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'flUS INDENTURB.. Made thi~___~.~h__......_.._..._. ..-....__..da)' of_.__........... .._...ttaroh. ..._................ _............__^- D. lyz..A_, BETWEEN
" ---.--.-...--.-..--..----...:..............-....---. .,I......I>>_.._..J.Q.n.3~p...1...!!M.ql~!1.:r. ...s',.._..__.__._____ ....._......... ."..-.... . ...........___. ..__..._.___...__... '''_'__
or Ihe Counly of_.....S.~.~.....~().l.~ l.__..___...._......___and Slale of_.._._......-F.~.o,!'~.4..~_._._... .....-..----...---........--...._part_y__ of the &rst part, alld
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c-r Ihc County of......~~..!._.~9..!..(}._.._.._..__._._---and State .o;.__..__.!1:!.Q!'j,.g,~____...__._.___..._.___._"arl y.__ of the second pari.
WITNESSF.TII. Ihat Ihe uid partY..__ of the &m part. ror.:and in consioleration of lhe sum or ...,,~_~.~~~!~.~Em'1.!.1.~_C?~~_e_~=..!~~~.~)?!.~_...___
.Q<:g.Jt".4.~.f.:~1i.;I..Q.n..._._..__..._________ _~lII7, toh1m._in hand paid. the receil>! "here<>r ishereb)' acknowlcd..ed.
~l)_ granted, b:argained, solll &OJ Iransiernd. and by Ihese preSCnts do.G.a _.granl. bargain. sell and transrer unto Ihe ui.j pall ..y..... of Ihe second
part and_..h1.S.___heiu and assiens forner, all thai cerlain ).arcel of land .,ing and being in the County of._$.Ji.a_t.uQ1.Q.._~_...___..._......_..__
and SI~te or.__.f.;i,<?r.,t,C!~...__ ..-.-___..__more particular I, described as rollow.:__ ._............__..._............_... .. ....... ._........___..._...... ...m_._..._._.....
... l,.ots..Tl)n . ().() )a,nd, ..:;:;l,~'!o.n.. (Ill l....dloo}<...'f~~t;l tY~:U:lt_ t~Q.) . ..~!39Qrdlng. :tQ..th~. :pl~!; .<;If ._...''''_'
:"lhit~..G ~ ty.. ..~o.w.. ~~.i'i Ie. iIl,..~.1w():f.r19.~ ...Cl:f. t.l:1(} . (;.1..e.l,'.K'h()J'_~ A~._.~irC1:1,1 t.....G()\1.rt...o..:f .s ~...~oie _.._...
County.. ~'lor1da. ......'._.......
.-.-.. h" .._..._...._____.... .._..____ ._. ""__'n --._.___._.._____.__..._...___...n........ ...._
.u..._......___...... _._. "n',_ _'_n .. ".. "'_n__", ".__.._._.__._.._ .____d......._.._.____.___.... ._____._____h.____ __._.._____ n ______.___......._.0._......".
. __.Oh_. ....n -- ..-..--..-.----...-.... ......... ........-.--.--..--.-...-____________.__..__._________..__ .__.___.._.___..__..._.__..__...._.... ._.."._' ...dO..... .._
__..h___ ___n.. .____..__._._.__..__..___.__n. ._. ._.........._...____._..___...._ .____.__.____ ____ ._. _._.._____.___.___.._..__..__..__....__.._._._._.._..__..
_....- -..--.. .._-.;.-~~-_......-...-....._...._..--_.....- ....-. -._-- " -....----- .._---...... .-..---..----. -.-.-- --..-...-..---.---..-....-..-.-... .-_. .......-..
... .....--- -....- .-....--... h_ _. .... "'______..'..___. _".p'" ..__.___.~. ___n.....__...___.__..__._._...._.________._.__..__._.______....___..___.__.._.... .
_...._..._.__.._.._____h..._......._._. ....._._....._____._, _._._. __.. _._.______....._._.___.._.._____.._.___ ___.._.__.....__...__ ....
._.____.____.._____....__.__h..._____ ___ _..._________ _____._.._____._________.._._____ ._..__._ . .._.._.____..... _..________._..____.____.__..P__
----.-..-.- --..-----..-.-...------..-.-.-------.--------------...-.-..---..------------..--.-. -..-.-. ..-.-...-.
------.---; ----.-- .-..-- ..._h......___._._._____._..._.____.__.______________..___.___._......__....n__._._..___ _._....___..___.__._...________...__...._____.._
--...---.-.------.--.--.-.--------...-.--.-.---------.-.----.-....;----..----.-..-.-..-..----..--- ---- ----..-....-..------.--.-.--
-___...__~_._________u__._...._.._.__...__._._.__...._._..._ .__.________.__.. ._... .__n', ...._ _....._____...._. ""_...... . .....__.__... __n.'.__'_ _____.___. _h"_'.n_. ..n..._..__.__.. ..__..__.__..
TOGETHER with all Ihe tencmcnts, heredilam~nlS and ai'1'urlenances, ..-ith nery prhil~o:e. right. titl... In!ercst and estate, dower an.! right of do"...,
...,.crsion. remamder and casen.ent th....to belonging or In an),,,,'isc: al'pertainin;:: TO II.... \'E A~U TO IIOJ,D the same in ree sin.plc rort'ycr.
And tn.. said varr.:f_"':" of the liut part do.e.S.._ coyenant wilh thc said p>rt_Y_._ Ollhc secc,nd pa.t Ihal.. he 1s '..... ....... hwrully stile'd or the
sai.\ premises, that tbey arc frct' from all incumbr..nces and tbal-he ...D.I;l"S._.good right and la",ful aUlhority to sell the same; and th.. 53i.\ pUI..y. 01
the lirst part d&~_ bereby r\:lI~ warrant Ihe titl.. ro sa;.1 !aile:. and will dclend the same againslthe lawful cbims ",I all r.~uons ..homsoc.er.
I~ \V!Tl':ESS \VIIERE,->F, the said ~rL__.y_ 01 t11~ 'Irst part haS.... __ hcreunto seL___bJ.~_.hand_ and seal... the day and fur :abo.~ "riUe..
Signed, sealed and delinred in our presence:
~T ....1:! _~;,4:;Il,.
.---.-..----.----.-- -- -.-.-----.-.-...---.-
.. ,J.t..j;LJ.~t\Sen._............._......_._. ....... ..... _...(SEAL)
__... ~_,,~J..Y!!__!!.Q.~_!!~..__._____..___ __'_
-..--.-..------..------ ----------..------- .----.-----.----.--
___.___..._m._._...__......___ ._(SEAL)
---.._- . ---..---.---- .-_. _ --.,,--
--.------.----" - -.- -- -..---- ~
st. ~,..oie
I HEREBY CERTIFY. That On this_2IQ~~..____da' or_--11a..r.2.b-a.__...........___
..----.-\.. D. 19ZJt, bclore me
rcrsonally appeared
J. P. Je:1sen~..1fi<tQ..we~-a
to mc known to be the pcrson._ described in and who uecbt~d Ihe roregoing con..eyance to.._.Jj~:I.13.C.~... .;.Q~&~n.~.~!"......_...___.___......_.
___--=-and scvcr:1I1y acknowledged the execblion thereor 10 ~_h~~.__.rree acl
~nd deed for the lISts and purposes therein mentioned; and the said..
the ..-ire or tbe said . ,,' _on a separate and prinle examination
taken and made by :and before me, and scparattl, and apart from her said busb:a;~:i. did ackno,,'leuge lI.at she ma<te herself a party to Ihc said Dced of
Conn,ance. for Ihe purpose or re_nang, rclinqu;shin!l: and conYCying all h.. right, rille and intc<est, ",hether or dower or of ..parate properly. slatutory
",r equilable, in and to Ibe land. therein described. and Ihal she exec"ted nid deed freely and yolunlaril, and withO'~t any constraint. rear. apprehension
(or compulsi.on or Or from hcr said busband. .
WITNESS m)' sienaturc: and official seal at_ Fort.....E!_~l,'~~_I"
and State Of...:-r;-- o~~, ._the da)' and ,ear 1&11 afore.aid.
( N. ~. Se~l) ..!!.!_.lL!...~~J~l.l..._..... _,_.._"... ._..__. _ __..._CSE"-l.'
-- . --. -rtotiry?iblic-:for the'Sta:te'o:f ?lo:-i:la at L.:'Jrge.
STATE OF FLoRIDA } . !.!y Com.nisslon :':xplrcl9 ..prl1 6. 1927.
in the County of_~.1!L~gl~
On IhiS-.. 30th.___~_daY oL____.___...;I;1)11.. .\. D. I'll 5 ~ at..?.tp.Qo'dock._ P .!ilL, this instrument w.as
liled roc record, ap be.i:lg dol, acknowlcdged :and pronn. I hue rc~d 1M saD1C on P:aIfC~~.?__of Rook.~_in the public records of said
County. cv
W"IEREOF, I han hereunto se' my haud an~ilixcd the .eal of the Circuit ('ourt of the Fifteenth Judicial Ciicnit of said Slate. in and
r. G. Bldred. ,
. /.'
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