HomeMy WebLinkAboutFILLED AFFIDAVITPLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Building Code Regulations Division ?300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 44400a n 1 (772) 462.1553 CR- NNV99 LAND AFFIDAVIT I, the undersigned, am the ownerlof the following described property, (Parcel Id#/Legal description/Address) for which I have applied to St. Lucie County for a Final Development Permit. In accepting this Final Development Permit, BP Number , I acknowledge that as owner of the above I described property, and in accordance with Section 7.04.01(D), St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I shall be responsible for assuring adequate drainage so that the immediate community WILL NOT be adversely affected. I further acknowledge that in granting this permit ,for the development of this property, St. Lucie County is neither obliged nor liable to provide for, or maintain in any form, adequate drainage off my property which will not adversely affect the immediate community. I Property Owner 3, Date STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF I ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS"� � DAY OF 1y W� 1�� , 20 19 , BY W 5 WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME (El OR WHO HAS PRODUCED I AS IDENTIFICATION. OF CO)VWSSION SLCPDSD Revised 04/11/2011 NOTARY (SEAL) I 0%0 Notary Public State of Florid y, Victoria Laws Explrrea03l/15/2022 197151 .,. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT BUILDING & CODE REGULATIONS DIVISION The Board of County Commissioner approved a code change that will require a copy of a current sealed survey when applying for a building permit fr a primary structure or a building permit for an accessory structure with a value exceeding $10,000. This became effective July 1, 1993. The guidelines are as follows: No Building Permit shall be issued for development unless a copy of a survey of the property on which the required activity is to be permitted accompanies the application for building permit. All surveys shall demonstrate compliance with the Filled LanAffidavit signed by the Property Owners (refer to St. Lucie County Land Development Code, Section 7. 04.0l.D.3.) and completely depict the following: 1. The location of the proposed development activity. 2. The relationship of the activity unde' application to all adjacent property lines, and as may be required for the review of the application, all adjacent structures, improvements or natural features, including but not limited tol the nearest building corners of all adjacent primary and accessory structures, pools and scre�-ned enclosures, fences, sheds, utility easements, wells, septic systems,. driveways, culverts and 71- landscaping or existing vegetation located along the property lines. - 3. A minimum of two (2) elevations existing ground elevation at the a] elevation along the side property finished floor elevation of the stir structures noted above in item 2. the approved Health Department 1 sewage disposal is proposed. All surveys submitted shall be.prepared, si, accordance with the provisions of Chapter modifications or construction, roofing perr area covered by the roof surface, or any ot] of any portion of the existing structures sh; with a building value of less than ten thous but shall instead be required to submit a sc and its compliance with minimum setback requirements may be submitted with any a depicts the accurate location of all structur Per Florida Administrative Code ( survey drawings by other than the the signing party or parties. SLCPDSD Rev.06/18/2010 2/9/06 cml tg each roadway on which the proposed activity borders, the Kimate center of the proposed structure, the existing ground adjacent to the proposed structure, and the proposed e under application and finished grades for any, adjacent proposed finished floor elevations must be consistent with 'ite Sewage Disposal System Construction Permit if on -site -.d and sealed by a Florida Registered Land Surveyor, in G17-6, FAC, except those applications for interior . s not involving any structural alteration or additions to the permit required activity that does not result in the expansion - not be required to submit a survey. Accessory structures d dollars ($10,000) shall not be required to submit a survey, ;d plot plan indicating the location of the accessory structure mdards. Copies of original surveys meeting the above lication for building permit, provided that the survey still and other improvements on the property. 61G17-6.006, paragraph 8, additions or deletions to party or parties is prohibited without written consent of