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THIS INDENTURE. ~bde ~hi._..._.l4.tn.~___._......._._day CI!.___t~roh.__..:_....._.___..__..~..._..__..._~__A. n. 19A-. BETWU:N
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of thc County ot__..____'(!g'?...~....._.........._._...._.. ........and Stale o'-_._....._..!~~.!~~.!._..._.__.._....._.....____.... --_..._.._.party_ of Ihe &"1 part, an"
-- -.---.--.......___._.__........:__ ....0. ...0. ......arOj'l~r._..______.____.______.....__..___..._.,_________....._._..__...__._____...
t.! t!le County oL_...__(t,!:~g~ --....-...-......_._.___and Slale of.....:.......hFl~~~~.~______._____parl.y._._. of Ihe suond pall.
\\'IT~ES.SETII. that Ihe uid p:art..ias. of Ihc first part. for and in consideration \If the sum oL__9..D,~L..lI+..sQQ1_.....____:..__...._.o_......._...........__
--_!>ollns, to..tbQIXLo.in hall,1 p,id. the ro:ceipt "ltereoi is hereby ackno\\loJi;e.l,
_'r~' ~=:-..
: : :..:': ;_,..,r:: '::r~It~Il!\1"?;..lnt:C(~(.~u,flih~D.,';:j~.t.i:~AtIL':..-.a
ha.'la_ gruted. bargained, sold alld tranderred. and by Ihese prescllts .10_. _grilli, bargain. s~lI and trantier unto the nid patl;Y_. _ of the second
part and_.hJ.tI.__heirs and assigns forner, all that cerlain pnco:l of Ik"cf'(,ing ",nd being in the Counly of~~~oie
and Stale of __..FiO.l1.q~...._________more' particularly described as follo...:..-__ ._...._ .__..:.__..___._ ...__.._.:.._.. _ _..._...____...
... .the .t~es.t.._~e!l (19.) ao~e.~ ...~;___!.:r:'~~t _.~~~... (.~L!.._ ?!~.~~_~.~ ...~::~...~.!?~...~0.~~~~.~.J?._ ..~~~:r'.t.;(.~.~.~:~..~_..( ~~~~.
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.m ..o:r..3~'n to ~Q.iQ_ .CQ1.ill ty , ..n.9:t1,.I1..n..L...._._...._......._.._..__._..__......__..........._._...._... ____....._._...___.__....__.__.... .....m._._.
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TOGETHER wilh all thc Icncmonts, here.lilamenlS and appurlcnanco:s. ...ilh ttery priwilel:e, right, tillc. intore.t and estate, dowcr and right of dowtr,
rt\ersion, romairulor and casemollt IherclO bclollgmJ; or .n anywise appertaining: TO H.-\ \'E A~iJ TU HUJ.I) rhe saUlC in re( simple forner.
And t'le said parL_l~.1? of Ibe 6rst part .10.__ co..nant with tbe said parIY.__ of Ihe .e~ond !>art Ihal... tbey....are .___Iawfully soi,..1 01 rh"
":lid promises. Ihatlhc)' arc he" from a\l incumbrances and 'bal..l~,!I:f'ul_.!:O()oJ rib!.t and lawful authority' to sell Ibe same; and th" said parries. 01
IX WIT:olESS WHEREOF. Ih" said parles.- of Ihe 6ut pall ha,"le._ hcreunto scl..the.U.....lJandL and sui S Ihe day ilJ1d yur aoo,c .rillen.
III" 6rSl part do___ he rei,). fully ,,'a..anl the litle ro said Ian':, allJ will deiolld the ..me against Ihe bwful claIm. of all persons whomsontr.
~:g..~e~~..s~~~Cd. ~~dd:I~~~~~:.;:..o:~:=:::: ,,"_.... o' __..._.. __..__.)
. ._~::;:l~~~i~~~~~~=~-~n.~:_~~=:~- _-:--1
Louis ~'. Shively . .
__.n. - ..___...__.._n. .._.. , n. _""n. ..__.. ..n. .._........_(5I-:AI.)
1:89' ~~__Ii!~!!e l.1..:......__...___...____(SE.\I.)
STATE OF~diana
I HE:tERY CERTIFY. That on Ihil---l-5J;D..____.__day oL~_J;,~.:r~.hn______.._^- D. 19~.. bcfor" mo
r-monally appear"d..._1Q)J.j...lL..!'. .3hi !.~.~!ll\__lJa~.L.._~..!~hi V!!J..Y._!!ilL W~J.!l...J______....._.._____...---,--.
to me knO\nl 10 b" tbe person 8._ d..cribed in and ~ho "xccotcd th" foregoing con.o:yance to__Q !.....Q.~...~owe r
and scwerally acknowledged the execution thoreof t9 beJ;JJ~J.;r__...froe acr
and deed for the uns and purposcs tbercin mcntioned: and the said......11al'Y__4a_.~yW ""__
the wile of the said___ .uouls ~'. ,)hively _On a s~arate and printe elUmination
taken and made by and be foro: mc. and separaldy and apart from htr said husband. did acknowlcdg" Ihat she made h"rself a parly to the said Deed of
Con"e,-ance. for the purpose of renouncing. relin'luKhing a"d conveying all hu right, title and intoro.t, wlltlher of dow.. or of scparat~ property. .tatulory
or equitable. in and 10 Ihe lan'ls thuein described. and Ihat she execuh:d said decd frcely and yoluntaril,. and withoul any constraint, loar. apprehcnsion
Cor compulsion of or from her said husband.
nre and official scal aL T~rre~q~JL in the Count)' of Vigo
and St"te of_..
.....-__the day and year last aforesaid
.....RQ.!iILk~j;Qn,',u_____nu, _._ ...-...-.-___(SEAL)
I:ot..ry~ublia .
UJ Commission Expires Jan. 22, 1929.
On this__~2~1l_.______cb)' of_ ttarc;;h f --A. O. 19Z.JL, aL_J_--O.dock.......E..."u!... this Instrument..u
fi!ed for recc.rd, and ~ing duly aclnowlodged and proYen, I hue recorde same' on pag" 482 _of Boole 60 in the public ruords of said
LounlY. .
- V
, J han herennto stt my hand and a~ the "al of thc Circuit Court of tbe Fiheenlh JU<licial Cira:it of said Stale, in and
P. c.
Eldred. J /7 ;-~":~Clcrk.
, ~. rz!;~ ( /7";;' ~ ~ I
,.- ; . :../[./7) D. c.
, ../