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THIS JNDENTURE. ~hd~ t"i.._.._.~~~__...__._._....."........_daY 01- ._...__....~.~~F~~.u.._.._.._.._.____._._..__...___^- 1). In t'i . BETWEEN
_._....._______ _____...__.._..........___.J!~~ t~.~.._~.!..~h!lm~~!:.!.!P..._~..~_..~!~2.~. L___".._.. ...._..... ,.....__....... ___..__..__......__
uf Ihe Count)' of_~~ .!__~91.l:).._"...".._...u.....h_...._...._"d Stale, of_.... ...."......._~~~~!"..!~.~__.._ .____m_._.____.._....__pan._l_ of the 6rst part, and
.........._,,_._ ..__~.._._..._.._....___ ._._._...._~.!...~!....~!.~l}.~.~..k.!..._____mt_~ 81~~~J____..........__.on ._......_____..____
(.f the County ol._...~.t.."'_:..~.Y..9.t!L.m.....__._u ___and St..le oL_m__.~-:-_ l<'l9J:~!~~_u__._....___.part.y.- of the .ecottd pari.
WITl\F.SSETiI. tltalthe said r;art._ Y._ 01 the &..t pari, for and in considerl\lion 01 the .um or.._J.~.n....I2Q..l;t.~r~ .J?:J~g. _.Q..~h~l~._E9.Q.~_.~~_
.:valu.abltL.ilonsid.er!.l. t.lan"-.___...________.____~. lohar.___. in hnd p.i.l, the receipt \\hereol is hc,cb,. acL:nowlrdged,
bB._ granted. bargained. 'vh.l and Iransferrcd. and by Ihcse preunts Jo>~~_gr..nt. b",gain, scll and Iransfer uolO the uid part__.Y_ of thc second
pall and_..b.1a___.__heirs and assigns forner. .11 thai certain parccl of land lying and being in lite Count)' of_->:i..t..._.Lu.o.i~~___._____..
. ~.'lorlda ". ~orth Vne Half of the Sou.theast
anJ State c1-__._.___._._.........._...._..___. _mor~ putlculul)' ducnbcd as follo....___._ _______ ..._.......... .. .._... ..___..._.__._....
.~arter o.f .the. ~ou.thwest......Quarter. o;L.3ect1.o.n.7....Tow.nshiQ..ThJxo t.v. Xi 'flit. hR.ange."'-h4-'.ty~Nin!L...
.r::llst. tr.t._of. S~~..ofS...{t.Q!m7 ~3~~;,5~L.. ~~!;l~ll.H.n.&. ;r,'i6h~~:-: ...Q.f..w~.._tQ~'_ )'':9.9-d.~. JUld... O@.EI,l~h~...._..u_._.___
. .. ........... S~llj~c:t .. :to._ll f.ll' .J_tJ..:<?I'~g!ilie ...Q..f ,~~ ~QQQ...()9.~d.~~t)~. .~()1l.~.~h,I... .:l,~.?~ J. .\'Ih~..~.t.l'..~r.~~....~:f.
the. sed(U':.d.I'Q,l,:t .Jigrees h to ..P9-Y ~._.._.._.._.___.._....._._.__._.._....
..-:-:-:-:_~. ~.Yl'JIb-~..,:'::~:- :::~~~: ~'::":""=:;,=:" .....:::~- ::..:. :..~~ ~. - ..-IQ....~Iit.~'I,II(V-W~il1..(li~
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. ....-- '_._""'..U__ .._. _..._.. _. u""'._______________..._...._ h__.___.__..__..____.._..._.___ ._.n.. ...__.._____._.._.____.. ._......_ .__._..__.._._. .uU'....'.__..
-..-.--.----.-.--.-.-.-.-...--.. .---...-.-.-.-... ..-- . ... .-..-.-----. .----. ....--.-.----...---._.__...___________ __.._._..___.._._.h_._.____ _...._.___ ..,.__... ____...._.. ___ _.___.._____. ._.____
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.__._.___~______._______.___.....___.h...____.._._.....____..'___..______.__._.___.__.______ __h____.___~._.. _..._._.._..__.,.___..___.__._._____._._ ._.._._________
.-.'. .-..-..------ --...---..-......-...-.-...--....--. .--------.------_______...___._________h.____._.____...._ _...._._ _......_... _______.._._n___._______
-..-...-..----...-.----..-- ..-....- .--..--...-..-.-...-.-.---.-.--- .-------. ---.-------.--..-.----....---------...---.. .--.-..---------..-----
--.-----.-..---. '._U_'___..U._'_ "_._n..'"'''' '."_'_U.'_n ..--..-..--....---. ._..__...____._..__.__.___.. _...__. _..... ._....__..._.._.... . ....._..._.._ ._. ___....._.. .. __.,_,'d.....__u. __. .....___.._._...._....__ ....d_. ..._....
TOGETHER with all th~ tcn.menls.herrdil..mtnls anti aVl>urtcnantc.. with .\'Cry \)ri.ilei:~. r'~ht, Ii. Ie. interut and utate. dower and right of do......
,c\trsiou, rc.:taind.. and euemcnt Ihertto belong'/I>: or 1fI an)'wi.e a..per/aining: TO HAVE AX\) TU 1101.1> t"e unle in f.e simpl. lore_cr.
And Ille .uid va""" <... 01 the first put do...~~L connant ",'ilh Ihe said paltY_._ 01 thc ..cond p;..tlhaL.Sh,e.._.i.Su...~___....I..wfu\l,. s.i..d of Ihe
..it! premises, Ill... Ibcy are Ire" from all incumbrance. and thal'lhe .h!j.-~.._.l:oo<l right and la...ful authurity 10 ..1\ rbe samc; and Ihe $.lid part .~.,.... of
Ihe fir.t rart doe.S.._ hue!>y iull)' warranl the title 10 .aid lantl, a'1d ..ill d~lent! lit., same against the Ia..lul claim. of .11 person. ",bo>msocyer.
IX WITX ESS WIIEREO..'. the .aid part:" _on. of the fir51 pari ha.S....... hereunto seLher .....__.h.nd._ ..nd seal... Ihe day and yur abon ..rilltn
D:::~<:::~~ '<I..<,:~;:-,,~<=-~<<- __~~__I
._.....R.S, ';;al~.:~. h.:_~:<:.=::..~.~=~~::::~~=_~~..~===-.._~_ - -"--'~j
~attie z. G~berlin
.----..-..------...---.-...........-... . ......... ...___.._....._..(SEAL)
COliNTY OF St.!Luc~~ j
IHEREBy'CERTIFY, That on this_ Z8t~.________.daY 01.__ :,~~.:.~~_.._.
personally appeared Hattie~. Cha..-nberllnl.. a widow. .______
10 me known to be the person._. de.cribed iD and who exccutcd .he foregoing conveyance to__...~. 13. Llgno ~ k:l._
.__A. D. 19zJi._, before me
__and .nerally acknowledged Ih~ execution thereof to be_.l.1.El..r.._..frce act
and deed for the uscs ..ad purpose. therein mentioned; ~JI._ -'-1..._________
t~_. .-i
tuen and ",..d~. by aDd bcforelltc-,~ .scparat.tly and apart 1 . al hu.b~Dd, did ackn~..ledge Ih, al .he m~de hU.ttlf a~}i::!!':~ of
C8A ~,...a;-ror tlif t~of nnOt!n~ 1m ___g--elI-hn-"flI:hl. tltl. andmrrrm,l\'Tlerlier of ;ro..cr oror..p y. MalUl~l"--"
or equilaLle, in and to the lands t".g, . e . t~<<rtett-:nTd-rk<d I.cd)' i1mt .9l'-"~nd ,..ithout anT r..n'.r.iort. r, ap ieft-
; , husband. .
;D the Counl)' of_,'
S t '._h.i.9l "'________.._
y .ignature an'd official scal at_f~.!.~1~!'Q~.L._.fla.
and State of_._ .!~.l:'!d~_______the day ud year last arore~aid.
. \ N. P. Seal)
~.L.;i...~.t.J1Q.n.___n... _......_..h._._......_..(SEAL\
1~otb171\il)lid for the--~ti.te-'(ti'lorida I1t ....argo.
~y co~issicn expires Je~tl 4. 1~28.
........--.. -.--
00 tbis 30~~u_...._n_._.__daY oL~a~Qh~._~__-\. 1>. 19ZQ...... al.~.30o.dock_..~, tbi. instrument wa.
fi~d for record. and bein" duly a,c!.-uOT.led!led and prOTCD. I b~TC r~cord~d I~me on pag~__..4.a.e._of Boo" 60 in the public record. of Aid
l o..nly. :;~
IN WITNESt'n'~~o~. J hue hercunto ser my hand and aftjx~he seal of Ih, Circuil Court of Ihc Fiftrcnlh Judicial Circuit of said Stat.. in and
lor said Coanty. ~
(Ct.Ct.Seal) I P. C. EldredL-- ~~~, ._Clerk.
'-. >>.r. .~~E-aY_J __.D. c.
.~ ." c/"