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THIS INDENTURE. Made thit....._2.1f;Lt_____.~ bj-____.__da)' of_._._...JQ.mar:i_...__.......__.u...__.____._^_ D. 191..~~ JsETWEEN
Hem.'\' J.:ond &n1 ~tt9. .cond hi; wife
.-.-.---.--.....-..-___.__..._.._. ...,_........_____.~...l_._...~______._.._.~___ ._...___.._.....____.___..__...._.._....___...~_.._ _._______
of Ihe Coupl)' of_..~!!..~.__~9.t~.__.._______-and State OL__.___..u..._.fl9.~~!.t!~~_____...__~_____._partleJ!.. of Ihe &ral part, and
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l'f the CO\lnty (\f._.._.i.1!.s._.~u.olQ u-....__..._..___._and Statc oL__.llQ,r1.!l.1il..- ____.-parl.1.!l.ll. of the second part.
WITt\F.$SETJI, that the $:lid par:.l~~ of the liut parI, for and in considmtion 01 the .um of_:L~yc;~!e~.,g~!}.lir~.~7.f..~.:(t.;yJ~!.?.50 ..9..Q)
l>ollara. lo..t!n.9.l!!.._.in hand p~id, the ro:ceiN "h~'e<>f is here:.)' acknowledged.
., .
ha-Y.ll Granted. bargained, sol41 and transferred, ;and by Illcse presents do_,_granl. bargain, scll ;and Iransfcr unto the sai<l parlt~~_ 01 I"e second
part and tl!.~..!.!:__._heiu and assiGns foreyer. all Ihal certain parcel of Iud I)'ing and beine in Ihe Count)' oL_~_~1.l,Q.1J)__._--,___
. and Stat~ oL].L~11A.L_..-;,--_._more particulatl)' ducribed as fOIlOanr$~1~L?.L}lLE].o~.;~...~_~Y..~!lJ!L.s:.:f._~~~()...y.~Od.
...d.~;i. ton. t9.._ V.~:t'o. . r.torldn..._~09<>'J.'il.J.D.g.~o.. pJ~.L:J;:~Q.Q.~~.~_u9~....~lw.. :l'e9.Q.r.dsd...9.L.~ h. .L\l.O~(!.. CO~!l~Y.I.
~'lol.'1da .
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TOGETHER with all the ten"mcnts, hereditamcnu ~.d al'purtcnanctS, wilh c\'et)' pr;,'ilegc, right, litlc, interui and estate. dower and right 01 dower,
rncrsion, rc",;ainder and eascQlcntlhereto bdongillJ; or on all)'wisc appcrtaining: Tu HAVE .-\XlJ TO HUI.D Ihe $:lme in fee simple foreYer.
. 1e~ . . ie . the"
And the salol part..:.__.::!. 01 Ihe &UI pari 00_ connant wllh the laId I'art_ Sol the seeon,1 vart Ihat_.._._!1._.__..._..bwfull)' seized of thc
said premises, that thcy arc free from all incumbrances and that__t.h~3_good right and Iawlul a~lhorilY to ;cll Ihe I:lme; and Ihe said part i~.s;... of
I~ \VIT:olESS WHEREOF. the sa.d partiaB, <>1 :hc first part h.._.'le_ hereunto su.....t.llel.r...hand.'s and s...alS the day and )'car ahoY<' wrill......
thc first part .10__ hereh)' fully w:"ranl the tItle to ~id land, and will delend Ihe same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsotYfr.
Si~ncd, Staled and delinred in Ollr presence:
~'~~.~~~..._~~~~.h.!.____.___._. ________.___.___.
J. .D ..~.1J,ke:r .
He.!!..~.:_g2Pcd_!__.._.__.__ . .......--..._u.____tSEAL)
Zt.ts. :t.Q1Llt..
un___ ._~__._.__ ...~____._____._.____..__.____ ______________.
:3t. ~uoie
I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on Ihis 2nd day 01. l.!ar~..
personally appearecL..-.i:!~nr-.; l'ond- and Etta .rond, hi~ wti~.
--A. D. 19z.iL... before me
to me known to be the person_'s_ d~scribed in and who executed the foreloing conye)'ance to._J...o.se.ph...s.&...1!c.Cllnt.a.c.k.ar.1 rt.. tlL.I.&.._._
~~c.c.J..!n tQ.~~..I_...l!l-JL?i1r_e
and suer....ly aclmowltdged thc uecution thereof to be. the i.,l:'__frce act
and dud for the nses and purposu therein menlioned; and the said i:: t..1!!L,f',Q1).9.
the wife of the said Henr~ rond on a separate and priyate examination
talren and made Ly and belore me. and scparatdy and aput from hcr said hnsband. did acknowledge that ahc made herself a party to Ihe said Dced 01
Conveyance, for the purpose of renouncing, relinlju;.hmg and conYf)ing all h.. right. title and interest. ..hethu of dower or of separate property, statu lOry
IJ' equitable. in :lnd to Ihe land. therein d~scribed. and that she uecuted said deed Ircely and "olunlarily and without any constraint. fear. apprehension
lor complllsit>n 01 or from her uid "-....Land.
i\l the Coanty of
:it, l'...c1e
the da)' ud )'ear last afore.aid.
H~ze 1 G. _ swa't'{i~U.t_h_.____{SE^Ll
botarY"'ublic. ,'~~Ur.te,-ot- Elor1da -'at; :Lal'ge.
My COmr.iiss10li exp1res ~'eb7\ltir'y Z8 ,1927.
&led for record. and being duly acknowledlled and proY~n, i ban recorded the urne on p~gt' 446.
Count)'. .' ;:"
- IN WITN!:' OF, I hne hercnnto set m)' hand ud afJi' Ihe seal of thr Circuil ("ourl of the Fifteenth JUdicial Circuit of said Stale. in :and
lor said County. . 0
of Boo1-
10 the pnblic records of uid
On tbia-_ 21'!~n~___.__daT 01.
.... D. I~ :aJ . ;?O~DL. this instl'1l~ent was
1'. C.
~ldre~ ~
C g;/ /r-;; { .;
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D. C.