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OERmrr # .'L-:-:O P -I-'- the T-lum bm r . (T.* of Trade) SCANNED By 811 -6 ISSUE DATE kLANIONG & DEVELOPMMNTSERVqCES Suilding &16de Compliance Divi"6n I'SFor the-project.lom-tedat. 3 1t.i-..und=twdth;at, iftheie is any changeof project; the Building and Code Regulation .filing of 4 Change of Sub-contractor7noticid. iMILluffer), William D. Brantley - PRINT NAM 29*524'. COUNW CEATMCATION NUbMEA State off�� lorida, County of. L L& A' State ef6r, ,ob"gmstrumniWa�iisiedbef6re me this tiny of .2Oj3 by.W Y 11.1jat D. Brantl-e who is personalty known Z.rLsprodlu6cda as.ideritificifio STAMP efNotaryP1. Print Nime.'ofNotmyPdbrte pO N Notary Public State of Florida Julie Ninasti M = mlssionOGG 630"2 19 20 -Revised 11110016 V RECEIVED V P 1 018 APR 19 2018 S�T. Luce G PraMLittin have -agreed to be for Wynne. BuildIng Corp. Trimmy Conftact6r) regarding our participation with the above mentioned of, St* Lucie County will be-a(Msed pursuant fa the William_ D Brantley ley. PMT�NAM 29524,.. COUNTY CER,TnMMCA,Tn10N. NUMBER State.offl&ida,Co..tyof. Uj� miaitwas signed :me this It day.6f miabywilli:.am .7)._B_.ran.t:j- y wbo Wperso=Uy known —L-..r h25produced a.- -as idendfloatiom CMI �L LA -STAMP Wtur! of Public PrintMWC OrNO1217PUblic Not* Piubllc`State of Florida Julie Ninassi , My Commistion.GG'038942 Expires, 10/1612020, W n2 . t;o kLompany rvame/ma viuual Name) the - P "l u m b-e.r " Sub -col (Type of Trade) f For the project located -at (Project Street Addms or Prof have agreed: to:be . )rfor.Wynn"e.• Buildin:g -Corp. (Priinary Contractor) Tax ID'W) It.is.understood.that, .ifthere is -any change .of status regarding our participation withthe above. mentioned " project; the Building and Code Regulation Division of St -.:.Lucie County will be advised'pursuant.to the ' -filing. of 4 Change. of Sub. -'-contractor: notice.. I C©NTRATCP �� A 1'JRE"(,Qualiiie`r, �A �I SUB -CO �, 175IGNA2UREr(Q"'ate e`r,) William D..Bra.ntley.' William Bra.n•tley.. PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 29524-.: 2952.4. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER 'I COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER i State ofFlorida, County.bf State of -Florida, County The. foregoing instrument was"sigried before me this day of ' The foregoing instrument was signed before'ine this" day of ,2dLV byW'illialn D. Brantley :20 bbyyWilli.am D. • Brantley who is personally known �/• of has" produced a" who is:personally known ✓ or lias; produced a; as identificati n:. �� as identification, �i STAMP i�J/��� �2�i STAMP --Signature ofNotary Public. Signature of Notary Public PrintNAme"ofNotary Public PrintName'ofNoiaryPublic J x'SUSANMAGEEn MY COMMISSION# FF 187647 ;�� ' s; . • , / ;3USAN h,AGEE EXPIRES: February E3, 2019 f" F 187647 ' �•,•.� '` Bonded Th. Notarl Publ!c Undenvriters i "* � 'a f � f ''C�rF'° �SIUN 1l F �R � I ebl,lary 23, "'� � ec FSXi�.IiES; F � 2019. -Revised 11/i6/2016 s : ; ; Bnn^'�� T.!u {Jutary Public Underwriters I ' i i AERMIT# ISSUE DATE .� . PLANIN' & 11 DEVEL;4PMENT SERVICES Euilding & Code Compliance Division BYmDYi►[G PERMIT SUB-C"TRACTOR AGREEMENT Comfort Control oT St. Lucie, Caunty_, IAC. ._have agreed 'to'be (Company Name4ndividttai Name) the HVAQ 9ub-c6ntMotorf0r Winne. Development 6ru. (Type of Trade) j (Primary Conuutor) For the project located at '(Project Street Address or Property Tax 3D ) It is understood that, if there is any change of statu& regarding our participation with the above mentioned . project, the wilding and Code Regalatiorl Division of St. Lucio'County will be adAsed pursulatrt. to; the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONT"CTOR S ATURE (ougi fier). Matthew L�l.e Wynne PPJNT NAME — 08898 COUNTY CERTH ICATION NUIMER State ofVlorida, County of � The fo►oping instrument was siped tbefore, me this flay of +[\CWC \ ,< b4 y b woo is personally known \i/or has produced a as idelatification T/ STAMP' 'gnatnreofN'o ahlic DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 EXPIRES: October2, 2020 Revised 11/16/2016 8288 COUN1•i' C=TWrCAT;ON NUMER Statalof Florida. County of J��V The 4ofczaiuz instrument ms Oped before me this\ dC ` y of o who is personally known _-,O-� has produced a as identification. STAMP' Signature ofNott* P11b1• Print Name of Notary P'uhlic ``' •t d"'� DOROTHYANN BASKIN • `�. MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 ; r� EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 .Bonded Thru Notary PublIaUnderwriters I . L66-d 3000/Z000d tL0-i 999L8L88LL di o0 Su i p I i ng auuAM -WOdd 9 L=Z 6 9 61-60-Z L .-PLA.NNIN.G&-DEVE-LOP-MEENT�g-ERVIC-ES Building Cdd icfia .. e Division_ n ce Lama's. Electric, In (Company NamefindividiW the Electrician: (TYP6 of .For the project lbe-g-ded,av - (Project Street Addro . . . h.dve agreed tobe ctof for wynhe Building Q6rp.-:,, (PrfinaxyCozitract&) Y-UmIDW) ItIs.understood th&, if -t11eie4S..aAy..bhange.of status regarding our participatioii wiffthe'abovemefition'e *d.' project;. the Building and CWeRogulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised -pursuant tathe - filing of. 4.'Chang 6of Slftb.=contrid& notice. o8898,* COUNTY-CERTMCATION . 'NU . NBER .2098.' . COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER. $tatp.offlodd 6rida,'Count a, Volinty.bf State of-1 histranidlit ..T.i6f0ii9oingin iigd bef6r'e* st1;U11*1kt ney of g was signed b6fbre'jfi6 this lay \of 2 2&yb �Q-� . 2a by .who is personally luiown'N /orhas*p;radu&d a. who is -persona kfiownlef�Whas-prodo6eda- as idefitificition. I as identificatio 011� 16 OL4J� STAMP-. STAAW. ftiatmie ofNe blk - Signature- of Notary Public V.— )k'Al., 0-1 Y: 1�7 Vie. p A2'- Print Nimof NotaiyTtibue- - Print Ni N0'ft7'P'U_"b1fie r - 7 nn"r,"K 9KIN StISAN.MAGEE bOR6T.-HY ANN BA, . I OMMISWN EF 187647 t. MY My comml$SJON iGG.036145. EXPIRES: brilaty 23,201S'ocF . EXPIRES: October 2,2020 F Bqndedjhr4N4tar -Revisedli/16/2616