HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1118 518 THIS IND&NTURE, llade this ...-..lOth..__.__._._..... ....__..__..clay or-....- UarQh ..............00....___._ "_'_' .....__A. 1>. 19ZIL.. BETWEEN --.-....-.....--...-..---. .._..;U111 ~m..r;Q1l!f.f! 91,;\~l:"~'.Jm~.uJr~.!':.!iE:~.J!9!l.~IJ~~e.ry.t.. his . w ire. .. ............_.______.__._..._...._....-,-__... ollloe Coullt)' oL..._..3alllt.._L uo! ~L..--.._.__._........._.and State or_........ ~:;t_Q.:w;: ~~.~...... ....-.-...-.,..-......-.......__.._____p..l.ieB. or Ihe lirst p...rt, and ..-.-......-......--...--. . Allo...\ Q4l.:;UL!lr._~.J!.~.t;__R1J8h.~ !LL'H.!1.61_~ l..._._______._._.___.__.__._.~________ _..._..._._..._....0000........._____.._ ..I Iho: Counl)' oL...__St....Luci 8....._............___._...anll State or_..._._____ll.or..ik_____.__._.___partl.~..~._ 01 the st~ond part. WlT:,F.SSFTII, Ih31lh~ said .,....1.1e.8 or Ihe lint part. lor :tn,! in considrrdion or the sum oL_.c.n~...!>..9..J: l~.r... a.f..tL.!L~.l!.~r...:!.IiIJ: ~s.b'!.~..._..... -.. 00_........._.0 i.lnsl.d.Cl"./i.. f;.i~.tH3.._.._..___.. -_u-.-...__.._._l>ollars, to._~J:l.~.l:l....in h:tn,J I....id. Ihe reeei". wlorr~ol is h~rel>)' ac""o...l~dl:~d. hL.Ve.. gunted. bargained. sold and Irallsl~rred. and by thcse pr~senlS do_ _grant, ~.gain. sell and Iransier unto the ~i.s part .!~.~. 01' th~ second pa.t .nd.4helZ".-_h~irs and auigns lorurr, all Ih...t c~rtain pucd 01 land lying and being in IlIe Counly 01 St. L u.Qi~__._......____ and. Slate ~.L_Jlo.r i da ..--...----___morc pa.ticularly d~.eribed IlS follows,-_.__...__....._._ _"_'00_ .._......._..._.._..... ...._h..._._. ..Ln~' r{"1. ..J ~) _92...~n.~J~::..Q~:;;....OJ....9..~..1~~~..J'J~~~~.JiX.!.?W;.? ............00..... ""'_'_", ... ........__. _........ ... ..-... '_'_ OC CO ~'dl:1g . .1;.9... ~Jg J;._.r ~.cQ r ~~L!..r-...j~l Q.LA2.9_:S....Q~~..J..U_._~n._..._.. m.__._._.. '....."" "'_" ... ....._..._...._ I ."~I.,)hD'':'':_ ::::.:~ -:::-:::-_____._......;...:. :~~~Q 6t~& lit 1~.,Ji~..bil..,~tNi .. h...._.2age':'hi rt:';-llinc.. (3'.lLQi.. ;;.h.c_.r!!!!l~Q.Lr~~q.t.Q.~._t'?:f.... ~~. ..____..__._.._.. . n' .._Luc Ie. C01~'. t;l . ..1:'l.Q r i Q2. ...--......:.-..-....-._.___......____..._...._00_..___._......._.._..... ....__....__.._......00........___.... .. ......_.........h.__...._ --". .-.. "n .-. ............ .. _...u.__._._u,._._____ _______u_._.._______________._____..___..______..____. _._."__...__.. __. ._._ ___n_ _...... '-'____"'__hU .._...______. _._.h._...__..h" ....-...-.----.-. '""'""'h. 'h.._ ......-.- ---.------------____________ .____._. _ .---.----.___________.__u____._.___n_..__ __"_on ....'n______._______..__._.ou._.. ---.-.'-'" ..__.n u+_...._....._ ..... ___.. -----.---------..-_____.__._._.._____u___________.___.___ __.______._._ ..___..._.____.__. .._.._____.. . -.-. --. _.'__n._._. ---..-..---.__._____. -------__._____.___..___n___._____.__..___...____u._.._._.... __u.n_. ..._........._.._.__._._._.... _'_'_'.__h'___, .....---.--.--...--. ..- .-. n .--..-.~-.--.....-------..._-._------.._ ---------.-..---..--.--____.___._____._._...h__.__-__ _.n____._______ ..._._...____.. ~=:=:=~:.::-~~.=:==~....-.:~.:....:~=~:=:.~~~-==~...~:J~--rt...-<ZE...-~)~~-~..~~::;~~.g!!~$!;. ~~~~~~=..:.==-=~ ._-.._._._.__.-._--_...._....~.._- .-...-..-...------------.-----...-----.-.------------.--..-----.----......-.-....--.-.---...-- ..-...;.-..--.- J . -----.-.---.-.-.----..-----.--.---.-..--.-.-..--..-.------..-.--.----. ----------- -.-----.--.--.-- ---...---------.--.---- _.___'__U__..__.__.__.__.._.___... ..--...-.__..___.....___..____.__..______.._______._...h...._ _"U'._h'_",_ ...__.___. .W_n',___, ._____h.._____.. _. ._ W'_'.. ___.._._. .__ ._ _._____...__....___... TOG~Tl/ER ,,'ilh all Ihe I~nentrnls. her~dilaments and appurt~nancu, wilb nery pri~il~gr, right. lille. inlcresl and ulal~. dower and righl 01 dower. ICH..,on. ren.a:nder and r:ts~m(nt Ih~I<IO belon~lIl'; or In any,,.i,,, appenaining: TO 11,\\'1:: AXI' TU HUI.U the same in fee sinll'l~ lor,,'er. And Ih. sa.d part-i~ 01 Ihe Iirstl'arl do..__ connant ...ilh Ihe said parLieS t>llhe sreond pa.tlllat__~J~~:Z__~::r:.~___I~..lully ..ind 01 thr uid premistS. that Ih~y are fr~r from :til incuml>rar.(tS and Ihat.h.e.;.:_!:.aX.egooJ righl and la" lul authoril)' to ..II Ihr same; and Ih~ uid pari i (;.? uf lite lirst part do_.._ h~r~l>y (all)' warranl Ihe .Iillr 10 said land. and will ddend Ihe san,e against llie la.'(ul claims 01 all persons "bomsoner. l~ \\Tr~ESS WHF.REOF, th~ .aid r'UI~e_~_ 01 Ih~ first P"rI h~~._.. herrunto UI. tr._(?_i.E.....hand~ and sul~ Ih~ day and y~... aho,~ wriuen I Signed, ualed and ddivcred in our pru"nc~: \ ... .. .. . -. Ruby ..;.;~ rnoo;';' -.--.. -- .-.---. --._-- -.---.l _ 'm . ..:~===~.c;~~~:=_:=...=::=_-:~~j .-- ......- .._..nIt. :~OJ~!'E9:::;!;rJ__..................... _(SEAI~) ___':&rJ;.ill;. ! :0;. ti~.YJ',l~~;;__.._.._._..._(SE.\L) STATE OF "]otiC:;l. l j COUNTY OF__s.t......L..uc.i.e I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this--.l.:lt.~. da, 01. lrf'_ r.c.l:.__n.___ .-_-^- D. In~~_. bdore mr p",.onall)' appeared Ylilli~~o!:tyor.:C.r;. e~:l. ;:~r~ha ::Ol~~i!C-:JCr2..l__.hi~_ \;~if~.l.. to lol~ bo.'n 10 be ~h~ personS_ described in and who urcuted th~ lo...going eonn)'ance to n .._ll t;).h1..liaLs....a;~c.~....:::'.4~ , ~ i :..;:l.~ ) and .severally acltnowl~dg~d the rueution Ihueor to be.......t.h.ei.;:.....lre~ act and dud lor. thr uses and purposes Ihuein mentioned; ...nd the said-~rt;~_.r:..~rt~c::lCr.;:J. th~ \lriie of tbe uid____ ;V~1_).i&r:: ::O:~t:~Or:lEr:.7 _h_ OD a kparatc and pri..ate ~xamination laken and mad~ by and before mr. and Rparattl)' and apart (rom h~r said husband. did acknowledge that sh~' made h~rsel( a party to the said Dud 01 Connyance, lor Ihe pur"".. of renouncing. rdinqui.hing anti con..,ing all h. r righ.. titlr ...d inluest, wh~thcr 01 dower or 01 5tparat~ propcu)'. statutor)' t>r ~quilablr, in and to Ih~ lands li1cr~in d~seril>ed. and Ihal she execuled said drrd Iruly and ToluDlaflly and without any eonslraint. frar. appr~h~nsion (or compulsion o( or from h", uid husband. WITNESS m, si~ature and official uaJ at.-----2i).r:t.~i.er.c.c. and State 01_.._. io tb~ Counl, 01._ '3t. Lli.C ie ...____tho: day and year last alorum # - . 01 _1:EfI<eF. ~*_A. D. 191.lh. at Z j ~'~Jc:1i...m.. this instrumrnl was liled ror nec.rd, and t.cing duly acknowledged and p.on... I lone recorded the same On pagc.5l.d..-.._or 8001. CO iu the public records 01 said l'ounI7. . STATE 01>" FLOR A } COUNTY OF ST. L IE On tbiL_~_____~ ~_daY ---a..-4.- -if.o.J..cie C-___ ---._~_.._..__(S EA L I t!otarj'P'l.'l.blic for the ~t&~C d' ?lc-:-i.oa ~ ~ ~<:;--f; :...;/ com.'Jlsslc!1 €x:)lres Lecf;ol)n' 7, 1927 IN WlTNt:SS lor said Cor.nty. I ~e herranlo ut m)' hand and aftixrd the u~1 or tbr Circuit Courl 01 the Fifteenth Judic;...l Circuit of .aid Stair, in aDd II ~tti ~ ~ p~~~;;:,J./ ~__::