HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1102 i.) l' ~ : WA--&*.t~l!e: THIS INDENTURE. Made thi$ ._u}..?.~~ ........--.-.....-..-....._da, of_....__J~tl;l'.9.h.t... ......._......... ...._.........._.._.........._^- 0. 19~_... BETWEEN _.~~~~..~!l_.~~~.!_~.~...~!:~._.::!.~n !~_.~_l.!~E,L.~!.~ w !..~.. .... _~!.!~~~.~.~~._ ~..~...~~.!.~!:t..~~_..~.!.~~.._~.~!!.~..._..~!~.._~!.!.~...._ of Ihe County oL..._S_t,. _!!~.9.1JL...u................. ......_and Stale of...._. ...._...f:l,.Q);ld.~...... _.. ......__...... _...___. .......-.--part.l9Jt of lbe firu pul. .n<J ....-00..._-..........- .._-.._.-. ......._......_... tl.. .-.:;;~...;{~.r:!~..~.ll..~..~Q.tL Da -v.!9...1~Jrt.~._.l ~~.~~~J __......_. ...--:..___._____._.__......_.......___ (.1 Ihl' Count)" 01... __...~ti.~. ..L~o.j,...~ ........... ..' .....-_._.._..alld Sl:.te oL......r.1Q.~J,l!~___---,.-_....____.___.._.part .Y...._ of the .econd pan. WfT~t-:SSE11I. thatlhe uid va,~~HL 01 the &r.. part, for alld ill consideration 01 the sum of ..~~!!-_l>_Q.~J,.~];:~....~(lu.Q_tJl.~~ _Y..~..l.\~ll:}:)1~._...... ..CQn.~,i.<l.f;l.!:~J.;.r.l.~.._._._..._....___.....__._..._.____..__-.-_I>ollars. 10_t.b..en:Lin ban,lvaiJ.lht' rrceilll "bercof is hcreb)' a~lmo"leJ.:eJ. _.~:~':':':-~~~:::;..~,:';,; . ~..1.~~(tt'l~9ql.t.~~li.l"~r."~\."lQl~;:"";'" .~ _:A :.~~ :~ I ha...'i.Q._ grantcd, bugaineJ. $ot.! and transferred, and b). then I'resent. 010.._. _graul. b..rgaiu. sell and Iransier unto Ille said part ~._.. of Ihe second vart anJ_.hi3.__.__hdrs and assigns forever. all t~t tcnain I>arcel <:of land I)'ing and bcing in the County of._S,:t..L._L\l,Q1Q....____._..__.__.... and Slatc oL._....fl.orJ.d,l!-......__.......___.... _more particularly ducribed as follow.:_ .___.._......._...._...____......... .............. ............ .._....__.._.. 'l'!le.Zast :Jne Hl~r.dl'ed (100) Feot of lots ana (l) nnd'l'wo (2) . ,..~,~.,..1!~.~~.s_o.~. _~e.~S~bd..~~:~~:~.~~.. o.t .;X.!~:__.'~~I{;. , ~;~::~!~:!.~~;~~.~!::_~..._~~~.:~.;".~~.~;.~~i.~~:.~:.~.:.~'.~:.:'::.'~~=:' . h.___ ~ey~n teen (171.. ~<:>;'~h~ll>th1'i. t:r_..n.~ ~ _{ ;?5J .. ~g.:,;.~l~,...C?_r.h .~t.L!l.~~_ . Fe>. rttfJ~Q) ..~~~ t . ._. .....__.._. ....... m......__..., ~.~ io. . P:t~t re co r.i_eA ...~E....~~l3. 0 1"f!~_~ _.~~_.~~~.~.._ <? ~:~.~:~._~!.. .~.~~._.~!. ~~ it Gou l'~..?.r.._~_~.~._. U .h" '.. ...... . . .. ....... ~~~i~ .. ~~~~1.. ~~- !.1~~_:J.?.O..k..4..~..t._.~_a..~~_~~ h' H "'_" u.----..._.___.__......_.m..u .n.... .._ _......._.h___..__.._~.....__... ....Un_n........._____._._.. "_.. "_"._.. '___' .....___.._..__.__.__. __.._._.___ ._. _ _ - '--.-'-. --------.---------..-...--------------- ...... ..-.---..--. "hn___.._. ..___._._h......._._.___... ... .....-...........-.- . .......-..-.-.--.-........---....--..----..---.-...-------------. .-___._._____u.._.._ .._______. ____hO.________h.. .____.....__. - ----.-....- 'h____.__.___._.._._.. _._.. _._'h_ ....._..__.. ...._.....__.._._...h.._. _...._. '.n_. .__..___..n____..._ ......._._...._.. ... ...___...h.........___._.._.____.._..____ _._._.___..__...__ ._..____.._... .-...-.---.-.---.......n..-._~..______..__._.n____ .'. ..-.--..---.--......--- ---....---..--. ...--....._.h.__..__.____.___h__.____....._ ......____.._.._. ...__.__.. ____.__._.....__._ - .hU.._......._....____.......__.._______.__._..__.__. ___.____._____._____ ___.... _... _____....._.... n._h.u._.....h._.__.....__.__._________ . --. .-.--.. ..----.--.-.-u.--...--...-_____._..___.._____._.n .-.-..___.._.....__._u_..... ..n__._.___..__ _.__..___..._.__..__.__._ ....-. .-.-------.--.---.-.-----. ..-_____h___.__.._.______._..______.... ._..________.._______ TOGETIIER with all the tenemcnts. htreJitam~nu and appl1rtenances. ..ilh ner,. privilcse. righl. title. .11lere'S! :md cs:alc. dower and ri;c!lt of Jo.nr. ,neu.on, ,ernamdcr and easemcrllthueto tdon~1II1;: ur ib anywise apPtrl:1ining: TO 11.-\\':-: AX'lJ TO HOI.I> rhe ","me in fee simple forner. .. .._ ..n.______.._.. __._ ___._____._.._.._._____..___._. _+. .._.....___.._._.__......_ ..........._... h _'''_hu.+ .Oh_' _. 0._. 'n_._... _....___..__...._____ ."n.. n.._+.. And Ihe sai.l putie.n... of Ihe first part .)0 -.- tonnant witb the said partY._._ of th,. secon.1 p..rt rhat t:le:{.. are._...__la" fully seizcd of lire ha.ve . .aid premises. thaI tht). arc fre" frum all incumbrancu and thaLthe:;.~_.K''OJ .i;:II' a..d la...ful authodty to sell th,. same; anJ Ibe said parliG5 "I I~ WrrXESS WHEREOF, Ih,. sai" parI ~ia.s. of .h,. fir'.t part ba.:"'L.. henunto scLt~Q.ir._.han.f;in anJ SIOal's Ih,. ,b)' and year abovt' ..-rille". f lhe fiut I>arl do.._____ ... '!.er,.by iully warranl Ih,. title to sa.d Ian.), and will ddenJ the samc a\tainst Ih. lawful claims of alll'cuons ..homsoc.er. ::: :';d:.::~:md m: ~'~R::____ _ ______ ! - ~a,,~~!!~,~O~k .:--==__~--===: ~=_==j :;e....ton '-"'l.lel~ ~:in::fe:~llei ..-.. n._.... 1: e',vt or'f~'=:~!c~~'______.__.n. __..... ~lla Smith...... ..._((SEAI.) .ieal) .-...__...._(SEAL) (See:.l) STATE OF Florida I COUNTY OF-_;?_~.~ 1i!~J_~ . f I IIEREBy'CERTIFY. That on Ibis-1-~1ih.._...:..__._..__.nda)' oL__..:.:a_~~:l~__.______ .;;:r------A. D.191.~__. bcfure me I'c' son ally appured~m~QIJ._.e-.lle.n....Q.U.ll :-~~Lell.e1J~....b.is...!!U.e....1Ui.a. h'!!.t_on_ .:r ..~t:'Le.nd._:;a..j..~ ..jll!l_U ~....il;' s wi fe to 01,. kno,yn 10 be the pc15on.s.._ described in and ,..ho ucculed Ihe lorl'going conycyancc to.....3:~ ..E. _IDLa.9--..a.:..dh..s.~~...Db..Vid..J.;iL.e.__(.::;igl e) ._and snerally acknowledged the ucculion thercof tl) be._1!.h~ ;t.;r___ frcc aCl and deed for the usn and pu.."OSl'S tbcrein meDlioned~ anj.)be said...1:1IlGi.~.._~~.l.len...Nd_.~llA.~ml.tJl._ .._.___..___.___ wi;r...esf h ... ~iewton .r.11"'n au,-l '; L->"'ith rt>Qn<>nt-tV<>l:!p' . . .. the w..., 0 t e saau..__,,,..___.._..,,-_.,,_._~~s. --...... ...-L.--...."."'~""."'..__,f, "'_ ~ .-.-__00 a se &rate and pnnt,. l'xam,nal,on taken and made by artd bcfure mc, and separat(l}' and apart r...ut1:ei1saiJ husband, J.id aeno...fidg,. IlIat shc made bersSf a party to th,. said DCI'd of Conveyance, for the purJ>Ose of renouncing, relinqui.!Iinx and connying all hu right, title and i"terut. whether of dower or of Stl'arale "ropCtty. statutory or equilablt'. in :lnd to thl' bnds thereio described, anJ that she executcd sa;.1 deed freel)' and \'olunlaril;.. and witboul an)' conslraint, fur, apprehension (or compulsion of or lrom her said busband. and State of._ in Ihe Count, 01_ii.t..L...I.u.~.i.e.~.____.__..... ....-..-_the day and yur last arorcsaid. J STATE OF FLO COUNTY OF ST. ->>_t.L._full.lte.n.___.___. ... _ h'b ____. -..____(SEAL) Notal7 ~ubllo for the ~ta~e of Florida at Le~~c. !,~y COIll'::issbn :::7.:pir<:s December 7. 1927. ~: } Oa Ibis 3l;~_~__ -- _.__cb)' oL____ 1:e.~..~l!________A. D. I92L at....!._.O.c1ock -X!..m., Ihis inS!rum;nl _:u filed for record, and being dul)' uknow:,.dged and proveD, J lecordtd the same on pal(" fiOL-of Book.~_.in Ihe public recor.ls 1)1 ...id Lounty. JS' \VITX'ESS a\e lIereufito stl my h nd affixed lI:e .ul of Ihe C'rcu.. Conrt of rht' Flfleenth JudICIal Circa'l of said Slatt'. in and lor said Count)'. P- I' () () :C; P: I t .~i', .~ t: .; . F. C. '-'ldred / /~ . oJ ::..1_. /' { ',./ -____CIerk. cZ:; .. , / j . Cd::::_ ck~/ _.D. c. f' / '/ {/ "i ;~~ i3y ,:i I ~f~~~i~lfg~~~~ . .' . ',. >.-;.:. ~~!-~j~~~~{~~~~~~ '-~;J.~~""-" . {--.'. ":'.-: ';~~)~;;~~l?-;'j(j}~~1k~