HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1098 4~~ \.. --_.......~...,......~........~ - -~ - '-,. - -... .-...-,...~.. M.-4.. Iii ~ 17 ,.......I:>4h....__...-..:e~...............J... ,. ~~....,.~::.: a;::';:"'::':~~' "" ~'~11!.~~~~&~.~~~~...~: ........__.__-~_. THIS IN DENTURE. Made Ihis ......~.~.~.I1.....__._...._........ ._day of-..-..-..... .J{~r.9.h. .. ..___ .._............ ...__ ....._^- O. 19,-.~, BETWERN ______..._.....fl,~~Jl~..,!;,~~1' .YJ~ r_Jlr~~L~~.~U.mL!! 1...!.l.l~.~.. ..h~.s. _~J(e.:_.__..____. _.........._00 .._........_. ._.._____... ...._..__.._.___.__ ./ 01 the County oL__.S.j;.i__.~\Q..i.~.....__.._..__.._....... ....._and Slal~ oL...-.-......~~!gr.J~~......_...___.u.._....._...._"......__._.....__pan.~~_~ ollhe &11I part. aDd C. C. Braswell ~ ----~_...._. ..-..--......-..-....... --~....-._......_..-.---_...._..__._.. ....-...---...--..- _ ..-...-..----.-------..--.-....--...-..-----...-...-..--... -----..------------------.. I - ,+:. 1 J:o'lorida' t.f Ihe t,;ounty oL......_......!t..t.._~"O Q. ....._.~"...- _n.......__and SUtc 01.... -..00--_...______.......____..______ ---.-.I'&n y.__ of th~ ucond pan, WITNESSETII, that Ih~ uid pan..1~.~. olth~ til<l pan. lor aDd iD eonsill~lation 01 the lun. of..~.E!..l!,!;y_':!~_~_l.?:~~.~~.!l.~_ !.~y-~_..~~~c1..:.~.!_.. -.--...---...----.....-.-.-____.._._.____..00..____._.._._____))01I;us, to_tt~m._in hand paid, the rec~;pl ....11~reof is hereby adiDowlc".:ed. 1.:.'1.6._ gram.:d. barg;&ill~d. saM InJ transrcu~d, Ind by thts~ prcstDIS do_ _. -g.'ant. bargain. scll apd tr;nsfcr unto Ih~ said parl~__ of thc s<<ond part and_.hJ.~___hcirs and '''JigM forever. aU thai cerlain parcel oi land lying aad being in the County of__~it_lt~g.;\&._.._.___ Florida '. Blook lo'ive (5) of' th} Rl va rs ide ..dd alld State of__........... .......H'..---....._______more p:.rlocularly described u lollo\ws:_.__.___...__._....__ .._... ....., __.._.__._.__.....__..__.__...... .11; ion ,to...lo~ort ..~'X~;t'ce ,}t~o..~!'~~~... ~!l....!:~~~..l3.~.~~.. ~~~.~.J..~_1..._~~~~....~.~ .~l).~?.:~.~...O.:!.. .~.~..~__~~~.~~..~~.~:~?, ~ . to;;ethe ..'.l!.~ th.rill~l'lv.n . x.-Jgn. t.~... .._....._._...... _,,_....___.._...... . '_""_,,_._...._._.. __..__.._...._.. ..__......__._...._........__......__.... .8 r t.~.. .:>1. t/l~.....,s.e.C.".l1d..p.;.~ y.L...~sa. }il.e..s.:__t:lLr;,.__J7-,,:J.J:..'L_~il 'J e..5 ..._.__....... __..._._._....._._... ... -=-.-.....-...... h."_ ........ .... '__._......._.. ..n.........__ .,.(~_~.~.P.Q_..l>..~~um~~_~:.ry.. ~.~:.t~~~.. .~.~.~~.~.!_~-~.__L._.._.._. 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". .....----.-------....-----. n_____________..__... _.________.____.... .._ _ ._._......__._.h.._...___..._.__.._...._. ..._ .._.. ....-.. ....--.----....-___u_..____._._._._._.__._ ....._.._.___ ___.__u........._ ....... n _._....._.__.__.._._... __..._._.___. . .-.....-.--.--.. .---.-.-..- ..- -.'-.'.--"-.'-'-----...- ......--..-.--....-...-..--...--.-. ....n. -......._....n__.....__ . ___ ___'_"u .--.....-.--...-.....-... .-- ...-.....-..... .......-.-......- ......._---. --.. ...- .--...-.--..-----...-..--.--...-.---.--.--..-...----.-...--..-.-.----.-.. - .......---.-.-....... ...-.-...... .--............-....-......--..... -.. _...... ....._. . .__uu_......_.__.__ __.___.________....___.._.._.___..._._.______..__..........__........._._....._._._._._.___. .............-...---....__._.._....h_ ...----.-...-.... .----.----........-..------________.____._..__ _____._.. ..._._.__...__... ..-...-.-_.._...._.._._._.._u.._...._._........__ -........._._._.....u...__ __.__.___._...__...___.._._____. _....._..._._...___......._____.__.____........._._..__._...._......._.._...___..__.__.. .-.--...-.-..........- -.-.....-.-.....-.--.--..--.-..-.-.-.--.-----. . ...----.--.-------.--.-...--------.---.-- ........._-._.__...._-~ --.-----....-.-.- .--.__. --.-. -....... ... -..----.--.-.-.-. - __..._..u...__._un_._.____..__.. ........ ..... ..-........ .._--. ...-..-.... ...-..-..-..--.-...... -_. TOG~TIIER ""ith all tht' ~~n~rr!~:!!s. he:-~dit:lmCl;:i .~J .r'vunt~n(cs. with c~(ry prh'ilf"~~1 "Ig~t. !i!l~. in~e:~.:: and C'5t.tc-. JUder ~Qd ritCht oi dower. re"crs:on, remainder and ea'emeulll.creto hdulIlm>: or In aDy..-ise apputaininlo:: 'fO H.\ VE A:-.ill TU HUI.D Ihe same in f~e simple forc.\'tr. And thc said p:.rt...1~~ of the first part do__ co'~naDt with thc said parl_.__ of the sccon.! part l..aL_~hey...~F~_._._..ia"f~lIy scized of the have .aid prtlniscs, that they arc free from all incumbrances:.nd Ihal._:th~,;r_ good riS"t aDd lawful authority 10 sell lite same; and Ihe said parti.~!3. of - Ihe firsl pari do__... hercb)' full}' warun I the titlc ro said land. and ..ill dden.! t"e same again.. Ihe lawful claims <of all persons ",Iw",soc,er. IN WITXESS WHEREOF, the said part .ie.s. of rhe first I'art h Y.',;._ hereunlo set..!i.h~.tr_hand>_ and sua.. the day aDd }'~ar abo.c wrute.. I ,;,".... R,kd ,.. d'''~:'~ moo:,::::, __ ... .___._ -1 ~~ ~? u y ;~~~~:.~ ~~:_...n _.U.-_':..':.~..'." _-'.-.-. .._::-,......~-.:...--,...~..~.n..:.--:._..-......_-_-~"._.~n..-( .::r..rgare.t...::;. . Taylo.r.. _ _ _ J .-- ~"~.I!-~;...;:-; .....Jy.~~_;~._ _'''.__,,, . ._.n.._..............___.. .__(SEAI..) __~@J.1D~ 3_.~;rJ..E..~~~.____.___ .....-----_.___(SE:\f.) STATE of_Fll?r~dt.. COUNTY OF.---,-~t. L,l.~ie. } I HEREBY CERTII-'Y. Thar (>n thi.~_.~1.h..______d~:r or.___.~;r;'_C.n1._________.-\. D. 19zJL. bdorc nlC - F .' . .. 1 "'.. Ii R m 1 personally appeared..-...XM."5,_o':':..._.....!'::t er......1!D~~!L_~.~.~.~.~.;L. .~.:r;-.J. 10 me known 10 be the persoP 8.- ducribed iD and who e:oecul~d Ihe foregoing cOllnyaDce t".__...___._______.______. l.---" - ..-..---.--..--....---..----.-..- and sueraily ac"no..l~dg~d the eucution Ihereof to ~_1,;l1e ir_._.Ir~e au and deed for the uscs and purposcs thcrcin m~ntio'led; and the said--.......zJIle.llr..fL.R.._Ty~e.r. "'___.__-:-_ ___=--_..___._~ ., . t'r~nA .i.~. ..ivler. . '. the w:.e of the s&.d___..___,___. .,-... --....~-------------_._Ob a ""para Ie and pnntc e:oam.Dat.on taken and ma<le by alld before me. and scparattl)' and apart from her said husband. did arkno....l~dge that she madc herself a party to the said Deed of ConYt.}'ance. for the purposc of renouDcing. relinqui,hing all.1 conveying all hu right, litlt: :.nd intcrrsl. ..helb~r 01 dower or of separatc property. "atutor}' t.r equilaMe. in r.nd to th~ Ian.1s therein dcscribed. aD.I thai she euc"l.d said dr~d !redy ilnJ yoluntanly and w;lhout any constraint, frar. apprch~llsion <or compulsion of or from hcr said hUlbaDd. cialsul at._F.or.t....!:ie=ce+.__in the Connly of~.t.J.~Q.a .._the day and year last aforuaid. .... .0....._.6. ..._!lJJ..t_n t- - ____... -.. n_.._ ----..........h._______.(SEALl rrbk!"'{ r~bllc fortheStE~e Or El01'1~t. at Lnl'(;':;. l!y Co;'.r::lssLn Sxpireil l~?ril 6. 1926. O h. 3' st da f Uaroh;;U ^ D 192:> 10 . I '- A. b" o I ..____"'-S________.,_._, )' 0 -..____._=.1 " __.. al___o c o<:,,_tn., t II IDslrument was Ii"'d for record, and beil'g duly ad:nowledged and pronD. I han recorded ~ A'me on ~age__~~..of BooL~_..in 'Ibe pDblic records of said \ nunt)'. 0- :_ "1 . . llol WITNESS WHEREOF, f IInc hereDnto set my hand and allixc~~ snl of the Circuit Coun of II:: Fift~enlh Jndicial Circuit of said Slatc, in arid lor said CouDty. <: ~ "1 :::'l I :') :l. dy ~ /' .--, . _ ./~2~~-.-:~r;' I ',_- t/, , ....P.O. :i:1dre1 , , \ ~ ~ i " . >~..),r.:i)~t~ffl~~