HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1086 Lj~6 -'~:-::-":".~'nI'\t.dl~~-:-:;:-...~_.=..::~~ ~.=:::- ~ :::::..:...:.: ---= :;::;:'~~'~~~I;Jo~IC~i,~.l'i.fi;)~S 1'~n"dl~p~QHWr.:- -~ ~ :~...:....:-.__ THIS INDENTIJRE, Wade this...~~_l}tr_-::~l:l.~.!~L_..._day 01_,...__..... f.~~:rQ.r,l,}:,Y _._._n__..._u_.__......__^- D, 191._0... BETWEEN _._....J a..~~...!.~.f!~!!.__~~...~~~.~~.~y.._~:Q:!.~e.!:t._l} 1 !L~l r..~___.........__..._ ... ..._._..__..._............_. ..'_ ....._....u__.__..________.____ of Ihe County of__. .St.....~ola.......__... ................. .__and State OL:........_._!)~!"~~~:. _.__00_.:....... ._.___.........._putj.e~.. of the &n' put, and ...-...-....- _..___.......___m_~._..._....u. ..-....----... __.~Jln 1 $ .~o~J:rQ.:l-.L.A.. 111 Pe.b.._J.:.Ql' s2n.L....._..___........_..._.._..._..__._.__......_____.. I t.f the County of_....s.t..._..Lu.Qla...___._........._.._..._and Slale of._.____rlQJ;:"''''.~ -___..____...._..pall ~_._ of the second pari. WITNESSETJI, 'Mllllc said ,.artie.S. of the Ii... pari, fnr and in consideralioft of lhe .urn or..'f.QJ.l.J1Q.lla~.~.....Wl<<l... Qt b.er....v.Q.l~able...__. ... _.~OE.~!d~!"_~tiO'.!!~.......__.__.______._..________Dollau. to....t.hS.ro_in hud paid,lhc r~c~:1>1 \yhcrcof is berel.y acknowl.edgetl. ha...Y..Q. granted, barcaine.J, $Old anti Inns!eued, anti b)' lhese presenls do....grant. bargain, sell and Iralui.r unlo the uitl parl..1-... of lhe sccontl . . 1...rt anL.....h1a_.heirs alld a,.,igftl lorever, all lila' certain pared of land lyinC and beine in the Cnunty ol_St...._~Qle.._...___._..___._ and Slat" of_-..fJQ,l,\...<l.~......._.._....____._more parlicularl)' ductibed as 10110..:__.__"._._...._.._...._._.__......., _'. _._..._........ .".___..., .. .... ....- ......- .--.----..--..----.- -.___. __.. ._-.._._... ._.__..._....,. _. u__..._._______.. .___....__..._. _.____.... _....__ ____._. .._.... ._... _.._._ ._._.._ __...... . .......... .....-.... __._~t~ ,}C I . !~._~~..?:~ ~.<?:f..._.i!.~~.~_~.~__<:>.~_C!.~~~~_~__~C!~.!.~_1..~m._t~.f~r.~..:r i~:t'.o~ J ..~J,!>l,'~d~ "___ u........ .._.......~e"-1.sioll. .():f A~.().~_~.;?, ..~.1..l.~.;.. ~~.1~_.?6 t.J_~~~.J _!;ta t.. Boo/( :~ t_J.>~g~ ,,61. ..m...._..._._. ....__....._.. -. .....----...- -.--..-.---- .-..----..-. .-. . .-.. .-.... ....._h_....__.._._ ..-.-.--.----.______..... __._.._... _ ..__.._.___._.___._ ._.....__ ...._._n_..._. ._____ ____._._...______..__.__... - --..-..--....-.......-._-..-.~ -. . .-. ..._.nu.._.. -..---.---..----.-.---.---__.__.. ________.__._..._.___.....__..___.__.___.. ._._. ____n._.__... .._.n ....____..__.....__.___._.. ..............--.........- .--. t$~u.~.<?__~~.~~e~,,~.~~._.~. ~.~~~~ C f'n !?~l._~.?~:!.J._. '___'_'_ ... "m' __.__... n._.'___. '___'. __... ..._.__..._ .._....._____... _____.__._______________...___..._.__._.__..__ . ... _h'_n....'.._ -.....-- - ....- ..... "h .n__._..._....____ .-. '''--'--.-'-'__'_.__' ..-___..u '_._n______.__.._.... ...-.---.--.--.-.--..._____._.._..._....___.n._.__.. ...... ..__.n'_h_ -_"_"__.'_'_.._n..'''__._ ....__ . -----.- .---. --.. .----..--..---..--..-________.h..___..._..._.._...._.____'__.._.. _.__ ..... __._. .___..__._.__..__.___ /~-- ;~__~~:~~t:2 -.--;~; _:~_~~~~-~-~~~~- _::~-==.- ~-::=~-=:=~=~~=-=-=-:-~-~~:~ TOGETHER wtnr ali the t.n~men", hcredilam.nts :ond app"rtea""cu, \ailh nery privilege. righl. ti.k, intercst ;and estat~, tlower and right 01 dow.r. rne...on, remainder and eakm.r.1 thcr<to bclon!:illg or in ;anywise appertai"inl:: TO 1I.-\ \' E AX IJ Tv HOJ.I) the same in f.e sim(>le lor.,... And Ihe $;aid partl5l_~_ of Ihe linl part 00__._ connant ..ith the said pari y..-- oi th~ second part Iha... they...are ..._... ..1;0"-(,,11)' scized of Ihc . 4he have - . uiJ pren.ises, that thcy arc fr.", from all incumbn.ncCl and IhaL_."." ~...y___ good riglll and la,,'iul authority 10 sell the samc; and Ihe ui.1 (>arl1.e3 of _h____.___.____..___. ___.__..____._...._ _ ... ._.____ ..___.____.___. ..____._ IN \VITXESS WHEREO.... Ihe $;aid partias_ of Ihe 6..t part ha._Ve.. hereunto srt...theiX__handa and sealS.. the tlay aad J~ar abo~e wriuen J .he farst p:art do___ hcrcl.). iull~' warranl Ihe title 10 said bnd, :and will dd~nd the san.e agains: thc lawlul claims oi all pusuns \ahonuoc\'Or. STATE of_~lo:r:.!~a ........ ~;~~;~~~~~~:::'~.~~.,~~--~ ::--=-~j -~'V-=-" ~.~, EL<f.Ii'L/1/J. __ } ....~!.~ctc X<>.~te.r ........... .,. .m...(SEAL} _~Q~O ~~~F'Q.~_~~.~_"---...____...___..__.___ __(SEAL) COUNTY OF St. ..u..:.cie 1 HEREBY CERTIFY, Thai on Ihis-1i'/Onj;y..::folP:'!;~~_da)' oi -E~.:tr.,;,a~~;~.__.__._.____~_A. D. 19LQ_. before rr.e ,,,,uonaIlY appearcd~~C.!:...3' 0 s t_~:r ar..g.._.~...Q!',O t h.L_fg,s.g~ ..hi.s...F 1.fe--<-----__. __.... ._.____,__________ . to me known 10 be the person S... d~stribed ia and ..ho txftul.d Ihe foregoing conycyanc., to.... ~r,.~.i._!!.. :.:Q~1.!:Q;;~.L--~~P1..el~_~:e.1'.i3..Qn~1 and severally acknowlcdged the eXlcution thereof to be._...il1e ~.l,'._...fre.' act ;and dc"d for the us.. and purposes tberein mentioned; and the said_ DQ!,.QJ;JJ:L..f.Q.!;f~;r' thc ...ife of the uid . Jack ?2.ste.!:._ on a separate and printe examinatioa .aken and made by and before me. and separattly and :apart Irom her .aid husband, did ;acknowledge Ihat shc made herself :a part, to the ""i.1 Deed of Conyeyance, for Ihe purpose of renouncing. rdinqui.!ling and wn1"CJing :all h., rilht. lille and inl...st. ...hethrr uf dower or 01 separate prop~rt)', slalutory or eqnitable. in :and 10 the bnds Ihuein described. and that sM exccutctl saiC: deed iudy and \'oluntarily aDd w"hout an)' constraim, fur. apl>,eh.n.ion t-r compulsion of or from her taU hnsband. . WITNESS my S1gn;ature and official seal ~t.~rt r ler_~..L___. in the CODat, of and State of--':"~!.Q__r..!.~~ .__the da)' aad )'car last afore.aid. It" ~ (! 1) -- Ma~ga~~!.. CO.f:.f~~..!._______ ..._.--_._______(SEALI , ~\. ~. ...e r iiotfiry.c'ubl1C,3tate -ot Florida STATE OF FLORIDA ~ } l:y Commission ~xpirds. ___d. __' _,____._ _-- COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE\. Xotary rublid :for the state o:f ~lol'lda at ~a:'ge. ,_ ,/ lIy Commlssich Expil'~s Jan. 1~. 1929. On t.'tis 28J;l.J. -===-= -__uy oL__Maroha.__ ~_^- D. 192.6.~ at_Z.---o'c1ock..E..._m., this instrument... filed, for rC'Cord. :and t.eing uul)' :ackno;"f.dgtd and proven, f han recor<kd tM .' on pall:c......4.a~__of Book 60 in the publie records of said 'G:.....aly_ - ~--- _"" <<i IN WfTN I;SS Wl(F.REOF. -i'1..aYc her~u..to !tet m)' hand and affixed "',ul of II,., Circuit Court of tbe Fifteenlh Judicial Circuit of said Slate, ia and lor said Counl,. / '\ b ( \Ct.Ct.sea1'] #~. 1'. C. l;l1red.... (l <~-.-c.::..1--_aerk. .. . / ~ .By .~~.A at; c/r;~;':/ __.D. t_ 1/ St. Luoie ., I \ ,,~ ,~.. :; 2;.~;:~~~l~~~~~