HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1103 :::: ::'-.:---'-':'-~=:"~~.lJ'.m.-=:~.~-. ::..: :::':::.. .~: ~ ~ .~~. ~::~.:.~:::..:: : ::-~:= ::~~, n~~ ~;~.~\!t ~4::::.vtS!..llli:"f!Ja . r ..L THIS INDEN'CURE. Made this_.......l... . ......."............._day of__......AprI1. ....--.........u....-...........T_..___A. D. 19a5., BETWEF.N ...-.....-.........-- A.DJ..ttNE...A.LLJQI ~._.a ..sIngle -per.son..._....,_ .._...... ......... .........00"........ ....... ....... ,__...._ ..__.. ......_.. ....,,__ ..._.. ...._..... ......_._. of the Counl)' c.L._.st.....L.UQ1......_......... .__ ......... ...._.and State of.......:_....._...'lQrl d.a ........ .... ... ..... -".-.".-...__par\J_ of Ihe ant part, and on ........._.. Ll illo..D. :.oCar~.J.._a. .wUOll.._;_..___.__._.______........___.____.... of the Counly of._____.___.St ....-Luoie.. ..-..... __...and State oL....rlor.l da...____.____.....____.._._._.__.. part,.__ of the second p~rl, WfTN F.SSl-:TII, Ih~t Ihe uid (>ktl.. ,._ of Ihe fiut 1'~t1, for and in eOllsidcralion 01 tllC sum 01...... ...'tEN ..DOLLARS.. AlID .OTRER. , ...... ... .-.V ALUABLE.. CONSID&RA'r IONS.. ..... ... ............. ...........UeIfan. t(\.. he r. ....in h..",1 p:ai.1, thc r<teipt \'thereof i. hereb)' ackqowlctl~ed. h~.._ granted, b&rg~ned, sol.. and Iransfeucd. :and b)' Ibue pruCDts doGS. _irant. bargain. sell and tr:anslcr unto the said part".__.. 01 Ihe second I';'" andher..___heirs and assigns forner, all that cerlain parcel of land lying and being in Iloe County of_at... Luole._.._.__....._....___ and State or..J-.1Qrl da.. _.._..__.__.__. _more partiC\!!arly dtlcribed as follo,..s:_....._.._.._...____.._... ._...._...___.. "" ._._.._....__ ......._....._...... '" ... _...._._... ....,. . Lot. J'Qqr . (. )., pf... 81oo!t...~J~..Q.t...Ho.gg' ,8. ....... .._... .., .............. ..._...._..............._.. .......-_........_....... &d.~.!~.1~.~ .. to ..City of, r.QJ'~ ., };l1.Ql'~tQ.. '. $Q~_..._..__...... "..hon._.. ........_....... ....-. ..,,_...__...0 ord 1ngto .~ !11eci~d.'1:I.V'<Plat ~ook ~ .._. ....... .___ ........... ..... ....--... "--'-' 1. page .1. . st.. Lucl e Coun tyl'lor ida..~....___""__...... _._......... .......... ...... '''''''_ ...._.... ....:-........_.__....._.__._. recorda. ..--.....---..- __h....____..__._...__.._______.___________._____. ______ _..______._.___._. ......._.____ ..,.. .n"'. ..n_ ._....0... . ._._. .h..h__. -..-..--------.--------.--...-.--.- --- ----.-..- "--- -----_-0---- _ ___on..'__. .____u_____.___._____. ..._... _____".....______O.__._______.h_U_.________..._ .... ._._h_.........____.__..........._._... .........__ ... .-.__.___ ___ -...0.---.---...-____._._.._..__.___..__..._ ___..........___...._._..___. __...__.._d_..__..__..__..._.......... . ...----. -----.....- ----.-- - ..- ..---.----.-----.----.--- -"-.-. ",_n .... '___...h.__.... ..... ............ .."___. .... _''''''0'" _.. 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"_'__ ___'._'_____" T TOGETHER wilh all Ihe trnemcnls, henditamenu 3nd aN'urten~"ces, ..;tlo eYrry pri~ilege, ri"hl. litlc. intercst and ..Iatc. do,.cr and right 01 dow... rc.-erslon. remaInder and e;ascmcntlhcrrto bel"n!:",;; ur III :anywise ;al'perta;n;,,!:; :ro H.\\'E A:-;U TO HOI.l> the same in fee .imple lorenr. And Ibe saiJ p;arl..J._ 01 the &rsl p:art do ..813_. cOYCu:anr ,.ith the said p:ar!J: __'_ of the second "3rt that_.. JIb. 1 s . __ .... cl:awlully ...iud ollloe said prem;scs. Ihat they arc free I.oln all incumlHanccs and ;hat S hl!...~~.l;Jn.!:(,OJ right ;and !a,.lul ;authorily to sell Ihe same; ;an.1 thc ...id parl.y ,... oi Ihe &rst part tlo._e.B.. h<rd.). fully w;arr;anl Ibe title ro sa.d l:an';. aDd \..n dei.nd the saIne against t!le b..lul claims of all prrsons ,.loomsou<r. IN WITNeSS "'HEREOF. the said p:artY,__ of the fiul put ha..2 --.. hereu"t" sCLht. ._..hand_ and sul_ l!te day and yur abo~e wrillcu . S~'';':::;;::::~;.:=':':=~_________l :__..~~.-~-~-::~~~=:~~::.--=~=:=-~=:===\ -...-...._.._. .., Adallna ,Allen .. ..(SEAL) .... .__ __(SEAL) STATE OF--1'~.1L COUNTY OF_at..L.LJ.\.O..1L l J I HERE!JY CERTIFY. Th:at on this___l. __..;-_..____day 01.._Aprl1.____----=-_._.____. ...--- _.-\. D. 1925..~ beiore me rcrsonall)' lipp.:are,1 ADAJ;"IliE. ALLl:.U._~. _________--=__._._... ___...____n... n....____.__n ._.___..__. 10 me I.:no..n to be the p.:uoo__ dcscribed in and who executed tbe foregoing con'te)'ance to__ _..__..____ LlZZIE.-B...-YCCAH'1'1[.__.._.___.. and snenlly ackDo..ledged the execution Ihereof to be.,___ --HER. ..free ;aCI :and decd lor Ihc uses and purp<>~s therein mcnlioncd; al.tbo ......_ M"W!fp 1)t'ltof' ut~ -------- __ .......__......~.. .a.... ........iIIalW M~lt.....~.. ioC'fl!ft'9M:"....t ..~......~.. ._..~ .....4 ~........,."'. .eIc_I'''lI'' .......... _~WseU ~.pan;'M' It~ 'ullt ~~of ~mft~~~~~*.~..~~~~~~*~~6*~~~-UM~~~~"~~~"~~~"~.~~~~~_M.~~-~rMMM~-_ m"'~~IIP~..1Id- ~ ......-tMor_ "'--.~-""MrM""" _........ ..-.;4.eai J ~.II\t- .............,_.. -ot.... ..., e. ._.... ~_...prebeMiooo ~~~~~&mwh".M+h~~~ d ollicw leal at ._.l9.r._\_.l'l.lu...c.fL_----.in the County of_..5.t....J..l1<Ue ~nd State 01-_ "...-___.!he day and ye:ar last aloresaid. ..--__._.....Anps..Sl1DIne r.. .._. __..._......._......_.(SE.\ L l COllnt~ Judge IT. .:;t t l } ;r On tbia-.1.-___ ____.__day of-----AF11.-- g ___A. 1>. 192..fL. at__o'cJ-xk.__m, tbis inllrumenl wu filed for rrcord, and being duly ackllowledgN ;and pronn. I han recorded I~me on. p.ge___5.0.3......_.o1 BooL...6.0.._in Ihe public ,een,"s of said ~~ ~ . f t._~ :tl ...; ayt hueunto set my hand anol aftixed~ suI of IhC Circuit Court of Ihe Fillecnlh Judieial Circuit of s:aid Slatr, in and It ,cI $C ,_ p.. ,.. )i:l~1"'" -_llAaTk~. ___Clerk. IY .~~fl(lg~&ll 5031 . I l I I i I I . ~ i I I i I I I i I t I I I I , I I i I D.C. 1 f~ I '- ._~.',-~:\- :~jl~!~~;~ . . ~ ~.~-....~ ~--<:'t<Oo.~~~)......~ .-...~ ..:- :.: ~ .: -: ~;:'.oi:~.'\~~~::~l~~-;~'~i~:~~~: