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.~_"::'-"~_._~t~,J.Wi~i~~R.A:it"'1t ~lMit.,~>>u.ir, t~\.;.a,~ is)!~
'THIS INDENT~Rli, Abde thi..._..Fo.ur.tfJonth...._..._... ..._da)' 01-00 .___U.a~oht ...._.....__........_..............._.......__^- D. 19l..Q~ BETWEf.N
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of the Count, oL__.Q!:~g~.........__._........._.._...u.......u_-&tl" S~le 01_. .....-_._........._r!.~~~.~.f!._..__._.....__.._..._............_.._.part1QlL of the &..t part. and
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c:>lthe C\lUIlI)' of ._Jt.:aM.9... .--_..........___..u.._...__and Slate ot.___..f.!.Ql:~_~.~_. ____________.part Y._ of Ihe sccond part,
WITN ESSF.TfI. that Ihe said part io 3. of the first pari. for and in considcralion of the 'UDl oL_T.e.n...D.o.llal'S ..and ..o.thel'__va).\\.a.b.lQ.....
------~. 10 l~.m.....in bnd pai.l. thc rec~ipt whereof is bueb)' acknowledged.
ha...!2. cranted. "&tgaincd. soM :arid translurecl, :a"'d b)' thcse presellt. 00__ _.granl, bargain, .ell and Iransfu unto the &:lid p&tt.,Jr__ of the second
van and_h1s._... ._....heirs and :auigns rorner. :all thai certain parcel of land lying and being in Ille County of__~_~..!._.~.Q..1_lit______._.........
and Slat~ of._l'lo:rld.a..__._._._.__~morc particularl)' dmribec! as follow.: .jl'.lgh~_Xl.~~.E2. ..JL~~_"-tvJ~lQn._Qf_...~..@._::US t
~.~n.[\.~?;~.~....()1'.~.ro..~ t ,,4, , S.a"~~.~..~I!:..~~.~.!.~_~_.J!} )_!~.,:,:~.~1~~J>_.E~t.!.~1.::.!-~E.6e_.J~~ )...~~~~~ '..~~ll~.~_.~.~~!.t}'_:..
nIne, (39)" east, -~i,..t" l.uoie County ~'lorId.a, as sama Is desIgnated on the las8 general plat
0........,......__.._....._......_ .... ______n..... ..--...-.-.--_______. .._.___...._._.._. ___..__.._._.____.__._.. ___.__._..___ .... _ __....._._...._..... ____u___._.___...._ ._ n"'__n
()f.land.9 . of . the ,lnd1anRl'1~.l," .l<.arrn~_..c.9.m.P~y.L_e,~.....~.!}e.l}__~s_~ r .P~!~ "..~f.re...O'~.1:'sln.o..n_.p~se .fl ve..J 5)
~t).().~ J..ly.~_.. (fi) _.~!l. t.~a.<?f'f!_(}.~m..~~_..t.!1~__~.~Ol.~... o~_~~.!.y.1..~~~~...?.~~~_ ..8:~u~?:~.u~.l!:..:...:..." ~~.!:,:.~d~u~. _.....
.. ...._..!;~._!?:~_v.~_._~.~~~. ..t.o_.~:}~...~.!}...~~c.~ 1~1~ th~nu 6.b_~.!.:._~!.."'n ~ed_ p.x::.~1..~~~._~_O'~~~~~ _ ~_~~h ..~~~_._th~
~e.J:l~ID.en~ s..._hEt l'~<li..t.arte.n t s..~~_!lpp':,J,r~~!3l:1.~~~~!..~_~~.!!..~ "19r.l_J>!i v }}~~~.!...E.!~~~ ~,.__~.~.~l e._.!~~~_ r!=:~..~.. and
.(J.~.~~.t..~1 ...~.o.~e ,l,'.~~ "r .1g~ ~..~L.d.~~~.!I~..~ on, _r.e~~ 1.~ e..r.....~~~_~~~E_~__~~..~~u~?...?!~_O":lO~r:.~._~!:'.u~ n
8J.l~i ~~_ .~ppe. ,:t.!l.~~.!!l8 :..~g.._~..:~ ..~~~I>.!.~ liOJ.P.. ~~e.._~~!..2.~~_~_~.....~~.::1> !~.....r..?~~.y_~!'.. .':':11 ~o...~..~.~___..~ a..~~n_..P9. r ~
of...1;;"~..~e9()pq . ~~ t . ,"h~ ~ ...l:r.,lO. O.~ l:!~.<.>l'~_~_ a~_l!.!g!1.S1.fQ.!:~Y..~ r.._~()!l....~~~__..1;~~~.LE~.Y~1.'.~ll!:?1..~.~ ~.L..~~~ to
and. fol.' .the..J1SeS, ..in tel'e ~t....m!1.P\U'.1l.Q.ae..Lh9..~e In!!.f~.~~_lJJ!lU.9~...._<l~~.<!~'~~.!?.~._~d. .<l~9::!,a:r.~.~ ;_th..f!.~.. Is
.~<'._l3~l,..~C?_..s.e~;1.. .U!l.~_. ....C?~.~!~~._saidJ):l::emis~s in ..~~~._!1a!:le .!!"f ~~.3~_~.!~? !..._!~~~.~<<:.!..~r....~..~~.._~~.~~?y
as Trustee to acce,i}t no!'tgti{;es for the purchase ;r10e thereof in whole or in part, a.nd. 'o.:-!ll~1
!!1_~.:?Ec>.~~.~~~.~~_~~.~.._~~~..~ S al~~.~3rower d~~~!L~~~._~~_<:~..~.i s.. ~~:.~ 11~..:_ and__a.rte::_.~ is
death to tQe heirs of stiid C.O.3rower.
- "...-.-... ..-------- ----------------- ----------- --- --- ._--- .- ---.. ......--- -.--- .- - --'---.
__A' __.__________.________._.____________________
____.__._h_....._.___.__n__._.u_..___.. ._._..n._u_.._________. _"_"___'_'__'__n__' _ ..__..._____..___._....___
And the said PUL~ of Ibe &UI pari .10__ connant with Ibe said parr...;r-- of the .ecund part that_.__they.. arO.._Ia...iully s..izcd of the
~id pr..mi.cs, that the)' are free froan all incumbrances and rhat. the.y.._ha..v~oJ rigl1t and la"ful al!thority 10 sell the same; :an.j Ih.. said parsieS... u!
I~ WITS ESS WHEREOF, the said vail ie.5. of the 6,.. !>art haVe _.. hereunto Rt_.t~t~_handJJ an.) staHl the day acd y..ar ..loOn ...rill..n
rhe Ii..: part do..._ her~bT fully \\'arranl the lide to said land. aad ..ill dci~nd Ih~ "'me against th~ lawlul claims of all persons ..holDsocnr.
5ig'led, scaled and ddinred in Gur prr.scnc~: ,
Te.l i..ngell. )
~ ~=~:._".m~~r~~_~~~-=~:- . ---~::~=:~:~=~l
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o. . }F.<.>!"~"r.....u..___ h"
_..lQ.~_~.Q.h!!~~~o'!~.!:.__..__.~__.._____.. .._(5 EAL)
STATE of_il.or.1..d..a
d>UNTY OF Orange
I HEREBY CERTIFY, That Gn this~ l4t~__...~__day of.
A. D. 191_Q.. before me
('..sonally :appeare~' \) .....E~Qwer IJ.!}A.3'OS~.2.l}!I~J.!:Q.'!!~!:...J1i.s wl.f~...I____._._..__._____..___.
10 me known to b~ the perSi>n...S.. described in and who rxecuted Ihe foregoing connyance to.--==_::.::.:-
and se.-erall)' acknowledged Ihe ~ucution thereof 10. ~.J~1).:._.fre~ acl
and deed fur the uses and purllOses therein mcntione.J; and the said_hJ_Qs.e~hine .'3~~_.
.L 'f f h'd C. o. Brower d' ..
LUC; W1 e ole sa1 - .-. ._~__. _on a ~tparate aD pnyate examlDatlon
taken and m~de hy and befure mc, and sc!>aratdy and ap:art from her said htlsband, did acknowledge: th:at sh~ m:ade hersclf a party to the said De~d of
Con"~)'ance:, for thc purpose of reno~ncing. rtlinqui.hinl( and connyinK "II Jar righl. litle and mlerest, "hether of do....er or 01 scp:aralc properly, Jlalutory
or ~quil.ble:. in and to Ihe bn~ ther~in described. an.1 Ihal she excculed said deed frecl, and ,.oluntarily and ....thout any cunsrrainl. rear. apprebensicon
(,r compulsion Gf or frum her saId husb,.n." .
, sigoatnre and official seal al_
Or 1 r:11lta
.in the County of--9..I'~~.
':'.!Q.r_~<!~__lbe by and :rear last aforesaid.
C.Jac~son, Jr.' (SeRlt
notary "'ubl1c for the ;:itate of Florida at
Large, t.iy cor1'.!:'11ssicD-.e.x.pir.cs. .i'e.bru.Ur7..ta, :liI28....__._(SEALl
-----A D. 192...Jt. a&....~o'c1ock~m.. this wtrument w..
On this---l~LlL ..___. ___..__day c.L
fi~d ror record, and t.eing dul)' ach"wr..dged and pro...", I ban recorded the &:ame on p:age 4~~__of Book..._~_in Ihe pnblic rccocds of said
t ount:r.
.IS \ 'F.SS WHEREOF, I hne: hcrrauto SCI m)'''''1 and affillCd tire s~:al of th~ Circait ("Gurt or the FifleentJ. Judieioll Circuit of &:aid Stat.., in and
lor S&I nty. '.,
(Ct.Ct.~a ) ~ P. ~. "ldrad, . a L
C) J,,~, ",7---- Ua.
:;. . /.
..... =-". {~LL....-:........D. c.
.V , ,
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