HomeMy WebLinkAboutREVISION 3-27-18DATE FILED:L 9EVISION FEE: PERMIT NUMBER: - RECEIPT NO.: I SjT. LUCIE COUNTY . DEPARTMENT & CO.ML IIMUNI TY DEVELOPMEN-r ` - BIUDING & ZONING 2309 VIRGMIA A FORT PIERCE, FL 34982• -462-15S3 . APPLICATIOIN FOR UILDx'�ING P ` PROJ1 CT IN FORtiIATIO. I. LOCATIONISITE. ADDRESS: 9��y ,tea ,iia-1 ;. ILA 2. DETAILED DESCRIPTI(J1S'I�OF PROJECT -REVISIO. S: � U t-t�► i' Ct�LC� (::,Vi 1 tA9a6 3• C ti RECTOR ItiFORII.kTI01: 1� ST. OF FL REGJCERT#.T 1 � ST, Lt CIE COUNTY CERTA BUSINESS SAME: '. (/ Cc7,JSTiQ(JG Qualifiers dame: —,�,� ADDRESS: 3 WSf G,4C T/.T CITY: M, A rrt 1 STATE: 4�L PHOtiE (Da1TIJIE): 4. ARCfiIT� = NAME: Al? 2G6olZ�� ADDRESS: �2r o CITY: STATE:. P iQtiE (DAYTIME): _245'-�t -z �r2�-CE� rib EAX# 20.5n COIZAI- UTA/ C90) Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 hftp://www.stiucieco.org/public—works/permifting.htm Date: 27 March 2009 .lob Address: 9549 RANGELINE RD Received By: gerstemi Paid With: ck Paid By: vm construction inc e Sign: 'if Building Receipt ReceiptH: 0000068417 'ermit Number: SLC- 0802-0116 Amount: $50.00 Zredit Card Number: Check Number: 22912 ANNED SC Florida .'Energy- Efficiency Code For Building Construction �t�UCie���n Florida D partrnent-.of Cornrnunity Affairs, EnergyGauge F COM 2004 0.00 Form 400A 2004 Method A` Whole Buildin ' Performance Method for,Commerbial Buildings Effective Cec&nber,8; 2006 I ROJECT SUMMARY Short Desc: ALLIED NEW TECH Owner: ALLIED NEW TECH Address]: FT PIERCE Address2: --- Type: Office Jurisdiction: FORT PIERCE, ST LUCIE Cond Area: 5487 SF No of Storeys: 2 Permit No: 0-- PLANT Description: ALLIED NEW City: FY PIERCE State: Florida Zip: 0 Class: New Finished building FL (661100) Cond & UnCond Area: 5487 SF Area entered from Plans 0 SF Max Tonnage 15.2 If different, write in: 5/22/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 l omplianee Summary Component Design Criteria Result Gross Energy Use 8,958.8 9,330.8 PASSES LIGHTING CONTROLS EXTERNAL LIGHTING HVAC SYSTEM PLANT WATER HEATING SYSTEMS PIPING SYSTEMS Met all required compliance from IMPORTANT NOTE: An input along with this Compliance Rep List? PASSES None Entered PASSES None Entered PASSES None Entered Yes o/NA of this design building must be submitted J 5/22/2008 LnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 2 I hereby certify that the plans and Florida Energy Code Prepared By< Date: CERTIFICATIONS covered by this calculation are in compliance with the Building Official: Date: I certify that this building is in compliance,with the FLorida Energy Efficiency Code Owner Agent: Date: If Required by Florida law, I hereby certi i (*) that the system design is in compliance with the FLorida Energy Efficiency Code Architect: �'' ' Reg No: Electrical Designer: jZ ineZ Reg No: CTZ 6 Lighting Designer: Reg No: Mechanical Designer: Reg No: Plumbing Designer: Reg No: (*) Signature is required where Florida �a�es design to be performed by registered design professionals. Typed names and registrat on numbers may be used where all relevant information is contained on signed/sealed plans. 5/22/2008 nergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 3 Project: ALLIED NEW TECH Title: ALLIED NEW TECHNOLOGIES LANT Type: Office (WEA File: DAYTONABEACH.TMY) While Building Compliance Design Reference Total 95.81 100.00 $8,959 $9,331 95.81 100.00 ELECTRICITY(Ml3 A Wh1$) 182089 190037 $8,959 $9,331 12.89 10.93 AREA LIGHTS 24501 20761 $1,205 $1, 019 4.49 4.49 MISC EQUIPMT 8518 8518 $419 $418 0.06 0. PUMPS & MISC 122 $6 32. 33.09 SPACE COOL 62877 52 $3,087 45.73 51.43 VENT FANS 86909 97752 $4;276 $4,800 Credits & Penalties (if any): Modified Points: = 95.81 PASSES External Lighting Compliance Description Category Allowance Area or Length ELPA CLP (W/Unit) or No. of Units (W) (W) (Sgft or ft) None I 5/22/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 Project: ALLIED NEW TECH Title: ALLIED NEW TECHNOLOGIES PLANT Type: Office (WEA File: DAYTONABEACH.TMY) Lighting Controls Compliance Acronym Ashrae Description Area No. of Design Min Compli- ID (sq.ft) Tasks CP CP ance UNIT 1 17 Office - Enclose 708 1 5 1 PASSES UNIT 2 16 Office - Open Pit 2,920 1 2 2 PASSES UNIT 2 1 Electrical Mechanical Equipment 765 1 2 1 PASSES Room - General I UNIT 2 1 Electrical Mechanical Equipment 1,094 1 2 1 PASSES Room - General PASSES 5/22/2008 gnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 Project: ALLIED NEW TECH Title: ALLIED NEW TECHNOLOGIES P ANT Type: Office (WEA File: DAYTONABEACH.TMY) S, tem Report Compliance AHU-1 A11U-1 Constant Volume Air Cooled No. of Units Split System < 65000 Btu/hr 1 Component Category Capacity Design Eff Design IPLV Comp- Eff Criteria IPLV Criteria liance Cooling System Air Cooled < 65000 B 13.00 13.00 13.00 PASSES Cooling Capacity Air Handling Air Handler (Supply) - ! 0.80 0.90 PASSES System -Supply Constant Volume AHU-2 AHU-2 I Constant Volume Air Cooled No. of Units Split System < 65000 Btu/hr 1 Component Category Capacity Design Eff Design IPLV Comp- Eff Criteria IPLV Criteria liance Cooling System Air Cooled < 65000 B 13.00 13.00 13.00 - PASSES i Cooling Capacity Air Handling Air Handler (Supply) -! 0.80 0.90 PASSES System -Supply Constant Volume AHU-3 A11][U-3 Conde n ' it No. of Units I 1 Component Category gap De ` Eff Design IPLV Comp- Eff Criteria IPLV Criteria liance Cooling System Air Cooled 10.10 10.10 11.20 11.20 PASSES Air Handling Air Handler (Supply) - 0.80 0.90 PASSES System -Supply Constant Volume AHU-4 AHU-4 Condensing Units No. of Units 1 Component Category Capacity Design Eff Design IPLV Comp- Eff Criteria IPLV Criteria liance Cooling System Air Cooled 10.10 10.10 11.20 11.20 PASSES Air Handling Air Handler (Supply) - 0.80 0.90 PASSES System -Supply Constant Volume PASSES 5/22/2008 J EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 Compliance Description Installed Size esign Min Design Min Category Comp No Eff Eff IPLV IPLV liance None, Project: ALLIED NEW TECH Title: ALLIED NEW TECHNOLOGIES P Type: Office (WEA File: DAYTONABEACH.TMY) ANT Wa er Heater Compliance Description Type Design Min Design Max Comp Category i Eff Eff Loss Loss Hance Water Heater 1 Electric water heater <= 12 [kW] 0.90 0.89 PASSES i I i PASSES Piping System Compliance Category Pip [in Dia Is Operating Ins d us 4Req Ins Compliance hes] Runout? Tem Btu- hr is in] Thick [in] .SF. v i None 5/22/2008 1 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 ' • • Project: ALLIED NEW TECH Title: ALLIED NEW TECHNOLOGIES P Type: Office (WEA File: DAYTONABEACH.TMY) ANT ther Required Compliance Category Section Acquirement (write N/A in box if not applicable) Check Infiltration 406.1 Infiltration Criteria have been met System 407.1 1, IVAC Load sizing has been performed EY Ventilation 409.1 VVentilation criteria have been met ADS 410.1 uct sizing and Design have been performed T & B 410.1 Testing and Balancing will be performed Motors 414.1 otor efficiency criteria have been met 13" Lighting 415.1 A ighting criteria have been met IT O & M 102.1 Operation/maintenance manual will be provided to owner Roof/Ceil 404.1 -19 for Roof Deck with supply plenums beneath it Report 101 1 i riput Report Print -Out from EnergyGauge F1aCom attached? 5/22/2008 l� EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 8 EnergyGauge FLAXOM 2004 v3.00 INPUT DATA REPORT Project Information Project Name: ALLIED NEW TECH Orientation: North .Project Title: ALLIED NEW TECHNOLOGIES PLANT Building Type: Office Address: FT PIER Building Ciassifiealien:eFtrushed building— State: Florida No.of Storeys: 2 Zip: 0 GrossArea: 5487 SF Owner: ALLIED NEW TECHNOLOGI U "' Z tes No Acronym Description Type Area Multiplier Total Area [sl1 [sf] 1 ZONE-1 OFFICES CONDITIONED 708.0 1 708.0 2 ZONE-2 RTU-2 CONDITIONED 2920.0 1 2920.0 3 ZONE-3 AHU-3 CONDITIONED 765.0 1 765.0 4 ZONE-4 -AHU-4 CONDITIONED 1094.0 1 1094.0 5/22/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 Q.00 1 Spaces No Acronym Description Type Depth Width Height Multi Total Area Total Volume IN [ft] [ft] plier [sf] [cf] In Zone: ZONE-1 1 UNIT 1 ' RTU-1 Office - Enclosed 70.80 10.00 12.00 1 708.0 8496.0 El In Zone: ZONE-2 1 UNIT 2 RTU-2 Office - Open Plan 73.00 40.00 12.00 1 2920.0 35040.0 In Zone: ZONE-3 1 UNIT 2 A14U-2 Electrical Mechanical 76.50 10.00 12.00 1 765.0 9180.0 El Equipment Room - General In Zone: ZONE-4 1 UNIT 2 AHU-2 Electrical Mechanical 109.40 10.00 12.00 1 1094.0 13128.0 ❑ _--Equipment-Room—General Lighting No Type Catego No. of Watts per Power Control Type No.of Luminaires Luminaire [W] Ctrl pts In Zone: ZONE-1 In Space: UNIT 1 1 Recessed Fluorescent - General Lighting 1 2000 2000 Manual On/Off 5 ❑ No vent 0, In Zone: ZONE-2 In Space: UNIT 2 1 Recessed Fluorescent - General Lighting 1 2000 2000 Manual On/Off 2 No vent In Zone: ZONE-3 In Space: UNIT 2 1 Recessed Fluorescent - General Lighting 2000 2000 Manual On/Off 2 No vent In Zone: ZONE-4 In Space: UNIT 2 1 Recessed Fluorescent - General Lighting 1 2000 2000 Manual On/Off 2 No vent 5/22/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 No Description In Zone: 1 N-- 2 W-- 3 E-- In Zone: 1 N-- 2 W-- ZONE-1 ZONE-2 3 S-- 4 E-- In Zone: ZONE-3 1 N-- Walls Type Width H (Effec) Multi Area DirectionConductance Heat Dens. R-Value IN [ft] plier [sf] [Btu/hr. sf. F] Capacity [lb/cfJ [h.sf.F/Btu] 1 in. stucco, 8 in. h.w. conc, 1 in. insul, 0.75 in. gypsum 1 in. stucco, airspace, 3 in. insul, 0.75 in. gypsum 1 in. stucco, 8 in. h.w. conc, I in. insul' 0.'-5 25.00 25.00 25.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 1 1 1 300.0 300.0 300.0 gypsum 1 in. stucco, dl&00 65.00 1 650.0 airspace, 3 in. ins . 0.75 in. gypsum 1 in. stucco, 8 in. 12.00 1 300.0 h.w. conc, 1 in. insul, 0.75 in. gypsum 1 in. stucco, 8 in. 24.00 12.00 1 288.0 h.w. conc, 1 in. insul, 0.75 in. gypsum 1 in. stucco, 8 in. 25.00 .00 1 300.0 h.w. conc, 1 in. insul, 0.75 in. gypsum 1 in. stucco, 24.00 12.00 1 288.0 airspace, 3 in. insul, 0.75 in. gypsum North 0.2296 26.288 113.20 4.4 ❑ West 0.0888 1.617 20.42 11.3 ❑ East 0.2296 20.288 113.20 4.4 ❑ North 0.0888 1.617 20.42 11.3 ❑ West 0.2296 20.288 113.20 4.4 ❑ South 0.2296 20.288 113.20 4.4 ❑ East 0.2296 20.288 113.20 4.4 ❑ North 0.0888 1.617 20.42 11.3 ❑ 5/22/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 3 2 W-- 1 in. stucco, 8 in. 30.00 12.00 1 360.0 West 0.2296 20.288 113.20 4.4 ❑ h.w. cone, 1 in. insul, 0.75 in. gypsum 3 S-- 1 in. stucco, 8 in. 24.00 12.00 1 288.0 , South 0.2296 20.288 113.20 4.4 ❑ h.w. cone, 1 in. insul, 0.75 in. gypsum 4 E-- I in. stucco, 8 in. 10.00 76.50 1 765.0 East 0.2296 20.288 113.20 4.4 ❑ h.w. cone, 1 in. insul, 0.75 in. gypsum In Zone: ZONE-4 1 N-- 1 in. stucco, 8 in. 24.00 12.00 1 288.0 North 1.1425 18.943 126.23 0.9 ❑ h.w. cone, 0.75 in. gypsum 2 W-- 1 in. stucco, 8 in. 30.00 12.00 1 360.0 West 1.1425 18.943 126.23 0.9 ❑ Fi:w. cone, .1 m. 3 S-- gypsum 1 in. stucco, 8 in. % 12.00 1 288.0 South 1.1425 18.943 126.23 0.9 Elh.w. cone, 0.75 in. `''® gypsum 4 E-- 1 in. stucco, 8 in. 10. 7650 1 765.0 East 1.1425 18.943 126.23 0.9 ❑ h.w. cone, 0.75 in. % gypsum YIK M11 dows No Description Type Shaded SHGC Vis.Tra W H (Effec) Multi Total Area [Bt r sf ] [ft] [ft] plier [sf] In Zone: In Wall: Doors No Description Type Shaded? Width H (Effec) Multi Area Cond. Dens. Heat Cap. R-Value [ft] [ft] plier [sf] - [Btu/hr. sf. F] [lb/cf] [Btu/sf. F] [h.sf.F/Btu] 5/22/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 In Zone: In Wall: Roofs No Description Type Width H (Effec) Multi Area Tilt Cond. Heat Cap Dens. R-Value IN IN plier [sf] [deg] [Btu/hr. Sf. F] [Btu/sf. F] [lb/cf] [h.sf.FBtul In Zone: ZONE-3 1 AHU-3 2 in. h.w. RTS, 2 in. 10.00 76.50 1 765.0 0.00 0.0639 16.49 85.35 15.6 ❑ insul, stone, 4 in. h.w. dk,susp. clg. In Zone: ZONE-4 _ 1 AHU-3 2 in. h.w. RTS, 2 in. 10.00 109.40 1 1094.0 0.00 0.0639 16.49 85.35 15.6 ❑ - - - insul .stone 4 in. h.w. - dk,susp. clg. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - kylights No Description Type SHGC Vis.Trans W H (Effec) Multiplier Area Total Area [ 0 s ] [ft] IN [Sfl [Sfl In Zone: In Roof: _ ❑ Wors No Description Type Width ( Multi Area Cond. Heat Cap. Dens. R-Value IN [ft plier [sf] [Btu/hr. sf. F] [Btu/sf. F] [lb/cfl [h.sf.FBtul In Zone: ZONE-1 1 BAY 1 1 ft. soil, concrete 10.00 70.80 1 708.0 0.1745 54.00 108.00 5.73 ❑ floor, carpet and rubber pad In Zone: ZONE-2 5/22/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 I BAY 2 1 ft. soil, concrete 10.00 65.00 1 650.0 0.1745 54.00 108.00 5.73 0 floor, carpet and rubber pad Systems ` AHU-1 AHU-1 Constant Volume Air Cooled Split No. Of Units 1 System < 65000 Btu/hr Component Category Capacity Efficiency IPLV 1 Cooling System (Air Cooled < 65000 Btu/h Cooling 42500.00 13.00 13.00 ❑ Capacity) 2 Air Handling System -Supply (Air Handler (Supply) - 1400.00 0.80 Constant Volume) AHU-2 AHU-2 Constant Volume Air Cooled Split No. Of Units 1 System < 65000 Btu/hr Component Category Capacity Efficiency IPLV 1 Cooling System (Air Cooled < 65000 Btu/h Cooling 27200.00 13.-00 13.00 Capacity) 2 Air Handling System -Supply (Air Handler (Supply) - 1000.00 0.80 Constant Volume) _ AHU-3 AHU-3 Condensing Units No. Of Units 1 Component Category Capacity Efficiency IPLV 1 Cooling System (Air Cooled) 125800.00 10.10 11.20 2 Air Handling System -Supply (Air Handler (Supply) - 4000.00 0.80 Constant Volume) AHU-4 AHU-4 Condensing Units No. Of Units 1 Component Category Capacity Efficiency IPLV 1 Cooling System (Air Cooled) 182000.00 10.10 11.20 ❑ 2 Air Handling System -Supply (Air Handler (Supply) = 6000.00 0.80 ❑ Constant Volume) 5/22/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 Plant Equipment Category Size Inst.No Eff. IPLV Water Heaters W-Heater Description Capacit3Cap.Unit I/P Rt. Efficiency Loss 1 Electric water heater 30 [Gal] 5 [kW] 0.9000 [Ef] [Btu/h] ❑ Ext-Lighting - Description - Category No. of_ Watts_ er Area/Len/No. of units Control Type Wattage Luminaires Lummaire [sf/ft/No] - El i Piping No Type Operating Insulation ature Conductivity [ Btu-in/h.sf.F] M Nomonal pipe Diameter [in] Insulation Is Runout? Thickness [in] 10, AV ; I*aw en ation Used Name Glass Type No. of Glass SHGC VLT Panes Conductance [Btu/h.sf.F] ED 5/22/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 Materials Used Mat No Acronym Description Only R-Value RValue Thickness Conductivity Density SpecificHeat Used [h.sf.FBtu] [ft] [Btu/h.ft.F] [lb/cf] [Btu/1b.F] 58 Mat158 1/2 in. Slag or stone No 0.0502 0.0417 0.8300 55.00 0.4000 ❑ 59 Mat159 3/8 in. Felt and membrane No 0.2845 0.0313 0.1100 70.00 0.4000 ❑ 33 Mat133 3.33 in. Insulation No 11.1080 0.2777 0.0250 5.70 0.2000 ❑ 47 Matl47 2 in. Heavyweight concrete No 0.1670 0.1670 1.0000 140.00 0.2000 ❑ 60 Mat160 Ceiling air space Yes 1.0000 ❑ 61 Matl61 Acoustic tile No 1.7857 -0.0625 0.0350 30.00 0.2000 ❑ 57 Mat157 3/4 in. Plaster or gypsum No 0.1488 0.0625 0.4200 100.00 0.2000 ❑ 9 Mat19 Air space resistance Yes 0.9100 - ❑ - =4Q Matl40--- ---- - -4=in Heavyweight -concrete - Ne 011 0 3330 1.noon _ _ _140.00_ 0.2000 � 13 Mat113 1 in. Insulation No � 3.3320 0.0833 0.0250 5.70 _ 0.2000 ❑ 2 Matl2 1 in. Stucco No 0.2082 0.0833 0.4000 16.00 0.2000 ❑ 45 Mat145 8 in. Heavyweight concre� No 0.6670 0.6670 1.0000 140.00 0.2000 ❑ 178 Mat1178 CARPET W/RUBBER PA es 1.2300 ❑ 265 Mat1265 Soil, 1 ft f o 2.0000 1.0000 0.5000 100.00 0.2000 ❑ 48 Matl48 6 in. Heavyweight concrete No 0.5000 0.5000 1.0000 140.00 0.2000 ❑ 12 Mat112 3 in. Insulation 10.0000 0.2500 0.0250 2.00 0.2000%C ❑ p tructs Used No Name Sim We Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue Consnstruct [Btu/h.sf.F] {Btu/sf.F] [lb/cf] [h.sf.FBtu] 1007 2 in. h.w. RTS, 2 in. insul, stone, 4 in. h.w. No No 0.06 16.49 85.35 15.6 ❑ dk,susp. clg. Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. IN Factor 1 47 2 in. Heavyweight concrete 0.1670 0.000 ❑ 2 9 Air space resistance 0.000 ❑ 3 33 3.33 in. Insulation 0.2777 0.000 ❑ 5/22/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 No Name Simple Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue Construct Construct [Btu/h.sf.F] [Btu/sf.F] [lb/cf] [h.sf.F/Btu] 1007 2 in. h.w. RTS, 2 in. insul, stone, 4 in. h.w. No No 0.06 16.49 85.35 15.6 ❑ dk,susp. clg. Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. N Factor 4 58 1/2 in. Slag or stone 0.0417 0.000 ❑ 5 59 3/8 in. Felt and membrane 0.0313 0.000 ❑ 6 40 4 in. Heavyweight concrete 0.3330 0.000 ❑ 7 60 Ceiling air space 0.000 ❑ 8 61 Acoustic tile 0.0625 0.000 ❑ 1022 1 ft. soil, concrete floor, carpet and imple Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue istruct Construct tWu h.sUFV [Btu/sf F] — [itrkf]—[h-.sf-F/Btul- - No No 0.17 54.00 108.00 5.7 ❑ s Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. [ft] Factor 1 265 Soil, 1 ft 2.0000 0.000 ❑ 2 48 6 in. Heavyweight concr 0.5000 0.000 ❑ 3 178 CARPET W/RUBBER .� 0.000 ❑ 5/22/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 Q.00 9 No Name Simple Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue Construct Construct [Btu/h.sf.F] [Btu/sf.F] [lb/cf] [h.sf.F/Btu] 1023 1 in. stucco, 8 in. h.w. conc, 1 in. insul, 0.75 No No 0.23 20.29 113.20 4.4 ❑ in. gypsum Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. IN Factor 1 2 1 in. Stucco 0.0833 0.000 ❑ 2 45 8 in. Heavyweight concrete 0.6670 0.000 ❑ 3 13 1 in. Insulation 0.0833 0.000 ❑ 4 57 3/4 in. Plaster or gypsum 0.0625 0.000 ❑ No Name Simple Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue __ _ Construct Construct [Btu/h.sf.F] [Btu/sf.F] [lb/cf] [h.sf.F/Btu] 1030 1 in. stucco, airspace, 3 in. insul, 0.75 in. No No --- - - - 62=--20:42 - 44-.3 ❑ Layer Material Material o Thickness Framing No. [ft] Factor 1 2 1 in. Stucco ! 0.0833 0.000 ❑ 2 9 Air space resistance 0.000 ❑ 3 12 3 in. Insulation A95RA, 0.2500 0.000 ❑ 4 57 3/4 in. Plaster or gypsum 0.0625 0.000 ❑ No Name Simple ssless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue Construc ' C struct [Btu/h.sf.F] [Btu/sf.F] [lb/cf] [h.sf.FBtu] 1032 1 in. stucco, 8 in. h.w.'conc, 0.75 in. gypsum No 1.14 0-04 18.94 126.23 0.9 El Layer Material Material 0900rhickness Framing No. [ft] Factor 1 2 1 in. Stucco 0.0833 0.000 ❑ 2 45 8 in. Heavyweight concrete 0.6670 0.000 ❑ 5/22/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 10 M � Jrder Design Report SBS 9.4C 74498 Release: SBS 9AC Service Rep: Rick Akram District Manager: Bill Judd Purchaser: Project Use Category: Commercial Building Code: 2004 Florida Live/Wind Live Load: 20.000 psf Reduction: Yes Wind Load: 150.00 mph 1/10 Year Wind: N/A 1/30 Year Wind: N/A Snow Ground Snow Load: 0.000 psf Min Roof Snow Load: 0.000 psf Thermal Condition: N/A Seismic Spectral Response(Sh): N/A Spectral Response(Ss): N/A ( Spectral Response(S1): N/A Spectral Response(S2): N/A Velocity Coefficient(Aa): N/A Accelerated Coefficient(Av): N/A Soil Type: (D) Stiff Soil Soil types (A, B, or C), (1, 2, or 3), (SA, SB, or SC during a seismic event. In the absence of a soil: specifies that the worst case, soil type (D), (4), (: forces. Star Building Systems requires a letter document that the specified soil type exists at tl be assumed for design. Ordinarily, for building: specifying the conservative soil type will not aff Allied Steel Project ID: 6400 n andrews ft Lauderdale, FL, 33309 Plant: Est. Date: Project ID: ELZ 11/17/2005 Jobsite State: FL Jobsite County: St. Lucie Wind Exposure: Exposure C Wind Category: N/A Hurricane Coastline: No Miles From Coastline: N/A Snow Exposure: N/A Sea Level: N/A Rain Load: N/A % of Snow Loa mic: Normal Seismic Zo N/A Accelera ' ' a): N/A Velo '_y ne( ): N/A Z e it tio: N/A N r So c actor: N/A De eismic For Schools: N/A is 1, 2, or S3) result in smaller forces imposed on a building port prepared by a licensed design professional the building code D), (S4), be used by the building designer for determining-%Asmic nd copy of a soils report from a registered design professional to e site. Otherwise the conservative soil type (D), (4), (SIT), (S4) must with metal roof and wall and no cellateral materials with high mass, ct the design or price of materials supplied by Star Building Systems. Date and time printed: OU FL-JOSE VEGA-OPEN AREAS ADDED -adjusted for drawings.sbs Page 1 i Design Report Allied Steel SBS 9AC Project ID: 74498 JUILDING A - MAIN i Label: A Type: Structure: New Frame Type: Attachment: No Elevation A: GEOMETRY. SIDEWALLS & ENDWALLS Width: 100'-0" Length: SWA SWC Eave Height: 38'-0" Eave Height: Roof Slope: 0.500000 / 12 Roof Slope: Dist. to Ridge: 50'-0" Dist. to Ridge: Girts: 8.5" Z - Exterior Girts: EWB EWD Type: Non -Expandable Frame Type: Girts: 8.5" Z - Exterior Girts: Setback: System Standard Setback: Gable Flash: Yes Gable Flash: Insulation Trim: No Insulation Trim: Purlins: 8.5" Z Pregalvanized S Primary Steel Shop Coat: Red Frame Bolt r . I Stand Alone Symmetrical Sidewall 147'-6" 38'-0" 0.500000 / 12 50'-0" 8.5" Z - Exterior Non -Expandable Frame 8.5" Z - Exterior System Standard Yes No No No Design Report SBS 9AC 74498 3UILDING A -MAIN Allied Steel Project ID: Bay Spacing (EWB-EWD): 25'-311, 24'-0", 24'-0", 24'-01', 24'-0", 26'-3" EWB COL. Spacing (SWC-SWA): 20'-0", 20'-0", 20'-011, 20'-0", 20'-0" EWD COL. Spacing (SWA-SWC): 10'-0", 20'-0", 20'-011, 19'-01, 21'-011, 10'41 SWA Girt Locations (Base to Eave): 3'-0", ' 32'-6", SWC Girt Locations (Base to Eave): 3'-0" 27'-2", EWB Girt Locations (Base to Peak): 3'-0", 27'-2", EWD Girt Locations (Base to Peak): 34'-10" 5' 2", 714", 11'-6", 13'-81', 18'-6", 20'-8", 25'-6", 27'-8", 1' 8" 5 -2", 7'-411, 10'-8", 12'-10"2 16'-2", .18'-4", 21'-8", 23'-10", !9'-4", 32'-8", 34'-10" 5�-21, 714", 10'-81, 12'-1011, 16'-2", 18'-4", 21'-8", 23'-10", !�'-4", 32'-8", 34'-10", 36'-6" Purlin Spacing: System Standard Purlin Locations (SWA - Eave to Peak): 1'-3 1/2" 2'-7", 4'-9 1/16", 6'-3 1/16", 8'-5 1/16", 9'-] 1 1/8", 12'-1 1/8", 14'-3 1/8", 16-5 3/16", 18'-7 3/16", 20'-9 3/16", 22'-11 1/4", 25'-1 1/4", 27'-3 5/16", 29'-5 5/16", 31'- 5/16", 33'-9 3/8", 35'-11 3/8", 38'-1 3/8", 0'-3 7/16", 42'-5 7/16", 44'-7 7/16", 46' 9 1/2", 48'-11 1/2" Purlin Locations (SWC - Eave to Peak): 1'-5 3/4" 2'-11 1/2", 4'-6 9/16", 6-9 16' 10'-7 5/8", 12'-10 5/8", 15'-1 11/16", 17'-4 11/16", 19'-7 11/16", 0C)73/4"26'-4 3/4", 28'-7 13/16",30'-10 13/16", 18", 7/8", 35'-4 7/8", - 76", 42'-] 15/16", 44'-4 15/16", 46'-8", 1" Group Number: Frame Lines: SWA Column: Max Col. Web Depth: Max Raf. Web Depth: Ext Col. Recession: 1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Tapered Allowed 72.00" 72.00" 0.00" Hardened Washers: SWC•• Column:`'* Max Col. Web Depth: Max Raf. Web Depth: Ext Col. Recession: No Tapered Allowed 72.00" 72.00" 0.00" Design Report SBS 9.4C 74498 3uildinq A - MAIN LOADS, WIND ENCLOSURE, DEFLE Building Loads Roof Snow Load By Design: 0.000 psf Occupancy Category: IV - Essential Thermal Condition: Heated Seismic Design Category: Wind Enclosure Wind Enclosure: Are all Framed Openings enclosed with materials Are all Open Areas for Other enclosed with materi; Uniform Collateral Loads Ceiling Load: Plaster/Sheetrock Ceiling: Deflections Purlins Live: Purlins Snow: Purlins Wind: Purlins Total Gravity: Purlins Total Uplift: Girts Drifts Portal Frame Wind: Portal Frame Seismic Crane: - 0.000 psf No L/150 - Default L/N/A - Default L/180 - Default U120 - Default L/N/A - Default L/90 - Default H/60 - Default H/50 - Default H/100 - Defau Frame Live: H/60 - Defauli� Frame Snow: H/60 - Default `� Frame Wind: H/60 - Default Frame Seismic: H/50 -. Default Frame Total Gravity: H/60 - Default Frame Total Wind: H/60 - Default Frame Total Seismic: H/50 - Default * Note - Frame Drift (by design) values are determ Allied Steel Project ID: IONS & DRIFTS esigned to. resist building wind loads: Is designed to resist building wind loads: Sprinkler: Other: Rafters Live: Rafters Snow: Rafters Wind: Rafters Total Gram' Rafters Total Endwal o Ida NVI (by design H/100) (by design H/100) (by design H/100) (by design H/233) (by design H/100) (by design H/100) (by design H/233) Calculated - Enclosed Yes Yes 0.000 psf 0.500 psf L/150 - Default L/N/A - Default L/180 - Default L/120 - Default L/N/A - Default L/90 - Default ned by Building Code, Crane, and Open conditions. * Note - It is the responsibility of the Builder to interpret all aspects of the End Customer's specifications and incorporate the appropriate specifications, design criteria, and design loads into the Order Documents submitted to Star, Building Systems. Date an 13:36:04 Design Report Allied Steel SBS 9.4C Project ID: 74498 BUILDING A - MAIN BRACING SWA 1 Tier Rod (EWB to EWD) @ Bays: 2,5 Roof: Rod (EWB to EWD) @ Bays: 2,5 SWC: 1 Tier Rod (EWD to EWB) @ Bays: 5,2 EWB: None (SWC to SWA) @ Bays: No Bays EWD: None (SWA to SWC) @ Bays: No Bays Purlin: Angles Girt: Angles ROOF PANEL 14,908 s ft Type: DuraRib Struct Screws: 1-1/4" Self -Drill Gauge: 24 Stitch Screws: 7/8" Self -Drill Finish: Alum -Zinc 25 Year Coat Guarantee: N/A Thickness: N/A 20 Year Perf. Guarantee: N/A UL Rating: UL 30 Extended Panel: No UL Letter: No Ridge Pan: No Standing Seam Clip: N/A Alignment Strip: N/A Not by Manufacturer: N/A "NALL PANEL 13,556 s ft Type: DuraRib Struc crew 1-1/4" Self -Drill Gauge: 24 rovi Wa x No Finish: Polar White (SIG-200) itch s: 7/8" Self -Drill Thickness: N/A 5 Year oat Guarantee: Yes BASE CONDITION Framing: Angle Flash Type: NB3 Closure: None Flash Finish: Polar White (SIG-200) FLASH FINISH Corner: Polar White (SIG-200) Gable: Light Stone (SIG-200) Eave: Light Stone (SIG-200) All Other: Polar White (SIG-200) Gutters: r Light Stone (SIG-200) Downspouts: Polar White (SIG-200) r Date and time printed: 01/30/2008 13:36:04 FL-JOSE VEGA-OPEN AREAS ADDED -adjusted for drawings.sbs Page 5 of 22 . t. r� III nIILI/1 A ■■ A ILI Design Report SBS 9AC 74498 DESIGN DATA FRAME(S): 1 Inside Clearance: 88'-3 1/4" Column 1 (SW Column Depth Base: Knee: Anchor Rods Quantity: Diameter: Gauge: Maximum Reactions Vertical: Horizontal: Longitudinal: Column 2 (SW Column Denth ase: Knee: 13.13" 60.88" 4 1.25" 6 14.54 Kips 31.74 Kips 0.00 Kips 13.13" 60.88" Allied Steel Project ID: Peak Clearance: 37'-8 1/8" Peak Rafter Depth: 20.19" Knee Rafter Depth: Clearance: Base Plate: LeLeeng�— Width: Thickness: -44.71 Kips -6.68 Kips 0.00 Kips Knee meter D .p Clear irc . 58.75" 32'-7 7/16" 14.00" 10.00" 0.63" 58.75" 32'-7 7/16" Anchor Rods a Plated" uantity: 4 _ engt 14.00" Diameter: 1.25" i the 10.00" Gauge: 6 hickness: 0.63" Maximum Reactions Vertical: 14.54 Kips -44.71 Kips Horizontal: 6.68 Kips -31.74 Kips Longitudinal: 0.00 Kips 0.00 Kips ****************************************************************************************** * These reactions control the design of the anchor rods. The load combinations which * these;rehctions may not be the controlling combinations required for the design of the * produced foundation. It is the respo#sibility of the foundation engineer to determine * the load combinations which are required for the design of the foundation. * Anchor rods are not supplied by Manufacturer. Column 1 (SWC) --> v HL lVL Design Report SBS 9.4C 74498 �30ILDING A - MAIN Individual Loads - Unfactored Column 1 (SWC) Lateral Primary Wind Load 1 Lateral Primary Wind Load 2 Lateral Primary Wind Load 3 Lateral Primary Wind Load 4 LWL1 LWL2 LWL3 LWL4 Roof Collateral Load Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load Column 2 (SWA) Lateral Primary Wind Load 1 Lateral Primary Wind Load 2 Lateral Primary Wind Load 3 Lateral Primary Wind Load 4 LWL1 LWL2 LWL3 LWL4 Roof Collateral Load Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load Allied Steel Project ID: Vertical Horizontal -48.481 Kips -34.674 Kips -26.692 Kips -12.885 Kips -37.787 Kips -33.790 Kips -22.955 Kips -21.272 Kips 0.330 Kips 6.285 Kips 7.'925 Kips -26.692 Kips -12.885 Kips -48.481 Kips -34.674 Kips -33.790 Kips -37.187 Kips -21.272 K' s -22 s 0. 0 s 6. 7. 5 itudinal 33.141 Kips 0.000 Kips 31.034 Kips 0.000 Kips 3.733 Kips 0.000 Kips 1.626 Kips 0.000 Kips 8.846 Kips 0.000 Kips 9.047 Kips 0.000 Kips 2.216 Kips 0.000 Kips 2.301 Kips 0.000 Kips -0.174 Kips 0.000 Kips -2.337 Kips 0.000 Kips -4.169 Kips 0.000 Kips -3.732 Kips 0.000 Kips -1.625 Kips 0.000 Kips -33.141 Ki s 0.000 Kips -31.034 0 4 0.000 Kips Kip 0.000 Kips ip 0.000 Kips Q 0.000 Kips Kips 0.000 Kips Kips 0.000 Kips 2.337 Kips 0.000 Kips 4.169 Kips 0.000 Kips Date and time printed: 01/30/2008 13:36:04 AREAS Design Report SBS 9AC 74498 DESIGN DATA FRAME(S): 2 Allied Steel Project ID: Inside Clearance: 88'-3 1/4" I Peak Clearance: 36-3 7/16" Peak Rafter Depth: 36.81" Column 1 (SWC) Column Depth Knee ase: 18.13" Rafter Depth: 60.88" Knee: 60.88" Clearance: 32'-5 5/16" Anchor Rods Base Plate: Quantity: 6 ems- 19.00'� Diameter: 1.25" Width: 10.00 Gauge: 6 Thickness: 1.00" Maximum Reactions Vertical: 23.62 Kips -100.87 Kips Horizontal: 36.55 Kips -10.31 Kips Longitudinal: 0.00 Kips -23.52 Kips ra Column 2 (SWA) Column Depth Knee ase: 18.13° 60.88"Knee: 60.88" :32'-5 5/16" ORR—aftnep Anchor Rods Quantity: 6 19.00"Diameter: 1.25" 10.00" Gauge: 6 Thickness: 1.00" Maximum Reactions Vertical: 23.63 Kips -100.86 Kips Horizontal: 10.31 Kips -36.51 Kips Longitudinal: 0.00 Kips i -23.52 Kips * These reactions control the design d,f the anchor rods. The load combinations which * these reactions may not be the controlling combinations required for the design of the * produced foundation. It is.the responsibility of the foundation engineer to determine * the load combinations which are required for the design of the foundation. * Anchor rods are not supplied by Manufacturer. C Design Report SBS 9.4C 74498 Individual Loads - Unfactored Column 1 (SWC) Lateral Primary Wind Load 1 Lateral Primary Wind Load 2 Lateral Primary Wind Load 3 Lateral Primary Wind Load 4 LWL1. LWL2 LWL3 LWL4 Roof Collateral Load Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load Column 2 (SWA) Lateral Primary Wind Load 1 Lateral Primary Wind Load 2 Lateral Primary Wind Load 3 Lateral Primary Wind Load 4 LWL1 LWL2 LWL3 LWL4 Roof Collateral Load Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load Allied Steel Project ID: Vertical Horizontal dinal -62.118 Kips 38.396 Kips 0.000 Kips -36.994 Kips 35.547 Kips 0.000 Kips -36.980 Kips 2.729 Kips 0.000 Kips -11.856 Kips -0.120 Kips 0.000 Kips -106.022 Kips 13.040 Kips-23.520 Kips -98.707 Kips 13.417 Kips 23.520 Kips -79.019 Kips 2.006 Kips-23.520. Kips -75.939 Kips 2.164 Kips-23.520 Kips 0.601 Kips -0.289 Kips 0.000 Kips 8.591 Kips -3.085 Kips 0.000 Kips 14.425 Kips -6.933 Kips 0.000 Kips -36.980 Kips -2.769 Kips 0.000 Kips -11.856 Kips 0.080 Kips 0.000 Kips -62.118 Kips-38.357 Kips 0.000 Kips -36.994 Kips-35.508 Kips 0.000 Kips -98.707 Kips-13.407 Kips-23.520 Kips -106.022 Kips-13.049 Kip-23.520 Kips -75.939 Kips -2.161 sl 23.520 Kips -79.019 Kips -2.01 Kip 23.520 Kips 0.601 Kips 8 Kip 0.000 Kips 8.599 Kips C6. 8 0.000 Kips 14.425 Kips s 0.000 Kips - Y-0 t, Date Design Report SBS 9AC 74498 DESIGN DATA FRAME.(S): 3 Inside Clearance: Column 1 (SW Column Depth F375-se: Knee: Anchor Rods Quantity: Diameter: Gauge: Maximum Reactions Vertical: Horizontal: Longitudinal: Column 2 (SW Column Depth _ Base: i Knee: Anchor Rods Quantity: Diameter: Gauge: Maximum Reactions Vertical: Horizontal: Longitudinal: 88'-3 1 /4" 18.13" 60.88" 6 1.25" 6 23.59 Kips 36.48 Kips 0.00 Kips Allied Steel Project ID: sa Peak Clearance: Peak Rafter Depth: Knee Rafter Depth: Clearance: Base Plate: Length: Width: Thickness: -100.75 Kips -10.29 Kips -23.52 Kips Knee I 18.13 Ra�te Dep 60.88" CI nce: sen e: 6 gtFF- 1.25" Width: 6 Thickness: 23.59 Kips 10.29 Kips 0.00 Kips -100.75 Kips -36.44 Kips -23.52 Kips 36'-3 7/16" 36.81" t 60.88" 32'-5 5/16" 19.00" 10.00" 1.00" 60.88" 32'-5 5/16" 19.00" 10.00" 1.00" * These reactions control the design of, the anchor rods. The load combinations which * these reactions may not be the contro�ling combinations required for the design of the * produced foundation. It is the respo,6sibility of the foundation engineer to determine * the load combinations which are required for the design of the foundation. * Anchor .rods are not supplied by Manufacturer. 4 w Column 1 (SWC) --> o v CD Iv _a 3 m m n o . - w 0 IV O O 00 CD W �*Pd7irrrrrr-rrr n xx�rrrrrrrr n CDo �o n 'ID aw a n.CD CIlo O O O O O O O O n.a.a.a n.aaQ7a AW N ••- A W N •--• I I I F•1 I I I I I N -4-j0wwrnl-Aw �ODOOtJlln0t71NF101 �P. (71 01 �O 00 l0 tr �O O 00 l0 OtOO�P�10tOWOWF•1 ON001F•IN100t001(JI � xxxxxxxxxxx wwwwwwwwwww rororororororororororo y fA N N N N to N N to y I I I I IlrNww I CGS iONNWWIJIODON o 0xN0. Oowmoo�1 ro-0xN4 roONxN.rowOxNO. roNtxr0. roa�xNA. ro0 (a to OI N In to N N I I I I N N N N O O O W W W W O O O O 00,00OLn00000 O O O N N N N O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 xxxxxxxxxxx wwwwwwwwwww rororororororororororo NNNNtANNNtnNN I I I I F-•1 1 1 1 1 I -A ��luo►•�wwrn O.Wou1000C11I-• mm" �, to OI O'w to l0 m l0 to oaDo�r��ootarwo O(710E-`011ONCI(J1O10 xxxxxxxxxxx r•wwwwwwwwww rororororororororororo to to EO to to to W to M 14 to I I I I� F+ I W W 1W 0ONNWwONIflOD t0 O N 1-•� O W O F-� �] iP W N OD OD 010 tp l-IF-�NODN !•+ N DD O 1••1 N 01 l0 to ll1 l0 xxxxxxxxxxx wwwwwwwwwww rororororororororororo N N N N to N N to to N N I I I I N N N N O O O W W w W 0 0 0 0 OOOUIlI Lnwo000 O O O N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O xxxxxxxxxxx N• r• N• r• N• N• N• N• N• N• N• rororororororororororo N to N to N N to N to N N CL Q. c r O d a N 1 C 7 iU r. O CD lD R WE -4cnv 06 ��N tom—• comma C-) � •a O -0 D I O' CD Q. n ' vA 0 / rt vm Design Report SBS 9AC 74498 DESIGN DATA FRAME(S): 4 Inside Clearance: Column 1 (SW Column Depth 'ffase: Knee: Anchor Rods Quantity: Diameter: Gauge: Maximum Reactions Vertical: Horizontal: Longitudinal: Column 2 (SW Column Depth ase: Knee: Anchor Rods uantity: Diameter: Gauge: Maximum Reactions Vertical: Horizontal: Longitudinal: 89'-8 5/8" 18.13" 60.88" 6 1.25" 6 24.13 Kips 36.65 Kips 0.00 Kips Allied Steel Project ID: Peak Clearance: 35'-8 3/8" Peak Rafter Depth: 43.69" Knee Rafter Depth: Clearance: Base Plate: Length: Width: Thickness: -102.27 Kips -10.21 Kips -23.52 Kips 61.00" 32'-5 3/16" 19.00" 10.00" 1.00" Knee 18.13" wafter Dep 61.13" 43.25" CirPI 32'-4 5/.16" B a ser_6 en �. 19.00" 1.25" _ Width: 14.00" 6 Thickness: 0.63" 25.01 Kips-101.99 Kips 10.21 Kips -36.50 Kips 0.00 Kips -23.52 Kips * These reactions control the design of he anchor rods. The load combinations which * these reactions may not be the controlling combinations required for the design of the * produced foundation. It is the responsibility of the foundation engineer to determine * the load combinations which are required for the design of the foundation. * Anchor rods are not supplied by Manufa turer. K sTAR Design Report SBS 9.4C 74498 Individual Loads - Unfactored Column 1 (SWC) Lateral Primary Wind Load 1 Lateral Primary Wind Load 2 Lateral Primary Wind Load 3 Lateral Primary Wind Load 4 LWL1 LWL2 LWL3 LWL4 Roof Collateral Load Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load Column 2 (SWA) Lateral Primary Wind Load 1 Lateral Primary Wind Load 2 Lateral Primary Wind Load 3 Lateral Primary Wind Load 4 LWL1 LWL2 LWL3 LWL4 Roof Collateral Load Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load Allied Steel Project ID: Vertical Horizontal -63.433 Kips -37.770 Kips -37.795 Kips -12.131 Kips -107.536 Kips -100.170 Kips -79.952 Kips -76.851 Kips 0.614 Kips 8.781 Kips 14.739 Kips -37.701 Kips -12.085 Kips -63.341 Kips -37.725 Kips -99.878 Kips -107.803 Kips -76.663 Kips -80.000 Kips 0.613 Kips 9.686 Kips 14.711 Kips 38.501 Kips 35.890 Kips 1.980 Kips -0.631 Kips 12.573 Kips 13.081 Kips 1.666 Kips 1.880 Kips -0.285 Kips -3.078 Kips -6.850 Kips -2.133 Kips 0.478 Kips -38.349 Kips -35.737 Kips -12.949 Kips -12.682 Kips -1.824 Kips -1.712 K' 0.28 s .85, ps itudinal 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips -23.520 Kips -23.520 Kips -23.520 Kips -23.520 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips -23.520 Kips -23.520 Kips -23.520 Kips -23.520 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips Date and Design Report SBS 9AC 74498 DESIGN DATA FRAME(S): 5 Inside Clearance: 89'-8 5/8" Allied Steel Project ID: Peak Clearance: 35'-8 3/8" Peak Rafter Depth: 43.69" Column 1 (SWC) Column Del2th Knee ase: 18.13" wafter Depth: 61.00" Knee: 60.88" Clearance: 32'-5 3/16" Anchor Rods Base Plate: Quantity: 6 Length: 19.00" Diameter: 1.25" Width: 10.001, Gauge: 6 Thickness: 1.00" Maximum Reactions Vertical: 24.13 Kips -102.27 Kips Horizontal: 36.65 Kips -10.21 Kips Longitudinal: 0.00 Kips -23.52 Kips Column 2 (SWA) ff Column Depth ee Base: 18.13" vat Ixfter%vto 61.13" Knee: 43.25" rance: 32'-4 5/16" Anchor Rods Base Plate: Quantity: 6 Length: 19.00" Diameter: 1.25" Width: 14.00" Gauge: 6 Thickness: 0.63" Maximum Reactions Vertical: 25.01 Kips -101.99 Kips Horizontal: 10.21 Kips -36.50 Kips Longitudinal: 0.00 Kips -23.52 Kips * These reactions control the design of the anchor rods. The load combinations which * these reactions may not be the controlling combinations required for the design of the * produced foundation. It is the responsibility of the foundation engineer to determine * the load combinations which are required for the design of the foundation. * Anchor rods are not supplied by Manufacturer. .w Column 1 (SWC) --> HL f vi. 1vR Date and time printed: 01/30/2008 13:36:04 FL-JOSE VEGA-OPEN AREAS ADDED -adjusted for drawings.sbs Page 14 of 22 Design Report SBS 9.4C . 74498 Individual Loads - Unfactored Column 1 (SWC) Lateral Primary Wind Load 1 Lateral Primary Wind Load 2 Lateral Primary Wind Load 3 Lateral Primary Wind Load 4 LWL1 LWL2 LWL3 LWL4 Roof Collateral Load Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load Column 2 (SWA) Lateral Primary Wind Load 1 Lateral Primary Wind Load 2 Lateral Primary Wind Load 3 Lateral Primary Wind Load 4 LWL1 LWL2 LWL3 LWL4 Roof Collateral Load Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load Vertical -63.433 Kips -37.770 Kips -37.795 Kips -12.131 Kips -107.536 Kips -100.170 Kips -79.952 Kips -76.851 Kips 0.614 Kips 8.781 Kips 14.739 Kips -37.701 Kips -12.085 Kips -63.341 Kips -37.725 Kips -99.878 Kips -107.803 Kips -76.663 Kips -80.000 Kips 0.613 Kips 9.686 Kips 14.711 Kips' Allied Steel Project ID: Horizontal Longitudinal 38.501 Kips 0.000 Kips 35.890 Kips 0.000 Kips 1.980 Kips 0.000 Kips -0.631 Kips 0.000 Kips 12.573 Kips -23.520 Kips 13.081 Kips -23.520 Kips 1.666 Kips -23.520 Kips 1.880 Kips -23.520 Kips -0.285 Kips 0.000 Kips -3.078 Kips 0.000 Kips -6.850 Kips 0.000 Kips -2.133 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.478 Kips 0.000 Kips -38.349 Kips 0.000 Kips -35.737 Kips 0.000 Kips -12.949 Kips -23.520 Kips -12.682 Kips -23.520 Kips -1.824 K' -23.520 Kips -1.7 -23.520 Kips 0. 1 5 0.000 Kips 8 K 0.000 Kips 6. 0 _ s 0.000 Kips Design Report SBS 9AC 74498 DESIGN DATA FRAME(S): 6 Inside Clearance: 89'-8 5/8" Column 1 (SWC) Allied Steel Project ID: Peak Clearance: 35'-8 3/8" Peak Rafter Depth: 43.69" Column Del2th Knee ase: 18.13" Rafter Depth: 61.00" Knee: 60.88" Clearance: 32'-5 3/16" Anchor Rods Base Plate: Quantity: 6 e- L ng 19.00" Diameter: 1.25" Width: 10.00" Gauge: 6 Thickness: 1.00" Maximum Reactions Vertical: 24.13 Kips-102.27 Kips Horizontal: 36.65 Kips -10.21 Kips Longitudinal: 0.00 Kips -23.52 Kips Colurnn 2 (SWA) 0094 Column Del2th Knee ase: 18.13" a 61.13" Knee: 43.25" lea nce: 32'-4 5/16" Anchor Rods se Plate: Quantity: 6\\0VEFengt 19.00" Diameter: 1.25" Width: 14.00" Gauge: 6 Thickness: 0.63" Maximum Reactions Vertical: 25.01 Kips-101.99 Kips Horizontal: 10.21 Kips -36.50 Kips Longitudinal: 0.00 Kips -23.52 Kips ****************************************************************************************** * These reactions control the design of the anchor rods. The load combinations which * these reactions may not be the controlling combinations required for the design of the * * produced foundation. It is the responsibility of the foundation engineer to determine * * the load combinations which are required for the design of the foundation. * Anchor rods are not supplied by Manufacturer. Column 1 (SWC) --> �I i HL 1vL IvR Date and time printed: 01/30/2008 13:36:04 FL-JOSE VEGA-OPEN AREAS ADDED -adjusted for drawings.sbs Page 16 of 22 Design Report SBS 9.4C 74498 Individual Loads - Unfactored Column 1 (SWC) Lateral Primary Wind Load 1 Lateral Primary Wind Load 2 Lateral Primary Wind Load 3 Lateral Primary Wind Load 4 LWL1 LWL2 LWL3 LWL4 Roof Collateral Load Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load Column 2 (SWA) Lateral Primary Wind Load 1 Lateral Primary Wind Load 2 Lateral Primary Wind Load 3 Lateral Primary Wind Load 4 LWL1 LWL2 LWL3 LWL4 Roof Collateral Load Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load Allied Steel Project ID: Vertical Horizontal Longitudinal -63.433 Kips =37.770 Kips -37.795 Kips -12.131 Kips -107.536 Kips -100.170 Kips -79.952 Kips -76.851 Kips 0.614 Kips 8.781 Kips 14.739 Kips -37.701 Kips -12.085 Kips -63.341 Kips -37.725 Kips -99.878 Kips -107.803 Kips -76.663 Kips -80.000 Kips 0.613 Kips 9.686 14 1 ysps 38.501 Kips 35.890 Kips 1.980 Kips -0.631 Kips 12.573 Kips 13.081 Kips 1.666 Kips 1.880 Kips -0.285 Kips -3.078 Kips -6.850 Kips -2.133 Kips 0.478 Kips -38.349 Kips -35.737 Kips -12.949 Kips -12.682 K' -1. P .285 s 078 s Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips -23.520 Kips -23.520 Kips -23.520 Kips -23.520 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000. Kips 0.000 Kips -23.520 Kips -23.520 Kips -23.520 Kips -23.520 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.Obo Kips Date and time printed: 01/30/2008 13:36:04 for Design Report SBS 9AC 74498 DESIGN DATA FRAME(S): 7 Inside Clearance: 89'-8 7/8" Column 1 (SW Column Depth F375- Knee: Anchor Rods Quantity: Diameter: Gauge: Maximum Reactions Vertical: - Horizontal: Longitudinal: Column 2 (SWA) Column Depth ase: Knee: Allied Steel Project ID: Peak Clearance: 3714" Peak Rafter Depth: 24.13" Knee 13.13" wafter Depth: 58.69" 60.88" Clearance: 32'-7 7/16" Base Plate: 4Length: 14.00" 1.25" Width: 10.00" 6 Thickness: 0.63" 14.97 Kips -46.49 Kips 32.50 Kips -6.72 <+ 0.00 Kips 0.0 ips 13.13" 43.25" Rafter Depth: Clearance: 60.75" 32'-4 5/8" Anchor Rods Base Plate: uantity: 4 Le— n— gW.— 14.00" Diameter: 1.25" Width: 14.00" Gauge: 6 Thickness: 0.50" Maximum Reactions Vertical: 15.81 Kips -45.93 Kips Horizontal: 6.72 Kips -32.43 Kips Longitudinal: 0.00 Kips 0.00 Kips * These reactions control the design of the anchor rods. The load combinations which * these reactions may not be the controlling combinations required for the design of the * * produced foundation. It is the responsibility of the foundation engineer to determine * * the load combinations which are required for the design of the foundation. * Anchor rods are not supplied by Manufacturer. 18 of 22 A jn Design Report SBS 9.4C 74498 Individual Loads - Unfactored Column 1 (SWCI Lateral Primary Wind Load I Lateral Primary Wind Load 2 Lateral Primary Wind Load 3 Lateral Primary Wind Load 4 LWLI LWL2 LWL3 LWL4 Roof Collateral Load Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load Column 2 (SWA) Lateral Primary Wind Load I Lateral Primary Wind Load 2 Lateral Primary Wind Load 3 Lateral Primary Wind Load 4 LWLI LWL2 LWL3 LWL4 Roof Collateral Load Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load Allied Steel Project ID: Vertical Horizontal itudinal -50.330 Kips 33.895 Kips 0.000 Kips -35.992 Kips 31.856 Kips 0.000 Kips -27.734 Kips 3.307 Kips 0.000 Kips -13.396 Kips 1.269 Kips 0.000 Kips -39.236 Kips 8.782 Kips 0.000 Kips -35.149 Kips 9.068 Kips 0.000 Kips -23.836 Kips 2.083 Kips 0.000 Kips -22.116 Kips 2.203 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.343 Kips -0.175 Kips 0.000 Kips 6.394 Kips -2.330 Kips 0.000 Kips 8.231 Kips -4.211 Kips 0.000 Kips -27.680 Kips -3.373 Kips 0.000 Kips -13.361 Kips -1.334 Kips 0.000 Kips -50.278 Kips -33.829 Kips 0.000 Kips -35.959 Kips -31.790 Kips 0.000 Kips -35.041 Kips -8.991 Kips 0.000 Kips -39.452 Kips -8.845 Kips 0.000 Kips -22.060 Kips -2.171 Kips 0.000 Kips -23.917 Kips -2.109 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.342 Kips 0.175 K.1n.6 0.000 Kips 7.253 Kips 2.33 0.000 Kips 8.219 Kips 4. 0.000 Kips Date and time prii Design Report SBS 9.4C 74498 RI III nimr. A - MAIN DESIGN DATA ENDWALL(s): EWB Column 2 (Built Up Plate) Anchor Rods: 4 Anchor Rods Diameter: 0.75" Column Depth: 23.50" Flange Width: 5.00" Column 3 (Built Up Plate) Anchor Rods: 4 Anchor Rods Diameter: 0.75" Column Depth: 23.50" Flange Width: 5.00" Column 4 (Built Up Plate) Anchor Rods: 4 Anchor Rods Diameter: 0.75" Column Depth: 23.50" Flange Width: 5.00" Column 5 (Built Up Plate) Anchor Rods: 4 Anchor Rods Diameter: 0.75" Column Depth: 23.50" Flange Width: 5.00" Individual Loads - Unfactored Column 2 Dead Load Wind Load as Inward Pressure Wind Load as Outward Pressure Column 3 Dead Load Wind Load as Inward Pressure Wind Load as Outward Pressure Column 4 Dead Load Wind Load as Inward Pressure Wind Load as Outward Pressure Column 5 Dead Load Wind Load as Inward Pressure Wind Load as Outward Pressure Allied Steel Project ID: Base Plate Width: 8.00" Base Plate Length: 23.63" Base Plate Thickness: 0.50" Base Plate Width: 8.00" Base Plate Length: 23.63" Base Plate Thickness: 0.50" Base Plate Width: 8.00" Base Plate Length: 23.63" Base Plate Thickness: 0.50" Base Plate Widt Base Pla n h: Besse P e i nes . ��I. Horizontal .63" inal 1.168 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 17.507 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips -13.961 Kips 1.194 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 17.889 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips -14.266 Kips 1.194 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 17.889 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips -14.266 Kips 1.168 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 17.507 Kips 0..000 Kips 0.000 Kips -13.961 Kips Design Report SBS 9.4C 74498 DESIGN DATA ENDWALL(s): EWD Column 2 (Built Up Plate) Anchor Rods: 4 Anchor Rods Diameter: 0.75" Column Depth: 16.25" Flange Width: 10.00" Column 3 (Built Up Plate) Anchor Rods: 4 Anchor Rods Diameter: 0.75" Column Depth: 19.50" Flange Width: 10.00" Column 4 (Built Up Plate) Anchor Rods: 4 Anchor Rods Diameter: 0.75" Column Depth: 19.50" Flange Width: 10.00" Column 5 (Built Up Plate) Anchor Rods: 4 Anchor Rods Diameter: 0.75" Column Depth: 19.50" Flange Width: 10.00" Column 6 (Built Up Plate) Anchor Rods: 4 - Anchor Rods Diameter: 0.75" Column Depth: 19.25" Flange Width: 10.00" Individual Loads - Unfactored Column 2 Dead Load Wind Load as Inward Pressure Wind Load as Outward Pressure Column 3 Dead Load Wind Load as Inward Pressure Wind Load as Outward Pressure Column 4 Dead Load Wind Load as Inward Pressure Wind Load as Outward Pressure Column 5 Dead Load Wind Load as Inward Pressure Wind Load as Outward Pressure Column 6 Dead Load Wind Load as Inward Pressure Wind Load as Outward Pressure Allied Steel Project ID: Base Plate Width: 8.00" Base Plate Length: 23.63" Base Plate Thickness: 0.50" Base Plate Width: 8.00" Base Plate Length: 23.63" Base Plate Thickness: 0.50" Base Plate Width: 8.00" Base Plate Length: 23.63" Base Plate Thickness: 0.50" Base Plate Widtrne�s. Base Plate Len. ? Base Pi 8.00" 23.63" Ike Plate Width: 8.00" Base Plate Length: 23.63" Base Plate Thickness: 0.50" Vertical Horizontal Longitudinal 1.890 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 12.987 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips -10.356 Kips 2.387 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 17.698 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips -14.114 Kips 2.439 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips. .17.629 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips ,; =14.058 Kips 2.390 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 17.717 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips -14.129 Kips 1.948 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 13.419 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips -10.702 Kips Date and time prii Design Report SBS 9.4C 74498 'Design Notes Allied Steel Project ID: Date ADOLFO J GONZALEZ, P.E. FLO IDA LIC # 58620 ALLIED PLAN - MAIN BUILDING FT PIER, E, FLORIDA Structural analysis and Design Calculations 2050 Coral Way, Suite 400 Miami, FI 33145 T: 305.856.8935 Fax: 305.856.8936 Email: adol:�ogonzalezpe@bellsouth.net r �, )AN 3..,2008 1 /31 /2008 Detailed Wind Load Desi n (Method 2) per ASCE 7-02 Description: Allied Plant Main Bldg II Analvsis bv: A.Gonzalez IIMean Roof Height (Ht) 1 28.00 Ift 11I PvVidth Pero. To Wind Dir (B) 130.00 ft Calculated °Parameters Type of Structure Height/Least Horizontal Dim 0.28 Flexible Structure No Condition Gc i Max + Max - Open Buildings Partially Enclosed Buildings Enclosed Buildings _ _ .._ _ - _ . 0.00 0.55 _ _ 0..18 0.00 -0.55 ,lPartially Enclosed Buildings 0.55 -0.55 Aog = Tot Area of O - V = Unpartitioned Ri = 0.5'((1+1/(1+I in Bldg Envelope - ft^2 volue - ft"3 )0'Aocq))^0.5)) 0.0 Copyright 2006 www.mecaenterprises.com 1 /31 /2008 Detailed Wind Load Design (Method 2) per ASCE 7-02 49 9 4 nocinn Winrl Prpccurp . Ruilrlinnq of All Hpin Elev 0 Kz Kzt qz Ib/f A2 Pressure (Ib/ft^2 Windward Wall* +GCpi -GCpi 29 0.98 1.00 47.75 6.40 58.54 28 0.97 1.00 47.40 6.16 58.30 27 0.96 1.00 47.04 5.92 58.05 20 0.90 1.00 44.16 3.96 56.09 15 0.85 1.00 41.56 2.19 54.33 :figure 6-6 -1 Loads on Main I Resi: E L Kht Topographic factor (Fig 6-4) 1.00 Qh 00256*(V)^2*1*Kh*K t*Kd 47.40 psf Khcc Comp & Clad: Table -3 Case 1 0.97 Qhcc .00256*V^2*I*Khcc*Kht*Kd 47.40 ps IlWindward Wall (See Fiqure for Rkessures) I. 0.8 II Leeward Walls (Wind pir Normal to 100 wall) Side Walls Overhan _t3ottom_(Applicable on Windward onl Roof Wind' Normal #o(Ridge. (Theta<1'a Dist from Windward Edge: 0 ft to 56 ft - Max Cr Copyright 2005 wwwmecae -0.44 -0.70 0.80 1.00 -43.80 8.2 -54.27 -2.1 31.98 31.9 Page No. 2 of 4 v 1/31/2008 Detailed Wind Load Desibn (Method 2) per ASCE 7-02 - Dist from Windward Edge: 0 ft to 14 ft - in Cp -0.90 -62.33 -10.1 - Dist from Windward Edge: 14 ft to 28 ft - min Cp -0.90 -62.33 -10.1 Dist from Windward Edge: 28 ft to 56 ft - kn C -0.50 -46.21 5.9 ;. Raof;: Wmd'Parallel to Rid' e. All:: heta -for Wind Normal to 100 ft face Dist from Windward Edge: 0 ft to 56 ft - N ax Cp -0.18 -33.32 18.6 Dist from Windward Edge: 0 ft to 14 ft - N in Cp -0.90 -62.33 -10.1 Dist from Windward Edge: 14 ft to 28 ft - Win Cp -0.90 -62.33 -10.1 Dist from Windward Edge: 28 ft to 56 ft - tWin Cp -0.50 -46.21 5.9 Dist from Windward Edge: > 56 ft 1 -0.30 -38.16 13.9 Figure 6-10 - Externa Loads on Main Wind-Foi Kh = 2.01 *(Ht/zg)^(2/Alpha) Kht = Topographic factor (Fig 6-2) Qh = 0.00256*(V)"2*ImpFac*Kh*4 Theta = Angle of Roof Systems w/ Ht <= 60 ft 0.97 1.00 47.40 2.4 Deg r .,tea ;^� °�•sa�.5s Wind Pressures on Main Wind. Ford@&d tem Surface GCpf +GCpi -GCpi q s Min P s Maz P sf) 1 0.40 0.55 -0.55 47.40 -7.11 45.03 2 -0.69 0.55 -0.55 47.40 -58.77 -6.64 3 -0.37 0.55 -0.55 47.40 -43.61 8.53 4 -0.29 0.56 -0.55 47.40 -39.81 12.32 5 -0.45 0.55 -0.55 47.40 -47.40 4.74 6 -0.45 0.55 -0.55 47.40 -47.40 4.74 1 E 0.61 0.55 -0.55 47.40 2.84 54.98 2E -1.07 0.55 -0.55 47.40 -76.78 -24.65 3E 70.53 0.55 -0.55 47.40 -51.19 0.95 4E -0.43 0.55 -0.55 47.40 -46.45 5.69 Copyright 2005 www. ecaenterprises.com Page No. 3 of 4 1/31/2008 Detailed Wind Load * p = qh * (GCpf - GCpi) (Method 2) per ASCE 7-02 Copyright 2005 www.rpecaenterpdses.com Page No. 4 of 4 Company Adolfo Gonzalez P.E., Corp Designer adolfo Job Number: 012030701 n 41 w <LO �U D Details A 7.25 ft I X 0 January 31, 2008 F-1 Checked By: 18 in $3 q H (41 H V�ltw N O Cn D C C 16 ft B 0.20 in 1.5 in D1 1C 16 ft Bottom Rebar Plan Length :16 ft eX : 0 in Width :12 ft eZ :0 in Thickness :30 in pX :14 in Height :42 in pZ :18 in Footing Top Bar Cover : 3 in Footing Bottom Bar Cover : 3 in . Pedestal Longitudinal Bar Cover :1.5 in �x 93 Z #3@7 in rI AT N F'. rl (: O Footing Elevation i18 in 4#6 oo.ri r a �i Pedestal Rebar Plan Net A'lowable Bearing : 2500 psf Concrete Weight :150 pcf Concrete fc :4 ksi Design Code : ACI 318-02 Overturning Safety Factor :1.5 Coefficient of Friction : 0.3 Passive Resistance of Soil : 0 k Steel fy : 60 ksi Minimum Steel :.0018 Maximum Steel :.0075 Phi for Flexure :0.9 Phi for Shear :0.76 Phi for Bearing : 0.65 Company : Adolfo Gonzalez P.E., Corp Designer adolfo _ Job Number: 012030701 -Loads ' P (k) Vx (k) DL 8.06 LL 15.646 WL -89A 20.45 +P !jff +Vx A D Soil Bearing Description Categories and Factors F-1 January 31, 2008 Checked By: Vz k) Mx (k-ft) Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psi 2.9' 2 250 7.5 6 =34M a- +IVIX � 7 �}+Over D C D C A D= Gross Allow.(Dsf) Max Bearing (Dsf) Max/Allowable Ratio ASCE 2.4.1-32 1 DL+1 WL11 3127.51 1615.98 B .517 ASCE 2.4.1-3c 1DL+.75LL+.75WL 1 3127.61 824.115 B .264 ACI9-1 1.2DL+1.6LL 1 3127.61 1116.25 A .367 ACI9-2 1.05DL+1.275LL+1.275WL ! 3127.51 2060.18 B .659 A B A B A B A B 0 0 D C D C D C D C 1 DL+1 WL 1 DL+.75LL+.75WL 141)1-0.61-1- 1.05DL+1.275LL+1.275WL QA: 0 psf QA: 418.678 psf QA : 1116.25 psf QA: 0 psf QB: 1616.98 psf QB: 824.115 psf QB: 751.282 psf QB: 2060.18 psf QC: 0 psf QC: 343.687 psf QC: 751.282 psf QC: 0 psf QD: 0 psf QD: 0 psf QD: 1116.25.psf QD: 0 psf NAZ:152.166 in NAZ:390.27 in NAZ:587.229 in NAZ:164.2 in NAX:137.53 in NAX:247.014 in NAX:-1 in NAX:104.643 in Footina Flexure Desian (Bottom Bars) .. Description Categories and Factors Mu-XX (k-ft) Z Dir As in2) Mu-ZZ Dir As (in2 ASCE.2.4.1-1 1 DL 218.728 1.838 1.318 ASCE 2.4.1-2 1 DL+1 LL 263.84 2.219 176. 1.478 Note: Overburden and footing self weight are included in the DL load case. Note: Overburden and footing self weight are incl ded in the DL I d Foofin Shear Check T%I Two Way (Punching) Vc: 1144.05 k One Way (X Dir. Cut) Vc 83.828 k One Way (Z Dir. Cut) Vc: 645.105 k Punching X Dir. Cut Z Dir. Cut Description Categories and Factors Vu(k) Vu/,eVc Vu(k) Vu/0Vc Vu(k) Vu/,oVc ASCE 2.4.1-1 1 DL 120.138 .14 41.89 .115 34.311 .071 ASCE 2.4.1-2 1 DL+1 LL 134.761 1 .157 50.467 .139 38.487 .08 Note: Overburden and footing self weight are included in the DL load case. Company Adolfo Gonzalez P.E., Corp Designer adolfo Job Number: 012030701 -Pedestal January 31, 2008 F-1 Checked By: 011tidl 1i MUK rlubulm kulivo Iupu). i Shear Along X Direction Vc:26.753 k Vs: 22.247 15 Vu: 0 k Shear Along Z Direction Vc:27.891 k Vs: 29.821 k Vu: 10.468 k Shear Bars: #3 @ 7 in Bending Check Results (Envelope): Unity Check:.411 Pn: 75.241 k Mnx: 111.948 k-ft Pu :24.625 k Mux:-36.638 k-ft Muz: 0 k-ft Mnoz :NA Phi:.795 Parm Beta: .66 Longitudinal Bars: 4 #6 Compression Development Length Pedestal Bars (E velope): Lreq.: 14.23 in Lpro.: 24.5 in Lreq./i pro.: .581 Concrete Bearina Check !Vertical Loads O �. Iv) Bearing Bc : 1713.6 k Description Categories and Factors Bearing Bu (k) ASCE 2.4.1-1 1 DL 128.541 ASCE 2.4.1-2 1 DL+1 LL 144.187 Note: Overburden and footing self weight are included in the DL load case. Vu/0 Vn: 0 0:.75 Vu/0 Vn:.242 Mnz: NA Mnox:NA Overturning Check Service Descrintion Categories and Factors Mo=X (k4t) MS=XX (k=ft1 Mo=77 (k=ft) Ms=7.7 fk=ft1 ORF=XX (NSF=77 ASCE 2.4.1-3a 1 DL+1 WL 921.9 1045.98 659.1 771.247 1.135 1.17 ASCE 2.4.1-3c 1DL+.75LL+.75WL 691.425 1173.72 494.325 841.654 1.698 1.703 ACI9-1 1.2DL+1.6LL 93I432 1434.26 0 1075.7 16.351 NA AC19-2 1.05DL+1.275LL+1.275W 11 5.42 1315.44 840.362 929.502 1.119 1.106 Mo-AA: Voveming Uverturning Moment about AD or C Ms-XX: Governing Stablizing Moment about AD or B OSF-XX: Ratio of Ms-XX to Mo-XX A93P 0 Slidino Check Service Description Cateaories and Factors Va-XX W oW.XX Va-ZZ W Vr-ZZ W SR-XX SR-ZZ ASCE 2.4.1=3a 1 DL+1 WL 2 .45 74 31.508 11.742 .574 .373 ASCE 2.4.1-3c 1 DL+.75LL+.75WL 15' 337 1 17.251 21.968 1.432 1.273 ACI9-1 1.2DL+1.6LL 10 .785 15.572 53.785 NA 3.454 ACI 9-2 1.05DL+1.275LL+1.275W 261074 12.28 31.239 12.28 .471 .393 Va-XX: Applied Lateral Force to Cause Sliding AlongiXX Axis Vr-XX: Resisting Lateral Force Against Sliding Along! Axis X: SR-XRatio of Vr-XX to Va-XX Company Adolfo Gonzalez P.E., Corp January 31, 2008 Designer adolfo Job Number: 012030701 F-2 Checked By: O.Sketch Y 3.208 ft X 4, 44 n 10 in m M H f+1 l0 A 'N 4-I Z °D DT 'C 7.25 ft Details A #7@20 w OD -:::n #7@21.75 in Dl 'C 7.25 ft Bottom Rebar Plan .25 in Geometrv. Materials and Criteria <-IX Z N a r1 D C� #3Ca a m D Footing Elevation A 4#6 a .rI Ln Pedestal Rebar Plan H Length :7.25 ft eX : 0 in Net F�Ilow►able Bearing : 2600 psf Steel fy : 60 ksi Width :8 ft eZ :0 in Concrete Weight A50 pcf Minimum Steel :.0018 Thickness :18 in pX :16 in Concrete fc :4 ksi Maximum Steel :.0075 - Height :42 in pZ.:10 in Design Code :ACI 318-02 Footing Top Bar Cover :3 in 11 Overturning Safety Factor :1.5 Phi for Flexure :0.9 Footing Bottom Bar Cover : 3 in Coefficient of Friction : 0.3 Phi for Shear :0.75 Pedestal Longitudinal Bar Cover :1.5 in Passive Resistance of Soil : 0 k Phi for Bearing : 0.66 a .rI CO rq Company : Adolfo Gonzalez P.E., Corp Designer adolfo - Job Number: 012030701 F-2 January 31, 2008 Checked By: -Loads P (k) Vx (k) Vz k) Mx (k-ft) Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psf) DL 2.492 .0 8 260 LL 4.286 .0 3 WL -22.835 4.631 -.295 +p +Vx A D D +Vz I C +Mx D C +Mz A D +Over Description. Categories and Factors i Gross Allow.(psf) Max Bearina (psfl Max/Allowable Ratio ASCE 2.4.1-3a I 1 DL+1 WL i i 2980.27 811.756 B .272 ASCE 2.4.1-3c 1DL+.75LL+.75WL 2980.27 517.464 B) .174 ACI9-1 1.2DL+1.6LL 2980.27 758.272 A .264 ACI9-2 1.05DL+1.275LL+1.275WL 2980.27 1973.78 B .662 A B A B A B 0 D C D C D C 1 DL+1 WL 1 DL+.75LL+.75WL 1. DL+1.6LL QA: 696.476 psf QA: 498.416 psf 758.272 psf QB: 811.756 psf QB: 517.464 psf QB: 733.968 psf QC: 0 psf QC: 68.337 psf QC: 733.968 psf QD: 0 psf QD: 49.288 psf QD: 758.272 psf NAZ: 612.614 in NAZ: 2363.38 in NAZ: 2713.25 in NAX:35.43 in NAX:110.607 in NdX:-1 in Footing Flexure Design (Bottom Bars) Description Categories and Factors Mu-XX {k ASCE 2.4.1-1 1 DL 21.581 ASCE 2.4.1-2 1 1 DL+1 LL Note: Overburden and footing self weight are included in the D Note: Overburden and footing self weight are incl�ded in thKL A B D C 1.05DL+1.275LL+1.275WL QA: 1749.71 psf QB: 1973.78 psf QC: 0 psf QD: 0 psf NAZ:766.363 in NAX:15.467 in Z Dir As ("ff) - u- k-b) X Dir As .33 r 5 .322 110M.38 24.061 1 .368 case. Two Way (Punching) Vc: 406.167 k One Way (X Dir. Cut) Vc 176.835 k One Way (Z Dir. Cut) Vc: 160.256 k Punching X Dir. Cut Z Dir. Cut Description Categories and Factors Vu(k) Vu/,oVc Vu(k) Vu/oVc Vu k Vu/0 ASCE 2.4.1-1 1DL 27.62 .091 1 8.365 1 .063 8.041 .067 ASCE 2.4.1-2 1 DL+1 LL 31.621 .103 1 9.621 1 .073 1 9.177 1 .076 Note: Overburden and footing self weight are included in the DL load case. Company Adolfo Gonzalez P.E., Corp Designer adolfo Job Number: 012030701 -Pedestal January 31, 2008 F-2 Checked By: Shear Check Results (Envelope): Shear Along X Direction Vc:17.393 k Vs:18.224 11c Vu: 0 k Shear Along Z Direction Vc:16.685 k Vs:10.272 k Vu:.111 k Shear Bars: #3 @ 10 in i Bending. Check Results (Envelope): Unity Check:.02 Pn: 515.216 k Mnx: 27.191 k-ft Pu :7.361 k Mux:-.388 k-ft Muz: 0 k-ft Mnoz : NA Phi:.7 Parme Beta: .66 Longitudinal Bars: 4 #6 Compression Development Length Pedestal Bars (E Lreq.: 14.23 in Lpro.: 12.5 in Lreq. Concrete Bearina Check (Vertical Loads C Bearing Bc : 1088 k Description Categories and Factors ASCE 2.4.1-1 1DL ASCE 2.4.1-2 11 DL+1 LL Note: Overburden and footing self weight are include 1.138 Vu/¢ Vn: 0 0:.75 Vu/0 Vn:.006 Bearing Bu (k) Bearing Bu/ 30.348 .043 34.634 .049 in the 0C load case. Mnz: NA Mnox:NA Description Cateaories and Factors Mo=XiX (k=ft) Ms=XX (k=ft) Mo=ZZ (k=ft) Ms=ZZ (k=ft) OSF=XX OSF=ZZ ASCE 2.4.1-3a 1 DL+1 WL 84 252 110.1 114.495 121.39 .307 1.06 ASCE 2.4.1-3c 1DL+.75LL+.75WL 63189 122.101 86.871 13 .932 1.563 ACI9-1 1.2DL+1.6LL 52 156.871 0 .121 NA ACI9-2 1.05DL+1.275LL+1.275W 10 .421 136.007 145 14. . 66 1.023 Mo=XX: Governing Overturning Moment about AD oriB ' W Ms-XX: Governing Stablizing Moment about AD or B OSF-XX: Ratio of Ms-XX to Mo-XX Slidin Check Service Description Cateaories and Factors Va (k) Vr-XX (k) Va-ZZ W Vr=ZZ W SR-XX SR-ZZ ASCE 2.4.14a 1DL+1WL 4.631 2.264 .277 2.254 A87 8.136 ASCE 2.4.1-3c 1DL+.75LL+.75WL 3.473 4.931 .134 4.931 1.42 36.934 ACI9-1 1.2DL+1.6LL 10 12.982 .17 12.982 NA 76.188 ACI9-2 1.05DL+1.275LL+1.275W 5.905 2.464 .239 2.464 .417 10.327 Va-XX: Applied Lateral Force to Cause Sliding Along XX Axis Vr-XX: Resisting Lateral Force Against Sliding Along lXXAxis SR-XX: Ratio of Vr-XX to Va-XX PROJECT: CLIENT: JOB NO.: Padj'Footing DbWgh'Bai on ACI - INPUT DATA COLUMN WIDTH c, _ COLUMN DEPTH Cz = BASE PLATE WIDTH b, _ BASE PLATE DEPTH b2 = FOOTING CONCRETE STRENGTH f� _ REBAR YIELD STRESS fy = AXIAL DEAD LOAD Poi _ AXIAL LIVE LOAD PLL = LATERAL LOAD (O=WIND, I=SEISMIC) _ WIND AXIAL LOAD PLAT = SURCHARGE qs = SOIL WEIGHT ws = FOOTING EMBEDMENT DEPTH Of = FOOTING THICKNESS T = ALLOW SOIL PRESSURE Oa = FOOTING WIDTH B = FOOTING LENGTH L = BOTTOM REINFORCING # THE PAD DESIGN IS ADEQUATE. in in in in ksi ksi k k Wir k, P ksf kcf ft in ksf ft It _YSIS iN LOADS (IBC SEC.1605.3.2 & ACI 318-02 SEC.9.2.1) 1: DL + LL P = 5 kips 2: DL + LL + 1.3 W P = 5 kips 3: DL+LL+0.65W P = 5 kips K SOIL BEARING CAPACITY (ACI 318-02 SECA 5.2.2) CN71 DESIGN SUMMARY FOOTING WIDTH FOOTING LENGTH FOOTING THICKNESS LONGITUDINAL REINF. TRANSVERSE REINF. 1.2DL+1.6LL 1.2DL+ILL +1.6W 0.9 DL+ 1.6 W PAGE DESIGN BY ag REVIEW BY: F VP-4 B = 2.00 It L = 2.00 ft T = 16 in 3 # 5 @ 9 in o.c. 3 # 5 @ 9 in o.c. Pu = 7 kips Pu = 6 kips Pu = 3 kips CASE 1 CASE 2 CASE 3 gnr,,x = BL + q s+ (0.15 — ws)T = 1.30 ksf, 1.30 ksf, 1.30 ksf q < k Q a , [Satisfacto , whe k =1 for grovity loads, 4/3 fo I ds. IGN FOR FLEXURE (ACI 318-02 SEC.15.4.2, 10.2, 10.3.5, 10.5 4, 7.12.2, 12.2, WO) 0.85f 1— 1— M- 0.8' 1 0.383iid�f,, P� _ p�=M/N0.00183 PJ P= fy e rT i LONGITUDINAL TRANSVERSE d 12.69 12.38 b 24 24 4 u,max 1.70 1.70 Mu 0.19 0.19 0.000 0.000 Pmin 0.000 I 0.000 As 0.00 0.00 Re D 1 # 5 1 # 5 Max Spacing 18 in o:. 18 in o.c. USE Pmax Check pprod < pmax 3 # 5 0.021 [Satisfactory] @ gin o.c. _ 3 # 0.021 [Satisfactory] (coned) CHECK FLEXURE SHEAR (AC1318-02 SEC., 15.5.2, & 11.3) W n= 20bd fC VU I.ONGf MDINAL -2A6 0.75 _ .... _ _ .,, _ TRANSVERSE =.2.37' 0.75 Wn 28.9 28.2 Check VU < �Vn [Satisfactoryl I [Satisfactory] I CHECK PUNCHING SHEAR (ACI 318-02 SEC.15.5.2,, 11. 2.6, & OVn=(2+y)Of�AP = 271.35 kips when: — 0.75 (ACI 318-OZ Section .3.2.3) p� = ratio of long side to short side concentrated load = 1.00 bo = C1+Cz+b1+bZ+4d = 114.1 in Ap = bo d = 1430.1 0 • y = MIN(2 , 4 / Pa , 40 d /blo) = 2.0 Vu=Pu,m,x[l_-L("+c'+d)(b'+cs+d lIJ= -2.81 ft-kips < ¢ V n [Satisfactory] PROJECT: CLIENT: JOB NO.: Pad Foodhd Design-Mi `s& on'ACI ' INPUT DATA COLUMN WIDTH ct = f0 in COLUMN DEPTH cl = 10 in BASE PLATE WIDTH bi = i0;` ''in BASE PLATE DEPTH b2 in FOOTING CONCRETE STRENGTH ksi REBAR YIELD STRESS fy = 60 `' ? ksi AXIAL DEAD LOAD Poi = 7 s k AXIAL LIVE LOAD Pu<k ' LATERAL LOAD (O=WIND, I=SEISMIC) _ = 0 =' wiir WIND AXIAL LOAD Par SURCHARGE qs = t) ksf " SOIL WEIGHT wS = t)1i; t kcf FOOTING EMBEDMENT DEPTH Dr = t 2 ' , ft FOOTING THICKNESS T ALLOW SOIL PRESSURE Qa = 2,5 ' ksf t =s FOOTING WIDTH B = 25 ft FOOTING LENGTH L = 2 5-;. "Fft BOTTOM REINFORCING # 5 THE PAD DESIGN IS ADEQUATE. ANALYSIS DESIGN LOADS (IBC SEC.1605.3.2 & ACI 318-02 SEC.9.2.1) CASE 1: DL + LL P = 12 kip: CASE 2: DL + LL + 1.3 W P = 12 kip: CASE 3: DL + LL + 0.65 W P = 12 kipi CHECK SOIL BEARING CAPACITY (ACI 318-02 SEC.15.2.2) CASE 1 q„tix= BL+qs+(0.15—ws)T= 1.97 ksf, qN DESIGN SUMMARY FOOTING WIDTH FOOTING LENGTH FOOTING THICKNESS LONGITUDINAL REINF. TRANSVERSE REINF. CASE 2 1.97 1.2DL+1.6LL 1.2 DL + LL + 1.6 W 0.9 DL+ 1.6 W where k fo itWad IGN FOR FLEXURE (ACI 318 02 SEC.15.4.2, 10.2, 10.3.5, 10,I.4, 7.12. , 12.2, & 12.5) 0.85fc(-F-6 1Mu: 0.�5/3,f s 383bd fc, PAtAX c u P= ' f y Eu+et y lateral loads. PAGE DESIGN BY ag REVIEW BY ag f-7/P-6 B = 2.50 ft L = 2.50 It T = 16 in 3 # 5 @ 12 in o.c. 3 # 5 @ 12 in o.c. Pu = 16 kips Pu = 13 kips Pu — 6 kips 3 L. p,,, = MINI 0.0018 T , 3 pJ LONGITUDINAL TRANSVERSE d 12.69 12.38 b 30 30 q u,max 2.62 2.62 Mu 2.28 I 2.28 p 0.000 0.000 Amin 0.000 0.000 As 0.05 0.06 RegD 1 # 5 1 # 5 Max. Spacing 18 in o.c. 18 in o.c. USE Pmax _ 3 # 5 0.021 @ 12 in o.c. 3 # 5 @ 12 in o.c. 0.021 e Check pp pmax [Satisfactory] [Satisfactory] (cont'd) CHECK FLEXURE SHEAR (ACI 318-02 SEC., 15.5.2, J & 11.3) OVn=20bd fc l LONG7E__— __ TRANSVERSE -1.30 Wn 36.1 35.2 Check Vu < Wn [Satisfactory] [Satisfactory] CHECK PUNCHING SHEAR (ACI 318-02 SEC.15.5.2,,11. 2.6, & 1OVn=(2+y)OZCAp = 214.28 kips where = 0.75 (ACI 318-OZ Section 9.32.3 ) p� = ratio of tong side to short side of concentrated load = 1.00 bo = ct + c2 + b, + b2 + 4d = 90.1 in Ap = bo d = 1129.4 0 y = MIN(2 ,ll4 / Sc, 40 d / blo) = 2.0 Vu=pu,max[1—BL("+c'+dJ(b22cz+d) I= 7.16 ft-kips < 0 V n [Satisfactory] PROJECT: AIIiedPiant Ilan Building PAGE CLIENT : VM ConstructionL DESIGN BY ag JOB NO.: i 01020210701 DATE: ary.•_12 2008 REVIEW BY: !a . Pad Fnafina Desinn. Ras- ed on-AC1318=02 - INPUT DATA COLUMN WIDTH c! = T6 , ;# in COLUMN DEPTH c2 = 1ti ..,1, in BASE PLATE WIDTH b, = 18 > in BASE PLATE DEPTH b2 = 16 , in FOOTING CONCRETE STRENGTH f� ksi REBAR YIELD STRESS fy = 6tl: ` ksi AXIAL DEAD LOAD PcL = t 20 k AXIAL LIVE LOAD P, = LATERAL LOAD (O=WIND, I=SEISMIC) Wit WIND AXIAL LOAD PLAT = 0 ; 41( k, F SURCHARGE qs = 0 ksf SOIL WEIGHT Wa = 01V" %kcf FOOTING EMBEDMENT DEPTH Dr = FOOTING THICKNESS T = x 18 ' In ALLOW SOIL PRESSURE Qa = r 25 ';ksf FOOTING WIDTH B qs = 3:5;:,ft FOOTING LENGTH L = ,",35-15 ft BOTTOM REINFORCING THE PAD DESIGN IS ADEQUATE. _YSIS IN LOADS (IBC SEC.1605.3.2 &ACI 318-02 SEC.9.2.1) 1: DL + LL P = 28 2: DL+LL+1.3W P = 28 3: DL+LL+0.65W P = 28 ( SOIL BEARING CAPACITY (ACI 318-02 SEC.15.2.2) CASE 1 q,Tm, BL+qs+(0.15—ws)T = 2.35 4 IGN FOR FLEXURE (AC1318-02 SECA,10.3.5, 1 0.85f,11— F0.38MEJc) PNax=1 P= l j Y DESIGN SUMMARY FOOTING WIDTH B = 3.50 ft FOOTING LENGTH L = 3.50 ft FOOTING THICKNESS T = 18 in LONGITUDINAL REINF. 4 # 5 @ 12 in o.c. TRANSVERSE REINF. 4 # 5 @ 12 in o.c. �P d Q "- C co Q U 1 b, 1 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL Pu = 37 kips 1.2 DL + LL + 1.6 W Pu = 32 kips 0.9 DL+ 1.6 W Pu = 18 kips CASE 2 CASE 3 2.35 ksf, 2. < k Q a , [Sad ctory] k =1 for grovity loa s 413 for lat load 7.1 13151- 5ij� fc �y ll f eu+Ej Pnnv=MW(0.0018d , 4PJ Y l\ LONGITUDINAL TRANSVERSE d 14.69 14.38 b 42 42 q u,max 3.00 3.00 Mu 6.17 6.17 0.000 0.000 Pmin 0.000 0,000 As 0.12 0.13 ReqD 1 # 5; 1 # 5 Max. Spacing 18 in o.c. 18 in o.c. USE Pmax - 4 # 5 @ 12 in o.c. — 0,021 I ^^ 4 #, 5T �@ 12 in o.c. 0.021 Check pprod < pmax [Satisfactory] [Satisfactory] (contd) FLEXURE SHEAR (ACI 318-02 SEC.,15.5.2,, & 11.3) OV n = 2obd .f c LONGITUDINA q TRANSVERSE VU 0 -1.48 0.75 -1.20 0.75 Wn 58.5 57.3 Check V„ < ¢V„ (Satisfactory] I [Satisfactory] CHECK PUNCHING SHEAR (ACI 318-02 SEC.15.5.2,, 11.12.6, & OVn=(2+y)Ofc,4 p = 336.71 kip$ where = 0.75 (ACI 318-02, Section 9:.2.3 ) PC = ratio of tong side to short side o concentrated load = 1.00 bo = c1+c2+b,+b2+4d = 122.1 in Ap = bo d = 1774.6 ir? y I MIN(2 , 4/PC. 40 d /bjo) = 2.0 Vu=Pu,max -BLI "+c,+d1rbz+cz+d)J= 17.35 ft-kips < 0V„ [Satisfactory] P.