HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION-PERMIT APPLICATION TOR:.:Dock/Seawall... l :. - :. - _ _ - - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: -OWNER/LESSEE.; :., ' -CONTRACTOR: ,.I Name PAUL.KALV.'. - Name: JOY S YANCY. : Cornpany SUMMERLINS MARINE -CONSTRUCTION . Address'137:.QUEENS RD Address::200 NACO: RD; SUITE:C City:: FT PIERCE .. - State:FL _ .City: .FT PIERCE :. State:FL. . Zip.Code:.34949 :..:. Fax:..... ..... �. Phone-No:352-408-4762. ..Zip Code::34946 . Fax;:772464-7470 E-Mail 'PAULDKALV@GMAIL.COM Phone.No:. 772-�464-6090 E-Mail: SUMMERCINSMARiNECONSTRUCTION@QMAIL..COM. Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page( if different - from the Owner listed above) State or County .License 24217 If value -of construction is $2500-or.more; a. RECORDED Notice of Commencement, is required, SUPPLEMENTAL CO,NSTRUCTIONv LiE'N�LAW INFORMATION' �' a IP DESIGNER/ENGINEER:.. '. ' . _:Not Applicable. ; . ' _ MOP, AGE. _Not Applicable :Name: 'HI-TIDE:.:I ' Name:.BO•HUTCHINSON . . . Address:4050SELVITZRD: - : :Address: 2705N:INDIANRIVER DR: .' City:'- Fr PIERCE State:.- FL ..' 'City::FT.PIERdE :.State::FL . Zip: 34981 : - : . . . . Phorne:.7724s, 4866 . : : Zip: 34946 :'Phone..772-267-1399 FEE SIMPLE TITLE" HOLDER:. Not.Applicable !' = • .BONDING CONIPANYc = ". Not Applicable .. ....—... ... -Name:.. ' :' :. ... .. .... .... ..... .... .... .... Name:. Address:.... .. :Address: City: City: Zip:. " ... Phone:. Zip:. ... Phone:.... :I certify that no work or. installation has commenced p,rior.t0 the.issuance Of.a permit. _- -• -. St. Lucie Countyy makes. no.representation that is.granting a:permit will authorize -the -permit holder.to build he subject structure - which is'in.conflict with. any. applicable' -Home OwnersAssoclation structure: Please consult -with your Home Owners'Association rules, bylaws o� and covenants.that may restrict or.prohibit.such:- . and review -your deed for any restrictions which may apply: In consideration of the granting of this requested'permit; I:do h' eby-agree_that.I will,. in all. eespects;:perform.the work. in accordance.with the approved plans*.the Florida_Building.Godes and St:. Lucie,Count'y'Amendments.. , The following. building permit applications are'exempt fro•m--u ndergoing: a full coricurreney review room additions, . accessory -structures, swimming pools; fences, walls, -signs; screen. rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use ." - WARNING TO OWNER:Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement: rriayresult in -your paying twice fo.r- improvements to your property. A Notice of :Commencement:must be recorded grid posted -on the jobsite - = before.the first inspection, If:you`intend,to:obtain ijinancing;consult:Withlender.'or-an:attorney:before: commencin -work or recording our Notice -of Commencement: L. . S 'Signature' Contra to Licen . Holder, Signature of Owner/lessee/Agent: STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF.FLORIOA COUNTY 0F.sT.LUCIE .. is . COUNTY OF ST:LUCIE' ' The forgoing instrument was ackn.owledged:before:me 'The forgoing.instrument.was. acknowledged before me- -this I Qday'of..�Li S+ :. 201 lAi Y this'IL j.day of ' (-�U' US4- 2.0' I by PAUL KALV JOY S YANCY . - (Name of person acknowledging). (Name.ofperson acknowled In g.) (Signature:of N ' ry Public- State of Florida ). (signature.& otary.Public- State of Florida) . .Personal) Known. X" a ed Identification..- - . Personal) Known, x OR.Produced.identification-. '. -•Type of Identificafiori: r, INGER R HIES fti; ; " -Type of. Identification. Produced MY COMLLMIISS16N #.FF912939 Commission No. FFs,zs '• 6PIReSi Commission No. FF912939 ,�'1 Elt p HE§TER: (90G gugt25,'Zp1g' (407) 39&0'63 ®,,,� f, '+(' " •+f MY COMMISSION# FF9129, RES Au96� 25� 2018 Revised :0.7/ 15/2014:... :: toot, ae 'REVIEWS. . FRONT. -ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION. SEA TURTLE: MANGROVE " COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW EVIEW- REVIEW REVIEW- - DATE COMPLETE .. INITIALS