f
A-;;;.. r; ____._C1erlL
(~. __D. C.
I ha..-e herennto sc! m)' lund and .'~he suI of the ~~raait Court of the Fifteenlh ]udici.l CirC'1it of said St.tt. in and
(Ct.Ct.Oleal .:'.t'.0 .l.ldred,
i~ ~