HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1060 4tiU --':,~J.!~- '" .. -~~~ ~~~ : .~. :;..' )~~~~A.fWt_...::.::. :..:...,~~_~_~=--:. THIS INDENTUR8, Made this.._..?1.~h.._..___.._...._....._daY nf---..-... Wg._Q1L....... ........ . ....__..._.....__.._u_.^- D. 19B-, BETWEl:N ..E~~~__~..~....~~~...~/l ~_~~..~~.~....~~~..E~_.~~..~.!.._n~~..!~ l,'~i~!~...~~~._..~_~.~~. ......~!~.. !~~..~e......._...... ..._.........._._...________._...... of Ihe Count)' I.lf_.....__~~..._~.;()J~.......__.........._...and Stale of__.____...._....~!9..!"_!.~~___....._.m.............._..u. ......._.p~rt.1u. of Ihe &m pari, and ........_.._.......m._.....__.__ ._.......... .......J'.9.l!i.~.":..V.il!.!M!.~ iJuj Id~ng...Q.Q.!m?~y.l...!.P.,9..Q;!...P91'.~.~.f).~ ............. .__.._. ..___.__...._.__._.. t>f the Coullty of..__..~.~.._...:':1+9..1..f}....._..._..._.._____..and State oL___.f!9..r.J..Qg,.______..___........._.__I':arl t--:-r;f the second pari, WITl'\ESSF.TII, tbat Ihe uid "a.t1Q.s. of the &nt prt.lor and in considmlioo 01 the sum ol_.'!~E:...pol;.!.~.E..s.__~C;..~~!l~!:....'!'.~}~~~,Q. .~or,- IJ 'i ~.!.;!.!H~t:.t ~_Q.n~......_...____._.........____...__.__,_... .._-~. t"J; t~.a.L_.in hand p"i.I, the receipt ,yhe.eof is hereL)' adm, ....led.:ed. h;o.Ye._ gr,'nted, l>arllained, sol': aod Iralls;erred, 2nd b)' th~ preseots 010._. __Krant, bar&";,,. ..II alld trantler unto the uid rart.Y_... 01 thc second .1 their h' d . f I. h . I f I d I . '1 b' . 'C f :.it. .>.Ucia l'an anu.__...... .......-... ens an ..u.ItDS orner, a t al ccrtaln parcc 0 :all )'10& an. elOll.n t Ie ount,. 0 __ ''''_..m._ .._.__.._.__.._..... an~~~c of__.F-!.O.l'~~!l,..__... ..-___more parlicularly described as follo..:_~ll, ..~h~~._J,l}.n~.. .t;~.~L.9.f'J;h.'LG.!l..n~.~.!'.._U.ne Or,was f'o~erly kno~n &s ~emon ~treat. LOW ~ixth ~tre~t. ot the City of' Fort Pierce. ex- tend Ing. south.. t.hrough. the.:f.lve 80re.. tl'&ot.-.no'li. ~wn9.1...by....iaP&h G. Tuok91't-.1n;)Qotlon...lO t ..Tcwn- ship 36 ~outh, Run~e 40 Zast. It being understood and agrde~ th~t eaoh ~l'tJ to this deed \iiill'-a.'e'dlcate...t'o"pu.b116use'f'Ol' -a..'Str-ae1;-thlrty :feet-'on"-each'Ude "or '9allI "11'ne"'fol"-extanglon of' said. s tree t. . '.-' ..........-..._... _............_...... '.....__'_.___..... -...-.._..._"'......._.....__n__...._.__........._n.... n..... ...... _n _. .... ....._..__ '_......_... nnd otherwise more particularly desc1'ioei as f'ollows:-..deginning at a point 210 feet sou.th of' the no 1't. 11 neof t..l1e ..>ou.the8a to -.qua 1'te1' .-of-the ..:>Q;lt.hweBt..q ~ r t.91' -.(if' ..~ao ~lGD'" ..10... 'Z ovmahi~. 35 South of' ~ang6 40 East. in the center line 01: what was formerly .t.e:non .>1;1'66t Effid. ia now :;Ot~th 'sIxth'S tre'e t;. J;l ty" "of" Fort"PlerOe' ;'-'run- thel1a~n.SO\l th'-rOHo71ng"sa1d''''oenter '11r.g'''O'r''lJ'tr-eet'''525 fee t to the - c~uth .line or .pr.o1>e~'t:f. of _._ S~~.q,h...9..., ._~g:';~ ~~...._Ji1~pg!l3?:$~erly..~1().ng..JLl!J:;;_..~Cl'.-!th..ll ne 170 f'eet more or less to th~ eu~t line of' ;)arach C. Tuc7.er p1'ope~ty. thence no~th 528 f'eet lIloreor'less '\;0 .,the -north -llno.-of"~arah ~r':uGke~a..propel'ty... tnenoe .ieat.erly-..to...point<tf.... !J .e..g.~.ll!lil"l(ih._~:(?e p~.i ~:~. ..~ !l.~~ .~_~.Z:::!:!.~:':!).~.t.' ~_~.~. ~~_<?.a..~.::~_!~~_a.._!~!!.~~_~~~ ..!l_~."!....~~~:'I~.~.S...!.r~~..~ :~~~~a ce . _._..._.This....dee d . mad ean:! . ac.c opt o.d._.~;toJ~.Q_l_t(LfL!!l.Qr.~,gM!LQ!._.'ri11!.!y._~'~01,l.~t::.!}~ j ~p9.Q~Q..!gQJ.._..__. Dollar;;; paluble to tile :'t. Pierco Bank &: ~rust Co.. us recorded ill Rbrt58ge"Boo:< 21 page 165. _..._...._...n..h._......___...... "-_..-.-.- ._....h_..___......_..___.....__. --._____________. ___________..._______. _..__...__.._h"_, ..._.._.....____...._n.___.___ --...--..-----..-.-...-----..-....---..... ..--.--......-----..-.- .----.-----------.----.----- . ____h___.___. ....._.____. . ........_. .u.._ ______._._..._ ---.-------_.- .-----------.---.-----..----.-----------------. ---. ______.._h_______.__ ____ __.___. n._u_._______..._._______..._.._____________.._._ __.._. .____._ TOGETHER with aU Ihc tCIlcmcnls, here.(;lamcnts :and apl'nrlon:\nccs, ...ith on.)' priyilcl(c. right, titlc, intcre51 and e5late. dower and right of .tower, rneulon. remaInder and c:.'emcnt Ihereto belongll'O: or in an)'wise 21';>crt~ining: TO IIA\'E .-\:->lJ TO 1I0l.U th. same in Ice .im"le iOrtHr. And th. said part..i.e.S 01 the first I'arl .Jo.___ CO\'fn~nt with the said partY_ of the sccond I'art thaL._~.h;;iy _..f1.l'.e.___lawfuU)' scized 01 Ihe '-.id I'r<mlSCS. that tho)' arc free frolD ~1I incumbrances and 'baLt.hG.S' hav.:~ rigla :and 'awful ~utl.ority to sell the same; arod Ihe said va;L 1.e ~ of 1:>< \VITXESS WHEREOf-. the said parties. of the first part ha.Ve._ hereunto sct._their..hand..S an.J scalS the da)' and )'e:ar aLon' ....It<II. J thc fint l,art .10_ h.,eby fully warr~nl Iho: litle ro uid bn.:, and will dcien.j the same against the Ia..ful claims oi aU pcuons whonuoc.cr. ~~:-;';:1:,~: :;;;~':;~~'::::='-----l __=Al~==_=;_~~=__~:-_~_-~:~_~=l :9. J. ':'-.~ _.F~..!.!J~~~.. .... .............. .'. ........._(SEAL) ~.~. ~e t t~_...._.........._..._..__...__.._(SEAL) 'iirginia :.:. Let~s ~---- STATE OF Florida } COUNTY OF 1 HEREBY CERTIFY, That on thi.~4th -=-___._da)' o-L~~~l1._.. V-.----.--.--.--^- D. 192~~ bdore n:e I'crsonall)'appeare<L-1?..~' J. ..... ,/ill1amsr .i~..l::.~_Let~_~~.Iir.Ri_nai lr:!..-1-at~SLl1:1,~..!ilfe_.______. to me known 10 be the ~rson$..__ dcscribed in aud wbo executed the foregoing conyeyance to _~~.~~.-;Ii II ialilL?.~~J,,_(t~Bg: C..O!:l:)anZ.......!.nC. St. "-"ucie and seHrall)' acknowledged the execution Ihercof 10 be..J;h~J.l'_.._frce act , I ~nd dee.. for the us.. and purposu Ihcrein mentioncd; ar.d Ihe said_.Y.1r&~fl.i.3. -.!~~_~~s ______._.._.__....__ the wife of the sa;<l.. ~l. :':'_ Le t ts .on a sc aTate and private examination taken and m~d. L)' alld before m~. and scparattly and apart from hcr s~id Itbsband. did acknowledge tI.at .hc made her,eff a party to the said Deed 01 Couyc)'ance, for Ihe purpose of renouncing, relinquishing anol conycying all It.. righr. titlc and interest, ",belhu of dower or of separate property. statutory or equitable. in and to Ibe lands thcrein ducr.ibed. and Ihat to"o euculed S3id deed frcdy and yoluntarily and ",ith~t -au)' conslrainl, fear, apprehcnsion c,r compulsion of or from her said husband. . ( n il(natnre aud official suI at_.f.Q.I:.t_'.fJ..e.r.t';.e.. -in the. COIInty of Saint Lucie , and ida __the da)' and ycar 1:>51 aforuaid. } ...TIle ~k_Ald.~.IIll.M.___~a\U.s .__.__...._(SEA I.) Notary ~ubllc-~tate o~Florlda- at ~rge. My Commission expires January 5. l~28. I I I j I: II I. I' I. I; Ii ! ' I 00 thu__ 24tL-__._..da)' (oL_~!!rcl.!..._.__..___--^- 1>. 19~_, 21._l!.._o'cIocL.~_m..thi. inUrument was . :1 filed for reeo.d, 4nd being duly aclmowlcdged and pron.. I han record~ same on pale......4W_of Book._~~.in the puLlie records of said ~oullty. ~ n f:>< 'VIT' SS WH OF, J h...e hercanlo St' my baDd and .4.ed the suI of Ihe Circuit Court 01 Ihe Fiftccnth Juditial Circuit of nid Slate, in and lor said Coo . ll~ ~ r. C. ~ldred. i ' _ --r------..:........._ae~1L ~iIt .By 7':.~~_JJ:~ . ./ i/ __D. C. ~ .~;,':~(\;;.l~:;