HomeMy WebLinkAboutPERMIT WORKSHEETSCANNED - O"73tRM1T NUM13EFZ fWa., Installer _ �•,r ti,1 P� F ; _ 1�r� license 4 _ hom, e O V b �� W " o; ;p$artuiacfrrrer � iengiixxiNidfh.: a Yr+ 1 NOM '7f home Is a s1nde w1de fill coil arse half of the bloc a+ - If hie Is a UWv or quad wide sketch 1R remafnd I understand Lalerat Attu Systems cannot be Used on any homi 1►� O y+ w v whets the sidewail ties exceed 5 ft 4 in. , 0w �,� lrisfailet's'hWals U C, pier spacing - j•ypical r,� tit O (use ark fuzes to sho 0-1 r-i n n - n r gr U and lateral Systems PERMIT WORK -SHEET age I of 2 Home. ❑ Used Home o� installed to the Manufacturer's Installation Manual cc a--w I-Lm& installed in a000n3ance with Rule iS-O SIg Ede [] ind Zone 11 Wind Zone IIi ❑ & wide nstall�tion Decal k �_ �0 � �~ QP QUad ❑ Serial#5-bA 10SIR, Sim W,s� aWc is PIER SPACING TABLE FOR USED HOMES Load Poorer 7t? X tS' 1 beating size capEr-ity (sq in)(256) 8112 x i 81Pa` 2D• x2o' (342� (40n) •22' x22' (494)' 24' X 2d' (676)` 26` X 2fi' (676) 1000 Dst s as a s s s 6 s WOO s s PIER PAD 8tze5 I-beam pier pad size Perimeter pier pad dm -- i Other pier pad sores l� i-` � ��tt _ _ (required by the mfg-) ®Draw the approxrrnate locations of mardas watt openings 4 toot or greater Usa this symbol to show the piers list all marriage Wall openi<gs greater than 4 foot m i and -their pier pad sizes below. OpeNr�q Pier pad=size ANCHDFis 4ft 5 ft WED 1'v xV% oed J' � in zei 4 of TIEDOwN COM?ONENTS I OTHER TIES Lmulrudlnal Stabll n4 D�v1ce (L5D) Manufach r®r t.�'� rPh1C7l� SFdeurdtlVer Longitudinal Lon-OU07rW stab!�j gp� vlre ssr/Latetaf Arms Marrlag®vYaO Manufacturer_ tY`i� I � PERMIT NUMBM wsm, O FNETRO TES The j7bcW penetrometertests are round' wn io psf or check hem -lb dedare 10W lb sort � without test{ng. X X X POCKET PENEMOMEJ T>;MMG METHOD 1. Test the perirnster of the home at 6 locatlons 2 Take the reading at the depth of the faotet. s• Hrjntl Soo lb, inorementsy take the loured resft and round down to that increment. X X -X 4 E -P-ADBETEST The results of the torque probe tt3st is it=it pounds or check - - -hereif-you are dWarIng 5 anchors-wifiFrotif-teiiW, - . A -test -- showing 275 inch pounds or less will require 5 foot anchors. -- Note; A state approved lateral arm system Is being used and 4 fL anchors are allowed atibe sldewall kxaflons I taidetstand 511 anchors are t- ulred at all centerline tie points where the torque test reading is 275 or less and where the moblfs dome manufacturer may requires anchors with 400 17 icing capaaty � �' ;' itistallet's iriitiaCs ALL TESTS MUST BE PERFOR ED BY A LICENSED fttisTALLER Installer (dame _ xAafe TasEeda. 'Electrical tbnpeoi electrical conductors between mull' -wide units, but not to the maim power ouroe. This-Wudes the bonding wire between treat -wide unitm Fa hUnbing crated all sewer drains to bin odsling sewer tap orseptic tank Pg: onnect all potable water supply piping to an existing water meter, water tap, or other sdependent water supply systems, Pg. Debris and organic mate moved _ Water dralnagix Naturaly Swaie padC er - Fasteotn mutt; wide units Floor Type Fastener. Length; Spaoing: auji Walls: Type Fastener: L en9ft Spacing; --��"'y'-•r� Root; Type. Fastener. Length; Spadnz For -used homes a 3Q gatsge� 8' wrdo; g 7.efWill be centered bverthe beak of the•rcof and fastened With syWv. rooting nails at Von center on both sides of the cerrterftne: Gasket 1 Understand a properly Installed Aasiret is a taciulrentent of all newand used homes and that condensatlor4 mold. meldew and bLzMed manlage walls are. a result of a poorly Installed or no gasket being installed. 1 understand a strip of tape will not iame as a gasket, insfallet's 3tiitials?> - Type gasket _ Fo Ail j1 Installed. Pg. Between Floors Yes ✓ - - -- - - -- -- - - -Between-Walls--yes, Bottom of tidgebeam-11 yes - - ---- The bottomboard will be repaired and/orteped• Yes_V i�Fza - - S5d'mg on tutus Is atstalied in tnanufacturet's spec�fioations YFireplace chimney installed so lass not to allotiir fn nwon of rain SJdrting to be Installed Yes �_ No i�ryervent UWWled o1Asideof skkffig. Y1e;s;:Sz W Range downtiow vent Instaltedoutside of ski -� tdlA Brain fates supported at 4 foot I donrals Y Electrical crossovers prnteded Yes Other; - s au information given with this pis Is accurate and true based 'on the