HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1074 474 ._~~... .-:- ~ -=~: .:.:..:... ...:~ - ~""''l~al.r*I.I!J;i.i~t~.(a''c.n~-:- b;.~f~('~rK:Mtj" : THIS INDENTURE, Made this-..._..._~.?:~h__.........:...__._..._day of__.F.~_~l:':'~f!.r,y.......... ..--..._._.............__.....u'-A. D. 192..2-. BETWEEN Jaok lo'ostor and D01.thy ,t'ostel'. his wife . ---'.------.. --.-_.._.._....._...........___.._....________._..._..u__--.. --.-- _____....___......._......_____........__. _"._-.._. _.... ....._.____.._ '.---------------.-_..__..____.___n of the Counly of_...:....3!..~.,._~9~~......__.._..._..... .___and Stale of-..........~'.!~!~.!.~.~_..._._.__..__........_u__........___._part~_~ of lhe &rsl part. and .....-....-.-...._..__.._.__...._....._...._..__...........~:l,~.~ ~...y. ~_~il e~~__ and .~~.e:!....~11!t..l.!..~.!:.~~9 ~8:!l~__._.. ___. _...____...__.....__.._ (Of Ihe County or___.._J.l.t.~Q.le.......__......__._._....an'l St~le of-_._.J:U~!~~_______.part..1.Q.,_ c.f Ihc second part, WIT/I(ES$ETII. thatlhe said part.lea of tbe fiul pan. for and in consideralion 01 Ihe sura oL....Tan...>>.Il11al'3...a.nd ..Qtb~~_.Y.~lll~l~..__.. - Q.Q.ns1.lQ.r.!i~.tQJUL_.._...._.._......___.._._________!)~lbu. to..t~e.~_._in hand pai.!. the reuipl whercvl is hereby aekno'o\lcJ.:cd. ha_Va gran led. hrg.\ined. solt1 allJ transfcrreJ, and by Ihest presents do._ _granl. bargain, sell and transfcr unto the said parlle.s.. of Ihe second part and ..__~h.~~~_heirs and assign. fornu. all that cerlain p;lrcel of land I)'inlt and bcing In the Co~nty 01 ~ t. Luc i e '_""'_"_'_ and Stal~ ('f~~;l..CI_~.i~!l -_........:.__!:lore puticularl)' dcscribed as lollow.:_...__........__.. ._...__.____ _~..--...-.-..-.. _...__._.._.... ..-.. ........ --''''''--''-''''-'' ...)..ots]1Y~ _l ~L.W1(],.;>J)tl ~.L 9.t:..A!9.9~.~.!!.J;,e..~__._.( ~.~ _.Q.f...9..r.~.~.~_t s~d~.~~.i?~..~.~.._..... Ft.~rleroe Florida and belr~ n su~lvlslon of Nt of SS~ of SE~ of ~eotlon 9. Township ...... ....... .1.... ". .. '.'. t . ...' ....__........ ..v........_.._..r._._____.__.....__....___..._.__.__.__....._._.. .....__...____..._.._ .___..................... _...___... 35.. Sou.th. Rli.nge 40. Eo.st ._8.S .lJer...l'lat_._r.eQo.NfJl\_ln_.~..<;l_Q~...? _!:.f,l.b~._)..O J' .;).~.'. ~~~.e__~~~~.ty.._......_.... .. 2e.cords._..___..........._ .................. ,~ :..:..::~:::. ~ - ----...-.----.....-.----.-.---..-..----- --------. -.-.-...-----.----.----...-----.. ----.----......----..--.-. .. ---.--.-- - ---..---.-.--------------...----....-..- ".-- ...----..--- -..-0 ------__ h____________ -..----...-------_______________..________u__. ___ __________.. ..___.______nn_h._ __.__. _.._...n.___.__..___.__,._____._ -....._..._.__... . _._. _n_._._ ... ----.-.......---...-________..___._._ _ _.____________.__._...______ .____ ..._...._. .__..h_._._._.___.__......._... --.....-..-.--.---..-...--..-.--....---- .-.----. .-. '''_'''h'._ h._-._._.._._.._..___.__...._..___ .___ ..---------__._..~_.__.._.._h.._..___..___. .._..___ _..n...__n..._._._.___..___ . ---.---.--......-.....--.-..-.. -.. -.- -.-..- '-"--'.... _'._'U'''''.h_.___._._. ----_ .__._..__..___...n.___...._._._____.__..__.________...___.__.._ .....__..__. .. ..___ ...__......._n.__._._ ____.__._.. 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TOGETHER with all the tencmcnls. htrcJilamtnlS and appurttnancu. ....ilh ucry pri.ilexc. righI, lille. inlcrul and cs:ate. dower and right 01 d<:>....cr. reycrsion. rtmaint!er 2nd c:uemcnllhereta wl"n!:i,,!: or in any'wist appcrtainill!;: TO H.-\\'E AXIJ TO IIUI.I> the lame in fee simplt foreycr. And the said parL.1~S 01 the filii pan do.___ coycnant ....ith the said parlie..s.. 01 Ihe secon": 1''''1 thaL..1;.i:1eY..?,~e _.._..Iawfully seind of thc have .aid premisu. Ihat thcy arc frct from all incumbra..ces and thaL,the.y...._.good rigl.t alld lawful authority to sell the same; an.! Ihe sai.1 parlie.s . 01 I) the first part do__ hercby" fully ....;uranl the ritle 10 uid land. anJ will dcitnd the same against the bwful claims of all pcrsons whomsocver. I:' WIT~ESS WHEREOF. the said pari .lea of thc first par~' ha_Y.~_ hereunto' seLt.l:l~J.~_.handL and seaLS the day an.! year a!.on ...-rillcn ~~"8 .H~~it~:.:..~::-~:.=:'--- - -- ----I --:-~'~'_:~~:::- ~:~~~ :~:~---~:~:--:-:j Jac.:<: b'ost':}r .,_(SEAL) _.llQ!:th;.: ~'9.!3.te..~~.~.__.._.___.._....___....(SEAL) STATE OF Florida. I r COUNTY OF. St!__:~cie I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this..._.. 27th day 0!._Je2!"l~.!:;:{ _-A. 1>. 192_.Q..... bdore me rcrsonaUy appcared Jac~ Foster e.nQ. j)orOj;by1Q$t~I:..- __________..._.__...__..__.___. to me kno....n to'be thc pcrson ~_ .kscribed in and who exccnted Ihe foregoing conyc)'ance to..__~1~.i.'3.2..gil~~~d r'red 1!i 1~L-_.. and Kyc(ally acknowledgcd the excculion Ihcreol 10 be__i..@..:i.!'_.frec ael and deed for the uscs and purposes thcrein mentioncd; a~d the said :JOI,',otl:!.r ~'os.ter the wife of the laicL-_--=-_~ac!:.~J2tl~ __ on a separate and priyale examination I..ken and made by and before me. and separattly and apart from her said h~band. did aekno.,'lcdge lhat .be madt bersdf a part)' to the said Dted of Conyc}'ance. for Ihe purposc of renouncing, relinquishing anJ convcyil'~ all hu right, title and illltresl. whcthtr of do...tr or 01 separate properly. statutory or eqnilahle. in ~nd to the lands thtrcin described. and that she c.llCcuttd said deed fredy'~ ;ond ,oluntarily and ...ilhout an)' constraint. fur. apprehension (,r compulsion of or from her ...id husband and State 0 re and official still al. i'ort i' ~.~_~ee.. In the Connty 01 st. .....1::ie the day and ycar last aforuaid. JI.L.1...:....:1iUU.y:~~,.___.... _..---._...__(SEAI.) liotaxy ..I.ublio JtatQ Or Flodda. ~~ oommi9sion expires Oct. 2nd 1927. ... 27th da Maroh 1 A D 1"25 3 . "--k P. b" On I.... . Y oj--.:........____~--___--n. .". ~ at_OC-KK ~. t IS lD.trumcal was filcd for rccord. and being dul)' acknowledged and pronn. I hut rcC~d tbe satr.e on page..i1i._of Boo~_in the public rec&rJ. "I said County. ...., .... IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I hue hereunto !leI my hand andl8ffiltCd the Hal of the Circuit Court of Ihe Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of said State. in and lor said COtUlI)'. 0 . ~ ~ :~ ..Eldred, 4c<f0~ ,_:: I ~,J ~~~tf!~tf~~I~i~; .-- ..,:....::~~1