HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1042 , ,. I 442 -----.:.......'IfTt: ~_~_~~.._ ~q~..~~~)~4l4L_.__:.;;......;~,.~~ 1'HIS INDENTURg, Uade this...__...u.!!.!.S.~._..._.......__.._.._.._day of___..1;~l'oh.................... 00......__._._.._..... _.._..__-:,<\. D. 19~.._~ BETWI-:EN Q~l.4ftfE:!.~_A~V1IJ.J: J _ 'm~_~V;;;i,.:W...>>-s..v.nJ~.~ ..h.tlL.\JJt~ S.__ _ _ ._..._..............__........." .._........__..._.._ .______..____.._....__... of the County of....__~.~..~..._~<l..~~.........._.. ........ ...._.._...and State of_.._..._)!:!.O~..~.<l~ ~ ......_..._ ._...m._.. ...__ -._......_._._.Part!~J!. of the &rsl part. and _._.______......_...._.____..._.............. '''_'''_'_'___''_' ._._._.1l...... J.......il\1r.a~,9.n._____.._._....__._____....___.._..._..__._._ ___.._......._._......_..._...__......_ ..f thc Counly ol..__~.t~~~J_~_........".___....,.~._.._....and Statc ..L_._._._.flc;>.~l!l.~__._____....._..__.._._.P:u,.__ of Ihe .eeond part, WITNf.SSETff, Ihat Ihe nid p~rt'.ies. ollhe lirsl pari, f~r and in consideration c.f the .Ulll o,..1..~...I1.()gA'!.;:). .~D..~~.R...V..~WJ..J~.__._.. [J .9 Ol~.~JP~fu,~~.::,:lt~______.._______.__ ~ to..tbem.._in hand pai.... thr recC'ipt "lou"o' is hucby acknowledged, ha_Y.~ llrante.l. b:ugained, sold and lrallsfenec!, an'" by these presenU do._. _.grant, b:ug~;II. sell and t.ander nnto the said parr3._. _ 0' the second I'art and._h1,,:;j...__...h~irs and auign. lQ<enr. all thai certain parcel 0' land lying and being in the COUnl)' oL-'i.1i....._+uoi.l;J..____._.... ____.~_ and Slatc o:..___._..~.~~:.-~~~_._____nlore particularly .Jucribt.! as f"lIow.:_T.r!~....;;.~.!J.t._1!'HL~.Q.~.~.S.. O.t"._th~....~9.-qt.n.H..~.... Half O~ t~~. ~()u.~.l1~(j..~t ..~artar,,():f'H th~....~~Q l~.ll.~V.e.~:t;_.~tll~~e.l,...._O,r _.~ }~~O\lthvi9.st... ~ur~~r..().t'..". .;)t:!ctiQn.9.. .Township. 36 J..:?01.Ltb .R~ll6~L4Q.~~!let... u.._~-.....-_.-.-.-...........-...--..... .... ..... .-.-....--.......---..........____...._________...__............_~._...._h.._...._.__.__.___.____._ ___...__.._____ . _.__....._.... .... __....__ _+.._.. ..--...__.___.__.._.___J.~~.. 50_ Re~_~~~~~_~~~.~.~.~~:~_?e_~~~~.L... _._ __'_" __ ._.._..........nu..____...__........ .___._____._____.n___. .......--.-._._..._........ ____._____...__._.. _____.__.___._._____________....._ ,.._u_ __..._.._.h__._.________._.h_.._._..___... -... ..____.._.._.__.._._n.___.. _"..,.".___", ._._.._.__h__+._.._O_._. _.____-, ...._...___.h...__.___...__.._.._._____.__.______..____.___~__. ._.,_____ __...._.. ._.___...._u.__......__.._____.... "..---- .. ___u......._ __.___.....___.._____._~n .Uh__h_.._.___.___._..._____.__._. .._._.._.__._.___...____._.. __.___.__......_.._.._._n.._. _........._.._ ___._.h__._.._..__._.._...__........._....___.._ .._..._....._..__ '__'.___'..__.'___._ ___._.____..___._..._......._____...__._..__.._.___ .__ ..._.__._..... ____.____.._.._ -.---.......-.-..-..-...-...-.-.--.-.. -.. --..-..--.-.-...-....-.----.---.--.- --.--.-------.----.--.------..-..----...-----..-..---.--.--.--....-.---- .._._h_.._...._.__ ...- --.--.... ....-.__. .... .-.--...-_ ..-----.__..___________...._________________.___.__._._..__ _____...___.h._____.....____.___......__.__.... ...n..____.. ....-.....-.---....-...-...-.---.- .-..------.. -...--..-.-.-.---- --...--.-.-..---.-.---.--..---.___________.__._________.._.__.______._.h.._..._ ...._...._......h.____.._.___._._.____ --.------.--..-.. .-..--..-.- -----...-.....--------.-.---.---.--_._.______ ..__._...._..._._.. ..n_.._._.___..~..__ TOl>ETIIER with all the t~ncments, "errdilam~n" :lr.d al'l'urtrnances. ...ith cnry priyilege, ril(ht. tillc. int~rtsl and tst~tr, dower and right of dow~r. rnerslon, r"maind<r an.} eas~IIl(1I1 therrlo bdungm;,; ..~ in an)'"i.e appe..~:"iJlg' TO HAVE .-\XlJ TU HOI.O the: nme in Ice simple forner. And th" said l'arl-1~.s. of the lirst P:lrt 00.___._ co\~nanl wilh Ihe said part~.,y___ of Ihe s~con'" pari th~l_:toh.e:i _.l:U'e......~.._.Iawfully .~izc.1 0' t!,r IX WITNESS \\'HEREOF. Ihe said pa..ie.lL 0'1 thc 6rsr I'art haYe~.... htreunto sCL_t.he.i.r...J.and.s and sealS, thr day an'" )'ur above \Yr.Um ,) .aid prcmi.cs. trul Ihry arr lrc:C' frorn all incumbr.lIcu and thai. the:; _haY~ right aDllla",ful aUlhority to stll tlte s.me; and the .aid part.'t...~ 01 Ihe 6..t part do___ htr"by fu:!.! ".rranl Ihe tille ro uid buJ, and \\,11 dd"nd the saDlC' again.. Ihe lawful claims of all persons whom.ot<u. Signrd. sealed and dc:iv"red in our presencc: ..._...;.ngus..~u:-:.me r.. .____ _.._...____.___...._...._......_ _____._ ... _....._..,:i. ..:r. ..~O;;.t.~..._._..._.._._______.____ <!!anvi_;~~...ae!_l;:!.e _._..._. _.._.._.......___... ___(SEAL) :;;.Y.~J.~'T..LJJ~.YJ,JJ~..t.___.____.._..._._._(SE.-\L) ST.-\ TE OF Florida COUNTY OF~.~";'C ie I IIEREBY CERTIFY. That on thi....?E~~____day of._~....ch.___.____^- D.19~.bdore me f'crsonalJ)' appeared G ran v i lIe .ae vi lIe and Eve 11.~~~.YJ.J:.!'l..J___!lJ~.._~1.!~_____.____._.__ ...__..._._.....~_....._ . } to mc known 10 be: the penorl3._ .Ieseribcd in and who exccuted the 'ortgoing COnye)'anct lo._l-~.~_cl~ .Ju,~~.~.Q!L_. and .nerally acknowledgrd the execution thereo' 10 bt_their._....'ree act and d~cd for the lUes and purposes Iherrin mcntioncd: and the said_.J:;.y.e.l3n~e.y.il.le..____ _____.___..:___.._ the wi'e o'the said_______~~.~!'~_li~e B~ville __ Oil a separate and printe cxamination lak~n :ond made by and bclore me. and Stl'aral<ly and apart 'rom hcr ~aid husband, did ad,nowl~dge rhat .hc made hrrsdl a party to the sait} Oeed of Lonvryanct, for Ihe purposc 0' renouncing, rdinquishin~ and connying all h.. right. litl~ and int~rest. "'lCther of dower or 0' srparat~ property. statutory ..r equitablr. in and to the lands t1.ercin delCrib~ an.1 Ihal she exccllt~d laid deed 'reely ~nd volunlar,ly and w.lhoUI any constraint, fur, apprehension ..r compul..on of or from her said husband. WITNE ign,uure and !lRkial sea! al__.[Qrt_l'.1.e.r.Oe.....___iu the County o,~Jt.__~o.ie-__.____....__ Flo da. C . and State ,_____ ,____the day and )'car Jau alor~lO&Jd. 1) AnguS .)umme r ..____......_..__._lSEAL) 'CO'~t:f . .iU~8 ~_.--- --... . 21st Maroh, On tlns.__._____.__._.___cb)' of_____, . D I"" 5 3.2~.cJocIr. P. h'. no . 7~.__~ al~ __tn., t .. tDstrument ...as 'J &I~d for record. and being dnl)' ackn""'edl!~d and proYCn, I ha..e re!Cd the same oa pag~.~~_of Boole 60 in Ihe publie records of said t-ounly. IS W NESS \YIIE OF. I hne hereanto set my hand an . ud the aul of thc Circuit Court of tlle F,fteenth Judicial CirCtlit of nid State, in and ~~C~ ~ '1! /I 1'. c. ~ldred. B;; ---'-- ./ 'Li '4-/ c~ -./, I .:<"4" , , ! ,// ,,' . JlI Cleric.. D.C. -'