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-- . -:,-::.:::.:::...:.~. =:- 'jtl..n~ ~~--.:..~ : -:: :.~ .::_:=:....~ ::.: . .~: __ ~ :, :..:~;;. : l~:l t.~~~I.tIJ1~. f!et!JS:~ (~~
TillS INDENTURE. Made Ihi~..._. .._...4ttl .._..... .........._......_day of........ Karoh.... ...~...........u_...... .__........_._0\. D. 191.5.... BET\VEI\N
__. . ....... ''''_'__00 ...__........... ..........C ..COB tall.. & .,II1ngle ..man....._........_.._..._............_ .... ...... _...... _. ... ..._.......... ...... _.._....__........... ........._..._...__
of the Count)' ol_____..._.at.. Luole ........ .........._.and Slat~ of_...... ...... ,~lorld a........... .. ........_......... ...............pan_.y_ of Ih~ foUl part, and
... ..........-..--.....__._..'............................. .JaID88...J.....K ..,oan._:'___.. ..............._..................._........00_. ..._._.............___.__....... ...................._..........._. ...." ......._
t.f tbc Counly of......_.... S.t.. Luole . ......... .....____;._.and St:>le of___.._.__..:tlorld&........_____.._.__..... _.......... pari 7..-- of the stcond pari.
WIT~ESS"TII. tllal the uid pan.. ..1. o! th~ &rn p.1rt. lor and In cOl\si.!er3tion of thc sum oL... ....'It.n..4.o11are.and .othQl'...'Va.luable 00
- '"-''' Qonsld.eratl c.nB........_...__.___..________.___.,."..."', to.hi....in hand paid. Iltc receipl "hueol is hereb)' acknO\,'I.dged,
ha..a.... .:rantc.!, bar~~ined, soJ.l :and trandured. acd by Iltue prescnlS da..eS..grant.. bar.:ain. sell and uanslu unlO the sai.1 I'arl.y...... of Ihe secon.!
van and... hla._--heirs and assigns forC\"~r, all that cerl"i~ 1'.1rcel 01 land I)';ng and being in the County of_.St......Lucle...._...................__..............
and Statc (>L...flor 1d&...._._..._....._.....__ _more pal'\icularly ducribed &I follow.:_~_._..._._ ......... ..._...._..._....... .....
aeg'nniilg at tne Uortheast oorne r 0 f the NE! of s1ft of
SeOtlon hineUn~' TOwnBbip:IThi.ty~f1vo..-(35) - S';"R;"'l'orty' '(40r'"
bBt . run .thenoe Hest 613 feet.. . thence. South .160.feet._ thenoe
West 60 feet. thenoe 110rth 150 feot. thenoe East 50 teet. b;!lng
. a. part. of tilo... IIBt "ofswt.of salcl'-5ect1on 9.' Ifownsbi p36 South.
. - .i::~;iil~h~~;t G9~=/ -;~-~~:8::;\~~~~~f.u~~:r p~=.~.: .~~ ..~:-~: .. ~a~~ "~'~"h'
..1~2L sa1d .deed. being. recorded ..1n..Daed..Book .43... page 408. ....... ...... .w.. ......_., . _........__.._.
records of st. Luoie County. Florida,
_.._..__.nn__....___...____......._......._ _ ___._.____.. .___.._.___..____h_ _._.______ __.____u.___..___________.____..___..___.n._. .. .._ ...._._....... .._______.____.. ___ __.__...
-...... ...-. ~lb'dl ~i:i ~.~ !~f ( ~~ e 0:O~~.~::8i.~.1~hr!?h&ir.~j. ~~r~~:~~~:ast.. ....-...
.. ...quarter( llE!). of. toe. Southwest. quarter{ s1I!). of Section Bini (9).
Township Thirty-five (35) South of Range Porty (40) East. as
.-........-. -sh 0\'JJ1" onp 1 at. re Gorde d -in' !'la t.. ~ook "POI1r' f 4)," page-n SeTen te en fl'1) ........ .. n ........-...-.....:.. ........-......
Re.C?C)~ds.. .C?f.n S~ .~:r..~C?_1.~....~~.~!!~ 1,.. Fiorida ~__..___..__ ~___._......._._...__..__......_......_.. ..........._...__.._.. ._..___
-..--......-.-......--... .....' -.........--...--.........-......------.S.i:ll.m. pS....-...-..--..-....-....-___._................ ._.......... ......... ..
~'IfO dollar Doc. ~ oancelled.
__u.........._.........__ ..........._.......__..._._.......... ____...__._...,. ....._._____. _..__..__.___....u_._..._u._......_ ... _.._..........
_______.._....Ud..____ ..___._._______.......________.___h___.._..__________ ___.._..___________.____ ....___._._...h.__._.._ '_'_'_'._ __._.______ _______..___..___.__...__________
---------.-.--.-----r..-~_.u___..______...h_.___.. .._________________________________________._.___". _ ._. ___._..n____ _ __.._
TOGETHER ..ith all the tcnemcnu. hereditartRllU :and appurtenancu. ..ith CHI)" pri~il..g... right, till.., intertSt and <stale, dowcr and righr 01 01.,,,...
rcnnion, r~lJl:aindt, and casement tl,uelo btlonl'lIi.; or m anywise appertainill;;: TO H;\ \' E A:>iH TO IIUI.I> the same in fec s:mple lorncr.
And Ihe said p:art-.S-- of the firat part do._eS. co,cunt wilb the ~i.1 part_..,.. 01 Ihe sccon'd part .h..t......,be.ls... ....... ,..I;r...lnll)' s<-ind of ri,e
uid premises, that they arc Ire" Irom all incumbrancu :alld Iha!...... he. has. good rigl:t an.llawful authority 10 sell the samc; and thc ;..id put y. oi
,he first part do-ea- hrrtl.). lully \\:arnnt thc lill.. to uid land, ..nd will ddcn.! thc same against the lawful claim. of :all pc nons whomsuuer.
I~ WIT~ESS \VHEREOF. thc said l'3n., .._.. of thc lint part ha.S. _ hereunto <<i.... his..._.h:and.._ and seal... thc day an.! )'ear abon writ!.n
_....' .,.,sl.g~e:~.=:I:d ~n.d ;1:~c~:~~o~~. ~:.c-se.~: :.:_._.._,. ......."._..._,......_., ~
_~_._~ D: _ ~_B~:_~: ~~~~=~_-= ~_-==_:_ ::_~l
uC . Costas. .
..... ..._.u...(SEAL)
..___.__."..__" ___............_._..._.... .__ ...___.__....__..__._ __.(SEAL)
STATE OF_j'...lQ.~"I~___~o____ }
COUNTY OF.__st.._I.u.c.ia.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, Tbal ClQ Ihis_4th_.._m..._._._day oi__.llarch____..______..___._\. D. 192..5_. bdorc: mc
pcr50Dal:y appear."
--.CL~.o.BtaS._L.si ngl f)..JIIlU1..____________.u___._,..._ h..... ............___h...._ __'._ .
10 me known 10 be the per50n_ described in :and who executcd the lorcgoillg ronyc)'ancc to.....JnmeB..~.K88J1-...:---..-.---..-..:.-----...
_........_..____.___._...__._______.._______and snerally acknowlcdgcd Ihc excculion th~rtof I') be._h1a-....__....lrct act
..nd decd for thc uses and purpOS<'S therein mentioned: and the nid_____,.__
the wil., of the said...-_.______.........__. _____________._on a separatc and private cxamination
takcD aDd made by and bdore me. and scparatdy and ap:art Irom her said ht:sband. did :aekno<Yledge Ihat she mad., herself a party to Ihc said Drcd 01
'-CooYC)'&ftce. for the purpu<< of rrnouncing. rclin'luisbing and con\'eying all h.. right. litlc and ;nrere.t. \\'nethcr of c1o...er or of separate property, stalulory
or eqDitabl... in :and to Ihe !aDds thcrein olescribcd. and I,..t shc uceuted said derd freely and YOIUnlauly and \\';lhoul ..ny constraint. fcar, aplorehrnsion
(,r compulsion of or from her said houb.nd.
WIT~ESS m)' signaturc'and official suI lit. Ft . PiOr.Oe.______in thc County oL.._.st.....Lu.c.iA
On this._.__ :-/. n.'" _.. __.m.day Cli....n.Ap'.r.~"#L.~ D. 192.L.. al___o'clock,_m..tbis mstnnnenr was
fi~cd lor record. :ancl beiDI( duly acknowledged and provcn. I hne recorded Ihc- ~ e OD Pllc-.50.6.......of Rook...60.__._in Ihe pu1>lie rrcords of said
\.ounly. .
IX \VITNESS . 'OF, I hau hcreunto 5("1 mJ hantl and a/T.uda4ll: scal of Ihe Circuit Coati of the Flftecnth Judirial Circuit of said Slatc. in and
lor said Counly. L .J C .1i'r
C...,.- (Yf .f6. .-
b..Jl~-'" ~ P..... e. E1cSI'AcL...-_________.._Clcrk.
~4..2Q~--.----D. C.
.._____.P.l ..t.. Eldred_ ......__._h___h._..h._(SEAI.)
Clerk Circuit Court
B7. H. Be Lush BG
and Slatc Cli.... Jllor 14&.__.. .._'.._ ...__ ___tbe day and )'ur last a!ores:aid.
. ;
-~ .,:; .:..:---: ;~-'~~..~~~1~~!ltfiW*~{
. .' - (ll. > -- ...: ',jut ~'" . ~~~ .. !,:!~-
. '.~ ct', : ..:::--.:;:':::..:~~~~~;~j~~~i:;~!~t~~