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THIS INDENTURE. ~hie this ......lQ.t.U . __.__..... .._..............4.1)' of__..._.J.!al'oh .-.-..-.-._.~....-.-..-.... ........._ ..--.-.^- 1>. 19~.-. BETWI-:F.N
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of the County oL..._ ~ t . _ ~\l~_~~._.._.._____....._..a~d State oL..__..._m~!~r ~.~~__..____..._._...u__............_.__part-'&~.. of Ibe &ul part, and
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I h ' ..t.. . 01<> Florida
ole l:ounty of___;). &._""\1 v....._.._,_____..._...3nd State oL_.____.
WITNESSETII, d,at Ih; uid patl1t}~. of I"" &"1 pari. for and in c~sideration of the sum oL1.~.lL!l.Q.ll~;r.lj_.Jl..p;j,.. 9.:tn~:r_.v~J.u~IJ)1~...._.__
.9Q.n~.~."~r.~.~JQ.Il.~1.._.__.._.__.___..______1JUfi~~ to j!J!~m _.ill hand paid, Ihe r~ceipl whetCof is hcreL)' acknowl~dKed.
h&-!.~ iJnnloed, bargained, sold and transferred, anol by Ihcse prestnU do.-._.grant. bargain. stll and Iransler unto the uid I'an~_~_~.. of Ihe stcond
pan and.....~llQ._:t;r.,_.hcirs and as.igns forner, all Ihal certain parcel of land Iyin. and bein. in the Counly Df._;?,~..!-~~Q.~___.......___._._m_..._
_..._...____l'arl.!_6_! or the accond pari,
and State o!__.f_:t.Q.rJ~t;l....__.._..._ more particularly dc.ctibcd as follf)w.:.1!.Q.:!1.~..1~1,._!l.n4._;I..1;Lhl.!,lJO.Q~.lQ; ..1.-Q.1;.~. .....
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TOG~.rJlER ...itb all the lentmenu, hereditamrnlS and ;Appurtenances, ...ilh .,...y privilrse, right. title, inte:ut and eslatr. do\nr and right of do,,"er.
'neUlOU, remamdu and f'''fn\enltherct:> bclonsmg or in anYWlSe appertaining: TO 11.-\\'1:: AXU TO HOI.D the same in f.e siml'le fore,er.
And thoe said part_1~9 of tbe lirst pari do.._ coananl wilb the said parl1e.s.. of the second parlthal__._..1ine.J'._____n.___.Ia"fnlly ..;ud of Ih~
said pr.mi..., thaI they are fr<< fronl "II incumbrlllcu "nd thathey_ha.v.egood right and lawfnl "uthoril}' 10 sell II", same; and the uid pard.e.s_ of
thc fiut pari do.__ hcrcL)' lull)' warrant Ihe tille 10 said land. and will dtiend Ihe same agaibsl the I....ful claim. oi all persons ..homsocycr.
IN WIT~I::S.S \VHEREOF, Ihe sa;d parlies_ of Ihe first part ha.V.e._ hereunto stt._the.ir___hand.S and srala Ihr dOl)' and year aoo\r wrillen,
Signcd. sealed and dclinred in our prescnce: - \
.,."., :::is~~~.~~:i~~~~~.=~~~-=~~--=:==~~:.==.~~=~
._.. ~"ranci 5...1. ,Br9dh.Q.Ad..t____________l
. ...an~h-e~ .~;'Q 9/';~JniJ;Jl".._ ..h_.__ _...__:__...__~__I
~~1J1J~ ShO Q.~Q..f_for1__ ..___.. ... '_' .. ...,. .... ....(SEAL)
;""'''1.1:1'3_ .::: 0 Ge~ :'fe..!l~....__..___....._.__(SE.-\L)
COUNTY OF_~h. ~'.ioie
I HEREBY CERTIFY, That 0'; Ihis 18th___day or._l.:nrch~____.. A. 0.l9~_. before me
rersonally appeare~.J_1 i_~ Z !..g~<2 ff~y e.r.-i ~-nn i e E 0 g~Q.fi~.!'Y_. _1:11!.S ':O'.~4_.and_.~!J'~.....__..._.__ ..__..____ ...._h_ .
to me kno....n 10 be tbe personS..._.ducribcd in and who executcd Ibe foregoing conycyance to ..__....J~6~.flll_~ ~.?~:;!o.h.._e.p.<l._ Ro..!!~.:::!i...P..!._._
_..c..a.r.t~.;r._ and scyerall)' acknowledged tile uecution Iber.of 10 bc_~~~_~.:r.___rree act
and dud for the uses and purposts Iherein menlioned; and tbe saicL_Allnl~ Z. Ge.9ff~.!':L-__._______._______._____..__
the wife of tbe said.._ .,Hllle E. G~~ffery ____00 a separate and printe examinalion
taken and made by and before me. and separattly and apart from her nid husband. did acknowledge Ihal she made hruelf a parly 10 the said Ofed of
Con\'Cy&nce. for tbe purpose of renouncing. relinquishing aod cop..e)'ing all hcr right, tille and interest. whelher 01 d01\er or of separate properly. Slalulory
or equit~blc. in and 10 the lands thcrein de..ribcd. ann Ihat she executed said dred freel)' and ,.olunta..l,. and wilhout any conSlriliul, ffar. apprehension
<;r compulsion of or from her laid husb.and.
in the Count)' of_~~.' louo ie
_.______the day and year last aforesaid.
. RaChel 3rock~IDith (S;EA.Ll
. f,_ct_EU':r s'uOTI:cr'-roY' t;!t-e..sliat"e....i).:(.!<'lprI:da--at' .....a.rge.
- ---~y-;;oin:~ls.3ion ~xp"lr8s ';:pri-l 9; -1928 ~- . .." -. .. .
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O ... - 21st .sa f ~arch 11 '01915 19.30'd It A, h"
n t..lI_ ____ Y 0 ______...... n.. ._~ a _..,_0 DC __ro.. I IS sn.lrument .....
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filed for record. a...d wiag duly acknowledged and pronn, I han reCGrd....~a lime on pa&e--~of 1'0001< 60
\:ounly. '''Q,- .
IS WITN~S F. I han hc.ennto Ui my h~ and :affi:i Ibe _I of the Circuit Court of Ihe Fiftccnth Judicial Circuil of said Stale. in anJ
lor said Count)"(Ct a,
('Ct,S..' ~
in Ihe public records of said
F. C.
EM. red. "
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