HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1040 44U .-._.~.lJl~'Io~'h,~~~ .:.~:':::~_~'::=~_=.: _---::....:, THIS mI>ENTURE, Wade Ihis .....!lY.~JK.~h.._,.....~u..._..... ._da)' of___.Jr.~.~.C~..... ...._....__.._u_.__.____.___..___.:.^_ D, 19zJL BETWE~N --.!:.~.on_ ~ ~...,~4j ~:~.!~ :'~_~E~.. U~L!a~~'3on _~..?11_!.~:t. ~i3...~!..!_._.. ..___ __...___..__.......__.__.._---,--____.___._ of Ihe County of._...st..._.lu.Qle.__._._~_.._.._ u.._........_ud State ol___..._J'].o~d!\__.._____._..___....._.__.._._._....._parl!:.!!. of the 6ral part, and _.__..._._____.____.______._..____.~.!._~ .~oodw 1~_____________.__._..._._,...________..________.._._., ,_ -: ~~:.::':-:-:~:'- ::~~. ::: : Iliicil,.~Il1.Sllo..tl.Wr"~.~...~~..nSO\\~ ~ .-:"~.~~~':"""""'" ." (>f Ihc Count)' oL~.t...._~O.itL___...__.._...._..and Slate of___ Florida. WlT~~SS":TiI, Ih3tlhe said p111..1as. of Ihe fiul part, for 3nd in consideralion of Ihe sum oL...!~.~.})ol:l:.~~~ ___.part .1-- of Ihe second part. a.nd othe l' vnltl.a.bla .-.".-. ...-----------..------- .~ .~.QE.~.~.~.~.!:..u t ~.9.1:~S.._____.___ ._.____._I>ollul, :0..iJi9.l!l_.iu hand ~aht. the rcceipt \\'hereof is hcreby uknowledKed. ha.Y.L granled, barg3incd. sold and transfcrred, and by Ihesc pnscnt. do.-._granl. bugain, sell and transfer unlO I'arl and..._l}.t~.__heiu and assian. lorner. all thai certain p3rcd of land lying and being in the Count)" of Florida .. and Stale "f----.-.__._..___more put..:ularl)' dcsct.bed as follo....:_____._.._..,__.____.__....__....... '. "'_'"'''' ...._.... :n ~O~~P~.. .~f_.~~.~~J_~.;' r <I S~~.=-d l.'!'i~.!.~~._~.f_.___.._'_.:__._........... ..._._..____.__.........._._..... the 3.1.', o~ ti:e HE;" 01' Soott on I? TO'omS:lill . . ........ -... _...m_......._.... .. ..... ... ._ 'm. " ............i1.... .._..._......___.~.~._ ,____ ..._____. ._.......__.. ......_.._....~_.._ ........__ __ ._.. .._ ............_.....,,__.... '''_''''__'''' .......... 'n' '_"_ ........... '.n'" ...... 3~ .;iQtlth. .Ji~lL:~...4Q._.::':;f,\~iL_~'l..~..<?.~~_l1<i... ~._p}~..!'___~P._f p'_~"_!~, ~~~__~!-:.r._~s:~...._...._._ .. _....._........................._...... ,.._.....9:".~ he ._.CJ~.~_.QL tl'~~.~~.~~t;i..~.. C o~rt ~';:'_~t.-,,_~~ 1 ~._C_~~l?~y_~_ _.........:......... the uid 1',,,11___ of Ihe second St. j,...lole ~ .-.------...-...------..---. ...-....-..-.--."-.......-.-.---..---------.--_.___.__.. ___u_____________....__ _._..._.........._.___._._. ..__.._____ l ,,~ .00 Reven'.l.e ;:j t<.:n:ns c!U:ce lied.} , -...--.....--.--------...----...----.-..-.-......-----.-......-"'.-.----..---. --~---.-_._----------...._-- --.--- --.------.-.--------".- ...-....-...--.--..---... .-.. .-..-..---..---..-.----..-- --_.-. ------.--------------------------.-.---.--.. ------. --------.----..--.----.----.- ......--..-...-. ....___._.._hU . -.-.----.--..-.-..-.--...--...-.---.. -_. ----.._..._______________ _._.__.._......_.._._____.___.....___.__....._._______._......... __'_'_'_'_____._.h_ __'_'__'_' -..-----------.-.------- -----.----.------ .-------------------.. ...-------..-.---------------..---- --.------...-.--.------.-.-.-....------..------------. ...-...-.---..-..-------- --...-.--.-...---...---.-.-----------------------.--.--------------- ---.-...-----. ...----.-........------ --..-----..-.-__.__ __..___ ._n__.__.. _.___h_......__. h____.__._ TOGETHER with all Ihe tencment., bcredlt3menlS 3nd ap;>urten3ncu, wilh ntry pri.ile~, right, litle. intere.t and e.t3te, do"tr and right of l!hnr, re\'euiou, rema;nder and ~a.em'nt Ihertlo wl<lnt:iD~ 0< in 3n)'wi.e 3ppcn3ining; TO HAVE AXD TO 1I0l.D Ihe same in fee .imple loruer. And the. said P3rllSt~_ of Ihe &rst pari do__ coyeD3nt with the said parlY_ of the .econ.1 part Ih11.t.~~;y__Jl.~.::!.___..lawlully 5,ized 01 the said premises, Ihat they ue free rrom all incumbrancu 3nd thuthe~...l::avllood ri,,!al an,1 lawful authority to .ell Ihe same; and the said part l~s... oi J rhc 6ut put do__ htrt:b)' fully warrant the .ille 10 .aid 13nd, and will ddend Ibe samc 3g;oin51 Ibe lawful cl3im. 0; 311 person. whomsouer. I~ WITNESS Wln'REOF, Ihe said pari..{;-S_ of Ihe 6rst p3rt ha..Y.~_ hertunto sel..~.h~!..~ _h3n~_ 3nd .eal ~Ihe day and yeu 3boye ...rim... Signcd. sulcd and .ldinred in our prcsc"ce; . -~~~:_~~~~i~;~:__~~~~~~==l 1 ~r'\"- ':(' ~"ol ~ 1;."'l,'I" .::...~-":.::.-~~----=--.:::--.--.--..-..... ..__....,....__(SEAI.) \ l-:c..y JaC:;':SOl; ;;01::' ~er____._(SEAL) STATE OF-Ylori;,da COUNTY OF st. ~ucie } .; . I HEREBY CERTIFY. Tb3t on Ihis_1.1 th ___day of m!U'.cu. " -A. 1>. 19~.., before !DE J'Crsono.llyai'?Cared 1.60:: F. _.g.,Oll1~.!,:_!ir4.L~_~!:lC~30n Coilier, r~~ wi fe to me kno"'~'lo be the pcrsonJ3_ ducribed in 3ud ...ho execuled Ihe foregoing eODnyance t<l_._ R ..__~. Good:vi l~ and IICnrallY aclmowledged the ueculion thereof 10 be tl:!~.l_!':__...free 3cl and deed for the usuand purposes therein mentioned; and Ihe said.. 2~ .r_ack...~~!' Collier the wife of the said Leon i:"'. Collier --on a separate and priute uamination taken and m3de by 3ud before me. and Stl,ar.ttlr 3nd apart from her said hl1sband. did acknowledge th3t sbe made herself a party 10 the said Deed of Connyance, for the purpo.e of renouncing. rclinqui5h;"g 3nd connying all h<< righl. litle and interest. ",helher of dower or of separate propcrl)". .Iatutory or equitable, in and to Ihe lands therein de~cribed, and Ih3t she executed said decd f.eely and yoluntanly and without 3ny cOnSlr3inl, fe3r. apprehension c.r compulsion of or from her said husband. and ature and official seal al. ,e'ort .l:'1e1':::e in the County of .it. ""'Ucle da ..-___.the cby and )'car last aforuaid. GwendQl.Yll ;!~}1.., ::otal'y.l.'\Ibi:t1J-;~er. ~ l'o-ri'ia-.-' (SEAL) . =:~:'-Ccmmnialobne-xplre-9" $e'pte~b~r5. 1'J28. , } On Ihil--mtu____..__-.4a7 of UlU'oh "- D. 19l..!.~ at;) .10 o'cJock~. thb Uutrumul wu 6lcd' for ruord, and being d..ly acknowledged and proyclS. J ban reeorde4 saDIe on pag~~'-_of Book...60..._..iD Ibe public record. of said COWJt)'. n . fERROF. J ban hueanlo sel my hand and allix!lhC Hal of Ihe CirCbit COGrt of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of said Stale, in 3nd I <: (I ~ [ P.O. Bldred. By c/.t.&7=~-. . I Clerk. D. C. ...' ~j~~J~~~~~l~~~~ ,.~:;:~11i~t