HomeMy WebLinkAboutMAP,Search Results for Map - SCANNED BY ASCE 7 Windspeed ASCE 7 Search Results Query Date: Wed Jan 17 201 Latitude: 27.3180 Longitude:-80.3072 A$CE 7-10 Windspeeds (3-sec peak gust in mph* Risk Category I: 148 Risk Category II: 160 Risk Category III -IV: 1 1 MRI** 10-Year: 88 MRI** 25-Year: 107 MRI** 50-Year: 120 MRI** 100-Year: 131 ASCE 7-05 Wind7inL eed: 140 (3-sec peakst in mph) ASCE 7-93 Windeed: 100 (fastest mil mph) *Miles per hour —Mean Recurrence I temal Users should cons It with local building officials to determine ifthe are communny-specific wind speed requirements that govem. Snow Load Related Resources NCntrAOKA"t _1 ... 45:'..k. to State"s BANSA�. a �OKLAIidl r. o^ TEXA$' H�a RECEIVED /I MAR 2 9 2018 ST. Line County, Permitting About ATC Contact WINDSPEED WEBSITE DISCLAIMER Whil the information presented on this website is believed to be correct, ATC and its sponsors and contributors ass a no responsibility or liability for its accuracy. The material presented in the windspeed report should not be sed or relied upon for any specific application without competent examination and verification of its acc racy, suitability and applicability by engineers or other licensed professionals. ATC does not intend that the use of this information replace the sound judgment of such competent professionals, having experience and," k owledge in, the field of practice, nor to substitute for the standard of care required of such professionals in� i terpreting and applying the results of the windspeed report provided by this website. Users of the information from this website assume all liability arising from such use. Use of the output of this website does not imply approval by the governing building code bodies responsible for building code approval and interpretation for the building site described by latitude/longitude location in the windspeed load report. Sponsored by the ATC Endowment Fund • Aoolletl Technoloav Council • 201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240 •Redwood City, California 94055 • (850) 595-1542 content&view=article&id=10&dec... 1 / r I as X p\ (.�do •.i� OWtJ In 1 } l -1 ejoued L 14 `SilvIt erSOak,DCI t o .44 �10 ,`� t`i 1 ct of it y 1 ` r m o} • No 29 ff 9� 7 'S,Granada Ln rRd. is : ; iN1t wi r I m� to . -P di SE HermosaLli " 1A 9 ' 9 11 �"41 4. S Isla-mda Ln: ' f�u���o6�purhrflS aq a A� an Jacaranda n' , " y SEKaehlna�L"n`_..�, 4? t�SE-;Kassa6a�Ln'� all u�AIVaoledf. •�"lip Las •OIas�L�n , ; ` ss� u�.sgol �O%so v� a jjj[ ' CD pap Ali