HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1083 4t53 - .&llllr,an..~. ~ ~:..:._._-- - ~ ~ _ __-'-:':~~~'it<<1I~~'11:~~~~. r.~~;}!l'li-i~...i~L ......~~ ~..:~..:..::. l TillS INDEHTUkii, !Jade Ihis ''''d~W~r),~;'''...Q1.~tbd'''' ....._day ofu......_Uaroh ..-........... ....-............-..... ....--...-.....-^- I). 19l..~.. BETWEEN _ ._~.~....~.!.. ~~.a..~J~..._~~A~HY...!~.~.~_t..!.llJ!~ 9_..~g~..:.. .............___.... ..... ._........__...... ....... "... ........ .........__....._.....__._m_.....__... of Ihe CouP-ly oL__....S t. ...~ol Qm._..._... 00..... .......and State of_.............u..._ .Flori da._......... ......__...... ... .......partJ~.!!. of Ihc &rst part, and _._._._....__._~_._...9.~.~.~1' ...Q ~... d.~l'.1;u.J~.n.,d,., l.'J.Q3~._i!.!.~'(~)._~h_._.. .._......_.._._.__._....__,........._... .........- ......--.... . .................-...---.---..- .-- 01 the County oL_._.;i.tL.~o.l~L_. ..._..._..._..:_.___and State of._..._.F.lorlda.___________.___.........__.__.I.ul J..~~ of the second pari. WIT"ESSF.TlI, Ihallhe uid l,atl.leS of thc 6151 part. for alld in consideration of the Sun\ of... ..Qne_dolla.l'. Wld... other. valuable.____._ ..o~~91~.~F~tl..o.J1...__._........._._.__._.._~..__.....__.._________J\~~ to._..~h~~.i" han" pai.t, the tcCcipl "he:reof i, hereby ad,nowledge.l. r i hay'Q._ granled, b;ugaillcd. soMand transfe:rred, and by thue ,'resents doJ1S_~rant. bargain, sell and uansler unto the said parI1as.. of the <ecolld "ut and_.thair._hei.s and assign. forner. all that certain parcel of land lying and being in the: Cou'lIIy of._...St....~cia._ ...-...--.....-.._...... and StUt oi_._~J,.Ql'Jd,.a........._....__._____more pUlicularly ducribed as follow.:_ ~ha .9~)U,1;l').._:>9.'1l}1l.Q.Il()' el~c:t.t.1;.Y._.91gh t ...one hundred.th.J '/.ee) . ,acl'eso.f..th~ north. halt' o.t._ tilo. .~~ol'tlleast . q\:..arte rof. the .Southwo.st.q\ll1rter .of .Seotion t1inctcen .Township.. thirty.. five.Jouth. .3.!illgo. .fort:;:_ Sa.st. . ...... t~1.59 .Doo~en~~;;y_.~~.D.:r,1P~:_.~ha.!!Il.~:t:te~) .. r i , ~ TOGETHER ..ith all the teneme:nts, hcre:JiumcnlS and :lppurle:nancu. with cur)' rri.ileRe. right, tit!.. i"tcre~t and e5lat.. dowu an,1 right 01 dowcr, rc....:on, "'..lalndu and u.scmCM tl1."'to ""long."!; or .h anywise al'puuininl:: TU 11.-\ VE AX!> TO IIUI.1) the ume in lee, simple: IO"'1'er. And the said pa.t_t.e,li olth. fi..t part .!Oh,e.~._ connant with the said parc .:Y..m 01 the second 1"1It tbat ...... ha Va ....h .___.... ..IaIKfully seized 01 the said prcmi.es,that thc)' at., fre... Irom all incumbrancu alld Ihat...ha,Ye. __.good.'!:ht and lawlul autbority to ,t11 rhe 53m.; and thc said l'a,~eS.. 01 L the ti..t part does.__ hereby iully \yuranl the tille 10 said bnJ, and will dden,! the: same against the \awlul claims of all persons "!'Iilmsoe"er. IX WITXESS WHEREOF, thc said pa.t 10s. 01 the (,,,t part haye __ I,creunto ~L.!i.he..l.r._..hand.S and .caIS. the day and yur at.O\e wriilell Signed. scaled and ddi~:.red i~.=~" ~~.~~::::__ _....__.........._ ___......_ \ l1yrt:J,e. !it!?!!.. .. . ( ...' .F, ~." .~~=~~~:~.:,::..~~-:-. ~~~~~::~=~,:~~~=:-==:_~~:~~~~=~~~~~ D....~! ,~US~ll1 . - ..... ...;.... . - - ... ~ -. -.-...~------_.._-.. .__(SEAL) . ..J}~.!i.1;Y....IT.... ~,,~.1;.in.__ ___...._..__...___.___(SEAL) STATE OF St. .uu.cie COUNTY OF ~'lorida - t J I HEREBY CERTIFY. That (>n this~1feD.t.1_.sixty..._._day oL..._..Ma.r.oh.____.______--^. D. 19Z~._. bdore me rcrsonally appcarecL_.P~~.L.~~~.~:l,.,~.J!.~.!t. .df! 1;,~:L}I.._..""~;'i~.ln.:__._____...___.. ___..._.__.....h_,..,n_. .._. __....h.h...__nn._.._.._ . to me known to bc the person_JL ducribed in and who executed the foregoing com'erance to ..._ C.fl,"-a.r _G.. ...:!ar.t._and..Flo,y.d.h~:i ....~(.al.s a..... and scHralJr acknowledged the execnlion thereof to be._~.h~Jr,_.....free act and deed lor the usn an.J purposes therein mentioned; and Ihe said.._.Q.~.~ !;:i._K.._il.w..s.~1D._..__.._.._._____......._.._.nh__...___.____ the wife of the said..______ ~. Z,. ..~-q~1;,!.!L___._._.__on a separate and print. examination ta.~e:n and made by :lnd before me:. and scparatd, and ap3rt from her uid hus:'and. did aekno....ledge thai .he: made husell a I'uty to the sai.J Utcd of Con~e:yance, for the pUlJIOSe of renouncing, rdinqn;shin~ an,! con "eying all hu right. ti:le and intertst, ....ether of dowrr or 01 separate property. statntor)' or equitable, i.. and to Ihe lands therein described. and Ihal she e:ucured said de:ed frecly and ,'olontui!y and without any cO'l$traint. Icar, apprehcnsion Cor compulsio" 01 or from her uid h,aband. ature and of&cial scal al..__ Ft.!.__.!.J.~!'.9.~.L_____in the County oL._.. ;;?t..t....~~.t.~_____.....n__.__.._ .___n_______the <by and ye:ar last aforuaid. and Stat a.l) . ~d.w.in..Rod i n~'\rAY ."h__. .. hh d._....._.. ~_......(S~::\U Hot8X7.~~bllo. state ot Florida ' 1~ Co~isslon expires Oct. 6. 1927. ~ <, i ~.;: ~ On Ihi$_~7t~_... ._._.__....___._da)' 01... Maro}1,,_.J._.__________A. D. 19Z...Q_. al._~h.._..o.c1ock...h....--fl'., this inslrumnt ...as Ii.led for record. and being dnly aeknowltdged and proveD. ! hue .-.lId the same on page_~~Z .of Boole... 60___in tire public record, 01 said l ounty. ~~:e- I~ W 'F_'i5 'REOF'. I Ira..e h.reunto wl.m, hand an.....lIrd the seal or t"e Circnit Courl of the: Fifteenth Judicisl Circ"it of said Slale:, in and ~~C~ ~ , 'Y' ..... P. C. ~ldrei _I--. '" h":~_:.,.L rt_ ... _.~ ~rD ,~"~~_"'_'-KrL ~ ~___..____.D. C. r :/ ...b '. . ~ ~ .~ ." .!. .:.; : '.f~.~::~f~~~~~$i~~t~ ~:. \. ., .'. Ii', ~:-- .->..!.-' "'l',-zl-A,>:>:: "i;1:'):-:f'('. '. t .' ~.: .~:~. . ~':'_. ~;!;:t ~_A~.~/JS;14:~1~i