HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1043 443 ____c_ :..:.;..:;;.~ .... ..._~.=::: -:=~=:..:--"_.,:,..:..:.~ I . .....~....~.............-~ ~~ THIS INDENTURE, !.fade this...._J?!h. ........__.__._.'.._00.. ._da)' <>f.._....._._.Uarah..._...._.._.._.u............._._...._._._^- D. 19P..._~ BETWEi-:N __... .___._____.___..__~~:!BJ.R~ ~.~!!. T.1 F .~nU.!.~.!~~~!! ~~ .....~.~.~_....h\ll!l>.~n~., ..._........._.._._._._..._____..._.__..__ : :_.:::.~ ~~~..i1J.e~...J~.l1.!tt.-=-~~ t~-:__'_"___~'1_:' r U .. of the Coutlty ol_..S.t a._Ulola_________.___.. .._._and State oL_.....F.!9J:.!.c!~ __.__.__._._...__.._....._.._._._00..._... _parl~.1.. of 11Ie &nt parI. and ......_____....._____.. ._...___.,..- Dan 1e 1 .J. ~~C8r thy ~!._~o ~...!.~..~!!~.~~. ..()!_...~~~._q,!.~1._..~!'_.:.~':l.~!l_~.q~!'y.___..._.. Ofxbt--'''..YlIe.:-.liew..l!aven..Cou.nty ._._._.__....nd St:ll~ Of_..9..91Lll!HL1t.t~.t~..____.._.__~_..___._.J>atl1.0S. ollh~ second part, \\'IT~ESSI'TIf, Ihal the uid I'all.teo. of the &ut part. for and ill cOl\lideration of Ihe SURI 01._.9Ng_.OO.l.LAR..aud... QthQl'....y.aluatJle..____ 99.P..!iJ4.~.~.~~.1,.Q_n.li!..._._,. .____.. .---_CIiJIIXilI, t,,-them..._in hantl paid. the r~ceipt \Yh~.teol is hcrcby ac"nOl.'I~dK~d, ba._Y~ li:ul!ted. b:ueained. suld aud uansl~rr~d. and bJ Ihcsc prescnts do_,'_erant, bargain, sell and Itansfcr unto the said p:ardas.. of the sccond van and_1!hQ t:r.__hcirs and assiln. forner, all Ihal certain parccl 01 land lying and being in th~ Counl)' oLS.t....._.l.u.o.1 e..________ ...__..._ and Slate ol.uf.J.9.:r.1.4~__.__________more pUlicular:y describec! as follo..s:.....-____ _..._... '_"'" _ ..... ........._.. ............ ...._...._........_._____.._ ............... ...00 . ,... .E.~.s~. 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" in ..._ ~.~~..,..of. f'!.~~_._.~~._~J:l.~..~}.e.r~....Cl.!._~~~. _~..~.~~~_~~J.1::.~_.,~!;_..~.~0~~.~__~~.~J.1.t~ "_~~~~'!~'~" '.n........_...._._.... . ..-.....---.-..-.----.--- --..-......~._._.--... .----.-.---.-...------- .....----.-.--__._.__._._.____..__._.___...____.____.____0 ..u_....__... ._. __.. _.___._._.. ..._............_..._.. __.._.___..___ ..__._no..._......, ________________.. .___. ._...__._....__.._..___._.__...._._ ______ ______ _______.____.. ._______.__________.______..__.___ ._____..____.___...._._.___.._....__.._____.. __u___._._._______._..._..._._.____. . .__..__.__u._.__.___ .._._ _._ ._..______.______.._...._u._.. ____._.__._..._.__...__. _..._._.____.._... _._...._... .._.....___.__.... ..__..... _ .- _._....__.__.h.__..._._._......_n.__......__u___...... ._.... __ ..... '.'_ _h...... ._..._....____. _n_.________.._....________..__._.......___.____ ..._ ._........._. 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TOGE.THER with all the tencmcnts.. hercdit.mcnts and appurtcnances, wilh nery l>ri~ilegc, righ:, title. intercst and ~slate, do..er an.1 tight 01 dOln., rneuion. r<mainJer :and uscnltnt thereto bdon;:':1g or In anywise .pperlaining: TO H.\ \'E AX II l\) 1Il'1.1> Ihe J;tme in fee simplc forner. r And the said parlna. of tbe 6rst pari do _ co.en:ant wilh the uid parl"'y._ of Ihe sccond I'.rt thaL. _tmyhare.......Iawlully scired 01 thc >aid pr~..isu, Ibal tht:y arc hc", lrom all incnmbrances :and Ihal.~!leY.___tl~.Y.~ ri!(1:t and la\\'lul .utho,iIJ to s~1I Ihe same; and thc said variaS .n 01 l Ihe first part do_ hereby iully w:anact Ibc till~ to nid bcd, and will dtiend Ihe samc aglinsl thc lawful claims 01 all penons ..-homsocnr. 1:\ WITXESS WHEREOF, the said partif.l.iL of Iht: first part ha__.V~.. h~rcunto ~Lj,hf.l.1r_hand.s.. and sealS.. thc day and )'ur aOOyc wriUcn Signcd, su!~d and dcliycred ia our prescnce: Samuel K. Rowe. 3a:"bnra :':elville. ......(SEAL) _.._.J.~e leD uI'...Jl.QYle...______ __...1.Jl:na ,L, L. Ro:per... ..___.~.." "..__..._____. '_'''___''''__'_'___ --'c=.Helen' P.' Rowe.- --.-- _.. U_' -.~..' --- - -. STATE OF ~ - J '~J:..i..J" jl COUNTY OF (' -r.....L. de..; e. R._..3..._!.:ellville.. .-..-.---_____..._.:..____,_(SEA L) J IIEREBY CERTIFY. Thai on tbis--- 12th daJ of_ ~arc.hJ. A. D. 19'1.J?~ bclore me ('CrsonallJ appeare~rbara ~~ltlY1..l..~_Jill!L.R.....:J...::e.ltl~le..._.haL.hu.sb1';.Ild. _______...._.._.._____.___.____ . I. L_ th S d 'b d' d h d b I - Daniel J. lLcCarth" $- J"'1n J :!^r"n . 19 m~ a:nown to U'C e person.. _. ~scn t lD an W 0 ~xccutr t e orcgo.ng conY~2ntt to__._.._......_._. ___._______:~-_-_......n--.z..-~...~.~.M......--.:.n--U.V. ~ .___. and lCycnllJ ackno..-Iedged the execution thercof to ~_1ih~.lr.._....lree act and deed for the usu and purposes therrin menlioned; and the saicL...-.Jjarb.ara__Uelyi.llEL- the wile of the said_l!.,.~_.!.fJ.~l1J.1.Ja... .._ on a separate and printc examination laken and made by and belorc mI'. and scparattly and aparl from hcr said husband. did ackno..ledge Ihat sh~ made herself a party 10 the said Dced 01 Connyanct', (or the purpose of renouncing. rclinquishinll and COD.-cyi.g all h.r right_ titlc and inter..", whClher of do..-cr or of separate propctl)', statutory or equilable. in :and 10 Ihe land. therdn' described. and that shc executcd said deed frc~~r and yoluntarilJ an.) without aaJ' conJlrainl. lear, apprehension c.r compulsion 01 or Irom her .aid busband. . . I ~ort Fieroe s'lnatUte and ollicial sea aL___.__.________.J. and in the ConnlJ' 01_~t.._.&.U..Q.114 the day and )'tar last aloresaid. He lsn r. Rowe. (SF-AL) }i 0 tar-,( .tUD lllr;:)tut~_:B.t'-l.'9.rge:-;-':_~'--"-"--'--" . .c___ ---.-c=-v.y..-com:r.lssl clneipires'Felf;lr. 19 29 ;-- - " } rr . 21st ( Uarch . D 191 fi A 'clocL T.. h' . O. Ibll--._______daJ 0 _.._...__.L.__~;jj' --"- : ..!L.., aL..:lE.JI_O L..........DLt t ~ mSlrutnenl ..a. &Ied for record, and beine dill)' aclutowledg~d >>1d pronn, I han rt:lor Ihe same on pa((e--i4;) __of Boo~~_in tt~ public records of said l'ounIJ. 0 . , ;j IS WIT' _SS WHF. OF. I han hercunto wt my band an xc'lJh~ It'al 01 Ihe Circuit Conn of the Fiftunth Judicial Circuit 01 said Stale. in and lor said Conn ~ '11 '1'I,: ,,' . ..> ~ .']>> ~ .1>>, 'le' P. c. I I l:. t~ By Eldred /. ./ / J G:/~4?c,-" ./ I " 1/' Clerk. D.C.