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..-=-~ rnld~..e:::.:_::-=. ~~...::-:.-:= ~:~~: ~ ~ __ =: :~~~:= ::-::==~~=::-~e~itPl~;~S'WJ8~M~~ PT3~.l\1I"
TUlS INDENTURE. '''':Ie thi._....ldth _..._. _ .........-..7...--d~)' of--..--.... Ilarob... ......-......................._....._.---A. 1>. 1925....... BEl'WEl-:N
__............ ._...__ ____.18"18...'1.. ...Turner.a .tr.o.fLllo8l.e.r.___........._ _ ..___...._........__...._....._............._......_________. ..._...........
~ of ,h~ County (\L__.....__.V.o1\11.1.&....._.__....... '-.'_-0-...-- .on ._and State of_\_.._._.'h~.q~$;.4..._.....h_..._.._n.._......._... ...._.._.-......-...__~rt-7_ of the. first part. and
............. ...._...._.__..........._.._...__........_....._._.._........ ,Jamo 8.. J....Ko. OD.__ ..._.._...--=-_.____.... ....._....._.__..____. _.____...__......._....__.... ...__....._.
(., the County o'-_....__.S.t..L\1.Ql.o.......... ...............and State oL.:..._.n9J~'J..~~............:...___..___..___...parl.'_ of Ihc second part.
WIT:-:F.SSETII, llaat Ihe .~id rau._..'. of thc tiUlI,all. ror an'l in consid,eration ~f the sum oL.. t.en....a.OllaI:IL.am..othel'_.tll...l:.l~.__..
... .._...Qona.lderat.1.QnQ._.____..___..__..._...______.~ to......hCl1:....in hall" paid, the r('ceil't wlaueoi is bercby acknowlcdj;('d.
ha.."_ granted, bargained. sold and Irallslerred, and by Ihue presents do.JUl...granl. bargain, sdl and transfer unto Ihe said pall ,,___ of the second
part all:L...h1..I.._...beirs and assigns rorntr, all that certain pared of land lying and being in the Counly or s~ !._.!t?-~J~ __._
an<l State "r__ Ylor ld.a .-.-.--....-~__more pa;licubrly demibed as follow.=---_.Lot. Numlle.r._..OrHL.( lL.o:t'..llJ~Q~.._.._.._...
.~'O". situated In,W~8t t;ncLMdl tion ~ft. p!at.!.o.d.._.~_~l.d....!~~<?~:!.!!.~n...1.'!_!.~~~.._~.f.~}~~_.o.f....~h~...E.!~!~_....
of .tile .Cireui t Court ..1ILPb"t.2toQ~._~...pf;lg~.J?". C)L~.l!(t.J2.~.. ..J..u()i.e.g.oun.~1. ..~t1~).i~Jte_~o!.d~..._....
.... and being.. part .of . thenWest..ThrQe-lp~.rt~g:.~._9..f.....~i;l~.):~r.~l!,~~~t .Q.u.~!':t.~.r .Clf_.~.~ _ S.~'!.~.l:I:!~!'.~... ...n.......
Quarter. of. Seotion .9. .TOM1~bip .,Tl\l.:rtY~J.1..Y.~ t3.f>.) ...JH~~~!t..()f....~~g~.~o~~l._~~QL.~~_~~._._....._.:__.....
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--...... ....n_ ......One. DOllar. Doa ...stamp . cano.e 1104 IL.._. ___._._.____ ..______...._...___......... _ n._...._ ...___.._.____._.._...____...
.........-- .-.-..........- ......---- .-.,..---...----------.-- ------....-.--..--.--------.......-- -....---.-. '.'-'-.-..- --..---.....-.--..--..-.....--.--.-
...- ".'."'_.'_.__h..__ --...-.- ....--.---. ..-.-...__ _.._._._._..._____._..__...___._._._.._.._..__._._._...__._______._._.__.__....__._.._u... ..... _... ,__.,_.._.._._..__.___._._.
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TOGETIIER with all the lencmcnls, hercditamct'u and appurtenances, wilh CYer)' privi\t:.., rib!.t. litle, interest and estate. do,,<< and right 01 do\yer.
It\'e":OD. remaindcr an" ellem<nt Ihereto t.dUllKIlll: or in anywise apperl;uninK: TO 11.\ \'E .-\~lJ TO HU\.I) the ume in ree sin:ple forner.
And Ihe said P"'IL...1-- or the hrst part do.aS _ connant with the aaid partY___ oj the '('cond p,ut that_._Q.n......._. _.......__",...Iully seiud 01 the
>aid premises, tl.at thty arc frec 110m all incumbrauces and that_:" har---:-,I:ood <il:lll an.) la....lul aUlhority'to sell Ihe S3me; and Ihe uid P""tY........ of
rhe first part do_f;Ht_ hereby iully w"'rr"'nt the litl. 10 uid land. and ,,:ill deiend Ihe samc againsl thc t.."ful claims of all perMns ...homsoner.
IN \\'11':-::':55 WHEREO.... Ille said part.. ..J... of the tirst part ba..B._ _ h('reunto set__.h.e.X_hand_ and seal_ the day and lCU abon written
Signcd. sealed and "tlivered in our pccscnce:
..- E. II... Wl"nster . _oo .._.__...___..._..__._...._....___..__.._...
Clan ton scot.&.....__._.......____.._.._.._...._..__.____...
--... .-.lletti.e..V. - Turne r ..'. _............. ........ ...(SEAL)
.- h_. ..__n. ____....__...___._.._._.. ._n._ ._....h ._.__ _._~'_h___. .__h_.__.__.__
STATE OF-.1-1orlda..--___l
COUNTY oF~.lue.1a. j
I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on this_.1B.t.b..___ --.Jay of__.llarch._______.___._
". D. 19L. !.c:ror(' me
rersonally appeared
lie.t t1.a-L._Tul'ner...._a ...!rJl.Ld~8l..er
10 me known 10 be Ihe person._ dcscribed in lnd who utCUled the foregoing con\'C)'ance to__ -_..J8.lI.88...J......Kesn
..........-..--.----------.--__.____and snerally ackno,,'I.dged the execution thereof 10 beJ!~X_....:........rree act
and deed ror the us<s and purposes thcrcin menliontd; "".tM"r.~.
-- the -ot. .".u....... --OOI_~""~<-_..-...oo.
- - - ~.-:MI61_tla.~.... ..... _,.ancI_~"'" ."",,1-,,_ ton_iof ~-"-mI:" lti.. .e4<w~~eo~"'.. ~......~ ~ftH ...-plIny '!~ M -n;!t ~~(7f
~..,....,...-k!o..!Il. ,....""'eo """"'"",,,~:-",I;....u .~.;,., ./hot "",...~~...tt ~~~t: ~rlr-zuoj;m"~ """'Plf'n ~ 1!I1Ht~17rUf WIl2l'2n! 'llnlll~rr. nJtlYmtf
..._"'101........_............-......- '.
\"lTNESS~'~~'lIoIf.d official suI alll8W-.~zna.. ;D the County oL_.'lol.ual.a._____....__........
and State of-_lor.ld.8.._2,.-..____lbe day and )'ur ia.. aforesaiJ.
i\, f $ oLd-J
CuUNTY OF ST. Luclrf'
-__._.Jh..J.l......iiLhBter _... _.._____(SEAL)
- -hj)tltt'~PudH~ 5tl'tteoP P)c'ri ~i.\.
C- S-LL.. :J. S--: (f:J..(,
i~~ .OTro rn.;u;OYl E'riye, r-- ~~.
On Ihi.__..1dt' ....____day oL_~__.Ap..ljl__ _-^- D. 192..D.~ at__ __o"c1ock_-It1., this insl,ume~t was
fil<!d for record. aud being dul)' atl<Dowledged and pronn, I haye recordcd 71 on page.._..I04._of Book...ftO__in the public records of ~id
.IX ~VITNESS WHEREOF, I hue hcrcunlO sel my hand and affixed I ~al of Ihe Circuit Courl or the Fift~enlb Judicial Circuit of said Stat~. in and
tor saId Uiunt,. ..
---P.....-C.... 21&r84 _
-=ru~~~ J
._D. C.