HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1039 '-=-:::.'~-'-Jl~.~."':llla~"._..'I:~~"" :......... ......11 ~_1_'::"_:""::';'';;: .~=-~~ ~ IL ~ ~~~~~~.~~~ r ! THIS INDSNTURK, Made IhiS.____~Qt_I!._____._.._....__....._da)' of---....--. M&f.'Oh..__._..__.__._..._...___.__.__^ 1>, 19E--. BIiTWEEN --- .-..-.--------.-.~.! ...~ ~_.~J~h~.Y__g...~~.~~J.ll1J_f!....?_t_~~.Q.h.E)1L~, _.b.1. g.. \!Y.Ue, .____._...._.__...._..._......__........ .___..__.__._._____.__ of the County of__.l? t. ~~.1~.______.__.._..__..._._.and Slale of______.....__..firn.'111o. ....-....._..._._.......___part.!.!!!!. of Ihe IInl part, and __.__....__.____.___._._._._...._ !:!.~.!'_~!.!:e t ~ ~_...I.!.._~..!lL_._.____.._______.._.....__..__..__...__.,_____.._.___..__..__._ t ' ~... <- (of th~ County of. _.._J?_..!.._~~.gJ", .... .__..._..____...and Slat~ ol___UQ.r1.d.a.. .._.__u_.part ._y_ of the second pari. WIT~F.SS";TII. Ihal Ihe said parl.ieS. of Ihe liul part, for :.nd in considcralion of Ibe sum of _u.'1'~ILIl9J.'!.~!:~u.~.~_d u9th~.1.~_~~1:U~Q.1E;L___ L _ QQ1t~1de.ra.t1ons....._.___.__.______. __-.....,.. to..t.bam....in hand paid, Ib~ re<<ipt whereof i. here")' ae"r.o..lcdged, ba"l.Q_ granted. bargained, sold aDd trausleued, and hy these presents dO-. -arant, bargain, .ell aDd Iranlier hnlO the S3itl ranY_._ _ of Ihe second pari and._.._.!:l~:r._hein anJ usillns forenr, alllhat ccrl.in parcel of land lying and being in Ihe County of_.iit.~.._l::u.9J~.._.__.___._._._._ ...d Slate of.-1'J..Q.;,:ld~...:__..___more parti.ularl)' described u fullowa: .....___........_._.._._..._..____....___._....._.........._._.._.... J.ot..'l'.hrE!Q ..J:3 1..1 n. ..~Li t.tl.O...s.a.l'mS.. ~.(a:~ ...~.t3~! .._n. S\ibd.ivisi.o.n. .01' . Trao ~.. Fcurtnen .( 141..in.. ._........__. .~~.o~.i:.<?n._..~~.~..j..~J... :~.<?~~l~~!}.~l'__~~.!l:.ty:-..~.~~~.!l. ..J~;s.1...:~.l?~~EJ...~~~...:~h.1ry~~.~n.Jr.~uJ.39 )..~:.:.~~.I. .l,l..~... ___..__u_.. , . ~~~~n~..~~~.u.~~...!:l~.!:l~Ct:'~.(t ~e.~.o~_._t.~.~. .?~~.~:fu.~~.~~~.~~.1!.!.~.~9.~J.._f if,~~..J.n_~lle .... O...ff.i ~~u..~f....1;hf)_....... ...._ Clerk. Q.f. the ..Girc~itGo1.1.rt... o:f..:;) t.. J.....ci.a_Co~nty~. F2or!da. ._._._....___.., ......_.._..__...._..__...__._...._...".._....._.. . .-.... ..-----......-....-.-.-.... --..------.-.....-...-.-.--.-.----- _._---~-_. .---------..-----------.--.----..-...--..-....-. .-." .--..-----.-.-...--....---....------ __............._... ..._.....__..._............. ....J _ ~?qp_ .~~~.V.~r:.~~. 5 ~!'..!~l?_~_ ~.~.n..Q~1!~.~':J.__....___.._..._...._.... .........._..____..__:-.. ___.._.. -....-.---- -----.---- ----..--. "__0___" __.__on. - . ....------._ . .....___...___.__...._.____.___...___.__.___..________. ____..____n.n._. .___..______.____._...__.___. ._......Uhh......._.._.._.._.n__._... .-..- .-. ..--......--..-_. '--'_"____ .""'_.'_ .._._._.._.___.____"___.____..__..___..____..._._____.._..___....__.__n_..._.. .. .._.___.___.. .._..._.___..______...._. __n_.___. -----..----... ..-.-.-.......-..-......--.--.. --------.-------------.----...-.----....------.--..-..---.-------..-..-- _.---._.__.__._-_....-._--------_._._---~_._----_._._----------.---.--.--...-.---.. .-.-... .-...--..-...----.-- n ..... TOGETH ER ..itb all lhr rencme-Dts. hrre-ditamtl:u and 2rpnrttDanccs. with eytry l'rjyilcgc. right. lidf'. intcrcst and tstatc. dowcr and right of do\\"rr. rcnuion, remaindcr and uun,eclthcreto bcloD!:lfIi: or in an)'>v;lc appcrlainin,;: TO HA VI' ASU TO HOI.I> the same in lec simple forc,'er. And Ihe said par.J.~J!. 01 the /irsl pari do._ connant ..ilb the said par~__._ of the second part thaL they_.u..re ___..._.I",dully scilt.! oll!lc ...id prcmiscs, Ihat Ihcy ..re fr<< from :all incumbrances :and thaLtr.e.:r_.!::.ay~d right and l:a..ful :authority II) scll Ihe same; and Iltc said parlies _ 01 l Ihe first p:an ,11,_ hercby lully warrant the litle 10 laid land. aud ..-ill .Iclend the same againsl thc !:a..tul claims uf all persuns ..homs~nr. IN \VITNESS \VHEREO..', Ihe said parties... ollhe tinl pan ba'l.e._ hereunto SeL_.tl1e.ir.handS- and suLSthc day and yur aoo,_ ..rill<... ::~::;;:~;l:~~'~~~~~~'k~<<_~=__=~_l -~~--~... ~~;.~.~~_~~___..__._..___.._..__.. .h.___.un_._.____._.. ..._.(SEAL) ..~.s..t.~~::;....lliolle:r.A- __________ _.._(SEAL) -. -. -. ,_. ----,- .----- --~ _.-._ -_.."-__._._ _ __. .__~._ . n_ STATE of-K!orlda } COUNTY OF St. .l.uCie. I HEREBY CERTIFY, Thai on tbis_~..th _.__day of. A. D. I~~ btlore me ~rB:rch____ r",rsonally :appcare~!_h :l~che:v and :..;stOZllla.~~~e:I-.-~a.-:.rl.fi...---.-::-.-_______............_._.__~.____. to me known to be the pcrsOD_ described in and who executed Ibe foregoing conn)'ance 10__l~!:6!!.:x:€l.!.._.:i t .!.lL L~.n\L____.___ and seycrally acknowledgcd 1M execulion thercol 10 be tl1el;:__....free ael and dt~d for th~ uses and purposes Iberein mentioned; and tbe sai,,---~;I.W.~._~~ey__________._ the wife of the said J. lj. R1o!ley on :a separate and pri.ate examinalion taken and made by and before me. and scparattly and ap2rt from her said husband, did acknowledge Ihat .he made herself a parly to Ihe said Dced 01. Conyeyance. for Ihe purposc 01 rellouncinlf. relinquilhing an.1 conYC)'ing all h.. righl. title and internt, whelhcr 01 dower or of separale properly, statutory or equitable. in :and to the lands Ibcrcin described. an.1 Ibal sbe eucutcd said deed freely and \'olllnl:anly and without any conslnint, fear, apprehcnsion ..r compula~n of or from her nid busband. . 11 in the Connt)' of.. ;jt. J..ucie Vero 1.__' d ollicial suI at and State oL FlOri~~____lbe day and )'ear!:all aforesaid. ., . Chl'l H. !l~.~],.~_~....:-..::_..._ ...._..__...__...._(SEAL) ~ c_~-~.o_t~,Ll-'';'Q;UO" .:i..tat~Q_f. Floril~L~t+.<u'Ge. .. 1'.;( 000:::1ss101:. expires D<:c. 5'. 1?28. ~. ~ ~ o. tltia~th ______day OI~M_.~, ^- D. 19l~~ .t_..~...~.c1ock~..m., Ibia instrument w.. fikd for frCO,.!. and beiag dol)' :ackaowled~d and pronD, I bave re the sa_ on paCL-42.~--01 Boolt 60 in tbe public <(cords of said l:oullt)'. .. EOF, I bayc here1lDto set my hand],' ud tbe ~al of the Citcuil Court ollh~ Fifleenlh Judicial Circr:jt of said Slate: in and .;)en ) 1-. C. ':::ldra1. - j Ck It. By . Jr cJ;;'lt;,;, D. rC. , ? u 4391 f 'l J . r: " ~ ~ t , ~, ~. ;. .)r '. r -i t ~ ~ . ) ~ !, a fI ~ ~ ;i f I i I J i I i I I , ~;~~~~1:~{{.~t~~!.~~1;~~~~~~!~{i~~