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THIS INDENTURE, Mad~ tlli$.........._.~th ..........-........-.. ....day 01.... AP~lL......---.-........-.-._... -.. ..-... ....:.._.A. D. 19L.-S. 8KT\YEt\N I
..._._._.__.._.F.re.d...Hol ts berg.and..Hat.titL_HQl.~lJ.b.o}"g. ...bJ Q.. w i.i'~......__ ......... ..............._..... .__ ....__00._................. '~__'
of Ihe COUnl) of---.Sa.ln1>.. Luoi . ..... _........._....._ _Ind State or... ........nor i &l.._.......... "'00' ......m...m_.._......_...._part_!_~~ of ltie lirat part. and
.__..._Sa::.ah..holtz. ber S-..---............---.-.......-....-...-------- .........._..._.____...__..._..__...... ........... ..........._._... ..." _.. ............--.___......_..._00....._
(.f IlIe Count)' oL_._.3aint...Luole ...- ..........___llnd StAte oL.....___ __n.QrJ.~.._._..._____._.._.___....... ._..(.~rt. Y.._ 01 the "eond part,
WITNESSETH. that the said p.<..l0801 Ih~ b.~t parI, roc and in consid~r3tion 01 the sunt or....:en .Jlo11IL':Sal. do ther.. val us. ble.........
----consi.dera..t.ions........._.___....__._...____....._~tbrs.to..them-in .....nJ ...id, the r~c~il'l ..h"col is b~re"y acl.:no"lrdlC~d,
ha..!.Y._ granted. loarlCained. sol'; :In<l u:llnsferred, and b)' these p.esents dQ.._. _.runt, ~.&ai... ull and traftslrr unlO the uid part y_. _ 01 th~ ucond
pari and....__ her_._h~irs and asSiClli lornrr, aU ~I>&t certain Nr<<1 or Jand lyinll and beiog in th~ Counl, 01.._3.1... ....-:-.ao1 e __.._...._._.___..__._..
and State 01_ n ~.:.!.~~...._..__.. -...---...-_..morc particula.l)' described aa follows:......-_.._....._..... ._......_ ....._.. _'. ..._.... ..._ ...._.........._.._...._.........
. .... .u.... Lots ..18, .1!) an d.:;O t... 0 f.Eort....... ...__..........._........._...,.__...__...... '00' ...._............ ..
. ...._....... ..._....E~.~r.~~...13.~~.c.h. ..~~.~_~E.~_i.J)~. .~.<<?_..F.~~.~_..::-e-:...... ._.__._.........._"...._..00.._...._. _..._.
corded in plat book :;. at !1age' 6. of .
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Saint Luoie County ~ectrd3. b~ing a
Ohh_.._ ___._._ h_h_'_ ..' h_.__.,._ __ . _ __'"h___."____,,__. ....__.h___hU...________ hh_ .._...__.__________._ __h'
Suhc.ivi.sion of ?rlictionc.l Scotion O. ':'O'.'IHship :~5
. ._m........._ ..--.Soutn:-."'anBe.--4l.~a.sC.....-.--.-.:--.--.._._.._-.....--..--.-.-.._-_...... _'''n.... .. .
.-..-.---.. ._.:..7Qgethe.r ..\'ii.thall_~ipll.r i&n.~1&ht3 .lliC1Q.fn.!....._.._... '_"'n.
or ~ertaining thercto.
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-------.-----------.--..-..-.------.---.-.-.... _+.n__ .----.------______._____...h__.... ___ h._...+_.......
TOGETHER ...ith all the t~nements. heudil.ur.er:u and apf'lIrlrnancrs, witb e\fr, prh'ilegr. ri,,!1l. titlr. intere'l anoS ulat~. dowu and ~ight oi do",'''.
re",,,'on, remainckr and usrmenl .l:treto Lclong.nl; or in :any"ise ~ppert..ininG: TO If.-\ Vr. AXI} TO HUI.!> th~ Um~ in lee simpl~ foreyer.
And the ~id part..._.1e8i the 6..1 p:arl do__ eo~enant "ill. the said p:ort y._._. oi Ihr S<'ecnd l.art Ih:aL ..~he:t..Il.re.._....... bwlu\1)' ",i,d 01 tllr
sai,l pre",i,.,.. Ibat they art free f'om :ail ineumbr:an<<s and IhaL the.....i:aiCbJ ,;;;1;1 allll Iawlul authorily to sell the s;me; and the said \.,.rt i~.>?. of
Ib~ firsl part do_ h.r.b)' icily warranl th~ lillc: to said land, and ...iII dcielld the s,.me .gain\! Ibe lawful claims 01 all persons ...homso<<:~er.
IN '\'ITNESS WHEREOF. tbr said PA'd.es... 01 Ih~ first part ha..VC.. hereunto set...tr..ei.r._haa.il_ alld sral.3.hr da~ and yur aloo". wril:.1I
Sign.d. .",Ird and drl:~cred in our presence: ,
.'-~'::'.': :...~:~~~~: ~ ~~.~.f:~ ~~:..~=~:~~:~..~~:~::::.~::=.l
___......__ ...!~~~__E~.!..~s.~'c.~~ _'_"'00
.. _(SEAL)
___.P,~HJ~.):.~J..!;.~Q.~ r? __.... ._.....__.. _(SEAL)
STATE OF__1'J..or.i.da....-
COUNTY OF..3~j.Jtl_!-~lC i e
I HEREBY CERTIFY, Th:at on Ibis_.'J~_______day 01.
.An.r~J___._____.___.A. U. 191 5.~ ~fore me
~rsonalJy appur.rl.......-]'.ralLliQl.t.s..her.g...~ .lLl{&.t..r+~......H.ollsher~...~l.s....1'li.i.e..... ____.._______........_.. ... ....._._._.._.....____ .
. .
to me known 10 ~ the penon.3_ dC5enb~d in and who uecuted the for.toing eonnyaner to.-:.---Sar.ah.-.l;ol.t.sb.ere----......______..._.__..
:and acvcrally ackno",l~dg~d Ih~ ue.:ution Ihe.eof to be t.Q.~.!.:r..._...free act
and d~ed lor Ille usu and purpolCS tberein m~ntion~d; alld the said___1ia..t.t;ie._liQl..;c.~.C:r.~.___.__.___.__.__.._._.___.____...____
tb~ wil~ 01 lb. s:aid_ ?ril.Q_l(gJ._tsb_e.l.'.h. _._____ ___on a srparate and priYal~ uamination
t:akrn :and mad~ by and bclor. mr. and ..,paral.ly and apart Irom her s3id bu~b:and. did acknowlrdgr th:at she mad~ hrrsell a part, to the said [)e~d 01
t.:"on...pnce. for th~ purpose of renouncing. rdinquishinK an,s eon,'eying all hu ri~hl. litle and iDt~rrst. wh.,h.. 01 dow.. or 01 uparalt p'op~rty. S1alutory
or equitable, in and to the land. tb..ein dUCTiLe,s. and that shr e""eul.d ~id .Ierd Ir.-el, and yolun.aril)' and without an, constraint, fear. apprehension
<,r compulsion 01 or Irom ber said busb~nd.
lUff and official seal at__?...!'_~.__l'ie.l.'J;Le_____in th~ Count)' ol~~..:'UCJ~___...____
- . - --
1I0tar.: Pl.lblio for the Sts'.e of ?loridE et :'cr;e
!ry Comnisslol1 expires April 30, 19;:;G.
..__.__._..._th~ d:ay aDd year la.t aloresaid.
---..-.....-.11.. -C ...Baei&t to .... '__"_'"__n''' .:..(SEAI.l
On this.-....~.1;1i___.._.____cJa' oL_.Allr_ll_______~__A. 1>. 192_.~. .t-f__O.dOCk_u:.....m, th;. instrument ,u,
filrd ror r~cord. and ""ing duly atkno..lcdg~d 2nd I'ro~~n. I hu~ recorded the same ou paKC-__.525_..o1 Book._.....6D.__;n th~ pubiie records 01 said
l:-l WIT~ESS WflEREOF. I ban hrreanto set my haud and affixrd th~ seal of tbe Circuit Court of the Firt<<nth Judicial Circuit or said Statr. in and
tor said Cottaty.
, t
P. ~ o-n.dre.d-.._____O<<k.
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n\a~""" .0 1 ;.i-
D. C.