HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1037 -~. -:::::.-.-=.:;.....:.....irUlPft-n.~:::~____ 437 , ;.;....",..;.::..~:".--: ~~_.~mi~~..,::~mn~!:'!._~_ r,- "tHIS INDENTURE, W~de thia...__ ~.~l......._.__.......... .....u.._day of_..__...:.te.l'Qb. ....... .._...__..__............._........_. A. \), 19L{i.... BETWEEN . _.-....-....._._..._._...~...~,!J{~m~?;.}.._(l.m.._.4t:n.:l..Aa....~clm\r.1... ....hlS.....Yl.1.t'Q,.. ......_..._._............._._....._...... .._.._..__... ""'_""_""_'_" _....___....__ of Ihe COllDly of_._:?.].!..J::1J.Q.l.ft__......__.. ...._.....u._......__and State of__..._....flortd.8......._.._._..._.... ... ......._......... ....._parl~ of the IInl part, and .-------.....--....----7....-..--.-~OnGE... J...._.GII..3:::R~.__....______._.._.._.._.. ._....__..00_.._.. .__..__.........._._...._.__.._.__..._.____ of the Counly oL___..".__..__.._.__.__...______and Stale of_...... l:e~r..Q.!_'~____.__......____._I>...1 Y.._.. of the second part, WITNl-:SSF.TII, th311he ui.! p3rt.1es. of thc 61S1 put, for an.i In consideration of Ihe sum of-TEIL.OOLLAR3 .,,;,IID..OTH.ill ..V..J.':~LE. ._..._.. _~~"i~JP_?.~~T.I.Q~.~....______.. ..__.~.lo.t.roijL..in hand ""id. the r((eipt "hctCof oS hercto)' acknowl.dged. L b.ve _ gran led. bargained, sot.! aud lransferred. and b)' thue FeJcnls do..- _gnnl, baratain. sell and hander unto the sai.l parl.Y.... _ of the ucond pall and_. hiS.____h.irs and assigns forner. all thai cellaip parcel of land l,ing and being in the COUIIly 01._ ~.;,._.:L.UQ.~ft_.___..._.____...__.._ and Stale of_.Florlda ....._..______ _more particularly describe<! as follo..:_.__....____...... ..".. ........ ......_......_.....................__..... . . .......-...... Lot .fo.J,',~::.~~.1.x;..t4.~ L()i")J1.9.~lLOM..tl Lo1'_~..ianna .Pa.rk Subd.lvisl0n.. _......._._... .. ......-_.. ...........__. ._.. ..... ...............~~ ~ng_..~..P~;'; t ..~f..!'l!.a t ..pa r.~...~.r.... ?t..!' r._~Ei- ..C?f..~;:I-~...1y.l M_ :3 Q\lt tl.9t ..._.. .... . . .....-.............-........... Fort. .rlerQe..C.ana.l._1D._.~eQt1on.2. _~QwnSh1IL ;):>..South._Rar~e .4Q... ..... ....." ....."....._._..._......._.n ...-. Eaat.. ...whiahplat..1s._reaordei.in ..l-lat..Book .4., .p8.t?e.. ~2. ,~t. .l..u.c-19CO\lnty, . ................_............_..."._................ .flQr:\."'.~.r~.o.9;J.:9.S...___.._____.___......_~._.._._.on__.... _____......._.._...._.. ._.. ....... ..... ........._...._... _-...,__ ........... _h_._~.._un_._ .__.~_._..n...___ ___A .-.-- .-..-....-..---.......-_._......._.__.__.. ________ ___.._..___.._._____.._. _._.....__.hO...._..... _..___ ..._. .on ....._....__...___..___.... .___.u.____u .on.. ..........._..._....__...... .._......._ . ..J..f! ...~~ ._~~.!e.ll..~~_ s t ~~ll~.~!1C ~!; ~'!J.._._._.._.._._...._._"...........__ ......... ... ......_._............_.... .__... ._.h._ ...____...h._...___...___....._. ..__._.. ___.... .._.._.... no"'_nO__'_ .-.-..-n__.._.____.___...___._~._____.._...__._...._hh..__. ____..............__....______n... .._.... ..U "_"'OU____ ..__.....__._..___.. .,..... -.--.----------.-- .-....--.--..-.....--.....-.---.. - ----..---.---.~----..--.-___~ _..___.. __. ._._....~__.._..~..~_._. ___ h.._.._~_._ ~._~_.__.._. ._~_._..~___~ _...~.~-----_._-----_..~._.~._.-..._.._.~_.~-_._-_._----..-- ~----------_._-----_...__..._.__..._._._-_..-.._._....._.-._..~._....__.._..._. ._-~- -~_.~._-_._--_..._-_._--.--~-~--_.~--_..._---------._----------~_._----_.._--.~-_.._--~-_._.. _._-~_...._.-..._.--_._-_.._.-.._-----_.~. . . -_.._------~._..._..._....._--- --..._-_.._-~..._-_._-~-_._----_._----_.._---- -------------.--- ------~_.._.._-- ...- .-. .. ._...__._._---_.~-_.._--- ~ -----_.~-_.._---..~_.__._._--_.__. _._._-._~_.~-~._~--_.._..._----_.~ -_______._.___...._h__.___.....___U__..____._.__________.____..._.__h__._..__n_ ......_....__.. ___ "._h... _. n_ h_.h._h...... __... r TOGETHER ..jth all th. tcncm.nls, her.dilamenls and appnrt.nances. ..ilh every privilcge, right. litle. inlerest and cotatf'. do...er and right of dower. reversion. remainder and e:uemcnt Ihtrcto btlongmg or in ~n1,.ue avp.:rtaining: TO HAVE A='''' TO 1101.0 thc s:lme in Ice sinlvle lorenr. And Ihe said partie.3.. of Ihe first part 00_ connant wilh the said part~__ ollhe second part thaL...they. ...tu.e........b..fllli}. .eilcd of the said premuu, Ihat thc}" art free Irom all incumbranccs and Ihat.the~_..haVItood right and la,dul authority to .dl the s:lmc; and the .aid part ias. 01 L the 6rst pari do__ h.rcL, full)' warrant the t;tlt to said land, and ..ill dden" rhe S3me against the la..lul claims of an persolls. whomsoCYtr. ll>' WITNESS WHEREOF, II.e said parties._ of the 6rst pan ha. hercunlo sct_.t1le.i.r.ltandS. and scal.Sthe day and 1car a!.on ..rillen .~::;ea~~an~~.~Y.er~~ .i:..~:".~:~,::~.:.___. .._..__...____. ~ =~~~~.~;;~l:~~:~:= _~~=:==~~-~:-.l _..~. ~'. ;jen~ J:'J._"_"""h" ' ,... h__" n.__..... .....(SEAL) _...JJJ;f..j...Lli~~!tr.Lt__.____ . ......_.....__._...._(5EAL) . --- ---- --. ---.. ------- -- - ----.--- ------- STATE of----110rilJL.. COUNTYOF__~~~~Qie I HEREBY CERTIFY, Thai on thi.-.l7th_ } day of-__~.ch.. ..___~-\.. D. 19Z.Q._. bdore me rcrsonally appeare~..JI.....Re.nd.r.v and -"-'llY .... .Jiu.W..._ll!~....!i.JJ:.e.....__.__... ________..~_.._...__._. 'h'''''''_"___"u___"_,,,,, to me known to be Ihe person__S.. ducribed in apd who execut.d the loregoing connyance 10~..._j>:Q.Ql.g,e._.sI..,_G11b.~~..____.._......._._.._.... and snerally acknowledged Ihe t:..cuti,)n thcr.of I" be.. t~e1.r.__.free acl and deed for tbe use. and pwpoSU Iherrin menlioned; and tbe said_.~,;{_. ~~ HeJld~ the wife of the said.___ A..!b... Hemry ^II a separale and printe eumination taken :lnd made by and before mt, and scparaltl, and apart from hcr said husband. did acknowl.dlte Ihal .he made h....,U a party 10 Ihe said Deed of COUYC1anCC, for the purpose 01 renouncing, rclinq'fisbinlt and conyeying all htr righl. tillt and inttrest, whelher 01 dower or of separate property. stalutor1 or equltabl.. in and to tbe I..nds Ihcr.in described and Ihal she execut.d said d.ed lreel, and Y?lunlaril, and withoul any constraint. lear. appreh.nsion eor c.,mpulsion of or Irom her s:lid husband. signature and ollicial seal al__.~:"Q.rt_.!:.!.~!:<!.l!s. .1..~.._..___the da1 and yur lut aforesaid. ip the Counly of._~.~_~. .I.o\l.~l e "iI H. llC~U..tray' . 1;0 tary . .Publ i a-tur ..tlre-';:s1;s1ie 'o-r'''Flurb:h'-s-t;-Laf~L) . ,----.... --.:.:y-Cc5in~ais.sion.-Zxpires- Dec.-n. 1928. . } r:.. . , < O h. 20th da f :'~arnh tJ & D In-'" a' 9.30 'duL is.. lb" t I o I I. __'_'_'_ 1 0 -""-"U--;.~__:-'" . 7'Z':!: _ '-- _I> '^", -IlL, II IUS rumen wU &Ied for record. aad being dal, ~ckno,",ledged and pro"eD, I ban recorded 1~"'rH Oh pa.e_:i~L_lIf 8001<__ ~_in the l'ublic: records of said C"unIY. t::.'f1/ EOF, I haye hereanto set my hand and a7~ ~e "al of the Circuit Court of the Fiflunlh Judicial Circuit of !laid State. in and (j, P. C. ~ld red. Clerk. l);t, , . r/' (".:-: /~ D. C. ~. i: ..". l! , 1~~!~iJ~lWf~1~~ K [ .. '\ ; .> .} ~ ;0 i ~ ~ I I I I f f I I f i . .:>;:::~lqr~I~~~~~~