HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1085 485 ~-.::-.=---:--=:'::::=~:":_.~t >>,~ .~ : :. :-:::: ~:.::.-:'";~:..:. ;:::. :: =': : ~.::-~:~ :':;:J.-m~~~~ll;"~R!~~~!f~:'~~~,~,,!" -.,oJIIt~ . ___, CJ THIS INDENTURE, Uaele this ..__..~_-!~.Y~~~Jt........._......... .._dlY of_.~...........Uaroh.u.._..._.....___............._..._._..__..^- 1>. 192_0_, BE'tWEEN ~..J~.8 oa.!'_:} !t!.~~!'..~_.~m~.J!!:\!,;{._~.qJ..~t~!".~.h i S..2:(U9.....__ ....__.... 00.. ....._. 00_"_""_'" .. ....___...................._....___._.__._ ._..._..____.. of Ihe Counly oL ._..S.t.....M\Q1Q.........__._._........ __....and Stale 0'-.._....... F~orldo....__.. ._............ ....._..._ .............__parlles.. of Ihe &tst part, and ___________. ____.......~~ ...Q.~....t.~~._____.._._____..._.______.._...___h...._._._. .._.._............ ...00 '''__''_''''__'_ _......... 00__'_'__ of the County oL_St .....1.uole.._..___.._.. _..__-,-......and Stale oL..__~!~!'J~~~_______._..__.._._...._part ..y.._. or Ihe second pan. WITNF.SSl-:TIf, thallh~ ..i.l paules. or the &ut p,ut. for and ill consideration of th" SUIl) uL..T.eIL.p.ollars..e.m..other. valuabl.o.._._. Qo..!l~J"'~.~~.~JQll.._..._....__........._.._..___.____._.._______))ollar.. to_...thamn hand paid. the iec"ipl "I.e'reol is hcrehy acknowlcdged. r: (. \i ha..Y.a. grallt~d. b.ugaincd, 5ul': and Iranslerred. 311d b)' Ihue preS~I\IS do.-.....grant, bargai?, sell and Iransler unlo the uid pan.y..._ of the second I>an and ...h.~~.__heiri and as.signs forner, aU Ihat certain parcel of land Iyinl and bciel in the County oL_~t.. .meie. ..__~..__.._...._ and State oL_...fl.o rj.d~_____..__ __ _mor~ parti.:ularl, dc&cribed as rollow.=-_. ___....._.....___h_ ._.___... ..... .._...__... ..__...........___._.... ..._...... ... .... :J..ot..'.fwen~y.~:tlll'Qe ..t2;>j ..of. ,j.teeles. Re.,.,Subd1vls1on. of. .jlOOkHFo~rl~~.~...Pl'.R.. ...._._.._. ;l.ioh~rd._.~ ~..A~lUngtQn's. ,.;1\l.Q'l1 Vi$iQif..Q.t_P!!r.t_Qt~eO'.tlon ..ord) J lL'ro.wnship thi-tty..three d {~3}.. Sou th .,R.ange ., t,hirt~r ni?e- .l ~~ 1 Ea.~t ...~QCONiD.g.t 0.. the.}}1.a. ts. of. the. Said. Re;,)ublivl sion reoQ!'i!e.J...oP J.l~ge ~evenl '!. ).9f ?)'~.1;.:3.QQktb:r.~~ ..l;; LR~QQl,'i?.$. OfH::>>t. ...i.;.;.cle j;0..;'1:1;y. . FlorIda. ....... TOGETHER ,,'ith all rile tencments, hereditaments anel appurtenances. wilh CYtry pr;,'ilege, right. lirle, inrerest and urate. dower and right of <tower, r~\CrsiOD, rnn,,;n<!cr and eaSel!ltnt thereto be!onj:m;; or in any,,'isc appertaining: ro HA \"E AXil TO HOI.I) Ihe sanle in Ice simple iorCYtr. : -: And the said parti.eS_ of th~ fiut part do.__ co~enant with the eaid part,Y.._ of the second parlthaL..tll.l~Y. a.1'e ____..lawfully .~iztd of th" have . sai.) p.emises, Ihat thcy art Iree from all incuml.or;lbCts and that they.___.good right and la"rul authority to sell Ih~ same; and thc said parties "f ; '': the firsl part 010__ hcreby lully warr~nt the title to said land, and will deien..! thc samt agabot lhe law.,,! claims of all pe"'>"s .\I,omooeter_ I~ WITNESS \\'HEREUF. the s'\;d part.~eS or the 6nt part hahY.e.... hereunto seLthe.ir._.handS... and staS:. the day and year "bo\e wrillen. Signed. sealcd and dcliycred in Olir prescnc~: ......li.~ Mac/(e)\o\$on. ._....o!_Qlm.. ~ ._.h'g~.cQtt L_..._.__.._..______.___~_ Osc;:.r Sellers. -. -------.--....--- ---..-----.-----...---.---..-.. -... ..._ _"'h._..........(SEA!.) :~~?,'~L;';e l),~.~f!L____.____.~_._(SE:\!.) STATE O"-~ r'1.~idu COUNTY OF~l'O'o1a.;,d t J I HEREBY CERTI..-Y. Tho.t on this.--E.le..'lentrA.-....__.._day of_ :~rch ._________._..___"- D. 19Z_Q.~ bdore me personally appemtL-QJiQ~.ll~_rlLWla.......;.:al-'" 5e~~er1L.,;ris_l1i.fe.___ _____._...,...._........._._...__..__._._... to me known to be the person,S__ described in and wlio exccuted the foregoing conveyance to._.J.l.......C..~....1.~w..._._..._________..___......__. and ~.!:'any admowledged the execution Ihercor to be.__:t.heLt:.....lree acl and deed ror th~ uses aod purposes therein mentioned; and Il:e said...1.:&.r;'_.>'ielius. th~ wife of th~ said L'B.C<.:.r ;jeJl~..r!l. ._____on a separate and priu!~ examination taken and made by and b<lore me. and separaltly and apart from her ."id hlisband. did acknowledge tI,al sbe made herself " party to the said Deed or Conytyanc~, for the purpose 01 renouncin~. relinquishing ani conYCying all h<r right, title and inkrest. ....helhcr or dower or of separate property. slatuto<)' or eqnitabJ~. ill and to the bods therein de.cribed. and rhat she elltculcd said deed Ireely and yolunrarily and ..ahour an)' cODslraint, re.., apprehenoioll c;.r compulsion of or from h . band. anI at__..~t. La~(j,~~8l..~ in the Cpunll of_JrQward _tbe day and year bst arore.aid. ...1:....J;.. .ac~amson. _.... _ _h' ___..:...__......._._..(SEAI.) r: r ~ . ~c lJ STATE OF FLORIDA } COUNTY OF ST. LUCiE On tlti. 28 tb-.________4a1 of___ Marclh-__~----A. D. 192_~ at._~..~.9c1ock_.E..... this in'lrument was fi!etl lor record. ~nd beina dull acknow!edg~d acd proycu. I hue reco~ded IC/ume 011 pageJ6.Q.._of Bo.>k._tiG-in rhe pnblic rccords oi sai., LlIU"ly. ':::'7 : . llii WITNESS Wfjl<llEnF; I )sayc hernnto sel my baud and afli~the seal of If.c Circuit Court of the Fifleenth Judicial Circuit of ...id Slat~. in and lor said County. /. '" ~/ (tCt.ct.se;) II P. c. &1dred, 1 '76~---_o,,~ I ~ A ):- '{- . . By r:;/.../' ~/ L!4"--9' __D. C V' l;otary rublin. l1y Commlss1cn expir.:s "uly 21. 1928. .' : .,..... . -:. .~. ::'~'-~-';li;;~rttr:~l~f~~f~~ . ... . . ~.. ~ -~ ""~"'; ~_~'f.:~~..~_l:~::~:~(:-~:!f~~~ " . J - ~ ...._..(;.~<-.~-5!.t:.$.....,,~ , -. ~ # ~. ?:..-:-.:;~::'~~~~:~kT~1~~~~;;: