HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1068 4ti~ -.- WAlUU.att r..~ ' ...-"" ..~-~- -....."----.. _L =llf~'~~&X.;.~i.~i'~~~tI~},w:rllr ~....______..:..-':: ! ~-....-_-- 'tHIS iNDENTURE, Made Ihi$....._l_~.~... .........._...._...... ._....._day oi--..... Jo.n\UU:Y ........ '_,,_.. ...--.........-...._........_..__A. 1), 19lO..-.. BETWEf.N - .J!.~!C~)!.";._.~,,~!;.3.u~!l:~J.~_~c;..... .~.!....~!LLS ,'...~~.~....E:'?:.~~.ll!!d..........._ ....._.... ........ ..... ...... . ..... .__.......___..........__.._.._.. of the County 01... __S1; L.Lu.o.le...._.....,u..................u_....and Stale 01.-......00_. ~l9~1cJ.~..._. ....._._.._............ .....__.........u._p~rl.!~~. of Ibe li~sl part, ~Ild "-__'_'-00._-._'-..--.-.-...-. .....' ,........--._....--........!!.Q~...~!._,gQ!Y!.!~u '...._...._.___.._..._,.__....,. ~_._..__..____.._...._......._..._...._........._..............._.._....____._ (.f tbe County of._st._..~Qie....... ..-..............._____. and Stale or......-.-.--~!_C?~.~.~.._________...._....._.part ~....... <of the second part. WITNESSI-:TlI,lhat the said l'an.l0S of Ihe lint part, for and in cOllsideration 01 tile slim of .TEll...n~ll.h.RS.~D.. O~1.V.;J.Uh.3lE.__.... .CO'':SlDZRA.TIOnS._.__....._._._.__.___.._._.____._____.~ to .tham._.in baud paid, the receipt wl...rcol'i$ hereby atknowle.!".d, iJ .~ ha:y..e... gl'anted. bargained, sol<; and It;anslerred. and by Ihue puscnu do.-. _.granl. bargain. sell and trande. nRIO the said l'arlV..._... 01 the sec('nd I'arl and_.__h_t~..._heirs and assigns forner, all thai certain parcel of la.nd I)'illl: and being in the Counly ol_~~.~.__~c!:~.ie ___...._______ 'lnd State or..__..Y-!.~.~~..4.~ 'm._. -...-_____more particularly describe.! as f"lIowl:____....._._.___......_.._. __........... _..._._....._..... ........__... The Southeast ~arter (53~) or the Southwest ~arter(S"t) ,...,..,.. ""of5eotlo'ri' One'l1l;"'Townsnlp' Thl rtY;::Uu;ee" ('33T;-Soutli' 'or' Rarigt)"'l'hlrty'::i11iie-l39)' East. .oxoept. ........ ........ . . ........._.._.___...._... ........._......_...______..._..... ........__........__._..._..___........_......._. ...'........ .............. ........._......_._...... __.. 3eg1n at un Iron 201t Twenty-ei~1t an~ thr~e tenths (28.3) Feet torth or the ~uarter j6ction 'corner on--the .:>ou.th ..Llne..of......;eotlon..l.-.T6wnshi~-.oo..30u.th....Range 39 3tlst,.-frolftowhioh pO.i.n.t...a. ~'~~.nlYJlt..us..~r.ee. b.~~~. _~?~_t~_..!,.~.~t~....~~~_..~~~::.~.~_~~.._~~~.:.~y:_:.~~.!~. ...~~:n..~~~.~.,,~~~.~.~_J~. 52 . ~~..t'. } . th at~> s.l x ...~nd . t hree....~~llths (3~~.3 t.i'ee ~~.... !'.ron:._~~!~...l)!>_i nt.._.!.~...~~~..l!.~..'~!.~!.t... ~l.!..~....s..~.I?~.!.~E.._~~.~.~_.!,.?ur ~'~l.~.~'~dh.~.~~~Y-::~~~l~..~~.~.~. J~.~~. L..~(). .~....~.~.~~~_~_.~~~.~o~.~~~~~_~..~._ ~..e_~.t1 ?n ...~~?.~..~. _~~_':.~::.._~~_~...~~...~.~rter Seotion .i.lne. theno.:: North to place or beginning. ::iaid trao t lying in and being a :part c f -- ...- -.- u_......__.n._____ ~_.'-"" - .......-..._...._. .______.~______._.__..__._.__ .. ...._.n... _._..___ __._________...__.._._.__.. the Sou:;h eust ~.larter or the 3outhwest..;u.al'tel' of' 3aotion 1, 'l'o'Nnsh1p 3~. ;)o~~th. Range 39 .. -. .... ----.-. ..h ...-...-....-_.... - ...-._. .... "n..._.-._._ -.._..__...._._....._..._____ .u.._.___..._.__._..___...._____ ___._...._... .__._.___....._...._._._ ..._ ..__..._._... ._. __....n___...__.._ '.'_"_.'_,_..._. Sa9t. ..n '-.--'.'--_', .-----..-..--n---_____.._.._.__.____h..___...__.___ ___ __._'_Un__._.__. ...__. __.__..._..___....___ _ "._"'___.__'. "'_'_.'_'._.n_. ...----.--.-.-.-....- - .-...---.-.......--.._._._.._..... _._..~__n_..._______.__________._._..__..._______._...__.___..__.._.___....____.. __..__..__.u ... .____...._.._...___._._.n. .__._._.... ___._.__._.._.____._ t~~.~~. 00 po o~~_n_t.~.:.;r_~~~.!:~__u_~.~~.~~.~~..i.l_~L._u.._..__......_....._._"'_. ...--..-..-....-.....--..---. .u_n....__..__ -_'_.___'_h___ -.-.--.---.--.---.--...-.-_______ _.__.____._____._.n._._. ....__. ____..___.u__._. ..._____.._. ___.h_. .._....__..__._._h.___._.__.__ _..._____.____..uu__.___._.__._.__.._..__._.._.._..____---____.____._____. _______.__._... ___h___.____h.... _____ ._.._._._.. ._...._._.____.....___._.. ---.- , ., -.----._.__u.__n___..._n.._._...h_____.__..__.._....__U. .-....-.-.-..- ..--______......u..._._.. _.._.._ ..___n......._._..__.. ._...__._...._.._.._ TOGETHER wilh all the t~nements. htr...lit..m~nl5 and applJrl.nances, wilh nery pr;,'ilcg~. right, litle, ihtercst, and estat... do....er and right of dOl&'er, rnusioD. remainder and euemt,.t Ihercto Lclonl;:llJ; or in aD)'''';s.. apperta;n;"g: TO II..\'E :\:\U TO f10l.1> the same in fee simplt forner. :\nd the s:tid pan.J.e 9 of tht first part do .__ covenant wilh the nid partY.__ of the scc:ond part that_..the y.. ara ......__I....-Inlly stiuJ ollh.. have ..id pr<miscs. Ihat they are fre.. from all incuml.rancu aud thaL.t,hey....__good right and lawf,,1 authority to sell Ih.. sanle; and the n:.! parties. of j j . 1 I~ WITXESS \VHEREOF, the said part le.3. cf the lirst pan ha va._ hrrtunto scl_.t.he..ll_.hand..s and scal S the day and ycar abo,'" wrill~.. .J 1 ~ j .he first part 010_.__ hereby. fully warrant Ihc titlc 10 sa,d lauo1, and will ddend Ihe ume against the lawlul claims 01 all persons whomsoenr. Signed, scaled and dclinrcd i~..~~,,~::.~:~:.__.... .... .............-...._. \ bnguS ;j';~rner. ( ....._ ~dl t h~~.C.~~~~..~_=:==.-:.:-.. ..-~...~.~-=-,,~:...=~~~~~_<:~_=) }i.~nc~.....n..._;:ieHJ9 . .-.. ... .......h....._....... ._(SEAL) I~a..~!L;~... J!~.i.n~ L~-,._..-..____.__....._(SEAL) STATE OF COUNTYOF~~~~~~~ 1!'lorida. .---1 f I IIEREBY CERTIFY, That on thit-.lftth_____.._____day 01.._ ha1:c.h...___..___ _....A. D.191..~L. before me rmonallyapptand I;a.ncy ,I. iial11s~~_...!..saao .i.;. "jel11~.I. h.E3..r.._~~~_~~nd,!..___.:....._...__..._h......__..._____... to me known I~ be Ih.. pcrsonS._ Jesuibed in and who executed Ihe foregoing conyt,.,.nce 10~~<?;r.:t_. .:; . _~"O rrl s !._ ____...__..___._... ----........------ and senrally aclr.no.'ledgtd the execution Ihueof 1<> be_..the1.!:......_free acl and deed for thc USe! and purposes thucio mentioned; "nd the said_n~~y H.!_ ;'{e1119 L..__._..___.._.._.__._________ the wife of the said Isaac 11. ~'/eill~ . on a It arate and priYale uamination taken and made by and befOlt mt, and scpauttly and apan from hu said husband. did acknowledge that she made h~rscff a part). to the said Dced of Connyance. for the purpose 01 'tnouncing, relinquishing an.1 conn:ring all h. r right. titl.. and inter<st, whcther 01 dower Or 01 uparatt proprrty. statutory or equllablr. j" and tli tbe bods th..ein dcscribed. and Ih~1 she eucuted said d~ed freely and yohontarily and .ithoot any clinstrainl. lear. apprehrnsion Cor compulsion of or from h.. said hU5loand. . _J _~gI.!.s.._.~}~~..~!. ___'''_ .._.....--.....__:...._(SEAI.} County Judge. . (' I , 1 -~. J ~ ';' , .-r .f ~:J .~ J I ! " } 1 I and State 01__. '._.._.___Ibe day and year WI alortlaid. On IhiL-_ 26'th.. .---..----daJ OL.-----1AI;.~<Llh__""1)~..._A. D. 191._~L at 3.t.!2.~kdoc:k~_.m.. tbi. instrument was Ii!ed for r..cord. anJ being duly ukno.redJ(~d and prOUD. J haye recorded the s~ on pageJ.2L_of Book..29_in the public rccords of said t.o"..ty. . ~ . q OF, I hue !.eredDt.. set my hanll and affixed t~t,"1 of Ihe Circuit COUtl 01 the Fiftctnlh Judi~ial Circuit of said Statc, in and t2l ) ~~ P. C. ~ldred. ( ,// r;r;:;;--- . ...._Ckrk. J~7/ . By C~ cz:,; L/7 /' ~< / _ D. C. ,. , . , r ~~~~~:~~M~~~;~~~~ro~ .:"\\"1.--:} ~?~{,j..~,.-<.ffj;: ~;./:~. ..l".~~~ i=":..-.;:r.:-""f...\~~.;..-.. .~.f' .. ~~~:;;:~~:}t;~f:~~~~:~~~.: ::~~;'7{~rf:;;;fj!f:;.t~~j~~=tf:; ......~~~:../~;~~~