HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIELD DENSITY TEST_ Araaman & As NMI` v Certificate of Autha SCANNED Port NW Contour: Port St. Lucie, I BY Phone: (772) St tulle Cavyi�/ Fax: (772)11 FIELD DENSITY � ci ates, "(F c. rization No. 5950 RECEIVED e Place, Unit 1 lorida 34986 J U N 0 6 2018 878-0072 78-0097 ST. Lucie County, Permitting TEST REPORT PROJECT: 288 N. FFA Road, Ft. Pierce PERMIT# 1803-0885 FILE NO.: 18-9999 REPORTED TO: Allen Ruppert DATE OF TEST: 6/4/2018 TEST MDR. MOISTURE DRY PERCENT DEPTH NO. Garage Pad NO CONTENT DENSITY COMPACTION LOCATION 1 NE Quarter ' 1 11.1 105.5 95 0 to -1, 2 SW Quarter / 1 10.4 106.8 97 0 to -1, 3 South Wall Footing 2 13.6 99.2 96 0 to -1' 4 East Wall Footing ' 2 12.8 101:7 98 0 to -1' 5 North Wall Footing / 2 12.4 100.9 97 0 to -V 6 West Wall Footing / 2 13.1 102.3 99 0 to -1, r 1 r * DENOTES IN -PLACE DENSITY TEST DOES NOT MEET MINIMUM COMPACTION REQUIREMENT OF 95 PERCENT FIELD TEST: � ASTM D-2937 ASTM D-6938 [ASTM D-2167 ( ASTM D-1556 TECHNICIAN: DZ ' Test depth referenced from: LABORATORY MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP Top of Pad (#142) Bottom of Footing (#3-#6) MDR ASTM MAX. I OPTIMUM NO. TEST METHOD DENSITY I MOISTURE CONTENT 1 D-1557 110.5 PCF/ 11 % Remarks: 2 D-1557 103.6 PCF 10.5 % H", -COPY AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CON FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS Dan-j. onda tense # 63911 �J l OPERTYa,CN76AN11T.HORIZATION SERVEcNQING CiUk wwrrT-A PROVAL 00 Ix V Pa w 48 AID ,-4 00 ,- 4 V m LL I 4) 4-J G lL Q� H L Port St. Lucie Building Department ..-. "J- V LIJ i JUN � 2018 I ST. Lucie County, Pern L Certificate of Compliance (This is a partial treatment only and not a guarantee or warranty) Permit -Number: 19o3-- 0?'9= Location of Property: Legal Description: Section Pest Control Company 1Ke^ !�:brol�\ t Comp - i Print Sig ature 1ti jVL Ow�ev - Date Title Soil Treatment Company Information,' k V\C9- Soil Treatment Cftpany Ndme Address 3V 3 "S e) Soil Treatment/DACS License # The building has received a complete treatment for the prevention of subterranean termites. Treatment is in accordance with the rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. A second treatment was done on (date) I as per manufacturer's specification. If the second treatment is not required, a copy of the product label shall be included with this certificate. form is to be filled out ast Control Company Rd �k �z�ce., �� 3Lta-iS' Block Lot Treatment Information W'­6 k % Date of Treatment 0-Y6sc_ Q�'g iC Chemical Used . %aI. Concentration ut'a-. Linear Footage of Area Treated Please Note: The City of Port St. Lucie does not guarantee or warranty the preconstruction soil treatment attested to in the above. The purpose of this document is to show that to the best of this department's knowledge, the builder has satisfied the requirements of the Florida Building Code for protection against termites. This form MUST BE RETURNED to the Building Department before your final inspection is scheduled! You can email this form to: inspections@cityofpsl.com FILE COPY