HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH-E. SMITH,, CLERK 41FTHE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LA P. COUNTY FILE # 4415462 OR BOOK, 4111� PAGE 2197, Recorded. '03 123/2 0 1,R 10.:1:8:06.AM STATE OF FLORIDA ST. LumCOUNTY .. The dadectig,med hereby given notim,that ir Florida sts6tm the following inffirrhition is I: DESCRUMON OP PROPERT*- mak 2: GEM" DZSaUMON 6P Dn I OWNER naOXVATION; - - a.N W.Ad&ws 8006,S. USI-, I d. Name and address of fee simple titich( k CONTRACTORIS, NAME, AUD'USS 5. SURETY'S NAME, ADDRM AND M 6. LENDWS NAb% ADDRESS AM'PE 7.femons Within the State of.Flozjda,.&dgnat Section IW3 (1)(i) 7., Flori!&Stat.tites: NAME, ADDRESS AMDPHONE.Ndm .Ubladditlon tqhinself or herself,• Owner, des 713.13 (a)(b). Pioewtstutese MAMA ADDRW AND PHONE NfJ1MffiElt .. 9. apirstion' daft of votice, efcmmencement specified) . -, 20 TR OR OF Date: "An L. aLUIO will be made to oertaim V*Pr0P9itY. and in a=rdikftm with Chaptei-713. the Notice otcorar;ence' i and street Addr-ss)TAX]FOU _17fflf7:0005 e :e _402y: PSLe FL 34952 C.,interest in�pmperty_ if.otber than PHONENUMBER: _ WXnne Develo-pment NUMBER AND BOND A?40UNT*. NUMBER - Owner upon whom notices orod= documwts maybe be. served as prQvidtd *by g ,Brantley I Silver. Oak, r OL,. s the $6116wing to receive 8.. copy of 66 Lienotos Notice as provided in Station. re ' date- is year ftrnthe date of 6cordinx'uraea a different date is .1 .' . . . . . 1. . _Matthow :Lyle W'ynne,, Vj-ge—ergsi ent sh�utnre:of Owner or Pi Int Name and PTiivf& S igos;pW,� Ti 409frIce Audwrized Officer/DireetoriparWimanager anq I er State oiEorjd. CmtYofaL._L=' ie The he forego, wo instm=evt was aeknowledgad,tx ore methis y dayof By Matthew LY e Wynne SQA (Name ofperson) I (Type ofauthocity ... e.g:,Owner, officer, 'trusbe -e, adorneyIn fact) fr.'Rynns nuildino Corporation, .. I I . (Name'dpahy od behalf of whom iastrttnurtt vies executed) Pers9nally YQUIDwaZorproduced the. following tYI)e OfM:— &USUMAGEE MY66?M510N#FF18i64T -Aa ,E*(SE, Fghivaiy 21. 2010 �(Pdntcd:NamofNotayPublic) NoyNliulUn!r alidis of perjury, I declare that I.have read the fqxegoing and that thefiactOn it are tide to the bes t�ofmykhbwiedgeand bel Signature(s) of Qwaer(a) or OWner(s)' Authorized Officzr)D;rector/Partner/Man.3ter.*bo 9gaed aho.ye; By: 16Y.