HomeMy WebLinkAboutPERMIT WORKSHEETSCAN. NED a p ppyS�9' Sly '"FL'CiFir/lt b:UiYrBEiZ:�'.L cx .a..k<anu _• +3,.r� - • �t���°' z�i�y35w Installer t, L}cerrse I V1'i'� Address of homeyib being Installed ivfanufacitgar lengthxwk5 KOM -ff home Is a sri�gle wvlrle t1l out arre haff or the blocking plan ifhotrle Isa tr c or quad wide sketch-fn i nalnder of home I undamtod Lateral Afar Syde= cannot be used on arty home (new or used YAM the sldewall-ties =eed 5 ft 4 irr: lnsfailet's initials - Typical p� sparing --� i :� and Wmal Systems PERMIT WO P -SHEET � page i Of 2 New Home - Used Hams , Home installed to the Manufacturees;nstallatlon Manual El Home Is instaffed in accardanoe with fiule is4-- _ 5hUte wide [] rnd Zone Il �WlgdZ=Blfi [] Double wideInstallon TdpfelQuad _ El Sepet 0 PIER SPACING TABLE FOR USED HOMES I-beam pier part size Perimeter pier pad sm, n",,, ` Otherplerpad sizes _ O7t+ 4t (required by the mfg.) -i Z-�-t Draw the am- ro)amate locations of rnardage 4 foot or greater_ Usa this ro =- "nA the p'rer� List all psm-cis greater than 4 toot —14,et �, 1 Pier pad=size Oft -�e-� 5 {f FRAME-n whin 2' of end of horr ao" spaoad at S' 4` oa cal r�rrdudors betpve�r niru]ii-yuicte units, butnot to the maul pDwei• Irigiudas the bonding wire 6ehveeal rriutt-wide units. P� i�rRO TEs The D'ncket pendrorrretertests are roram psf - orche*heWAb dsdara j0W Ib. soil witfrorit tesftn� X X x POCKET' PEIMMOME ER TES j7NG METHOD - i. Testihe perim�er of the horns si 6 tocatlons. - 2- Take the reading at the depth of the footer. - Mba Soo 4 increments, take t" lowest . readitrg and round down to that increment. X-TQR OE OE TEsT The results of the torque probe test Fs Itrcfr pounds or check - here ff you era deC"g S anchors testis - - A test - sboft t 275 inch potmds or !saw wN require 5 foot anchors, Nora: A slate approved retest arm system rs being used and 4 fL Zrd are allowed atibe bidewail locatd m I understand 5 It - atscirorsare required at aR ceniedlne tie poirilp where the torque test r eadhg Js2760r less and whera the mobile F one manufachuerrnay requk es anchors with ding capacrly. Installer's Initials ALL. TESFs MUST k3E P3EOR ED 8Y A LiO845ED ItJSTALLER• Instariar Name yL�] Date Tesfed �J � owned all sewer drams to get ®odstirig sewer Tap orseptic ianic Ag. . onnect all potable water supply piping loan e c sfing water ureter, wafer tap, orother sdepdndwg watermVpry sys'lems• Pg_ PERM WORKSHEET �p8� Zar2 Elie Debris and organic matetta[_ pftved Water drabage: Natural V SMB p� er�� . FosLentn2 mulB wide UD113 11 ' Root: Type, Fastener: I,eanpth: IV Walfs: Type Fastener: Lens: Spadng Root Type Rstene.LWIMIC Spacurx I4 _ For -used hornets a SQ gauge; W---- wIll be centered iwwthe beakof thesaof and fastened *M gak. root'mg naffs at r on center on both sides of the cwterrm% - I understand a properly insfallad Qa5W is a requirement of aEf new4nd used homes and that conderrsatTori, morel. meldew and bucided marriage watts are a rMIt of a poorly installed or no gasket baing installed I understand a strip of tapd wilt not carve as a gasket. Typegasket- V006l4n Installed: Pg. Between Floors Yes Between Watts Yes Boif6m of ridgebeam Yes the bottomboard writ be tepairW wwor iapec Yes .• Skiing on units is installed to marruiaatum S sDea1Mtr6ns: Yes Firer piece chimney installed so as not to allot i kftsion of rain water. YOSBI Skirting to be installed YesV. _ Dryervent u>sialled outside of skiriirrg. Y. W F?srrt#e cbwrrtrow vertu Installed outside of skial R: ,Y' - DMin &Msupportedat4fourBttwals .Y Dactrfcal crossovers protected- Yes_)L_ Other; venires au iuformafion giver! with this get is acwirafs and trite based err the