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THIS INDEN1"URE. Wade lhi.. ..---__..1~.!~_._........___..___.hy ..Jf___u..... ~~~~L...____..__..u_._..___.__.^- ~, 1922... BETWEEN
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WITN ESSETII, Ihal the ~iJ P"" y._ o( the fil5l part, for alld in consideration of the sum oL..9.n~_P.Q.lltl,1' &m ._Q.th.Q.l'_.Y!il-.l'y"l;l bl.!L__...
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..Qm:,.~l<lQr..a:t..1..Q.n.S..._..._.._...._._.__._._____ oUollar.. to.h1m..._..in ban" paid, the receil't \",enof is berchy atllDo"lcdt:~d.
b:tV~_ granted, bargained, sold an" hansferred. and b)' these presents <k>.es....grant, bargain. sdl and trandcr unto tJ'1e uid parlY___ of the secon.t
pari and._..h1S.._-beirs al,d auign. forner, all Ihal certain parcel of I~"d Iyinll: and'being in Ihe Count)' of~~.__..L.UQ1.e______
and &ate of__.[~or1d.l;l..___..____nl"re parlicnlarl)' described as follo"'.:...JQ.t.~L~.\U!ltH~r.~.l\. ..QM...( lJ....._.t'-"Q.... t?l..._....
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.desiEnated.. on; the ,.last. gene ruL.pla,t...o.t..lan1s.o.t _. The _.!.nd.ian...Ri vel' ..Jfa.rc.s_Gor::pany A._...
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TOGETIIER ..ilia ;all ti.e lencments, hereditament. and appurtenance.. wil!a'enry priyileg... right, title, inter"'1 al!d e5late. do..er and right 01 do\nr.
,(\'euion. r"m:1inder an.1 euem(nt ,hereto ldongml; or in any"',.e apl>ulallJln;:: TO 11.-\ VE AXI1 TO IIUl.l) the nmc in fee simple ior"nr.
And the said I.art..~._ 01 the first put do_eS_ connant ....ith the uid pa,I...y._ 01 the second I':1rtthat_.ha...is._.___...._lawful!y seize" of the
said premise., Ih;>t they arc free from all incun.brancCl and Ihat.he...has.__lI:ood righl and la.ful autho,ity to sell Ihe urne; and Ihc: uid parLY..___ of
IK \\'ITNESS \VIIEREOF, the said panY -._ of the brst l~rt h.S... _ hereunto !Ct__ h1.Jil._hand_ and seaL_ the da)' and year allo.c: ..rille...
the first part dces._ bcreby lully "arrant the tille II) said land. and "ill detend the umc again'l tire Ia..dul claim. of alll>uson. "honlsOC\tr.
. . ;~::::::.:. ~::~.. ;. :.~~~_:::=~=~=l
. .". .lierman...J a _ Zauch. .._.. ."_ "._ ___________ __
- - h. ._ n.___ - .._.. __. _ ~ . ._ ___. _ ..___n_________
1Iew~o~.I!.!__ f-!'Qs.~.._._ _.._..__...._.._ ...__..___.(SE.-\L)
.__ ._(SEAL)
STATE OF Florida
COUNTY OF_..St. ~Qie.
I HEREBY CERTIFY. Tba! on this_ 2Ot~l__~_cb)' of___~~_J::~h-___
personall)' appeared ::ewton RL!X<Ui~~Oji<U:
:\. D. 19zQ_. before mc-
10 me known to be thc person_ described in and who uecut~d the foregoing conJC)'ance 10.A!...~.L..~J.!t)Y.ll.J"kreub.b_~.._~______._
and scnrall)' ackoowledged the eJteculion thereof to be___l1ts____..frce act
and deed for the uses and purpostS therein mentioned;" ... .old_
e lan~ therc:in <<
g t. I
II aparl
sa. usb
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and State of__.
in Ihe CODnt)' 01
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~~.!!~.~:;-.......Q..'-'.Q.(). 1._.- r: _..(SEAL)
, Notary ~ublic. iitate of ElOrlda-at='rkrge.
l:y Co~isslon Ex~ires Fehruary. 21. 1929.
On Ihis_27th________da)' of.. Maroh .... [). 19z...~~ at.....lO._o.cloclt....4L..m., Ihi. instrument was
/i.led for record. and beina dul)' acknowledgcd and pr~t'~;., 'I-~~n reco~ded Ibc ~on N~_.of Book_~_in the public ru:ords of said
lount)'. / /!t"" . .
IS WITNF.5S W .REOt>, I ha\ 'ercur.lo lei m)' hand and affi,4fiie seal of th~ Circuil CotIrl of the Fiftcc:nlh Judici.J Circuit of aid St.I~, in and
IGt .said COWl I)'. .- t>-
P. 0" Eldred ._ Q'-'" /' ~____.._Ckrk.
d)'~ '//"//t/ ,
lJy " h l ~ LA.~ D. c.
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