HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1092 492 ".- -"'&1IIU..n-1S..~"""" ~ -----.,.,.~_.....7 ~........~ ..~ ~ ~..... _ -, .....~. :~~ . - ''::~ -:-: = ~::J~liif~,,~,.~{'I~~~~i1li~~~l'rijr~,IIl)~' M ~:,:=:.:.:.;.,_._. ...- ..... I . it THJS JNI>ENTUR.~ Made this...__.... ~~~_._...._..~..... _.....__d.y of- _..... .U~.J,"O b_..___............_....._.. ._..__...._._^- D. 19~... BETWEEN __.._..___._...___._........._.M~)~8~~~~_ ..~.!...JUOJ~<\. _~~.._~H.l].J.~._..q..~ lJlQlJ.~._hl).J' _hqQ 1) ~m\. . \>0. th.. oJ:.._lloat.o14......___. of the County or..___.S~t.f'Qlk "'--'''-'''' ....................._.and Slate Of---..-..!~!~.~.~~~~!!:.~!..._...__..:....___...._.._part.1aa. of Ihe firsl part. and -..--....--.-.------...--.....- ..._....___......u._!C?l...~.......}(!~~.~.Y.______._.._.._.____.._... __. _.._._._..____..._........_00_.._....._._.___.____.. <,llbe County of._.. Sai!l~_~!!.!~..__.._.......__.._.nd Stale ol.____...r.!9.!:!.~L.:.________..._.__part Y.__ 01 Ihe ncond part, WITNESSETII. thai the said pall Y....... of the &rst pan. for and in ~sideralion of the sum of.F.~!..~._!..~<!.rll~. ..._............_._..........._...._.........___... --------..-.-..----.............. _.__UOllar..lo..h~~._.in hand paid, Ihe receipt "lIer.of is "ereh)" ackllo..led,,~d. hereb.... . h~ granted. l>a.gain.d. sold and Iranslerred, :llld by tbese prCSenll> do_ _.!:..'lit. bargam. sell and transfer unlo the said partY.__ of thc second d his h' d . f I' h . I f I d I . db" he' Sa.int Lu.oie I.au an -..._...._____. elrs an uSlgns or....r.. t al Cttlalh parce 0 an YIRg an eIRg In I count)' 0.______._._____..... and SI.le of._f.!.~~~!!E:_....._.._..__..___._more particularl)' dcscribec! as follow.:___.__...._._....................__.. _.........._.. ..._..__................._ ....... n,., .................. .. ~ots nm;1I.l1b(Jl'~d. 3ixtee.n. ..Ll,~J. ...nn<i. .S.~ven teen...n? LJn _ BlQ_Q~ liinetY.e1gn.t..HHl), ....TQVIp. 9f. .F.~ll13:;:lere.a.QCo:nUIl8. to_.lllll t...O.r....lHiid ._tlJwn:.1'l~ed.. in .the.....o.f.flo.e _.o.:r..tha _G.lDr.k..o.f . the u Ciroui.t..Court.. on...the. 31st. day. o.f. July.A..D.._191l,..andreoClrdo:L among.'the_pub1.ic. Recoroa.o:f .. said..County_ln 1:1a t .i:3oo1ctwoffibe....threa.. and_.four.....__._....__....____..._..._.__.__...................._.._. ....___..__.. I . -----....-..-.....---- ----.....-...--.--..-.-.....-.------.... -~.._._.-_...-.--..__.. ------.-------------- --___ -.._ ___ _"_____ no ._._... _._,,__.__,_'_h___ __._____nUh"__'" .--------.-______.__._._....._.__ _____._ ._. _..-.........._.________.. h_____ _._____~_______.__..__._.__ _.__.._.__....._.._._._.__..._..___...._.___. -."..-.-.-.-----.-------.--.-. -.-------.-_. _'."_'U_"__ ... .-._.. ......_.._._. __________nno._________...______________..__... .....__._... _..._.. '.__.'_"_'_'_'__ _."_.__'._", ( j.50 Cents Do~umantarJ stamps oanoelled) ...-....- -.-...........----..-.---.. u_.._> .-...._-..... ._.._ ._ n__._.. ..... ..__.....__.._._.u.___.. h..___..___._______..____._.__________.....___.__ __h.__..._____.. ..____.._._ __.__.____h_._...__._._.__.. n._.___._...____.__.____.._..._....._ -.-.__..__.._._ ". . ___..._..___.._._ .. -..----....___.._____.h______________.______._.__._._...__ _____"....._ .._ __ ______...__._.._..__._._ ----..-..-.---.-.--..---..-...--.. ._._-. ----..--....-........-------.---.- ..----------------.-.---...------.-.-...--...--..-----.----..--.-...-.-... .--__.._h......._____...__.____...._h..._...._.__..__h._.----___..___._____________________.__....._.____..__._hn_.._.____._.__.__....._____.___ .__.._..._ . - __..._.___._._....__..u.....__.._.____.___._._._._.______.....__..___...___._ J i I t I I I: i; ; i ------------------.---.------.-- ---. ---.---...----.--.- .------.--.------.-----.------..--.----.- -..-. ..---------.----- ---.---..---------..... .........-._.._ .--_._.._.____________.....__.un_._._......._____.________._ .. ........ .__....__....... __....... !,l/ .1 ",.< ; TOGETHER ..ilh all th. tenements, berediu.mer;l. and appurtenances, ..ith eYer)' pri~ilegf; riICh.. 1,lle, inlercH and fJlate. clo.... and righl of do,.er. rc\'Cr.ion, r<m3indfr an.! casement Iberero belong",g or in anywise apperl~ininG: TO HAVE .\XlI TO 1101.1> tM ...me in fe. s:ml'le fOICHr. And the said part__ 01 Ih.. fiul pan .10___ co~.nallt ~ilh tbe said pall-._ of lite second pUllhal_l.am,..._ ....._ ._..Ia~f'Jlly .du.1 of Il:e .aid !>rentik.. that Ih.y arc fre.. fWIIl all incumluallcu and Ih3tl. he.v.e ,_. KOOol right alld 'a"ful 4uthority 10 s.1I rhe urn.; an.! the .aid part ..:...... 01 lite first parI do___ hereb)' lull)' ~arranl Ihc title to ~id 4nd, and will .Jd.n.lthe ume asainSllhe bwlul .birns of altpersons .I,on.soeyu. IN \\'IT~ESS WHEREOF. the said pUlle.s. of the first pan ha...Y.e. b.reunto set.._t.ba.ir._hand.S 4n.1 seal. She 'd~y and )'car aoo'e ..rillen H:~~::~U:d. ."::Z~~~.:::~.H~':'__~___ ---1 ....:~~~~~-~~..~:~.c~~=:~.~~=-~:~~...~~~~~:~~~..~~~~.=~=~~~_.._...._) ~~:I"g~}:~!_:,:_...._.3..~C!l?d _......" ......______.._......(SEAL) -.\'." \~ '\ t1.Ul.i.wt.....G.. _'ol.ood.. _____.. ___(SEAL) ; 1 f j . j .. I f { t STATE OF :lB._~Slich~setts. COUNTY OF S~.fr:~lk__. .--l j I HEREBY CERTIFY, Th.t on Ihi._.11i.h.._..___.':'.._da)" o,-__.Ya:.O~._.._______^- D.I92..A-.. bclore me "monallyappeared Uargarat .;.. .dlood and '.v:llliem G..._B_lood.L~~.~..!'..J:m.~~.~I::4__________..__.__ to me kno..n 10 be Ibe person...3... ducribed in. and who executed lite foregoing connyance ,0._R9:.L..J,....!___K;\.Ji.r.e~....__.. -.-.-....-.... .-- _and snerally ackno...ledged the execution Ibucof 10 be_.~h.~1;r..___fre.. act .nd deed lur thf uses and purposes thercin mention.d; and the said.._!!ll.!J~~_131ood h....sband tbe 1illia of tbe said_V..,ar~e_t_..8.._.J~d fiB.. __on a separate and pri..ate examination I~ken and 'tl~de b)' and before me. anJ scparatt.ly aDd apart Irom w said husband, did aekno,,'lcdge t1,~t Woe ma-JrJ..crscl! a parly 10 Ihe said Deed of Conycy~nc.. lor th. pnrpos.. c.l renouncing, r..linquishinlC aad co,weying all lar riJlhl. title aad inleres,. whether of ~r of scparale propert)., stalutory or equitable, ill and to tbe lan.!s therein d..s.c~i7d. a".1 Iha:1 .he .xecuted S3id deed freely and yoluntanly an.! _ ;lhoUI any constrainl. Icar, apprehcnsion o:.r cf)mpalsion of or from ~ sai.J ~ -1L.. . ., r. and official seal al...J.9S.tJ:ln in tbe Counly of :>uf'f'olk . ..--' and Slale of- .~j;_!l.L. -__the day and fear 451 aforesaid. Thom~s....:':' ~_ Di..~E~E:~.._....'--:.___(SE^L) l!y comm. ex:pire'sA\l€. 2~~19-28. i ! ; : i it I t Ii ! I I i 1\ ! . 30th llaroh, On Ihll-__.... -______day 01____ J". D. (91.Q~ at._1g_o'clockJL....ra. Ih;. instrument wu ..1 61fd for record, and beiag duly acknowredgedand pronn, I hayc recorded tJ!e lame on page...i.~.~__of Boca, ,60 in Ihe pnblic r.eords of said l'ounly. ];:, . -~ - IN WfTS' WI. OF, J hue herennto oct m)' hand and .ffi~.. Ihe scal of the Circuit Court 01 th~ Fifteenlb Judicial Circuit of said Slate. in and for said Couul . 00 . A: t' # .'P ) ~c. Eldred, By / -;;;t7- . -) ~ . -Ce~f/.. , r/ _Clerk. D.C. r ~t.~i~${~~ji~~fj