HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1041 441 ---:'::-'_.-.,__~~"""~._')""- .. --. .- -' .__.~ - --'u:l.l"~":"',.'~!;f."'r.r,lW('"IO''l'!llrtft"'"~U<'l b .,..~cr--'-'~-- ------...~. ~ ~ ...~-~~..-.-~......_~... -"'-~--.-,........~....._........~:lJM.i.Q~~~'If:__.;.;.4l.._,....~~._ol...._~____~~_~..........._-.p-'p'~i r THIS INDgNTURE. Made thil .....~.!.~~.._..............__.... .._._.d:lY ofu....__.!;~!:~.lL........ ......._ .... ..00_.._ .................._^. D, 19l..~_. llHTWEF.N ..__..99..\;~_~T.\~y _ A,.....C!.i)J~J..Ol\..f!nct..lt.J...... .O!..8riu.n.t_h~u.'....hu.shand.... '_.00_'"'__''_''' ........_.. .n........... '_'_"_"'___"_'''''_'''_00_' (>f Ihe County of_...;;i.~.L.::"!\L01.e.._...._...._.._ .............__and SlUe of_ ..on. F1Qr1.da.._............_......__.u._.......... .. ...._._parl!.~.!... of the lint part, and .._.._...._.........._____..._......._.._.... D .....R..... :':Clel1.L__.__._. _....._.___..___ '.__'_"'_'_"_"_'''_'__' 'm..." _. ..... .... _..._. .........._..__............___..__ (>1 the County oL__.9.~W~.91~C1~.e.E'..._..._.._.h._.....~nd State of..___..k'lQ.~~.t~~____.______................_.._r:ut y..... of Ihe second ('art, WIT~ESSETII,tb~tlhe laid p:otl.i(;l~. of the (iI-I 1>:1:t, for ~nd in consideration of the SUIlI of.On!L.l)~ll~r.....en'1. .Qthe~.:l.al\1aDl~.~n......._ .~~!~~J.~_E!!'li .!iJ.~~!.~._.__....... ....._.._._._.._____.._..________._._.~ to .thQJIL..in band p:oid, the teceipt ,yhcreof i. hereby acknowlcdl:".s, l haVe._ glallled, b:orgained. sold an.1 Ira'lsfeued, and by these prestn.. do_..._ _.granl. ~rgain, 5<11 ~nd tr:onsfcr unto the s:o;.1 p:trtY___... 01 tIle second l>art and._b,~.~__.__heiu and assigns forcyer, all Ihat urtain .,&rcel of bnd lying and being in the Count)' oL.;';.:t..._._~",Q 1.0....__._..._._..._..._._......" land State of.__.f!(g'i~~._..._..____ _more' parlicuiarl)' dcscribec! as follow.: Beg!n.r4.ne.~~_..t!1e..J~ .!,i . CO;,':n\j~_.Q...f... S?~t~Jon 9....~f. .T~','mship .3.5.. S. Rar.ge.. 49. ~. ; ..:I':'lel1 ~!:t....~_~~!!_ ~h!:t.."!~.().~.~~..J..1.n..l}_.. ~!. ..;1.:,?-.!.d. ;>.~~~.~().~ 9, .1:or~~.. 8.e.~_...... 19.~... ~. ..2.;;5:t,~3..f~. .,to._ Ii. po ~1!~.. .~lhi~l~ ...~.~_.~~8..!!!.._!t .~...!le_:3!o. f.":r9.!l!_ the ...~:.~J:'.th .~eot 1 on....l.l.l~e ..~~.(l.;'~.~.~~_...... comer; t;1enco in u southerly direction 750.7 ft. to a poin'; cn the l:cl'th l1n~ of the Lot o\~;ned . b:,' "'J ~:r;-'.und'-ri.e'r-Ts:ild.':Polrit. .belng-.2'l1~.ll.-rt.~......;es't..1.i~orii..1;'5.c-.l;~~..;co.~r.ei.c:'t sri. i '1"'1'0 t }j' ....- thence .in-. a...:"!estorly.direc.tion,.'112.o...r.t...to _th.e...ll. i'l.Col.'ner...Qr ..the ,.lot.. o.medb.... .Y"1i 1 llerllst; tl:enoe in n SQutherly direction (\'lith the west line of sale. lot) 655.0 ft. to the So,tth west corne r" ot'''snid''E!:1i l'''iie 1.'0 st'-s....lot;.--thenc-e...in...ft.de-s~e-r 1.,~...dh"6'e t i on-'lOll..l".t 0 . 8.-' '001 nt;--wh 1e h"is the S.Z.. corner of the lot o'.med bv 11rs. Lillie L. Belk; tl:enoe in a .i..ortheri.{ direction wTth-'t he-''Zas t' . Hii;'-ol' ." sal.(r'lo.tT'CA4;S' -tl'~-to-u pOIllt-;;;,hIah-I s...tne"l;E:--o'oi~ei~'o ?"s'ilB''''Il rIle L.3e1k~-s_.lot j.. .t!lenoa...1n.. a._.~~as.ttll.~:f-dil..~ati.on...66._'Z..an.f.t...__t.O._ll__~oill t. . 9,lhic:h ..is..the .n. ..",. . corner. of " the lot O\med by ll.T. Curl-ey; suid point being. also, on th~ ./est l1r,e of Section 9; +.;her..ce with-'said-:;eetion-line ;'-in'8:-:tiortherl:r-direeti en 69L.6--ft..n.to . the ":point'" of. begirmil".g; ~y.ceptlng i~:~~t:;:.~~_~_.!~i~ht.::<?r.. -.''!..tJ-.:J.. .~~?.....!'~.~_t 'Aide -for Dre.~..na~~.._2.~.m~.!..!_~E~~~~~~.niT:!i...~~.~~_ _~.~l'~~,.!!:~~_ or -----.----.--.-...--.......---.-.--.--.----.----.-------------..---..----.------...-...-........- - -...--- ...---......-.----.--..-......-. --- (;16.00 Revenue Stamps canoalled) -....---.--.---.-----..-----. .~.._...-.___._______u__________..__________...._..u.._...._..~_._.__. _..........__ ._.__.._. '__'h.'. _____._.___~______ ( TOGETIIER ...itb all the tcnem~nls, hcrcditam~015 and arpurt~n>nccs, witb e"cry rriYilej;", ri~!:t, litl~. interest and e,,:otr, _lower and ri,;ht of dower, rnersion, rcnl:oi"der ar.d usemcnt thcnto t.don!:llll~ or in anywise >rPCllain;nll: TO H.-\\'E AX I. Tv HUJ.l) thc sam" in fce siml,!e for~yer. ADd the said parLJ~LS.. of the first p~rt do__ Conuant ..ith Ibe said pall..:l__ of tbr ~<cor..1 p:..t th>l...:til1.ey ..are.._.......l..wfllUy stiLtd of the .aiJ prcmiscs, Ibat they are frcf' from all incumbunccs aDd that.!i.Ilt};r...h~v~d rill:.t and b..rul authoril)' to .tll the same; :lnd the said raIl, ;I,.~ S 01 I '- rhc first part do._ hert!.y I..lly warrant the titk to uid uncl. aDd ..ill dciend the .;omc against the r.....ful claims or all persons ..bom>OC~f1. l~ WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Jla'tl'il_:jL of thc first pall haV.E';. "" hereunto scL._~.heJ_J;'-"and.g and stalS the day and yur at.o...e wrillen ) 1::e~~.:-~~~s;~::::::.~" i~:~,-..~~~~~~_~::.._.. ... ..... ....._~.---..l :~:~.:~:~.~~,..~~=-~~:~:-.:-~..~=~~~~~~. ~..~..-~~~~~_.==--~ 'l. J ~ 0 r~!.!~!!..~_...._._ ___.__....___..____(SE.-\L) __ ~.O'1l,l.~ll~~...~_~Q_~.~ri ~~ . _(SEAL) STATE OF Florida ---L , St. .....lcie COUNTY OF / I HEREBY CERTIFY. That OD this._-:.=::._.~ ch)' of___.. 1~al'o!1__....__ .__._.._,.... D. 19~ ., bdore me I'ersonally appcar~d T. J.O' Brien &.00 Courtney~t..._Q.!.J.l'i..eL_hl.lLJr.1!~..__.._..__..______._ .....___._________.. to me known to be the pcrso~_ described in and who eucut~d the foregoing convc)'ance to .._..P-~._.~...,;;..(lli_e.~l!.__..__...___..___... and snerally acknowledged Ih~ cxecution thereof to be_._t.h~j.!:.._free act and dud for the uses and purposes therein mentioned: and the said__~OYXj;.ney-.~...._..C.!A:rlen__________._____._.._...__ the wife .,f the I&id.~. ~ .. J;: 0..' J3r~~n.; . . ;...;;'..... ... ,___.on a separate and print~ examinatioo taken and made by and before mr, aDd sel'ar:lId)' acd apart from her said husband. did ac~i1o...l~dge that .he made herself a party to the said Deed 01 Connyance. for the purpose of nnouncing, rehnqui.hing and cor,,'cying all hot right, tille and IDtrresl, ...!!"ther of d9wer or of stpuate property. statutory or "quit able. in and 10 l!Je lands thcrein described, and Ih:at sil~ executed 5aid deed iredy and \'olu"la..ly an\! wilhout any constraint. 'car, apprehension t,r compulsion of or cr uid husband. " and State of. J. r:. Durden.... (C'E~L) l;Qt ary i"uOlTo,jtat'~"or 'F':iOrlda-'af."'Lai;ge'-" .., Yoi- ComDli5s L nexph~es ~~i~ll c ~h 1927. -. , (~ ~ . On thia..._ 2Ot,!! _____ __----cIa)' ..L_._ ~!:.ch .._:g._..__ ._--^- D. 19P_. at..1.. ~..O'cJocLl'_DL, Ibis iastrumcnt ....as filed for r<<ord, and beine duly ;lcknowlcdgrd and prono, J bne r~d the lame 00 p~&C-~~.of Book ~__. in the pubiic recr..~4s of nld ~~ . J 1:\ WITNES I ban hucsnto set my baud an'~:lltd the seal of Ibe Circuit Court ollhe Fifteenth Judicial Circuit 0: s:oid Stale, in and lor said COUly. I 1-. C. Eldred, . f .' ~ ..__/ Cleric. . _ ,/1 '- -- ~ By c;..G/! 0 // /--" . ,. ,f, t--=- . (-~ D. .... '(/ ., ;. If 'l 1~}~i~1~fft~li1!1 I I j i 1 i f I I } . , , .:'., ...:?;~!~~~~~~~~~~